Blissful Tension

Story by Rahne on SoFurry

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A quick, indepth look at the secret relationship between two dancers from rival clubs. An older story of mine, from the beginning of the year.


A devilish smile formed upon Faron's lips as he took his position behind the black curtains of the backstage entrance. A slew of ideas littered his mind as he contemplated what kind of dance he could do to wow his audience this time around; after all, being the club's most popular dancer meant you had to have some versatility under your belt, and he certainly wasn't lacking in that regard.

A glance toward the overhead clock reminded him that his set was on in three minutes. His brushy tail swayed with excited anticipation whilst his amber eyes fixated upon the Dalmatian currently occupying the stage. He always adored Kilrin. His looks, his charm, his attitude, that slick, black hair, topped off with those dashing, silver highlights; It was no wonder why he was also another popular dancer.

The golden jackal knew all too well how people went wild over him, too. His own looks always caught the eyes of many people, and he never shied away from any of it, but rather embraced it. A paw swept backward through his blonde hair, his fingers tracing over his dark brown highlights.

The longhand on the overhead clock indicated that Faron's set was drawing ever so closer. About a minute and a half more. You know what? Let's try something new. His tail whipped even more at the exciting prospect.

On center stage, a bright, white spotlight illuminated the Dalmatian, his spotted white fur glowing as he slowly ground his hips against the pole behind him, with such subtle, yet stunning grace. The way he rolled his hips and rear was like a hypnotic fever; all eyes stood on his gorgeous body as he danced, his silver highlights shining brightly in the spotlight while his light blue eyes remained shut, enabling him to perform to his fullest.

Kilrin soon released himself from the pole, his hips swinging ever so gracefully from side to side until a soft gasp escaped his muzzle as he felt a firm set of paws take hold of his pulsing body. He turned his head, surprised to see Faron behind him. Light blue eyes met amber eyes in a brief gaze as the jackal's paws teasingly moved along the waistline of Kilrin's shorts.

"Way to make an entrance, jerk." He smirked, his voice barely carrying over the music.

"Let's dance."

Faron wasted no time, sensually rocking his body perfectly in accordance with Kilrin's, following his movements with ease as they rolled their hips against each other. Faron's paws descended into the Dalmatian's shorts, his ambitious fingers working inside of the purple fabric to feel the concealed fur underneath, sending small shivers through Kilrin, who happily worked himself against the jackal as if he was another makeshift pole. A pleasant murr vibrated within the jackal's throat as he ground himself back against Kilrin's rear whilst running his nails through the tantalizing fur of the Dalmatian's upper thighs, trapped within that pesky purple garment. Kilrin's own paws reached upward and behind to affectionately wrap around Faron's neck, tenderly holding onto him as they danced.

Kilrin tilted his head backward, letting it rest against Faron's shoulder as he lost himself in their mutual engagement. Both canines melded beautifully together in their dance, their bodies working in near perfect synchronization to the pulsing beat of trance music that pounded throughout the club's walls. Faron's eyes fell shut as he, too, lost himself in their dance whilst his paws traveled out of Kilrin's shorts, working along the spotted dog's stomach and chest, sensually combing through his short fur. Those warm, comforting paws moving so brilliantly along his body added such an intense flair to Kilrin's dance, It was almost overwhelming how much he enjoyed it. The smooth air conditioning flowing onto the stage certainly helped, too.

The spotlight dropped as the music faded. In an instant, Faron turned Kilrin's body around; their eyes met in a gaze of heated passion. Two new spotlights suddenly came up, silhouetting them on top of the stage, much to the crowd's awe, as Faron pulled the Dalmatian into a deep kiss. Their tongues embraced one another with aggressive enthusiasm, their heated breaths resonating between their muzzles as Kilrin tersely took the jackal by the waist, intensifying their engagement.

The audience roared with cheers toward the canine spectacle.

As they ended their kiss, the normal lights came on, concluding their performance. They gave a quick bow before Kilrin immediately made his way backstage, whereas Faron took his time just walking. He noticed a white German Shepherd standing near the front entrance of the club. The dog stood there with a wide smirk and a single clap of his paws before exiting out the door.

Looks like I'm in for some trouble. Faron chuckled.

