VigoRx - 1.1 - The Introduction

Story by IJrge on SoFurry

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VigoRxChapter I - The Get TogetherPart 1 - The IntroductionIn a Lab"It's been about fifteen minutes since the initial low dosage exposure. We're seeing signs of increased activity, the sort of playful nature that preceded stimulation in previous subjects.  Unfortunately even at this lowest dosage yet, the onset of symptoms seems to be occurring on sequence with previous subjects.  Observation continues, but I speculate that in twenty minutes we'll begin seeing physiological changes.""We're checking our new data sets against Jean's earlier samples. It seems the subjects metabolize the artificial hormone and start reproducing it in vast quantities.  The body's saturation with the hormone likely is what precipitates the other changes.  The metabolized hormone seems to be more akin to what normal glands produce, though in much greater quantities.  Given the previous subject's growth, I'd speculate any exposure to the non-metabolized hormone is contagious, so any intake or mingling with body fluids should be avoided.  Whether the metabolized hormone has the same effects as its parent, I don't know.  Either way, I hate to use the term but it seems as astute as any, this hormone could be virulent and passed from host to host through fluid exchange, perhaps even olfactory."  The doctor flips off the recorder and drops it to the counter.  He looks at his new subject, rolling about in his shavings acting giddy and playful.  Then he stares at the furry heaving mass in the dog carrier quarantined at the other side of the lab.  The once minuscule rodent now needed another bigger cage.ElsewhereA gargantuan lizard lumbers down a thoroughfare, roaring as it charges through crowd's of minuscule screaming scattering people.  It clinches its jaw into a hiss and slows, a five story tall silver backed gorilla pounds his chest aggressively. The fifty foot lizard leaps into a bites upon the shoulder of the other beast, with its menacing bending rubber teeth.A blond man stands and shouts, "That's so fucking horrible!"Kernels fly at at the blond, as a stout dirty blond shouts at him, "Shut up. Brett, your ruining the," he raises his hands in quote marks, "story."Brett continues, "C'mon, his teeth might as well be dildos. Look a..."A man sideways lounging in an easy chair, wearing a unicorn shirt throws out an excited, "WoooO!" Hands limply swinging in the air.  The redhead and a butch brunet beside him on the couch laugh dirtily.Brett waves his hand, "C'mon, shut up." A few more kernels are flung his way. He covers his eyes. "No, seriously!  Look at them bend.  I've seen stiffer stuff hanging off the elderly."The brunet, lowering his beer, quips, "I'm sure you have."Brett drops his hands and chuckles, "Thanks John."  Raising a finger to point at the redhead, "but Grant's dad was a lot harder than those teeth when I fucked him."In the LabA young skinny fiery redhead with a black steaming cup of coffee in one hand and a stack of white papers in the other strides up to the rotund and shiny bald capped doctor.  The tall intern plants the cup of coffee next to the doctor, sits and then begins rummaging through the data sheets.  Before being able to focus on the papers, the doctor's mind had to acknowledge again how the two of them were nearly eye to eye, even though one was sitting.  His assistant wasn't that tall.  He himself just was that short.  The doctor raises the cup to his lips and peers on slight tip toe over the intern's shoulder.  Just after sipping, his face curls with disgust. He looks into the cup and sees white swirling in the black coffee. "This clinches it.  I can say definitively that I don't like cream."  The redhead slips a moment's smile.  "Sorry.  I don't remember adding any, Dr. Steven-Schletzer-Schmidt," the intern mumbles half his intent still focused on the pages.  The cup gets passed to him, as thick stubby fingers reach around his shoulder and spread out the sheets.  The doctor snorts a laugh and says, "Honestly Jean, my last name is a horrible hyphenated conglomerate mess.  Just use Bob."  Jean, the intern, watches the digits trace a few lines as he sips at the coffee.  "Sorry doctor Steven..," Jean verbally stumbles off then finishes with, "Bob."  He takes a quick deep swig.  Crinkling his nose, the intern adds under his breath, "not very good cream."The doctor shakes his head. "See here?  We're already seeing a increase of the hormone in its bloodstream."  Bob plants his plump palm on the intern's shoulder, but withdraws as his hand contacts something warm and wet.  Bob wipes the goo into his handkerchief and informs Jean, "You have some sample spattered on your side."Jean winces and pulls tissues from his pocket, starts sopping up the spatter.  "I was reading the data.  Didn't notice I got too close to the cages, I guess."  Bob laughs, "I think we succeeded in making the worlds greatest cure for impotency.  You frankly don't have to get too close to the cages to be too close anymore."  Losing the smile as he smears alcohol gel over his hands, he stares at the cages and marvels at the size of his rodents, looking more like dogs now.  As Jean cleans at his side, Bob tries to change subjects, "Where's Brett?  He should be helping document the side effects?"  Looking around at the sopping messes, "or at least have a mop."Jean shoves a sticky hanky into his pocket, rolling his lip in disgust and then reaching for some of the sterilizer, too.  "He was here until just after the subjects finished having the appropriate response to the.. stimulant.  The subjects were all relaxed in their first post state, and everything seemed fine, so I let him go early.  He seemed really eager after the tests.  Think he was impressed by the results, but then he said he had some preparations for his friends' movie night.  I don't think he saw the worst of it before he left.  Last thing he did was drop off the drug in the chest."    Bob shakes his head at the figures then absently notes, "I don't remember seeing any of the fertility drug in the chest."Back in the Living RoomAfter Grant's joking protestations to the father fucking quip taper, John says, wagging his head smiling, "I have to say conversations on movie night have gotten a bit more graphic since you two came out."Brett sucks in a breath to speak, but the man in the unicorn shirt voices up first, "What do you mean, 'you two?'  I never said I," his hands pursed daintily pointing upon his chest, "was gay."  His arm drapes out, struggling to jut in a straight path.  "I am as straight as an arrow."  "Michael," Grant shoulders bouncing in chuckles before he can finish, "straight as an arrow lodged in a man's ass."The room erupts.  Michael cheers, "You beat me to it!"John adds to the tail end of his laughter, "Honestly, I don't think you could have said that seriously since elementary. Who will forget your goodluck dolly at softball?"Yeaaaaah..." Michael smiles embarrassed, "That was pretty bad. Think that's why my parents had my brother nine months later. Hedging their bets, so they could have grandkids."  Brett smirks at John, as John tilts back and sucks the final drops from his beer. John plops the bottle on the table. "Hmmm. Second bottle, but somehow feels like I've only had one.." He turns a glare at Grant.Grant shakes his head. "Stop putting your beer next to mine, and I'll stop accidentally drinking it."Unnoticed, a concerned look creeps upon Brett's face."Accidentally? Riiight," John says with a disbelieving brow.Grant shrugs, "Well, stop putting it so conveniently near me. Plus, as slow as you drink, it's my duty to save it before it's room temp.""I think you keep finishing my beers, so that I'll get the next couple quicker." John laughs to a nodding wide smile Grant. He leans forward to get up. "Ach. The Irishman strikes again."Brett darts up to his feet before John. "I got it!'Brett swaggers for the next room, smiling, as Michael adds curiously, "He's really been on the ball getting your beers tonight, John?"John blushes a little through his tan skin, "May have finally let him get a peek of the goods."  Brett reaches to his breast pocket and pulls out a vial, as Michael crows an, "Oh my God!" from the other room  so loud to cause a moment's ear ringing.  Brett carefully tips a couple drops into one open beer and then eyeball's the one for Grant. Under his breath, Brett justifies, "Guess he already had some. Might as well see if I can make Michael's night, too." Four drops fall in. "That should catch him up."