Ayasha's Adventure - Chapter two - The Mirror (revised)

Story by Dazu10 on SoFurry

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I was walking through a maze with a backpack upon my back, I found my way to the middle of the maze and there was a little hill where i set up the telescope and began to gaze at the stars. I was smiling and humming. Suddenly there was a rustling within the bushes of the maze, it went from bush to bush, wriggling through at remarkable speed. Then suddenly, out hopped this little blue rabbit with white markings and long floppy ears, but this wasn't just any rabbit, he was a mixed breed for out from it's rear spouted not a fluffy bunny tail but a fox tail. It sniffed about my shoes and made these really cute noises in it's throat...something between a purr and whine. High and sweet. It began biting the lace of my shoe and pulled, as if trying to pull me away from the telescope so I stepped away. It began to run so I followed the little fluff ball deep into the maze. We were in the maze for a very long time, winding and turning all about until finally we reached a clearing, a large metal plate with beautiful carving lay on red tinted soil. The carving was of some strange creatures gazing into a mirror, their reflections were human.

I walked around it slowly as the rabbit creature bounded off and onto the plate, sniffing about it almost as if searching for something. Upon this plate there was a carving that looked an awful lot like the rabbit creature. The rabbit creature looked at me it almost looked like he was smiling, his little paw pushed down on the nose of the carving of himself and the entire thing shook. he hopped away quickly as a crack appeared splitting the mirror in half and slowly began to open. The plate moved until there was a large hole with a winding stone stairway with rails on either side leading down into the darkness. The rabbit creature nibbled again on my shoe and started to bound down the stairway, I followed curiously. Holding the rails as i went deeper and deeper into the darkness. I could hear the steady dripping of water dropping into a pool as finally the stairway ended. I could feel the land beneath me, flat and immense.

I heard the rabbit creature making those cute squeaky noises, beckoning for me to follow him into the darkness. I was nervous for my eyes had not adjusted but I slowly followed his little sound feeling my way along the slightly damp walls. suddenly i could hear the slosh of water as the rabbit creature continued bounding, it seemed as if there was water pooling in the cave. I stumbled on something and pushed out my other had to steady myself, suddenly feeling the other wall and as i kept walking the walls kept narrowing slowly until they were shoulder width apart. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to fit but then I saw a feint light almost purple in color. As I neared I saw something creating a reflection down the tunnel. It was surrounded by glowing purple objects and as I finally reached the small chamber I realized that they were mushrooms growing from the frame of a dulled mirror I could see myself and the rabbit reflected and tinted purple and I smiled.

It was beautiful. The mushrooms were growing on the wooden frame surrounding this mirror. I had never seen anything like it in my entire life. I used my sleeve to wipe some of the grime off of the mirror and looked at myself then down at the rabbit between my feet. _"Thank you for showing me such a beautiful place" _ I said to him and reached to pet between his ears. I thought I saw him smile as he made those cute noises yet again, he seemed very intelligent for a rabbit. Suddenly he began running around my feet then back a bit, rearing like a stallion he charged at the mirror and I closed my eyes in horror awaiting the thump of his little body to the glass but instead I heard a light bubbling sound. I re-opened my eyes and he was gone. I looked around the little cave and then back at the mirror astonished and confused. I looked at myself again and it looked as if it my reflection was moving. I thought of what to do, one hand on my hip and the other reaching to comb through my long curly brown hair. Then I reached forward and pressed a hand to the ripples and winced as it pushed into the sticky surface... immediately became surrounded by it... I could feel it caressing my breasts, my hips, my thighs - sucking me deeper until finally I could see nothing. I could feel the warm jelly surrounding me and then suddenly there was nothing.

Ayasha's Adventure - Chapter one - The Reservation

_ "Alright alright settle down everybody,"_ I said with a grin. This was my third time visiting my family on the reservation in Wisconsin and upon my arrival I was immediately surrounded by the children of the village. _"Ayasha!"_ They would scream...

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Character 1 (Ayasha)

Name: Ayasha Species: human Age: 19 (1991) Gender: Female Appearance: [http://www.sofurry.com/page/237753/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/237753/user) She is very quiet and soft spoken, curious, smart, tender hearted and caring. For the story...

Character 2 (Utaku)

Name: Utaku Species: Box (rabbit/fox) Age: unknown Gender: Male Appearance: [http://www.sofurry.com/page/237752/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/237752/user) Smart, strong, quick on his feet, determined, feirce and dominant, protective, talkative...