Bearing the Pack

Story by BlazerRaylock on SoFurry

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#1 of The Bear and The Pack

The following work contains themes that are not meant for underaged viewers. This story co...

The following work contains themes that are not meant for underaged viewers. This story contains, Anthro wolves on an Anthro Female bear, watersports and Pack domination. If any of the given themes are not to your liking LEAVE! or if you are just curious, the story does not rely on the watersports or Pack domination. It is between one male wolf trying to help a female bear.

Characters used in this work are of mine, the Plot is also of my ownership, if ever the plot has been thought of or has been done then I shall say sorry to that person out there for having a similar idea. I may not have read or seen your work and thus I did not notice it done. Thank you.

Comment what you think, I'm still thinking of making more of this but I'll let viewers decide about this.

Bearing the Pack

It was one Midsummer Day; I was just minding my own business, practically just walking the surrounding area that the Pack that I and my older brother take care of. My big brother was Alpha, a very tough one and I was Beta. I didn't mind the whole thing; our dad was one popular guy even when he wasn't the Alpha or the Beta male. For me, a gray wolf just like my bro and dad, we were great being the males. Ever since dad stood down from the ranks and my bro and I tried to take the command, it was such a unique time.

Anyway, as I was saying, I was walking by minding my own business; the sun was up and today was another day for the spring fever to arrive... Mating season. Yeah, my cock could tell me that as I look down at my growing member, a good foot long and almost 3 inches thick. I got that from dad, he was the breeder of the Pack and it seems I took his mantle as breeder. My brother was happy to be Alpha and knew I was fit as the breeder.

I just walked and there I saw a sight most intriguing, two bears, brown grizzly bears to be exact. They were in a lovely moment and the only funny thing I could see is that the female was not so into it. They licked and lapped at one another, tapping their paws at each other. It was their moment but my instincts tell me something will go wrong here. I knew something will happen, the scent of need and lust was missing half of it as I sniff the air close to them.

Now bears are a very strong animal, I can vouch for that when a bear took a fallen body off a freezing lake we couldn't swim to get. The thing missing is the scent of the female, she did not give off the need, the scent of love but the lust was all there. They were in their moment but I just smirked and looked. But the wind had other things in mind. In an instant it blew behind me and the wind passing by their noses.

The two suddenly stop, knowing that something else was close by. They soon look up at me from the hill I was spying them from and they growled and barred their teeth at me. "Get out of here wolf, I've got a woman here for me." The male said as he hugs his soon-to-be defensively, her form much bigger than mine even when the male was bigger than her. "Whatever you say bear." I said as I continue to look, even with the wind chilling my semi-erect cock. They glare at us, quite long and angry. Smelling the air once more, the scent of female lust and not heat was making me worry some. A plot appeared in my mind. "Woman, you got nice curves, if you're into anything new, look me up in the wolf Pack by the river, and call for Jallen." I said with a wave at I smirk.

"What makes you think I'll look for you?!" She shouted back at me as she hugs more closely the male. "Leave now wolf!" The male started as his glance stayed at me. I knew I somehow made it awkward for them but I know when I'm done. I took my leave, headed away from the two and towards the river where our Pack made huts and houses for ourselves before we move and depart.

As I enter our home's perimeter, my brother, Krago, stood firm and straight at me. His face not smiling but quite annoyed as I just smiled back at him. "Brother, where have you been?" He started as I just walked by way, signaling him to follow me. "Nothing much, just seeing the good day brother." I said as we passed by the many huts that smells of wolves and their passionate moment. "Jallen, I couldn't mount my mate when your own harem is making a fuss over you being missing." He angrily said as he moves beside me. "Relax my brother, I'll take care of them, you just get to your mate and have pups." I said as I walked on, my smile leaving my muzzle as the mention of pups did not lighten the conversation.

"I didn't mean to..." My brother started to say as he realized that he was making me feel sad but I continue to move on, not caring what he wanted to say. Today was mating season, the season where the ladies are fertile to bear fruit in the form of our cubs, the next inline. This season is where we show each other the true bonding and love of our kind, the Pack. A family I will not have in my life. I sign to myself as I walked my way, hearing the other smaller huts with yips, growls and howls as mating day and night for this season will take hold.

