Natalie's Story Chapter 2 Part 2 (The Cascade Effect.)

Story by Finalhours on SoFurry

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"Natalie Felix will you marry me?" Vincent said as the flame of love shone in his eyes as he opened the box with the ring. tears of joy filled her eyes and love filled her heart. she knew he meant what he said and she knew the answer she would, no had to tell him. she knew that once the answer left her lips there was no going back they would be lost in there love and she was fine with that. "Yes!" she said throwing her arms around his neck kissing him passionatley as her knees gave out. she fell into his loving arms before she could fall far. He carried her to their bed and laid her down. she cuddled as close to him as she could as her thoughts wandered to the life that would be their's. kissing him one last time as she ran her fingers over the ring and slid it on. she slipped into sweet sleep exhuasted of their earlier sex and fell asleep dreaming the would be.

"Wake up Natalie. Vincent already left he told me to tell you he loves you. What did i miss last night?" Nami said stroking her daughter's hair. Before the vixen could answer the covers were pulled back revealing her cum stained fur, the ring, and the rest of her private parts. "Ok so im going to have a stepson. and you had fun last night." her mother said looking her daughter up and down. The black and white fox-wolf hybrid moved to cover herself. "Just go get dressed honey." her mother said wanting to see something. "Why?" Natalie asked with suspision. "So i can tell if your pregnant! because you can tell from how you stretch. your muscles move diffrently." her mother explained. this was a slap to her mood. wondering if she was indeed pregnant she got up stretched and went to go get dressed. Nami watched intently watching for the slightest twitch and bulge that might prove if she was. Natalie felt awful sore so she decided to stretch backwards which caused her tummy to twitch in a way she had never felt before. she got instantly back up and grabbed her stomach. "Did you see that?" Natalie said in shock "Yes i did thats concerning it might not have been but i think you're pregnant. we need some tests before we know for sure. I wouldn't tell either of the boys until you know for sure." Nami said shaking her head. "Im sorry mom i should have been more careful." Natalie said looking down at herself. "It's okay honey just get dresed and lets go." Nami said as her mind drew out of her thoughts.

"Wow Natalie!" Vincent said seeing her dressed in shorts that stopped just below her pussy and a shirt that stopped below her boobs. He walk up behind her and hugged the vixen around her waist. she leaned back embracing him with her hands on the wolf's ass. "Hi honey." Natalie said as she leaned her head back further to kiss him. "Okay you two we need to get going." Jason said tossing Natalie the keys. "I actually get to drive?" Natalie teased him as she got in the drivers seat. Her mother sat in the passengers side waiting to see how good she was at driving. After she pulled out and drove a couple minuets Vincent and Nami relaxed. "What you thought i sucked at driving didn't you!" Natalie teased as she entered town. "So where are we going first?" The hybrid asked looking at all of them. "To the house we need some guns." Jason said as he leaned back and let her drive without someone looking over her shoulder constantly. When she heard this she reached into her purse that still had her pistols she had used to save Nami and Vincent only days ago. "I'm ok on guns. I still have the pistols." Natalie said as she put the pistols in arms reach. "After that we go shopping for things that are needed and whatever else we want. thereshave a two grand limit on each of us for what we want." The black fox explained. "Me and Natalie are going to shop with each other why don't you two do the same?" Nami proposed. "Sounds good." Vincent said suspectingly

"Ok. everyone grab a gun i don't feel safe in this town anymore." Jason said as they got into the armory. "Wow. this isn't a law breaker." Vincent said looking at the guns that were military issued and illegal. Vincent grabbed a Uzi that he could keep with him at all times and a AK-47 for other times. Nami grabbed a pair of small pistols and showed them to Natalie. "What? They don't look like they could kill a rat!" Natalie said in disbelief. "Watch." Nami said as she walked towards the range took aim and shot. The following noise shook the foundations as the target was blown into little bits. "Enough of a demo?" The white wolf said sticking the pistols into her belt as she grabbed a M14 and swung it onto her back. Jason grabbed a MP40 and a Dragonov. Natalie decided that her Silverwings wouldn't be enough and went to the rack of guns. She grabbed a M-16 decideing that it would work. They loaded the guns into the car and took off to the store.

"Ok lets get our shop on!" Natalie said with gusto jumping out of the car. "Ok see you boys later!" Nami said running to keep up with her daughter. "Why are you so happy?" Nami said as she finally caught up to her daughter in the mall. "I like to shop. and to have two thousand dollars to spend? im in heaven right now." Natalie explained as she walked into a clothes shop. "These clothes are so small!" Nami exclaimed seeing how much skin they would show if they were worn. "Why don't you go get some clothes too mom? i'll be ok." The vixen explained seeing the concern on her face. "Thats not what im worried about." Her mother mumbled as she walked off to find herself some clothes. After Natalie grabbed her last outfit she went looking for her mom. "Mother!" She hissed shattering the silence in the store. "Over here." Nami said waving her hand from about three racks over. "Ready mom?" The onxy black hybrid asked when she got to her mothers side. "Yes i think so." The white wolf said as they walked up to the casheir

