Horsie Ride, Part 5 - Picture in Picture

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#5 of Horsie Ride

Kerry and her dad have some more fun.

The next day Kerry woke up when her father, in the usual routine, knocked on her door and called through. "Time to get up, Kerry!"

"Okay, dad!" Kerry called back after a few seconds of rousing herself into an upright position. She threw her covers back and climbed out of bed, yawning widely as she did so. Briefly she pondered wearing the same clothes as yesterday, but quickly decided against it. She pulled out the first appropriate garments that came to hand and pulled them on, then grabbed her schoolbag and workbook and went out to have breakfast with Dave.

There was an addition to the usual toast, bran cereal, milk and juice. When Kerry entered the dining area, Dave was waiting for her. "I've got a treat for you this morning," he said with a smile. He gestured for her to come around to his chair.

A little puzzled, Kerry did so, and saw that her father was not only nude from the waist down, but was also sporting an erection. She gazed at it for a few seconds, then glanced upward. "You want me to suck your cock?"

"Mmhmm. Time I gave you a proper taste of it," Dave said, waggling his member invitingly. "Come on. You know you want to."

The pup grinned widely. "Yup!" She bent down over his lap and licked around the pointed head, catching a spurt of precum upon her tongue. She savoured it a moment before sliding hir muzzle over the thick, pulsing shaft, slowly bobbing hir head up and down, eliciting soft moans from her father.

It wasn't long before Dave groaned and began to spurt his semen into her muzzle. Kerry didn't let a single drop out of her muzzle, letting her mouth fill with the hot fluid before she swallowed it. It left a strong metallic taste in her mouth, but that didn't stop her from drinking all that her father had to give her.

"Good girl," Dave said when she'd completely drained him. He pulled her close once she'd straightened up and gave her a kiss, sliding his tongue into her mouth, tasting the bitter flavour of his emission. "Eat your breakfast now, and I'll go make your lunch."

Kerry made short work of her food. When she'd finished eating, Dave handed her some sandwiches, a small container of crackers and a large bottle of cordial to put into hir schoolbag. After making sure that she had her completed homework as well, he sent her out the door with a kiss on the cheek. "Have a good day, hon," he said as the pup trotted down the front path.

"Thanks, dad!" Kerry called back over her shoulder.

* * * * *

After a day of maths, art, reading and writing she was eager to get home again to have some more fun with her father. Usually she'd walk home in a bored daydream, not having much to look forward to at home, but now she did. She skipped along, wondering what kind of fun they could have. Maybe he could put on another video, and they could watch it together while he did her from behind.

With these thoughts in mind she skipped around to the back of her house and opened the door. "Dad?" she called, going into the kitchen. "Are you home?"

A muffled reply came from the other end of the house. "I'm in my bedroom."

Kerry pulled a glass from a cupboard and had a drink of water, before she went down to the bedroom. She found her father at his computer again, doing some more accounts. "Hi, Dad!" she said, shrugging off her bag and dumping it onto the bed before going over to give Dave a hug.

Dave saved his work, then turned to embrace his daughter. "Hi, love. How was your day at school?"

"It was okay. I was the only one to get all my homework right," she stated proudly. "I got a gold star, too! One more, and I get a treat from the tuck shop."

"Very good! Nice to see that you're doing so well in school. Did you learn anything new?" Dave pulled Kerry into his lap, giving her a proper cuddle and kiss.

Kerry scrunched up her face into a comical expression as she thought. "I learned that Bobby still wets his pants," she offered, with a slightly malicious grin.

"Does he now? And how did you find out?"

"Kate popped a balloon behind him, and he weed himself, in front of everyone. He ran off crying." Kerry shrugged to show what she thought of that. "He's a bit of a wuss." The pup then bounced on her father's lap excitedly. "So, can we do more stuff today?"

Dave regarded his daughter with a serious expression. "Such as what? What do you want to do?"

"Well... can we watch some more videos? And I want you to fuck me again, from behind. That's how Anson first did it."

Once again Dave wondered how his daughter had become so perverted, such a sex lover. His dick started to get hard, straining against the fabric confines of his shorts. "Hmm. I think we can do that. What kind of video?"

Kerry thought for a moment before answering. "I wanna see lots of cum!" she exclaimed. "I love it."

"I've noticed," Dave replied with a chuckle. "Let's see what I can find." He minimised his accounting program and navigated to his porn folder again. After inputting the password he opened the folder named 'Cum'. "Lots of facial and creampie compilations in here."

"Creampie? What's that?"