I padded my way finding my hut, several sizes bigger than all the others, There I stood and walked myself towards it. Once there I could smell the scent of females, not in heat but surely needy. I cracked a smile in my muzzle as I attempt to try and seem joyous to my many mates. "I'm back!" I shouted some as I padded my way through the small woven cloth that acts as out door. Before I could open my eyes my canine mates rushed for me, hugging me and their forms covering me completely. They were 4 very energetic females each with their own unique interest but I loved them just the same.

I'm a happy male but the thought of having no family wasn't going to help me. I'm about 3 seasons old and my mates are a few moons younger but my first mate is just as old as I am.

First there was Dosya, she is my second mate, she has a fur coat of white in front her covering her chest, under her muzzle down to her wet snatch, thinning by the end and black that painted everything else, an odd set but very appealing as she rubbed her head at my chest. She was not the youngest, but the second eldest mate I have. She was the mother like figure for the four but she was one of the most insatiable females I've ever been with, It took me hours upon hours to get her to let go, thankfully I had more endurance to accommodate for

Second there was Ledrey, she is my third mate, and her coat is more common in our Pack, a gray wolf. She is a very passionate female, one that I had to accommodate last in my love sessions as she admired my cock even when her fellow female sisters had used me. She had a knack of staring at me and my cock as she licks off the white coating of my own and her sisters' juices. I think she was addicted to the taste, especially when she was into licking me to orgasm.

The third is Mejina, the youngest of all my mates. Her coat is that of the brown wolves, a color that are good for blending in with the close by forestland. She is a very energetic young canine; she always wags her tail here and there whenever I'm around. She is the type of girl you want to keep in any orgy situation, the catcher, if you know what I mean. She likes the creams and cum, how it coats her and the smell of sex.

The fourth but not the final of my females is Sorren. She's a very hardy woman though she has a soft side for me. She's the typical, "I can do better than you" kind of woman. She is hard to come by sometimes and whenever we go to bed, she keeps daring me to break her, which I do and more, earning me more than a moan, waking the neighbors whenever she howls. Her coat of pure black intrigues me as I could tell when she would be panting so hotly and needy, her tongue quite obvious against the black. She's the younger female but she sure does make it hard for me.

I feel their warmth and their wet sex needy scent. "Ok, ladies. I know it's the season but we all know that it will be my first mate that needs most of it." I explained as I stop them from hogging me for them. They mulled and moaned disappointedly at me but knew better than to argue. That reason is because my first mate is the Alpha female, the one and only strongest female around.

Now you might be wondering why the Alpha female, strongest and mostly respected female, chose me, the beta, it is all because of a promise I made to her when we were little cubs. We were young and we were in love, yes, love, we played together, even pretended to mate and soon we went full blown with it. Unfortunately, her attitude changed over time as she became stronger and tougher, thanks to her mom, my parents' Alpha female of their time. She went through so much hardship and training that even my bro, the Alpha male, did not want her as his mate.

Now we did keep our promise but she did not like my rank. The only thing that she liked about me was that I had the longest cock in the Pack as she does tower most of us males by a head. The reason she allows me with my other 4 mates is because the 4 has something in common, they can't give pups. Yes, they can't get into heat and this means they just fuck with me whenever, wherever. While this might sound like we would be an orgy based family, we wolves believe in mating for life and so I'm stuck with my Alpha female mate and these infertile bitches.

Speaking of 1st mate, she barged in the hut surprising my other females as they flinch and stared up. I knew very well to just submit to her. The smell of female in heat soon overwhelmed the large common space of the hut as I look back at my mate. There the white she-wolf stress down at me, a frown on her face as my mind went numb when her paws took hold of my neck as she drags me without question to her room, the room we only share if we mated and it was the bigger room, next to the common room.

There she just tosses me on the leaf covered wooden bed as she pounced on me, a growl from her as she eyes my cock and plunged herself onto me, my cock digging deep inside the hot and tight hole. (This is going to be a long night.) I thought to myself, as she was on par with my sexual drive, the fact that her strength and training must have been rigorous for her to be this different from the woman I knew her back then.