"Lets go get some shoes ok?" Natalie said at seeing the confused look on her mothers face. "Sorry i just don't know my way around anymore." She confessed as they continued on their way. When they walked through the plaza where you could sit down and take a break she noticed somthing. "Mom the place is way more empty then it should be." Natalie whispered under her breath as she moved her hand closer to her pistols. when they left the plaza the crowds started to pick up much to their relief. "Lunch time?" The white wolf suggested. "No not even that makes the plaza that dead. she mulled it over and decidedto tell the boys. <Hey Vincent stay out of plazas as much as you can i think we're being followed and going to be ambushed.> The vixen said with extreme caution flowing over the link to prove what she said. <Thanks for the tip we already know.> He teased as the link shut down. "Men." Natalie grumbled after a second. "What you act like he just annoyed you even though we're on oppisite sides of the mall." Her mother chuckled. <Do you not know you can project thoughts like this?> she told her mother through a link causing her to jump in suprise. When two minuets passed by she finally got it right. <No i didn't this is amazing!> Nami said in excitement. "Well don't use it to often it makes you tired like hell after the third try." The vixen explained. "Well lets get these shoes and grab some things from the store over there to burn time." Natalie said pointing towards a Hobby Lobby.

When they walked out they each had two pairs of new shoes. One pair to look nice, And one to get dirty. Natalie got two steps out of the store when a shape flew through the air and hugged her. "Natalie! There you are!" Jinx said in pleasure not wanting to let go. "Hey Shelby remember me?" Nami said suprising Jinx. "Mrs. Felix?" She said in shock. "Nice to see you too." The white wolf said with a chuckle. The suprise dieing away she looked at Natalie. "Where have you been?" The bobcat girl asked. "Oh just everywhere. How's life at yoir house?" Natalie knew this was a rocky subject because her mother was on drugs and she never knew her father. The fire died freom her almost aalways lively eyes as she winced in pain. "My arm..." She murmured as she touched it. "Whats wrong?" Nami said instantly going to Jinx's side to see what was wrong. When the sleeve had been rolled up they could see the discolortaion of a broken bone. "Oh honey. Do you need somwhere to stay till things calm down?" The white wolf said in a hurt voice. "Would that be ok?" Shelby said the fire returning and hope in her voice. "Of course!" the vixen butted in hugging her friend lightly trying to not hurt her friend. "Do you need money to buy some new things?" Natalie offered sinec she had only spent about eight hundred dollars. "That would be nice." She smiled as she was given about six hundred as she walked away <I'll go get some things for me should we meet back up here?> Jinx proppeled the thought towards her. <Yeah we are going to grab some things from Hobby Lobby and head over to the pharmacy.> Natalie thought as they agreed to meet back up here.

"Ready everybody?" Natalie said after they had grabbed everything the needed and wanted. "Lets go meet up with th-" She was cut short as the sounds of bullets being fired came from down the left corridor. "That only means one thing." Nami said tossing Jinx one of the pistols she had with her as they ran towards the sounds. The plaza they ran into was in chaos. People were taking cover as men in black suits ran through the crowd looking for their targets shooting anyone that got in their way. <Uh a little help boys!> Natalie thought as they opened fire on the men on a rampage. "And you thought we would miss this!" Vincent said running up behind his fiancee. "Oh i didn't know if we would or not." Jason said pulling out his MP-40 "Take cover before you unload on them." Nami explained to Jinx who was still in shock from having a loaded gun in her hand.

The group of friends and family hid wherever they could find cover opening a link they could all talk through. <Let's light this powder keg.> Natalie said as she let her ability take full force sending a giant wave of fire towards them. The men focused their attention on them as the wave came for them. most jumped out of the way but two were caught in the fire storm. "There they are!" Screamed the man in the lead as the sound of guns firing came from above their heads. <Payback time bitch!> Nami thought as she popped up and unloaded two rounds at the group of men killing one and blowing several off their feet. The smell of blood became intoxicating as the men let their life seep out onto the tiled floor. Jinx having a grudge for making her friend so miserable for all those years popped up and unloaded a whole clip on the group taking out three of them. Vincent his senses filled with the smell of blood let his ability loose sending shards of knife like ice towards the group killing two more. Natalie had enough of guns and threw them down shooting out from behind the counter she was using for cover tackling a man clawing his chest leaving his insides to fall out of his stomach. this caused the remaining men to look stunned as the expression on her face changed from rage to maniac pleasure. licking the blood from her fingers she crept around the men on all fours ready to dash away at the slightest movement. The nearest man tried to knock her out and take her prisoner but failed horribly as his throat was clawed letting his life's blood seep onto her hand she licked it off loving the taste of the warm liquid. "Natalie move!" Jinx screamed in warning at seeing the man behind her take aim. She dashed away understanding the urgency in her voice snapping her out of the state of psychotic pleasure. she ran on all fours back towards her guns zig zagging so they couldn't shoot her pain bit into her back. At seeing his love hurt it sent Vincent into a rage as he unloaded all he had left in his gun on them every bullet finding a target but only taking down two of them. At realizing the odds the last three men ran for their lives. "Natalie!" She heard scremas but could not place them as the pain over took her sending her into a world of darkness.

She awoke her head in Vincents lap at their room in the tower. "Hey there sleeping beauty." He teased. "Your mom said to try not to move. you are still extremly hurt." He eplained as he ran his hand through her long black hair. "But i got you a present." He said as he pulled out a small box that looked rather familiar. "You got me the hair dye i've always wanted." The vixen said as tears ran down her cheeks. "I figured you would like it." Vincent chuckled as he bent down to kiss her. "I'm going to get eevrybody else ill be back in a little bit." He explained as he left the room. her thoughts wandered to what had happened at the mall knowing that what had happened to her was feral instinct and she knew exactly what it was. She was indeed pregnant.

End Of Chapter 2 Part 2