"It's when a guy comes inside someone's hole, rather than pulling out and shooting. Like in that video with the Akita pup we watched yesterday," Dave explained. "And a facial is when the guy comes over someone's face."

"Oh! I get it," Kerry replied with a nod. "Cool!" She looked at the different thumbnails as Dave slowly scrolled through the folder's contents. "What about that one?" She pointed at a file named 'Little girls, lots of sperm!.avi'.

Dave double-clicked the file, and it opened up in a window that took up most of the screen. A young Irish Setter pup, perhaps barely half of Kerry's age, sat on the edge of a bed, looking cutely at the camera with her soft brown eyes. "Can I have your cum, daddy? Pwease?" she asked, as she rubbed at her little pussy.

"Ungh... of course, puppy," came the grunted answer. A thick red-purple cock came into view; it was being rapidly stroked by a slicked-up hand. "Open wide for daddy." When the pup opened her mouth, the cock and the camera moved closer, jiggling a bit as the position changed. "Here it comes! Aaaah, fuck!" The exclamation was followed by a sudden jet of spunk shooting from the pointed tip of the father's cock, directly over the pup's tongue. He moved closer, getting her tongue well-painted with his semen. "Swallow for daddy." The pup obeyed, then opened her mouth again, showing that the cum was gone. "Good girl." He gave her another mouthful, then moved down over her small body, coating her from chin to cunny in ribbons of white goo. He finished off by nudging the head of his dick between her tiny labia and shooting the remainder of his load into her immature pussy.

Dave hit the Space bar to pause the video, and glanced down at Kerry. "Is that what you wanted to see?" he asked.

"Uh-huh!" she replied, her eyes seeming to glisten with enthusiasm as she craned her neck up to look up at her father. "Is it all like that?"

"Mostly, yeah. There's a bit of fucking and sucking, but mostly it's just guys shooting their cum over little tykes like you." He shifted position a bit, trying to ease the discomfort in his crotch. His cock had fully woken up, and was trying to escape from his pants. It pressed firmly against his daughter's rump. "Anyway, before we go any further, I think you have some homework to do."

Kerry sighed and hopped down off Dave's lap, relieving most of the pressure on his shaft. "Okay, Dad. Could you help me, please? I need to collect some bugs to take to school. We're doing a project on them."

"Collecting bugs, huh? I haven't done that since I was in school. We mostly dropped them down girls' backs, though." Dave grinned as he remembered some of the fun he had had when he was her age. "Ah, well. Sure, I'll help." He pushed himself up off his chair, revealing the tent in his shorts. "Don't even think about it," he said when he saw Kerry looking eagerly at his crotch. "Not until later."

"Aww, no fair." Kerry pouted, though the effect was spoiled by a giggle. "After dinner?"

Dave nodded. "Sure. I'll pull the bed over a bit so we can see the screen better while we, uh, have fun." He made shooing motions toward the door. "Go and find an ice cream container, and I'll be with you in a minute." As Kerry left the room he went to the bed and dragged it, with some grunting and straining, closer to the computer. "That should do," he said to himself before he followed Kerry out.

The pup was waiting for him in the kitchen, a slightly battered ice cream container in her hands. "Will this be okay?"

"That's fine. I'll just put some air holes into it first," Dave said, taking the container and stabbing the lid with a skewer. "Do you need to collect a particular type of bug? Spiders, beetles, caterpillars...? Well, caterpillars aren't really bugs." He shrugged.

"Um...anything, I guess," Kerry replied. "Caterpillars would be nice; they turn into butterflies!"

Dave grinned and nodded. "Yes, they do." He put the skewer away in the utensil drawer. "Okay, let's go out and see if we can find some."

They went out into the backyard and, bathed by the warm afternoon sunshine, began to inspect each tree and bush for any signs of caterpillars. After a few minutes, Kerry found partially nibbled leaves on the small orange tree that grew in the centre of the yard. A more careful inspection along several branches turned up two caterpillars, bright green with yellow and white stripes, slowly walking in their peculiar gait along a narrow, crooked branch. "Over here!" she called.

"You found one, did you? Oh, you found two! Great!" Dave exclaimed, crouching down slightly to get a better look at the caterpillars. "I'll just break off these little branches, so they have something to climb over, and eat," he said, putting action to words. He took the container and opened it, and put the branches inside, arranging them neatly. He then carefully coaxed the caterpillars off their branch and into the container by prodding at them gently until they fell into it. "There we go," he murmured. "Is that all you needed?"

"Uh-huh! That's great!" Kerry replied enthusiastically. She took the container and put the lid on it.

"What kind of project are you doing?" Dave asked as they headed back into the house.

"We're studying insects and their life cycles."