He made his way backstage, to his private bedroom. From across the room, he saw a red light blinking on his cell phone. I bet I know what this is. He picked up the phone, pressing a button to bring the message up on the screen.

_Loved your dance tonight. You always know how to put on an awesome show, even with someone else. I've got the day off tomorrow, I'd love to see you sometime.


Faron smiled. "Ayon... sometimes I just don't even know what to do with you..." he pressed another button to catalog the message.

"Ayon, huh?" Kilrin said, standing next to the door. "I thought I saw him out there."

"Yeah. Apparently he showed up to see another one of my dances. Not that I miiiind, of course."

Kilrin's face took on a more serious tone. "Or more accurately, our dance." He was somewhat curt as he walked up to Faron. "That was pretty sly of you coming out there before my set was even finished."

Faron set his phone back onto the table with a sigh. "Alright... I'm sor-" Before he could even finish, Kilrin quickly leaned forward, aggressively shoving his tongue into the jackal's muzzle, much to his surprise. He dashed a paw through his hair whilst his other paw dipped into Faron's shorts, giving his rump a firm squeeze as they shared a muffled moan. In mere moments, Kilrin pulled away, lightly tapping his fellow canine's nose with a finger.

"You're lucky we're so close and fuck each other so much. You can get away with a lot of things that other people can't."

Faron wagged, affectionately running his tongue over the dog's lips. "Thanks, Kilrin."

"Just... try to tone it down a bit, okay?" The serious tone returned to the Dalmatian's face. "You're not as invincible as you think you are, Faron. Even the best people still have consequences."

"Well, I've made out like a bandit so far." The jackal grinned.

"You don't really think it'll always be like that, do you? if you'd tried that stunt with anyone else, you would've ended up on your ass."

"You think so?"

"I know so. Sometimes, a lot of the crazy things you do can come back to bite you in that beautiful ass of yours. Just because they haven't doesn't mean they never will. Like right now."

"Right now?"

"Since you wanted to be so clever, next time we fuck, you're not topping. At all." Kilrin tapped the jackal's nose again.

"Aww, come on, now," Faron's paws dipped down to that luscious, spotted behind, returning the squeeze Kilrin gave earlier. "You're not really going to deprive me of my 'pride and joy', are you?" He mimicked the typical puppy dog eyes most canines gave.

"Sorry, beautiful. This time the bandit's going to jail." The spotty shook his head with a triumphant grin, almost rubbing it in Faron's face.

The golden one scoffed. "Alright, alright, I get your point. I'll tone it down."

"Good." Kilrin wagged. "So you and Ayon are still seeing each other?"

"...Yeah." The jackal's eyes quickly diverted toward his dresser.

"Exactly how long has it been, now?"

"Five months, now."

"Mmmmmm, five months. Five months of hot, passionate sex with Ayon Fenter, the most popular dancer from our rival strip club." Kilrin coyly waved a finger. "You're a baaaad dog. You remember that we're not allowed to fuck our rivals, right? I believe his club has the same rules as ours."

Faron rolled his eyes. "I know. I haven't forgotten. But I know how to stay hidden. Besides, if you knew him like I did..."

"I know, I know... I just want you to be careful, sweetie. If the owner actually found out about you and Ayon... he'd throw you out in a heartbeat. That's one rule you can't break, Mr. bandit."

Faron scoffed again, turning his head once more.

"I know you've told me before, but every time I see him, I worry more and more about you. "

"I know." The jackal sighed.

"He's certainly a sexy one, so I'll give you that." Kilrin licked his cheek. "But you're walking an extremely thin line here. Why do that?"

"Because... I've had very few people in my life who actually cared about me beyond just my body. He doesn't want to just fuck me all over the place like most people do. He actually takes the time to hang out with me, and do things with me, he actually values all the time we spend together. He's a bit more sentimental than most guys I know, and I really like that. After our first night together, when he said he wanted to keep seeing me... I didn't even know what to say. I was kinda surprised, because I didn't think I'd meet someone like that. Sure, I'm the most popular dancer here, and I love getting as much sex as I do, but sometimes I want something a little... deeper than that. Someone who'll kiss me just because they're happy to see me. Someone who'll actually take me out to lunch or dinner. It sounds sappy, but I've... always wanted that. He gave that to me."

"Wow... I didn't actually know about all that."

