Taking a Break from the Road

Story by pumistyle on SoFurry

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I hate stories with names in them. Also, this is gay. Don't read it if you ain't.


The car ride for the move was almost insufferably long. They weren't even that far into it before the pair burned through the meager CDs they brought for entertainment - the Mississippi plains not offering much to the snow leopard in the driver's seat or the collared otter beside him.

"We've been going forever. Can't we at least take a pit stop?" questioned the younger otter to his owner.

They've been driving for no less than 400 miles straight. The sun was starting to set, giving its signature golden glow as they drove toward it. The feline lowered his visor to half-mast before slinking his heavy paw around the otter's shoulders. He pulled him tight to lay a nip on one of his pet's diminutive ears, narrow feline eyes focused on the road ahead.

"Hmn... You make a good point. I think we've made good time for today."

A half-smile spread faintly across the thin lips of the leopard, turning off of the interstate and making a beeline for a gas station in a small town. Wordlessly, he laid a warm kiss on the otter's forehead, feeling a set of webbed paws wrap around him in a tight hug as the larger male purred softly. Following the well-practiced drill, the cat stayed behind to refuel the gas tank in the sedan. The mustelid practically skipped into the convenience store, eager to get his paws on anything that looked tasty - as well as a healthy amount of meaty snacks for his carnivorous master.

A sharp glare from the shopkeeper caught the otter's eye. The boy knew what was going through the local's head as he stared at his thick leather collar, complete with a tag marking him "SLUT" in bold letters. He smiled, knowing the eyes watched him and he made sure that tag jingled unmistakably as he padded around the market. All too happily, he took advantage of the situation to arch out his tight ass as he walked, looking practically crafted specifically to fit in his designer jeans. He watched with a soft churr to himself as that harsh glare from the lupine shopkeeper slowly lessened, growing more entranced with the owned boy strutting about his store.

Smoothly entering through the glass doors, the feline distracted the two as he picked a packet of gum from an aisle's endcap, dropping it off at the counter to pay. The cat's spotted tail swishing lazily out behind him at the counter, the conversation unheard to the boy. The otter continued his task, deciding between unhealthy snacks as the snow leopard caught his eye again - showing off a shimmering set of bathroom keys as he smiled wide, baring a suggestive sharp fang to the boy.

The pet's eyes lit up, knowing what would await him as he saw his master leave the shop - throwing his new purchase in the trash as he made his way 'round to the bathrooms on the side of the building. Eagerly, the boy presented his armfuls of merchandise to the shopkeeper with a wink, licking his lips as the wolf bagged them. He made sure the keeper got a nice view of his ass on the way out, hiking his thick tail aside to add just a bit more excitement to the wolf's day. He quickly padded over to the sedan, depositing the snacks in the backseat amidst all the crap from moving before following his master to the bathroom.

Upon entering, the thick paws of a hunter ensnared him - sharp claws half-unsheathed and pressing into the pelt of the poor boy. A sharp gasp escaped the otter's muzzle as his master's rumbling chest pressed firmly against his back, those fierce paws grabbing his wrists and holding them tight behind the boy's back.

"400 miles, I've been watching that gas tank's needle go down... Just waiting for the chance to nail that tight little ass of yours..."

The boy churred at the leopard's words, his breath growing heavy as a single paw moved to hold both wrists tight - the other tracing a single claw down the front of his soft chest to shear open his tight shirt.

"6 hours, I've gone without slamming you full of feline dick... Barbs and all..."

Panting now, the boy's head tilted aside as his master nipped a few sharp fangs gently through the fur of the boy's neck. His cream-colored underfur spilled out of his torn shirt as the feline finished the job. The cat relinquished hold of the otter's paws, kneading out over the boy's lithe, bared chest and making sure his bitch feels his sharp claws.

"I could have just wrapped your hot little lips around my cock back on the interstate... But where's the fun in that?"

The otter arched his ass out to the broad hips nestled behind him, feeling the bulge in the feline's pants pressing under his hiked tail. A paw of his moved to brace himself against the wall, the other rapidly undoing his belt and jeans as his master follows suit behind. Without even conscious thought, the boy let his jeans and underwear pool around his ankles - his feline master owning even his mind, constantly drowning the slut in thoughts of getting bent over in submission. The smaller body of the otter quivered, standing naked before the big cat.