Dave nodded, closing the back door behind them. "I found it interesting when I was your age, particularly with butterflies. I could never understand how a caterpillar could wrap itself up and turn into a butterfly a few weeks later. Now," he continued, changing the subject, "do you have any other homework that needs doing?"

The pup started shaking her head, but at her father's sceptical look she nodded instead. "Yeah, I do."

"Well, go do it then while I make a start on dinner. Then when you're finished, we can eat, or have some fun, depending on when dinner's finished cooking." Dave made shooing motions and turned to start pulling stuff out of the kitchen cupboards.

* * * * *

It was a bit past 4:30 PM by the time Dave had put the beef casserole in the oven. He closed the door with its usual bang and leaned against the counter, looking at the mess he'd made. "This is why I don't often cook complicated things," he murmured to himself, wondering whether to clean up now or after dinner. "Screw it. Clean-up can wait," he said, then went looking for his daughter.

He found her at her desk in her room, trying to do some more maths. He glanced over her shoulder, and saw that she'd made several mistakes in her multiplication. "You should work on your times-tables," he said, pointing at one of the errors. "Six times seven is forty-two, and you've carried a 3 instead of a 4."

Kerry frowned, then corrected her mistake, working out the new answer. "Is that better?" she asked, looking up at her dad.

"You have a calculator. Use it." Dave was firmly of the opinion that calculators should be used only to check answers, partly because pocket calculators weren't around when he was her age, and it took only a single incorrect key press to generate a wrong answer. Young people these days entrusted too much to hardware.

The pup did so, carefully pressing the keys with her slightly chubby fingers. "Yay, it's right, now!" she said. She went through the rest of her answers, correcting the working of those she'd messed up, whilst Dave watched.

About ten minutes passed before she was finished. "Okay, I'm finished! Can we play now, please?" Kerry asked, almost bouncing in her chair in eagerness.

"Yes, yes," Dave replied with a laugh. "Come on, then, you little sex hound."

They left Kerry's room and went into the master bedroom. Kerry started taking off her clothes, but on an impulse Dave stopped her. "No, hon. Let me do that." He smiled and crouched down in front of his pup, leaning in for a soft kiss before he took hold of the bottom of her shirt and began to pull it up slowly. She lifted up her arms so he could slide it up over them, which he did so, taking his time, liking how his young daughter's chest was gradually revealed to him. He dropped the shirt on the floor, and moved in closer to lightly flick his large, wet tongue over each of her tiny nipples, moving up her body until his tongue lapped at her mouth.

She responded with her own licking. He parted his lips and tilted his head, and moved in for a soft, loving kiss with her. Their tongues wiggled against each other as they kissed, whilst Dave's hands gently caressed Kerry's upper body.

A minute or so later Dave broke the kiss and resumed undressing his daughter. Next came her pleated knee-length skirt, which had a blue and red plaid pattern. It had only elastic holding it up, rather than buttons or a zip, which he found a little disappointing, but it was no less sexy as he gently wiggled it down over Kerry's hips until it fell down to her ankles, leaving her clad only in her red panties.

He lowered his head and sniffed lightly at her crotch. A wealth of aromas assaulted his nose, but the strongest scent was that of her arousal. He hesitated a few moments before he hooked his fingers under the top band of her panties and began to ease them down. Her tail wagged quickly, and she stepped out of her panties as he pulled them down. He smiled as he sat back, letting his gaze roam up and down Kerry's nude body. She might be young, and still quite small, but he could see that she would grow up to be an attractive young canine, with a pussy to match. "Bend over the bed, hon," Dave murmured, "and raise your tail."

Kerry did so, wagging her tail some more. She looked back over her shoulder to see what her father would do.

The elder Saint Bernard sat for a few moments looking upon his pup's holes. Her vulva looked slightly puffy, as if she was on heat. A short distance above, her puckered anus winked at him, soft and pink, as yet unsullied by sex. He smiled a little, wondering what it'd be like to sink himself into her virgin tailhole. Maybe he'd try that at a later time.

He moved forward and stroked his hands over Kerry's rump, slipping his claw tips through the brown and white fur. He lowered his head, sniffing lightly at her sex, then gave it a slow swipe with his big tongue, moving up over her rosebud, then down again. His tongue curled a little and he tried to work it into the soft 'Y' of his daughter's vulva.

Kerry's tail wagged a bit as her father treated her to some oral loving. She relaxed more onto the bed, pressing back against Dave's muzzle as his tongue wiggled up into her pussy. "Mmm, that feels good," she murmured.