"He's... special to me. No one's ever treated me like that. And... I don't want to let that go."

"I think I'm a little jealous." Kilrin smiled.

Faron took a deep breath. "Don't worry. You're still my number one fuck when I'm feeling horny."

"Glad to know I haven't been replaced." The spotty giggled.

"Of course not, silly. But Ayon means too much to me to let my job get in the way of my personal life. Conflict of interest or whatever, that shouldn't matter when it comes to someone I actually want to be with."

"I can understand that. How long do you plan to keep it up, then?"

"As long as he's willing to go with me."

"Alright, Faron. Just promise me you'll be careful, okay? And tone yourself down. The last thing I want is to see my jackal getting in trouble."

"I will." The golden one nodded solemnly.

"Great! Keep it that way. Anyway, I need to get some things done, so I'll see you soon, okay?" He headed towards the door.

"Hold on, don't I get another kiss, Spotty?"


"What?" He raised a brow.

"Bad dogs don't get rewards, silly! So you can just stare at my ass since you won't be plowing it for a while." The Dalmatian teasingly wiggled his rear. "Next time, I'm topping, buddy."

"You were actually serious about that?"

"Of course! Gotta catch the bandit somehow. See you later, Gorgeous!" Said Kilrin, leaving the room.

"...Fuck. I didn't actually think he'd stick with that." He shook his head. "I guess I deserve that."

Faron then snatched his phone from the table again, bringing Ayon's text message back up, giving it another read.

"That'd be real nice..." His fingers whipped across the keyboard of his phone, typing out a reply.

_I'd love to see you, too. Meet me at the beach tomorrow afternoon.


A smooth breeze caressed Faron's fur as he lay spread out among his large towel, with one leg draped over the other. His paws rested against the back of his head, his eyes falling shut whilst he basked in the comforting rays of the warm sun. His red swim trunks stood out nicely against his golden fur while the sun illuminated his blonde hair.

He shifted his legs, letting them lie almost flat against his towel before a shadow fell above him. A moment later, he felt a broad canine-like tongue move past his lips and into his partially open muzzle, meshing immediately with his own tongue as someone drew him in a deep kiss. A light chuckle melded into a soft moan as he opened his eyes to the sight of a familiar white canine.

"That's always a good way to say hello, Ayon." He drew his arms loosely around his counterpart, letting his fingers run along the length of that long, equally white hair.

"You know you love it." The dog snickered. "Nice to see you, Faron."

"You, too. Thanks for showing up last night. I thought you would have stayed away from the club for a while."

"Nah, I figured I'd come by to see my favourite canine." He licked Faron's nose.

"I also talked to Kilrin last night."

"About the dance?"

"Yeah... and about us."

"Hmmm, I'll bet I know where this is going."

"He was just... worried."

"He shouldn't be. And neither should you. You're too cute to be worrying over things." He smiled.

Faron flushed. "Even after all this time, you're still not... worried about doing all this? With me? Seeing me all the time?"

"Come on, we've been over this, silly. I know what's at stake, and you're worth the risk. It's just easier for me not to worry about it. I'm still willing to do this... as long as you are."

"I still want to." the jackal stole another quick kiss.

"Alright, then. Besides, I figure if my favourite dancer can get away with breaking all the rules, then I might as well join him where it matters, hmm?"

Faron chuckled. "Apparently I can't break all the rules. Kilrin wasn't too fond of me interrupting his set, soooo... he's making me bottom next time we fuck."

"That's hilarious." Ayon laughed. "Can't say you didn't see it coming, though."

"I guess not. I think I'll ease back on the rule breaking, though."

"Fair enough. You're stiiiiiill my favourite dancer."

"Sometimes, you're just too sweet." His tail thumped against the towel "So, what do you want to do since we both have the day off, eh?"

"Well... after seeing that amazing dance of yours last night, with Kilrin... I've got a couple things in mind."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Mmmm, since Kilrin decided to deprave you, maaaaybe I will, too. Just to mess with you a little bit." He ruffled the fox's hair.

"Is this a conspiracy to turn me into a permanent bottom?" He giggled.

"Alright, alright... maybe I'll ride you, first."

"Mmmm, deal. Back to my place now, is it?"

"You know it!"

"Well, then, what are we waiting for? Let's get our towels and head on there!"