"Fuck me... master... don't you dare let me go a night's sleep without an assful of cat-cum..."

Thick growls filled the air around the otter as his owner slammed his chest against the white-tiled wall. Broad paws held tight around the boy's hips, forcing his ass against the underside of the feline's dick fished ever-so-hastily from the male's fly. Its pure heat and wetness shoved aggressively against the otter's tight entrance.

"Oh, so you think you can order me around now? You're my bitch, and I'll take you as I want. Don't you forget who owns you, slut."

The barbed tip found its mark, spearing the eager otter amidst a thick snarl, matching the boy's panting churrs. He loved feeling those firm pricks covering his master's cock, scratching an itch that others just can't reach. His muzzle spread half-open as he breathed heavily, making sure he kept his ass well-presented to his pent-up owner, with legs spread wide and footpaws at tip-toe on the concrete floor.

"I'm sorry... It's just been so long since you had this otter wrapped around your dick... I need it... I need you to fuck me..."

Strong musk pervaded the small restroom, filling the two horny males' lungs. Suddenly, the cat buried his thick shaft deep inside his pet, the feral growls practically dripping from his muzzle. Tantalizingly slowly, the heavy balls of the snow leopard ground against the boy's taint. Buried balls-deep in an otter slut, the leopard dominated his pet as a heavy paw pressed against the boy's upper back, forcing his chest tight against the wall. Moaning aloud with certain disregard at being heard from inside the shop, the boy's webbed paws splayed out behind the strong feline's ass, pulling them to him to bury that shaft ever deeper.

The otter's body rocked rhythmically as his owner bucked into his tight ass with thick growls. His own mustelid prick standing to attention between his legs, the otter winced every single time the snow leopard hilted him - feeling heavy balls slam against him as he made no effort to keep any part of his body to his master.

The cat laid a firm mating bite to the neck of the poor boy, holding him tight as he nails his textured cock in and out of the slut, grinding it against the otter's prostate. His claws raked along the side of the boy, winding around under the otter's arms to pull himself and his ever-strengthening bite tighter against the boy.

"Sir... Mate me... Mate your bitch... I don't want you to hold anything back..."

The big cat's tail thrashed behind him, powered by sheer passionate lust. The only thought that traveled through the feline's brain was to empty his balls deep inside his begging bitch as he felt that tight hole fit snugly around his shaft like a glove. He snarled thickly through the neckfur between his fangs as the boy took it like a pro.

"Take it, you fucking cum-dumpster... Wantin' nothin' more than getting a stronger male to cum hard up your tight little ass..."

The boy kept his legs spread wide, his writhing body begging for more. After a few more thrusts, the snow leopard slammed in as deep as it could go, burying thick feline cock in its rightful place as its barbed tip jumped within the otter. His cock erupted in thick jets of cat spunk to coat the inside of the mustelid's ass, each one seemingly more powerful than the last. His jaws pulled tight at the base of the otter's neck as he growled through clenched teeth, his thickly rumbling chest pressed tight at the otter's back.

Writhing in passion, the otter couldn't control himself as the thick streams of cum coating his inner wall sent him over the edge, spraying his own seed over the tiled wall. He screamed out in bliss with a wide-open muzzle - the sound seemingly amplified by the confined space.

The cat let go of the otter's sore neck, his growls subsiding as he pants, his toned body rising and falling with the afterglow of his powerful orgasm.

"Good fucking cockwarmer... You came nice an' hard and you didn't even paw yourself..." The cat speaks warmly, a textured tongue licking his chops.

"How could I not? God... There's no way I couldn't shoot my load after feeling you spray inside me..." The otter replied, grinding his ass against the cat's hips to feel the heavy cock move around inside him.

Suddenly, their attention turned to the door, as an errant paw attempted to open the door from the outside. Fortunately, the otter locked it on entry. After a brief moment, the two relaxed.

Then a key slipped into the lock's chambers.


I made you a sequel