Dave nodded slightly, wiggling his tongue deeper into Kerry's sex. He could feel how hot she was inside, and taste her muskiness. He moved his thumbs to either side of her vulva, and pulled her labia apart gently, exposing more of her inner sex. Softly, carefully, he caressed every part of her pussy with his big tongue, delighting in his exploration of his daughter.

The pup whimpered and moaned in pleasure. She could feel herself getting hotter and more needy as her father's tongue aroused her. Dave's tongue withdrew, leaving her feeling empty, but moments later she felt his gentle fingers slipping into her, seeking out her clit and rubbing it. She tensed up and shivered at the sensations, pushing back against her father's fingers.

Pleased with his pup's reactions, Dave rubbed Kerry's clit gently at first, then more vigorously as she responded with yips and growls of growing pleasure. She humped back at him, driving his fingers deeper into her small, slippery quim. Eventually she shuddered violently and let out a loud whine as she came, her pussy clenching tightly and relaxing around her father's fingers.

Dave pulled them out, and replaced them with his tongue, licking in as deep as he could to taste her climactic nectar, what little there was. His tongue was massaged by her rhythmic clenches, almost painfully, but he kept her going until her orgasm began to ebb.

She sagged onto the bed, almost sliding off it, uttering quiet whimpers and shivering. Dave picked her up gently and placed her on the bed, rolling her over onto her back to gaze into her face. She had an expression of bliss, and her tongue was lolling out. Dave smiled and sat down beside her, softly stroking his still damp fingers over her chest fur, circling each of her tiny nipples.

Kerry turned her head slightly to look up at her father. "Thank you," she murmured. "I feel all tingly now."

"I'd bet you do," Dave replied with a chuckle. He stretched out beside Kerry and cuddled her to him, wagging his tail. He licked over her face, and pressed his lips to hers in a soft, loving kiss. She responded in kind, parting her lips and letting his tongue in to play with hers. They kissed for a while, deeply exploring each other's mouth.

Dave had been aroused before, but now his cock was really fighting to get free of his shorts. He was positioned in such a way that his shorts had been twisted slightly, restricting room even further. "Do you feel up to some more loving?" he asked, trying to adjust himself.

"Mmm, I think so," Kerry murmured, stretching herself out and cuddling her father. She felt the bulge of his member pressing against her belly, throbbing gently. "Maybe after dinner, though. I think I'm a bit shaky right now."

"Heh. All right. Let's just cuddle for a while until dinner's done, then." Dave moved to lie in a better position, and pulled Kerry against him, spooning up behind her, so that the bulge of his cock was pressing against her rump. He rubbed a hand over his daughter's chest, twirling patterns in her fur with his claws. He heaved a sigh, happy at being so close to his daughter, and the increasing depth in their relationship.

She wiggled against him, pulling his arm closer around her as if pulling a blanket over herself. "I love you, Dad," she said.

Dave hesitated a moment before replying. "I love you too, Kerry. Perhaps in a different way to what I should, but still...." He nuzzled his nose into her head fur.

They lay together for a while, Dave holding Kerry lovingly, until aromas from the kitchen roused them. "Smells as if dinner's ready," he said, yawning and pushing himself upright.

Kerry's belly let loose a loud rumble, as if in anticipation of being filled. She giggled and rolled off the bed, wobbling a little before her legs steadied. "Yeah! Let's eat!"

* * * * *

"How was it?" Dave asked once they'd finished eating. He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his slightly rounder belly until a loud belch erupted from his mouth. "'Scuse me."

"Yummy!" Kerry belched as well, almost as loudly as her father. She giggled at her lack of manners. "Can you make it more often?"

"Yeah, probably. Meat's expensive, though, even when it's low-quality stewing beef." Dave shrugged and got up from the table. He picked up their dirty plates and cutlery, and took them to the sink to rinse them.

Kerry put on a pouting expression. "Phooey!"

Dave finished rinsing, and tried to shuffle what was already on the counter around to accommodate the new plates. "You can help me with clean-up before we do anything else," he said, turning to look pointedly at Kerry.

"Aww, okay." Kerry sighed and fetched a dish towel from the linen cupboard.

The dishes were washed, dried and put away relatively quickly, though Dave had to wait several times for Kerry to clear the backlog of items needing drying. Eventually, though, everything was put away, and the counter was clear. Dave glanced outside, and saw that it was starting to get dark. "Well, I think we're done here. Shall we watch a movie or something, or do you want to have some more fun before bed?"

Kerry thought for a moment before she replied. "Can we do both? I wanna watch that cum video!"

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that," Dave murmured. "All right. I'll put that on, then we can get it on. Never mind," he added when he saw Kerry's confused look. "I'll explain what that means later."