It's been about 2 moons after the season, and most of us males would be making out or just chilling with our ladies. But I knew better than to question what my 1st mate does. "I'm going out for hunting." She started as she moves off the wooden bed and proceeded out. "Nellia, you know it's not right for you hunting alone, it's our job." I started which she just stares back at me with anger and vengeance at me. "And I suppose the hunting party will go and get food for us." She started as I stood up. "Ok, fine, I admit we don't get better results, can I at least join you?" I asked with a sudden change as I know she wouldn't let me.

Before She could answer, a howl was heard, one which we all knew as either a group meeting or a siren of problems. Without another word and question we all rushed to the center of out small settlement as all the wolves gather around the small simple tent that housed the remaining elders, which is our parents' own grandparents. The remaining few that has survived will be our guide and my brother was there standing beside some of our elders and even some of the adults.

"Everyone please calm down!" My brother started to shout as the crowd soon quiet down. "This is not an emergency but a meeting." My brother reassured as some of us signed in relief. "We have a visitor and she is not our kind but knows one of us." My brother continues. This caught my interest as I remember a certain grizzly bear in my thoughts.

Before I could ponder any further the audience started to gasp, which I missed as most of us started to look higher. I just stood there, knowing that half of us will soon stop but somehow this was looking quite problematic. "Jellan, brother, get over here." My brother shouted as my fellow Pack members moved aside, giving me a path which my mate took, a frown on her white muzzle as me and my mates proceeded to walk our way to the center and to my surprise I found an equally angry frown on a different muzzle.

"Brother, please tell me why this female bear knows your name?" My brother said as he scratches the back of his head in wonder as my mate and the bear stares at one another, sizing the other. The grizzly in question is one taller and more bulky than my mate, the fact that they are build like tanks made me flinch when both my mate and her looks down at me. I look up at my mate and about another head higher at the hulking bear. "I told her if she's interested, look for me." I said to my bro who just shakes his head in disappointment.

"Hello again, what happened between you and that hulking mass of fur the last I saw you?" I hesitantly smile as the audience, my four other mates backed away, except for my mate and my brother. "He left me..." She said solidly and gruffly. She was angry, I could tell by the way her throat was just about to shake with anger. "And what pray tell made him leave you?" I asked as I move back seeing my brother looking impatient and some of our own father, mothers and elders stare at this event.

"I didn't give him children..." She answered back as she frowns not just at me but at herself as her eyes soften and somewhat wishes to just cry but knew better. "Well... you're in luck; I accept females that have the unfortunate fate of this kind."I said with a brave and daring stance as I smiled some at the bear, she was taken aback by my stance and even my acceptance about it that stirred a commotion in the Pack audience. "Are you insane, brother?!" Krago shouted at me. Before I could answer, one of the elders held up their paws silencing us all, which even my mate loose her frown.

"Bear female, do you wish to join this pack, as you have failed to give offspring?" said one of the weak males. The bear just nods her head and stands tall, showing the muscles that she has, she was one kind of tough, a par to my mate. They had thin waists, 6 pack abs, their arms and legs showing no strain by standing and their breast just as luscious and bouncy, being proportionate with their form. "Though it is rare for this to happen," Started one of the female elders, "we have a ritual for accepting non-wolf into the Pack."

This made the audience murmur with wonder and curiosity as such a thing never passed their minds. The elders signaled for Krago to listen and he does move and leans over. No one could tell what they were planning but I knew it might be something painful. With a nod from my brother he stands up and stares at us all. "The ritual shall take place by the river at midnight." He looks my way and points at me. "Brother you should be by the elders' tent before nightfall." I knew not to disobey the Alpha male or even the elders and I just nod.

With that, the elders take their leave, marking the end of the meeting. Most of my brethren move back to whatever they were doing but I knew they wondered what the ritual was all about. As I look back my brother stand beside me looking at me. "Brother, you should allow yourself, your mates and the female bear to sleep and rest, you will all need it." He said as he passes by me and joins his mate, the beta female. But before I want to ponder all of this, I look at the bear, her frown back at her muzzle. "What's your name, so that I can't keep calling you female?" I asked, my mate growled some but stopped when my other mates defended me. "Rizzil..." She answers with a growl and an angry tone at me. "Well then Rizzil, I need to let you sleep and my hut can provide that." I said as I led the way, with my mate beside me, the other girls behind me and Rizzil following just behind. (This is getting worse...) I thought as I look at myself, my mate, other mates and the bear.


