Fucking Power Bottems!

Story by Exulen on SoFurry

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Each pulse of the long horsecock felt like it was pounding at his wet tailhole. His purrs echoed out lewdly when it finally slipped into him and bumped past his spot. He grips the horse's shoulders as the horse grips the bed sheets.

"Finally hit my spot, keep going horsey. You're too small to worry about ripping me in two" The lion teased.

"Oh shut it you," The horse replied as he forced another fistful of his cock into the tan butt. It took several more thrusts to firmly lodge himself deep enough that his balls slapped against the base of the lion's tail. "Oh, now that's a tight kitty."

"I don't know, are you sure you're in?" the lion continued to purr and grind his hips against the horse.

"You just said I hit your spot!"

"Feh, that could very well be your finger."

"You bitch." The horse thrusted harshly into the big cat. "Shut up and mewl kitty."

"Start making me then." The lion griped his cock and started pumping it in time with the horse's thrusts. The horse shoved his big cock into the lion, he humped hard and fast into the tight hole, and the kitty just kept purring. "For the love of God, fuck me faster."

"Oh, now there's a good kitty." The horse complied and quickens his pace considerably.

"Oh, come on. I said faster! Fuck me harder!" The lion groaned in a mixture of pleasure and disappointment. "Harder! HARDER! My grandmother could fuck me faster than you!"

"I am fucking you harder! Shut the fuck up and enjoy it!"

"What are you? Some dollar store drink mixer, or do you have the horsepower of a jackhammer on steroids!?" The lion growled, his dick leaking pre like steam from a pressure cooker.

"I'm a fucking JACKHAMMER!" The horse yelled.

"Prove it small dick!" The lion taunted. He felt the horse's cock reach deep into him with each pounding thrust, and it practically made his prostate bounce with each pass. "Fuck me harder and faster! Show me what that little thing is made of!"

The horse groaned in frustration and intense pleasure. The lion was tighter than most people he had ever fucked, but boy did he have a mouth. "For the last time, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND MEWL!" As fast and hard as he pounded the lion's ass, he practically doubled his pace again. Hard enough that he forced the lion to mewl each time that his cock hit his sensitive glad. He finally came from the sensations of such a tight ass massaging his cock like it was, and he felt an abnormally large load shot itself into the depths of the lion.

"Well, you certainly know how to fill a teaspoon don't you?" the lion pouted.


"It's such a small cum-shot for a horse, probably the smallest I've had. I guess it'll do." The lion purred in pure bliss as he squeezed his own semen out of his cock. Both his and the horse's chest were quickly covered in the white goo as he had his biggest orgasm ever. "See? That's a decent amount to cum. It would have been more if you had been better of course."

"Ugh, fuck you." The horse fell onto the soft bed. "Fucking power bottoms."