"Actually, I was crazy enough not to bring one." Ayon grinned as they both stood up.

"Silly dog." Faron quickly rolled up his towel. "Come on, dude."

"Lead the way!" Ayon smirked, giving a quick swat to Faron's rear, who giggled in return.

Faron's apartment was located just down the street, so it didn't take them long at all to get there. They slammed the front door the moment they got inside, Faron immediately discarding his towel as he and Ayon dove into each other's muzzles, their tongues eagerly colliding in full force against one another in a lascivious kiss. They lustfully ground themselves against each other, moaning passionately between their muzzles as they fidgeted with their swim trunks, excitedly undoing them.

They took a couple steps away from the door, both of them kicking their fallen trunks off their feet whilst their paws took to each other's bodies with carnal desires; Ayon's fingers amorously stroked along the jackal's growing cock while Faron's own paws glided through the Shepherd's fur, squeezing that gorgeous rump of his.

Faron broke their kiss, panting lightly. "Come on." he said, pulling Ayon and dragging him toward the bedroom, both of them stumbling on the way there.

Their mutual excitement tripped them into the bed, over each other. Their tongues quickly clashed with each other in another sloppy kiss as they both shifted, grinding their full erections against one another with increasingly vigorous moans. Faron took it a step further as he expertly took hold of both their shafts, stroking and squeezing them together in tandem. Their warm, slightly sticky members dancing together in such a seamless, effortless fashion was enough to drive both of them to another euphoric level as they kissed.

Ayon's paws quickly settled upon that pert rump again, giving the jackal some very rewarding squeezes, which worked all too well in arousing both of them even further. Faron responded by dominating Ayon's muzzle, taking the lead in their luscious oral engagement. He also slowed the pace of his own paw around their cocks, taking care to pump both lengths much slower, prolonging the ecstatic pleasure between them. Like clockwork, both canines began leaking precum onto each other as Faron's paw worked its vigorous wonders.

Ayon stopped the jackal hot in his tracks as he rolled over, reversing their positions and breaking their kiss.

"Oh? What's this, now?"

"I want you, now." The dog was terse as he straddled Faron's hips, taking hold of his hard length, and shifting into a comfortable position, bringing his passage perfectly in line with that leaking tip.

He carefully lowered himself downward on Faron's awaiting rod, a quick gasp flying out of Ayon's muzzle from the initial pain that usually came with initial penetration as his body slowly enveloped the jackal's length, one inch at a time. The dominant sensation of intense pleasure quickly seeped through the pain as Faron's shaft soon invaded his entrance, almost to the hilt, causing Ayon to writhe and moan blissfully, eagerly squeezing his muscles around that wonderfully thick, intruding organ.

Ayon's constricting passage drove Faron wild with rapture. His length sat snugly embedded within those tantalizing confines, surrounded entirely between exceedingly warm and tight walls that gracefully massaged his flesh. He couldn't help but let his vocals run rampant as he gave a firm thrust upward, fully hilting himself inside the white canine, up to his knot.

"Unghhh... that is soooo good... " Ayon shuddered merrily as Faron's tip connected with his prostate. He immediately ground his tightening rump against Faron's groin, sending jolts of sexual delight rocketing through both their bodies.

Faron could hardly think of any coherent words to reply with as sheer lust overtook his mind and body; His throbbing flesh demanded more stimulation of its new insanely voluptuous home. Before he could even begin, Ayon's paws joyously settled upon his chest, spreading his fingers gleefully amongst beautiful golden fur, giving Faron the most generous of massages as he elevated his rear just a few inches from the jackal's lap. The base of that canine meat consequently withdrew, becoming free from Ayon's confines for only mere moments until the Shepherd eagerly threw himself back down into Faron's lap, sending the entire thing plummeting back into his rear. What followed was the most exultant moan he'd ever uttered, squeezing as hard as he could around that exhilarating canine penis buried deep inside him.

Faron's lust was instantly brought to its peak; That sexy rump of Ayon's driving so wonderfully down on him, along with the sexiest moans he'd ever heard, quickly propelled the jackal to an all new sexual haven. When Ayon raised himself again, Faron wasted no time in gripping his paws firmly around his waist, giving a hard upward thrust to welcome the incoming rear, successively plunging himself deeper into those enticing depths, prompting both canines to let loose with their vocals and slightly tilt their heads back from the resounding pleasure that ensued.