I stood at one of the elders' tent; the males placed liquids that color my fur but only for today. They say that this is a ritual and only my chest must be painted. They told me all about the ritual and all I can say is that, I might not last that long. Placing the final touches they give me a headdress. This headdress was as white as my own mate's fur, while it had feathers that I do not want to know where on the back end. As they finish my brother soon enters the tent in a similar color and paint and the same headdress as I.

"Brother, it is time." He said as we both exited the tent, the night sky as black and alluring with its many white sparkles of stars, our paths crossed with torches to light our little settlement as the ritual was to proceed to the largest clearing by the river still within our Pack settlement. We stood there as the Pack was still ill informed about the coming events that most males would be happy about along with my mates as a finishing touch. Before long, my brother tells all the females to stand in front of their huts to wait for their males, except for my mates and our Pack mothers. All the males stand wondering why they are there as we stood at the center, waiting for the bear to appear.

Though we know she might not like the idea, she growled and huffed as she walks towards us and seeing the many males. The male elders stayed by their tents with their females close by.

There I lay down on the grass, admiring the softness of the earth and the peaceful flow of the river beside us. The bear looks down at me and the audience as she hesitates for a while. "If you do not wish to join our Pack, you may leave, but know this, you failed to please a male of your own and this will only continue until it consumes you." An elder shouted from a tent.


Rizzil gulped and swallowed her pride as she leans down, her large tongue soon at my crotch, licking and lapping, enticing my cock out of its sheath. This sudden move made most of the males quite hot and interested as their cocks grew from where I can see. Her tongue was large, wet and warm. It was like wrapping my cock in one of my mate's needy and hungry muzzle in one of our love session, I guess Nellia should fit that spot. My head started to feel quite distracted as the males around us started to pant and drool.

I could not hear my brother say for the males to line themselves up but they did so, on either side of the grizzly. I felt the waves of pleasure take hold of me as my cock grew to its foot long length, surprising the grizzly as she looks back at me, a smile plastered on my face. Soon, she took the position but one again, an elder interrupted, what he said, I could not hear as my mind was still dreaming of that hot tongue. Her form soon moved where her back was faced at me and my brother stood in front of the bear.

I could see fear in his eyes but I did not care, she soon landed herself onto my cock. Her love hole caressing my long cock as she took her time, something my brother would be relived about. As she goes lower and lower, so does her ring of muscles clench and massage my cock. I could feel her heartbeat and my own as I was lost in lust. She wasn't tight but she was tighter deeper in. "I never had a cock this long." She said, at least, that's what she said. And soon, she hilted herself on me, her pussy pierced by my long canine cock as her muscles tighten and squeeze my member. I moaned some but knew the ritual must last until all the males have done their job. Her legs was folded, her knees by my sides as my legs folded upwards, meeting her own sides. She was enjoying the insertion but soon my brother presented his cock as her. at first it felt like she wanted nothing more but seeing her somewhat demeaning herself was such a turn on... if only my mate could do that.

She opened her jaws, as my brother presented his cock, placing it on her tongue and soon it vanished within the suckling mouth of Rizzil. She moaned under her breath as her vaginal muscles pulse and beat against my still encased cock within her. She was tight, and that wasn't the best part. The 2 lines of male started to jack off, yes jack themselves off at the view but knew better when Rizzil took hold of the first two cocks on either side of her as she jacked them and pump them. Her large paws wrapping easily on the canine cocks that just my the feel of it, the first pair of wolves came, painting her head and shoulders a good white. She did not have time before a new pair took the spot.

The males thankfully stopped jacking themselves. As male after male started to hump her paws, she still was not giving my bro a blowjob, as the ritual states, including me not to mate with her just yet. Those males that have finished unloading their pup seed at the Bear made their way back in line but Krago shouted at them that they go back to their huts and "Entertain" their mates. He emphasized that certain word which made the males realize that that was true. Those that have finished rushed right on, clearly enjoying the small entertainment and run on through. Those fathers who finished painting the bear a creamy and pearly white stayed, since their mates are meant to be part of the ritual.

