
Story by Kevin Crest on SoFurry

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Hustler by Kevin Crest

Clack, clack, clack, went his stilettoes on the marble floor. The thick fur coat he had thrown over his lanky shoulders was sweeping the already perfectly polished marble, making an irresistible hissing sound. He knew that by wearing fur he aroused a bit of controversy, being the fact that he himself could be skinned to make a lovely fox shawl , but owning something so glamorous was simply too irresistible. A gray wolf on the reception raised his muzzle in acknowledgment as he stepped near. "You again?" Thomas simply looked at him the way he always did and said with an exaggerated purr. "You know your clients like me Trevor. Isn't it your responsibility as manager, to satisfy their needs?" "I swear if you were-" "But I am, dear Trevor, "Interrupted him Thomas and casually coughed a cigarette between his teeth. "On top, sideways, on my back and between their legs. Do you have a light?" The wolf stared at him for a few seconds before sighing and stretching his paw out to light the thin end of the cigarette. "You are disgusting." "As long as they pay, I don't mind, "Thomas said as he exhaled a thick cloud, "What room?" The wolf looked at his monitor and tapped a few buttons on the keyboard before saying "Number '340', Mr. Sweichin. " Thomas frowned "Not the penthouse?" "I'm afraid not this time, "replied Trevor without much enthusiasm, "your ass will have to roll in satin cloth, instead of diamond." "Broke bastards." The fox turned around and walked towards the elevator. "See ya, Trev." The wolf waved without looking up. "Don't catch anything." "If I do," said Thomas, as he exhaled again and threw the cigarette in a random trashcan, "I'll be sure to spread it around."

The elevator door opened and a young rabbit greeted him as he went inside and sat on the long, luxurious couch in the back. "Where to, sir?" said the kid with a little tremble in his voice. "Third floor, please." The rabbit nodded and pushed a lever making the small cabin raise with a slow 'thud'. Thomas noticed that the bunny was fidgeting a bit, stepping from one paw to the other and looking everywhere but his way. Well, that was interesting. "Hey kid!" said Thomas. The rabbit jumped a bit, but turned around. "Yes, sir? "You, ok? You seem a bit fidgety." The rabbit blinked a few times before stuttering. "Well, I was wondering," he started looking at his paws "I was wondering, how much for a night?" Thomas just stared at him. The gaze made the bunny even more uneasy and he was practically hopping in one place. "Why?" asked Thomas rising from his seat. "You want me?" The rabbit looked into face, but immediately felt at a disadvantage, because the fox was two heads taller than him. "N-NO I did not mean it like that I-"

"So you don't want me?"

"No, I mean yes I do, but-" "But?" purred Thomas as he leaned on the bunny making him trip over and push his back against the metal door. One of the fox's hands sneaked around the bunny's waist, pulling him closer, while the other sneaked inside his pants. "If you want me just say it. For free..." The rabbits ears perked up and he looked up at the grinning fox. "R-really?" Thomas flashed his most caring smile. The elevator stopped with a loud 'thung' and the door slowly opened. "Nope." Whispered the fox and let go of the boy, who landed on his back in the feet of a rhino couple, trying to enter the elevator. Thomas grabbed his bag and casually stepped over the confused rodent, greeting the pair as he walked past them. He walked slowly down the long corridor, mentally checking every room's number, until he reached the one where he was expected. He took a small mirror from inside his bag and took a long look at his own reflection. After he made sure that his eyeliner and lipstick were in place, he put it inside again and knocked. He could hear hurried footsteps from inside, knocking things over, almost running to the door. When finally they stopped and the door opened a bit, what seemed like a toll buck peered from the opening. "Can I help you?" he said eyeing Thomas from top to bottom. "Actually, I believe I am the one who is supposed to help you." "Oh right, I'm sorry," he muttered and opened the door completely "please come inside." The room was just as he had expected. Large, even ridiculously so, furnished with matching colors and expensive furniture. It didn't really come as a surprise to Thomas, because he had been staying in this hotel more than normal and had seen his fair share of rooms. They were almost all alike, not counting the penthouse of course. Perhaps the only difference they held was the space between the couch and the armchair, a space the fox knew well. It was not as uncomfortable as most said. Thomas turned around to face the tall buck. "So, where do you want me?" asked the fox as he sat on the corner of the king sized bed. The buck moved closer to where he was sitting. He outstretched an arm and with a soft touch brushed a lock of hair from Thomas face. He paused for a moment and then said with a hushed voice, "Can you dance for me?" "If that is what you wish," purred the fox and slowly stood up. Although the buck was much taller than him, Thomas stretched a hand and rising a bit on his hind legs touched his cheek. The buck responded by nuzzling it a bit and directing his eyes at the fox. He put his other hand on the male's chest, noting that he was only wearing his jeans and slowly traced his hand across it. He felt the muscles contract under his touch, as if shying away. He felt the fur standing on end as he lightly touched the hard nipple on the left and lowered it towards his abdomen. Thomas started humming a bit as he turned around and pressed his back towards the unmoving man. His hips swayed a bit as he brushed against the shorter fur, slowly rocking to an unheard melody. While he was busy moving his hands were exploring the buck's belt, making slow circle movements on the buckle. The buck seemed to notice and with a quick hand unbuttoned it. Taking care not to move too fast, Thomas took the large hand in his left and slowly turned around looking up at the dark eye, piercing him. Still, swinging, he used his right one to pull on the now lose belt and let it drop on the ground with a small 'thud'. By now he could feel the buck's massive erection straining down his left thigh, making a small, wet spot at the tip. Again he lifted himself up, this time wrapping his arms around the bucks' thick neck and softly kissed it. "What's your name?" sighted the man as his own arms wrapped around the small waist of the fox. "What do you want it to be? " Whispered Thomas as he blew air in the man's ear. He moved closer and gently nipped on the lobe, making the buck moan. "I can be anyone you want."

