Linda's story Pt. 1

Story by ninth experiment on SoFurry

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Linda stood at the edge of the roof top, her fox ears twitching. She listened for a minute then stepped down onto a safer area. Her four foot, five figure that was flat as a board with a light gray covering of fur paled in comparison to the statues on the roof top. It didn't bug her that she was so short or that she hadn't developed yet even at the age of seventeen because she could still get around the city easily. Of course being a fox hybrid helped out too. She was one of the few test subjects that was a success. Soon Science for a Greater Cause would release the information to hospitals and plastic surgeons and make millions. There was no end to people that would want to be part animal, but Linda was not one of them. In fact she hated it, but it would work for her if she could shut S.G.C. down. She knew there wasn't much time and she wanted to prevent it, but she was just one person. Even with enhanced genes due to being a hybrid it still would be impossible. She sighed and walked down the fire escape and into an open window. After closing the window she went to her bed and laid down. Thoughts of what to do ran through her head.

As she woke up, she could sense something different. She looked around quickly and noticed a note on the window. On it was a plain font that said simply: Do or die. She let out a small laugh and crumpled the note up. After throwing it into the trash, she walked into the closet. She put on clothes that covered her fur, tail, and ears then walked out the door and to the street. Once on the street she let her senses take over. If there was anything good about being a hybrid it was definitely that you get all the perks that animal has, plus you're still somewhat human. She was still getting used to it and it kind of confused her. She walked across town and stood across the street from a building marked with S.G.C. Once out front she studied as much of it as she could without getting too close. The building was where she was turned and they would definitely have security around the building to watch for her.

The sewers smelt horrible to Linda as she carefully stepped along the sides. She figured that she could get under the S.G.C. building and she could find a way up into the basement. A light could be seen about fifty feet from her. She ducked down quickly and crept up closer to the light. Once she got about ten feet from it she could see a brawny looking security guard with his back turned towards her. An idea came to her and she ran up to him silently and kicked at the back of his right knee. The male didn't flinch and turned around quickly grabbing Linda up. Once she was in his grip she could see that he was a lizard hybrid. He slammed her down to the ground with a hiss and looked her straight in the eyes. "You must be Linda. All of us guards were told to watch for you. And there's a bet going round too. You see, us lizard-men haven't been able to leave at all. So you can guess how frustrating that is. And the first one of us that finds you..." He trailed off, his eyes examining her body. Linda struggled against his grip but couldn't free herself. The guard smiled as he took a knife from his belt and cut straight down her outfit. She yelped out as her bare self was displayed to the lizard-man. He threw her down hard and stood over her. "Mm, looks like you're a late bloomer." Linda stared in horror at the hulking lizard-man. She could see the bulge in his pants getting bigger as she tried to crawl backwards and away. He reached down and grabbed her arms and pulled her up to her knees. Linda bared her teeth at the security guard. He laughed and picked her up off the ground with one hand and freed his dick from his pants with his other hand. "At least I know to keep away from that pretty little mouth of yours now. But.." he trailed off again as he pushed her against a wall. He stroked himself a couple of times making sure his full length was out. Linda kicked out at him but he grabbed her leg with his free hand still pinning her to the wall. She stared at his dick, it looked to be about eight inches long and was getting closer to her forbidden area. A small moan escaped her lips as his dick met her pussy lips. He smiled and began to push into her slowly. "I'm not going to ruin you just yet but don't think it wont hurt at all." She gritted her teeth as she felt her hymen attempt to stop his intrusion. Linda let out a yelp as her hymen was busted and the lizard-man pushed his full length into her. Tears streamed down her face as he began to pump in and out of her pussy in slow movements. The movements quickly sped up and her sobs were quickly replaced by screams. The lizard-man just laughed and thrusted deep into her continuously. Linda could feel her pussy walls being stretched by his now pulsating dick. She closed her eyes and bit her lip as she anticipated him emptying his load inside of her. The lizard-man instead pulled out of her and let her drop to her knees as he began to pump his dick fast and hard, his load blasting out and onto her face. She felt his hot and sticky load on her face and felt it drip down onto her body. She was exhausted and soon passed out