This continued for some time, as she still had a cock in her mouth and mine up her pussy she was trapped. There were times that she would grind her ass, enticing me to start humping, though a swat to the tail made her stop. She also licked Krago's cock inside her mouth, clearly not wanting to miss him. He taps her nose with his annoyed look at her as he tells her about the ritual.

Before long it was about to end and to me and my brother's surprise the last other male to end was our father, Vask. "Enjoying the woman boys?" He said in a fatherly and sexually enjoying voice as he presented his also foot long cock to the bear. "It seems that my boys and I are the last ones." He deeply said as he looks at the bear's messy white stained brown fur. "You'll find my load quite large." He smirked down at Rizzil as she strained to keep his cock with just one paw. "Use both dear." He started to hump his dick as her two paws wrap warmly on my father's cock. It was a sight but I know Rizzil still ends up with me.


"I can't believe this is happening. A ritual like this..." Nellia said as she sticks a tongue out at the sight. "Now dear be happy your mate is having an interesting girl." Her mother said from beside her. She was also a white wolf, the Alpha wolf of the older generations till had enough muscles to be just as great as the Alpha wolf of their time. "Mother, maybe you didn't know but my mate is not the Alpha male." Nellia disappointedly sign as she reminded herself about her weaker mate. "Now dear, don't judge a wolf by his rank only. I have a secret to tell you." Her mother sly fully said, taking the Alpha female of today's generation's curiosity.

"Mother, please, if it is about you being Alpha female, I know all of-" "I wanted to get Vask to mount me." She interrupted her daughter which she tried to scream at this revelation but a paw on her lips reminded her to keep it down. Once the elder white wolf released her lips from the young female she whispered to her mother, "You wanted to mate him?! He wasn't even close to being beta male!" She sneered and growled in her low voice as this small revelation made her question her mom. "Now, I wanted to be his mate when I mated your father. I found out your father never really knew how to treat a woman such as myself. Yes, he was strong but most of those times he forgot to please me." Her mother regrettably admitted as she saw the awestruck look on the younger female.

"You mean to tell me-" "I wanted Vask to mate me when I saw how well, great, gentle and most of all; caring about the females he mated." "You expect me to believe you had a fantasy about a low rank male because he knew how to please you?" Nellia could not believe her own mother would demote herself. "Listen lady, ever since your father died in that small accident he created I've been thinking long and hard about it. I have decided to move my body and heart to Vask." The older She wolf said as she looks at her daughter's angered face.

"You are demeaning yourself?!" She growled at her, thankfully none of the other females paid attention as she bars her teeth at her own mother. "I'm not; I'm just filling my broken heart." He mother said solemnly which once again had Nellia look back at her with wonder. "When were you planning on telling me?" She asked, knowing that she might experience it as well in the future. "We never should or would have." A smile appearing on the older female's face.

"WHAT?!" Nellia was taken aback by her answer. "You, your brothers and sisters have already grown already, you don't need us to drag you back. You all have your own Alpha females and males while we have our own Alphas. We live together and we know you all shall have a great time all to yourself. Just remember." The she wolf started to walk away from her daughter to join the other females as they listen to one of the elder female's instructions. "Your mate knows how to treat a female. He'll show it in this ritual." She said last before meshing with her fellow sisters, leaving Nellia to ponder what she meant by that. (Mother... what are you trying to tell me?) She thought as she just looks on to her Mate, the beta male as he stays as still as he could and not fuck the female on top of him.


Krago started to move his hips, hearing one of the male elders to start and for me to keep still. My father had his tongue lagging out of his jaws as he too humped his hips against Rizzil's paws. Her body started to shiver and grind against me as she started to lick and feel the cock enter her throat more and more into her. The cock beside her face, my father's bumped and tapped at her cheek as my father groaned and moaned over her. "I seem to be losing my touch." He said last as he soon climaxed, his cock throbbing as he shot a large load at Rizzil's forehead and smaller shot started to pour on at the bear's cheeks, shoulders and even front.