The bigger man lifted the fox off the ground and gently placed him on the bed. He looked him in the eyes and came closer. Avoiding a kiss the fox use his still clutching arms and pulled the buck completely on top of him, wrapping his legs around him in the process. Smiling playfully the Thomas pressed his bottom towards the erect man penis and gave it a small push. Forgetting his initial thoughts the buck closed his eyes and let himself enjoy the soft touches. "Take me!" said Thomas, making the buck look at him again, "I want you." Nodding quickly the buck unbuttoned his jeans and quickly shook them off leaving himself with nothing. He then proceeded to unbuttoning the fox's tight jeans which were also a bit tented. Thomas let go of his neck and lay down on the soft bed, once in a while giving the buck an assuring smile. When he was all nice and naked as the man on top of him he returned his hands to the thick neck and pulled him completely over himself. The buck dove in for another kiss, but was gently brushed aside. "You are so beautiful," said the man and caressed the small face in his hands "I have never seen anything like you." Thomas gave him another charming smile and lightly pushed his chest with his hand. When the buck raised a bit the fox used the moment to quickly get on top and straddle his waist. He could feel the huge erection rubbing against his back, leaving mated fur wherever its head touched. He leaned a bit and licked the buck's neck. He slid down his body, like velvet slides across skin and kissed the man's also erect nipples. A loud gurgle moan escaped the buck's lips. He watched with amazement as the smaller creature on top of him licked the skin around the nub and lightly bit on it. It felt good to have that rough tongue kissing him so tenderly. He wondered how it would feel on his manhood and unconsciously used his hand to nudge the fox down. With a grin Thomas rose up a bit and the same way glided his body down the buck's front until he was face to face with the object of every man's insanity. He used a finger to slowly gather the richly pouring pre from the tip and under the sharp eye of the buck staring at him, licked it greedily. It tasted sublime so he gathered some more and offered it to its owner, who reluctantly licked it and automatically made a face of disgust. The fox chuckled a bit with another finger of the white liquid in his mouth and purred, "It's an acquired taste, honey." Bowing down his head, Thomas came face to face with the head of the shaft. He extended his tongue and lapped at the slit once. Hearing the loud moan of appreciation he lapped again, this time applying more force to it. The taste was different than most people he had tasted but it still tasted good. He opened his well-trained muzzle as far as he could and put only the head inside. Thanks to his reflexes he managed to wrap a hand around the thick shaft before the buck raised his hips, trying to burry as much as possible in his mouth and choking him to death. Even with his years of training a piece of meat so big would be quite hard to manage. As soon as the buck underneath him had calmed down a bit, Thomas started bobbing his head up and down, daring to take only the head and a few more inches inside. Encouraged by the deep moans and the hand on his head the fox wrapped both his hands as tight as he dared around the base of the shaft and proceeded to jack him off while he sucked. Underneath the buck was trashing and moaning. His long tongue had lolled outside his muzzle and was drooling saliva a bit. That view was even more exiting for Thomas than the actual sucking. He purred a bit at the sight of a pleased client, sending vibrations down the shaft. His used some of the free space inside his muzzle to slowly lap at the head of the penis, making notes to press harder at the top and lighter at the bottom where it was more sensitive. This went on for several minutes in which Thomas kept changing the position of his hands from the actual shaft to the heavy, cream filled balls under it. He could feel them contracting in his hands, getting ready to finish this session. In a matter of seconds the buck raised his head, his eyes went back into his skull and with a beastly roar, only suitable