They quickly settled into a steady pace as Ayon dove himself happily around that thick pole time and again, taking care to grind heavily every time Faron met his downward movements with his own thrusts. With each successive, increasingly firm thrust upward, Faron pushed his knot further and further past the dog's outer ring, causing Ayon's moans to deepen substantially as they came ever close to tying with each other. One of his paws quickly took hold of Ayon's own rod, immediately pumping his fingers along the slightly bigger length, multiplying the dog's already intense stimulation. His paw worked much faster than before, pumping heavily and earning himself more and more jets of sticky precum, as well as a host of gleeful moans, in return.

By now, Ayon was so lost in such immense pleasure, that he shifted his movements a bit, his rear now sensually dancing along the jackal's hard length in a mock resemblance of the way he danced on stage. He took great care to grind his rump in such a way that nearly pushed Faron to his orgasm right then and there, teasing him. The jackal delightfully centered his attention on Ayon's knot, giving it a few merciless squeezes, prompting the Shepherd to scream with ecstasy as he threw his head back, slamming himself as hard as he could along the jackal's shaft. Ayon's paws gently pushed down on Faron's chest, playfully pinning him against the bed as he shifted the patterns of his dance, baiting that aching penis to tie with him. He leaned forward to give the jackal a quick, messy kiss, muffling their increasingly loud moans, and gazing lustfully into those gorgeous amber eyes.

"I think it's my turn, now, Faron..." Ayon panted slightly.

"Mmmmm, gonna go rough or gentle with me?" Faron panted similarly, licking Ayon's lips.

"Oh, rough." Ayon said as he slowly raised himself a final time, moaning lightly at the regrettable withdraw of that incredible length that dominated his inner regions.

"Unh... my god... " He freed himself completely of Faron's cock, panting softly as he nearly collapsed on top of him.

"You're so fucking cute..." The jackal chuckled as he spread his legs, happily presenting himself to Ayon, ready for the slightly bigger canine to occupy his body.

"Oh, shut up." Ayon giggled, quickly shifting into position and taking hold of his slightly bigger member, lining it up with Faron's awaiting passage.

Wasting no more time, Ayon pushed forward, eagerly penetrating Faron with the first few inches of his aching shaft, causing the golden canine to gasp slightly, followed by a deep moan as the immense bliss came crashing down on him once again. Those beautiful moans were heaven to Ayon's ears, partially motivating him as he delightfully buried the rest of his length inside the jackal's depths, all the way up to his knot. Those intensely warm, pleasurable walls and the particular tightness of his rump was enough to make Ayon want to fuck him ten times over, provoking his already insatiable lust.

Their tongues lazily hung out of their muzzles as they found themselves both lost in an unfathomable sea of pleasure once again. Without a word, Ayon eagerly clasped his fingers together with Faron's fingers, lightly pinning them against the bed before slipping his tongue back into the jackal's muzzle for another passionate kiss. For what seemed like an eternity, the Shepherd ground his member heavily inside Faron's depths, adding another dimension to their already sensational enchantment, which brought fourth a series of ecstatic moans between the two of them as Ayon took every opportunity to explore that captivating body. His tongue dominated Faron's maw with increasing passion, continually grinding himself against the jackal's rear until shifting into a hard thrust, once again marveling at all the wonderful tightness and warmth he had to offer.

"Fuck me, baby. Don't hold back." Faron panted in the midst of their kiss as he eagerly welcomed the white Shepherd's invading tongue back into his muzzle. He squeezed his own muscles around Ayon's thicker shaft, which sent the dog into another blissful daze as he immediately drove himself harder and deeper into the jackal's glorious depths, their tongues hastily falling over one another in the most lustful and voracious kiss they'd ever shared.

Both of their eyes fell shut, allowing them to fully bask in what was becoming the best sex either of them had in a long while. Ayon's fingers gave an affectionate squeeze to Faron's as he sexually ravaged his body, penetrating both his entrances and burying his length deeper and harder inside him with each firm thrust, nailing his prostate, in the process. Faron's moans increased exponentially, completely felicitous as he wrapped his legs in between Ayon's. Faron's moist, warm muzzle served as the ultimate salvation for their tongues whilst both canines became completely enraptured with one another. Their tongues slathered together in a sloppy mess, their saliva combining into a sweet, delectable nectar as those sensational, constricting walls caused Ayon to leak more precum, lathering up the jackal's insides even more, which made his thrusting all the better and easier.