As he finish, those of us close by saw the handy work that my father was famous for. The load he gave soon started to dribble down forcing most of the other creams that was there to move down. We soon realized that she reek of male, clearly marking her as if she was a slut. But it was short-lived as my brother, though busy humping her mouth, soon shot his load as he fed the female a load of wolf jizz. I could feel that she was enjoying it as her snatch clenched and tighten with excitement all over my encased cock.

My brother, with a smile and a dribbling and softening cock, walked away from us as he removes his mask and returned to his hut, clearly his role is done. Though most of the remaining audience thought it was over, they did not expect the next thing to happen. Both Rizzil and I knew what was next and we shifted. She positions herself on all fours, her knees and elbows on the ground. As I was on my knees right behind her, this was especially something since we never let my cock outside of her as we changed positions. She hung her head low, knowing what was soon to come as she observed her stained and cum covered fur, still dribbling down on her body, thankfully none, not even a single drop of it reached her lower half, my cock still lodge deep inside her wet love hole.

The females gasped and looked at the bear, knowing that what they will do is most likely the demeaning part of the ritual. I saw them look, taking glances at one another when their Alpha female, Pittre, the white she wolf move forward. She stood at the front of the bear, standing tall over the larger female as she grasped her pussy folds and before Rizzil could object it happened.

Drizzle of yellow, warm and revolting to a degree, poured out of her lower. Rizzil, not sure how to respond stayed quite as her body shivered at the feel. As fast as it had happened so had it ended, Pittre started to tickle her sex, releasing what's left within her as she took her leave. The mothers soon follow suit. They lined themselves, three at a time, pouring their inner liquid waste. The yellow and the whites fall on the bear as she was completely drenched in the hot and reeking smell. As a male, I find this quite entertaining at some point but seeing Rizzil end up like this wasn't making it better.

They continued, and the stench soon waffled over, matting the grass below us and painting a puddle of cum and piss under the drenched bear. Once again, I am spared and so is her love hole as none of it touched or even passed by her legs. As far as it was, the last of the mothers has taken her relief as she soon walked back to the fathers and mothers. Their group finished and was instructed by the elders to go back to their own huts.

It was soon silent, as only me, my mates, the elders and Rizzil was left in the small clearing beside the calm river. The elders called for my mates handing them cloths and told them to hold Rizzil upside down until we were at the river. Much to our surprise, the elders told me also to get my cock out of her. I did as I was told, Rizzil did not respond but I knew she would be crying inside, being used and peed in was not a good way to be part of it. I frown t the elders but I knew they will not waver or flinch. I toss the ritual mask at them as I continue to frown at them.

Though I would have given them a piece of my mind, I did not. I helped my mates carry Rizzil as we made our way to the river nearby. We placed her down, where her feet would be the first to go against the flow and her body would follow suit. WE washed the cloths we used and started to rub it, bathing her as we go. Though we know it wouldn't be that easy, we found that her scent had change but not completely. We looked at one another; even Nellia was surprised with the scent.

Though, it was a surprise Rizzil, started to cry in the river, as she was just humiliated. We were all sad, yes, even Nellia as she frowns not in anger but sadness. It was soon getting dark but I knew what I had to do. "You girls go on ahead; I need some time alone with Rizzil." I said to them as they started to move as one, though Nellia just looks on, even in the chilling river, she stares at me, ignoring what I said, just the way she is I guess. I look back at the crying bear, she cried and she cried but when I held her hand, my body behind hers when our arms against the other. I knew there was something I needed to say.

I look at Nellia once again, finding her looking at me, a sight to behold as her eyes soften that time... or maybe it was just me. I face back at the back of Rizzil as I lean my head by her shoulder, smelling a new scent, the scent of a She wolf. "Welcome to the Pack." I whispered, earning me a smile from her muzzle as she looks back. It was only Rizzil, Nellia and I left in the river as the Pack sleeps in slumber, knowing nothing about the new day that we have a new member to the family. "You're safe now and I won't ever leave you."

Please comment or vote, or whatever, I'm not picky. Though I might add something if I hear enough from you guys to make a sequel or something.