for a carnivore he burst inside the hot muzzle, engulfing him. Thomas swallowed as much as he could, but it just kept coming, as if this guy had not been emptied in weeks. Some of it dribbled down his chin and matted his fur. Thomas slid the still erect shaft out of his muzzle, taking care to lick the rest of the essence dribbling from it and looked at the buck. "How was that?" The man just mumbled something and lightly hit the sheets with his hand. It really seemed like this guy hadn't finished in a while. While waiting for the man to get back to his senses the fox licked his paws clean and tried to get the now hardened cum from his neck fur, but it seemed like he would need a shower. He looked at the buck again, who seemed a bit out of breath, but fine and grinned. "Are you going to need me anymore, handsome? I need to get going." The male waved his hand dismissively and said "No, you can go. The money's on the desk." After fetching his things and quickly putting them on, he gave flashed the buck one last smile and after collecting his payment, let himself out. Safely on the other side of the door he counted his earnings and with a satisfied chuckle realized that he got a nice juicy tip. Back down at the lobby moved closer to the front desk and heavily sat on one of the tall chairs. "Went well I presume?" asked the gray wolf, pretending to be polite. "Quite. I even got a tip!" smiled at him the fox and waved the thick roll of cash in front of him "You fancy, grabbing dinner later?" With another exaggerated look the wolf raised his eyebrow to stare at him and went back to his work. As he had expected Thomas perkily jumped from the stool. "Didn't think so. Maybe next time?" "Yeah, maybe. "Replied the wolf as his friend walked away. It was cool outside, just the weather you would expect from December. There was no snow, but the wind more than compensated for it. Thomas made his way through the not so crowded streets to his apartment which luckily was not that far away. After a quick change of clothes he went outside again and into the metro station. Again he was amazed at the lack of people around, perhaps due to the holidays nearing. Most people would rather sit at home than go outside in this cold. His train let him off where he wished to go and despite the slight reluctance inside him, Thomas climbed the steps to the tall building in front of him. He had always despised the smell of hospitals. There was something in the air that would agitate his nose every time, not to mention the feeling of gloom and despair everywhere. He approached women sitting behind a computer screen in the far left. "Good evening, I'm here to see-" "Hello, sweetie. I remember you, don't worry. "Smiled the chubby vixen. "You can go right ahead." Thomas smiled warmly at her and nodded. As he was descending the stair up, he thought about how weird it was that he couldn't remember for which time he was walking this path. It was certainly more than what normal people, but still it was strange. Room 13-B was where he was heading. The last room on the left, located on the second floor. It was more than a room to him by now; it was more like an apartment where he stayed once in a while. He knocked once but there was no response, so he waited a few seconds before letting himself in. How he dreaded these moments more than anything in the world, but every single time he stepped through the door he felt more sure that he had to be there than anything else. This was the one person that needed him, would not ask for anything else but his mere presence. And although he could here or respond to his words he knew that deep down he understood. Thomas walked to the chair closest to the bed and slowly sat down. His gaze fell upon the lifeless, thin face of his lover. He stared at him for a while, simply looking at what was left of a once energetic and life-craving man. "Hi, Nick. "He said quietly to himself. "I finished work early today. How are you?" There was no response. Not that there ever was, but the doctors were sure that talking made a difference. "I brought you some flowers." Continued Thomas as he retrieved a small bundle from his backpack. He stood up and placed them in a vase near the bed. "They are red roses, your favorite."