Relationships part 5

Story by crazy wolf on SoFurry

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Well here is part 5! Enjoy!


The car ride was pure silence tensions were high. Rex was looking out the window thinking on what to do. Max I'm so sorry I left you. I didnt know what to do I freaked out! What was I suppose to do! Rex started crying tears were running down his eyes. Max payed no attention to Rex he was focused on the road in front of him and the thoughts buzzing through his head. Rex how could you leave me. I needed you. But you left there. I'm so faustraded with you! I should have left you at the school then you would've known how left! They finally arrived at Max's house. They both got out of the car Rex had a very anxious and worried look while Max on the other hand had very upseting look to him. Max opened the door. They went in Rex shut the door behind him. Max sat on the couch followed by Rex.

"Max please let me explain what happened back there."

"Yea what did happened back there Rex I dont seem to recall. You know how I got this mark on my muzzle becuase I sure dont. Might've just tripped you know." Max said sarcastically. Rex was filled with guilt his mate needed him right there beside him instead he left him there like a forgoten toy stossed aside abandon. Rex started talking.

"Max please just hear me out."Max stood silent

"Okay, the reason I left was because I was afraid."

"Becuase you were afraid? Afraid of what?" Max was confused

"Afriad of my parents!"Rex threw himself on Max. Rex was crying on Max's chest sobbing as he kept talking.

"Thats why I left because of my parents and the fear of them finding out that there only son and child is gay. My parents can't stand gays. They abhor gays! I didnt mean to leave you...Im sorry." Rex gave an abject apology pleading for Max's forgivness.Max stood there speechless. Rex I know you didnt mean any harm it just sort of happened. I'm still mad at you but I love you to much to leave you.

"Its okay pup. I forgive you." Rex looked up. Tears were still running down his eyes. Max whipped the tears away with his soft paws caressing him and giving Rex a warm smile. Rex still felt guilty but he was reasured that he was forgiven. Max gently placed a kiss on Rex's forehead and whispered to Rex that he loved him. Rex melted in Max 's embrace feeling wramth that he never felt before.

"Listen Max, I want to make it up to you."

"How are you going to do that pup?"

"I'm coming out to my parents." Rex was serouis he wanted to repay everything that Max had done to him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am, I never been so sure in my life. I have to do this to make everything right."

"No you dont have to do this." Rex was confused


"Your not going to do it. Were both going to do it together." Max grabbed Rex's paw and held it tight.

"Max your amazing.But I dont know how they'll take this news."

"If they dont take it lightly then they'll have to mess with me. I wont let them hurt you no matter what." Max had an abiding love for Rex. Nothing was going to change that fact.

"You ready to go pup?" Rex was hesitant at frist but then remebered that he had Max to back him up.

"I'm ready."

"All right then lets go." Rex was a complete nervous wreck Max could see that.

"Its okay I can understand why your nervous. But you have me so you dont have to worry that much."

"Yea,I'm glad I have you." Rex smiled. They shortly arrived at Rex's house. It was a smiple home nothing fancy about just your avarge looking home. Rex was sweating out his nervousness as he walked step by step to his home. Every step he took his heart would beat faster and faster. He made it to the front door he felt like fainting. All his troubles went out the door as Max held Rex's paw and giving him reasuring look to tell him that everything was going to be fine. Rex opened the door.

"Mom, Dad I'm home."

Relationships part 6

Part 6! Sorry for the cliffhangers haaaa this chapter might have one. XD Thanks for the comments and favs! Keep the comments coming they help me to better...

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Relationships part 4

Well here it is part 4! Please comment on it tell me what i could improve on! Also if you take offense to Fag or queer then I'm sorry. But anyways...

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Relationships part 3

The thrid part yea! Hope you like it! It a bit short but the next one will be...

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