With the added prefluids, Ayon changed his pace, delivering quicker, deeper, and much harder thrusts. Each one pushed his wet knot further into Faron's rear, sexually tormenting him as they both savoured every moment that their bodies begged for a tie. It nearly overwhelmed Faron as he drug his feet and nails along Ayon's legs, his body rocking lightly in tandem with those strong hips every time they become flush with his own.

The Shepherd released his grip on Faron's paws, enabling the jackal to run his right one through Ayon's hair whilst the left paw settled upon his upper back. In turn, Ayon's own right paw traversed through Faron's side, his clawed-finger tips brushing generously through golden fur while his left paw to quickly hold of the jackal's throbbing member, which, by now, yearned for sexual release. He wasted no time in drawing his paw up and down that dripping shaft, using Faron's own pre fluids to pump his fist quickly and seamlessly, squeezing his knot time and again, all of which made the jackal scream with pleasure during their kiss. Faron arched his back, pushing his cock further into Ayon's grasp and moaning ever so loudly against the dog's lips as his body cried out for its orgasmic release, shooting string after string of his warm, sticky semen between their stomachs and all over Ayon's paw.

The jackal's orgasm was the ultimate gift to Ayon; Those beautiful moans, those warm, constricting walls, that sticky, white cum matting the fur of their stomachs and dripping down his fingers; Ayon wanted all of this special canine and couldn't wait any longer.

Still in the midst of his orgasm, Faron tightened his legs around Ayon's, squeezing his muscles to capitalize on every one of the dog's thrusts whilst their kiss became more and more voracious. Ayon growled playfully, embracing every exuberant moment as he slammed himself into Faron, as hard as he could, finally pushing his entire knot past his ring, moaning loudly in tandem with him as they finally tied. A sharp, blissful gasp escaped from both of them, their kiss breaking as Faron arched his back again, his vocals piercing the air around them while Ayon panted heavily above him, wasting no time as he heavily ground his knotted cock inside the jackal's body. Motivated by those loud, rampant moans, Ayon delved down, locking his jaws around Faron's neck, in a dominant mating bite; his muzzle, teeth, and tongue all working simultaneously to stimulate the golden canine in an additional way. The sensation sprung fourth another, smaller gasp from the jackal, who's feet scrambled across the white canine's lower legs, digging lightly through his fur. All those combined sensations finally pushed Ayon over the edge, unable to hold back his orgasm any longer, uttering a loud moan around Faron's neck as he unleashed massive amounts of his warm, sticky cum in thick bursts, coating the jackal's insides.

Esteemed in his orgasm, Ayon ground knotted cock harder than ever inside Faron's walls, elated from their incredible sex. He soon released his muzzle from the jackal's neck, running his broad tongue over Faron's lips, who delightedly sucked on the all too familiar pink organ right as their eyes crept open. Faron gave another, tighter squeeze around that thick penis inside him, giggling at the obvious wonders it did for Ayon. Soon enough, they collapsed within each other's arms, sexual fatigue plaguing both of them as their chests heaved with heavy pants.

Faron rolled them over, reversing their positions again, now laying on top of the dog. "I am faaaairly certain that is the best sex we've ever had." He was nearly breathless, but managed a cheeky smile.

"With you, it always is." Their tails thumped lightly against the bed as Ayon's clawed finger-tips brushed along Faron's upper back, combing through that golden fur while continually unloading more and more of his thick juices into that delicious rump of his, like canines normally do.

Faron's throat streamed with content murrs as he ground himself heavily against Ayon, taking a page out of his own book and earning another sexy moan from the German Shepherd, for his efforts.

"Mmmm, every time we do, I feel just a little bit closer to you." He licked Ayon's nose. "I don't think I could let you go even if I wanted to."

"I'm sure it's more than just my knot, right?" They both giggled.

"I think you're staying over here tonight, buddy."

Ayon snickered. "Sounds perfect. Got any plans for the rest of the night?"

"...I've got a couple things in mind." Faron grinned.

"...Oh, I'm definitely staying here, tonight."