He led the way down to the bedroom, and went to the computer to wake it up whilst Kerry climbed up onto the bed, her tail wagging in anticipation. "I'll queue up some of my favourite videos," he said, browsing through his collection and adding some to the current playlist. He turned the volume up slightly, then moved over to the windows to shut the curtains, plunging the already dim room into darkness, which was soon dispelled when he switched the light on.

"Okay, I think we're ready," Dave said. He went to the computer again and hit the 'play' button, made the display full-screen, then joined Kerry on the bed. She moved over for him, getting on all fours and wagging her tail. He rubbed lightly behind her large, floppy ears, and glanced over to the screen. The video that had been playing previously had been resumed, and now showed a close-up of a young ginger kitten; her eyes were glistening, her mouth was open and her tongue was wiggling in anticipation of the load that was about to swamp it. Moments later the tip of a thick feline cock moved into view, barbs extended. A disembodied voice grunted, "Uhhh, here it comes! Aaaah, fuck yeah!" A stream of white jizz then shot out, landing wetly upon the kitten's tongue. More followed, and the tongue was quickly covered in a puddle of semen. The kitten took the opportunity of a brief pause in the ejaculation to swallow the gooey fluid, opening her mouth just in time to receive another spurt.

Kerry was watching as well, but her attention was divided between the screen and her father's bits. She had a hand on his sheath, and she was squeezing and rubbing it with her chubby fingers to coax his maleness out. When about two inches of it was showing she moved around to lower her head to it, lapping softly over the pointed head for a few seconds before sheathing it in her mouth. It grew quickly after that, getting thicker and longer as it slid over her tongue toward her throat. She twitched her ears at the light touch of Dave's fingers behind them, and she mrred quietly in pleasure as she began to bob her head, laving her father's shaft with her wide tongue.

After a couple minutes Dave felt his body readying itself for climax, and he reluctantly pulled his cock from Kerry's muzzle. "Easy, pup. Don't want to come just yet." He smiled and looked into her face when she lifted her head. "Let it rest for a bit, then I'll put it in you." He leaned forward and put his arms around the pup in a loving hug, his cock twitching between his thighs.

A loud groan from the computer drew their attention, and they looked around just in time to see the gaping tailhole of a Labrador pup being liberally coated inside and out with thin, watery semen. It dribbled out, down over the pup's immature vulva, but it was rapidly replaced with more. The red-purple tip of the male's cock nudged into the flexing anus, pushing in an inch or so to pump his seed deeper.

"That's so hot," Dave murmured, scritching behind Kerry's ears. He pulled her around so that her back was pressed against his chest, with his hands lightly stroking over her lower belly. "What do you think?"

"It's pretty neat," Kerry replied, snuggling up against her father, feeling his cock pushing into her back fur. The next few videos showed several facials and creampies, both anal and vaginal. Eventually the video ended, and the next one started. Rather than a compilation, this one seemed to be a proper scene. It opened on a double bed, which was covered with a flowery duvet. On the bed, sprawled on her front with her tail raised, was what looked like a Great Dane, but she had a slightly pudgier body. Her lithe, narrow tail swished back and forth slowly above the fleshy pucker of her tailhole. She looked over her shoulder at the camera, smiling shyly, showing her slightly shorter and wider muzzle.

Kerry frowned, her eye ridges knitting together in thought. "I think I know her," she said, shifting position slightly. A few moments later, when the pup got onto all fours and turned to face the camera, she was certain. "That's Nova!" she exclaimed, pointing at the screen. "She's in my class."

"How can you tell it's her?" Dave asked curiously.

"She has a scar on her right cheek, just under her eye. She's the oldest in my class." Kerry watched with increased fascination as her classmate showed herself off, posing in various positions in response to directions given from off-screen. "This is really weird."

"I could imagine." Dave idly scritched through his daughter's belly fur, sneaking his fingers lower until the tips brushed over her vulva, making her wiggle a little.

On the screen, Nova was on all fours again, facing away from the camera. A large male moved into the picture, squirting some lube onto his fingers. He placed the lube bottle to one side, then leaned closer to Nova to brush his slicked-up fingers over her tailhole. The video then went into a 'picture-in-picture' mode, showing in the lower left corner a view of the pup's face as she was anally penetrated. She was grimacing, and whimpering as her father pushed two fingers into her, twisting them around and pumping them in and out. She yelped when he pushed a third finger into her tailhole, and tears leaked out down her cheeks.

When she was loosened up to his liking, her father pulled her back closer to the edge of the bed, and pressed his cock to her stretched anus. He gripped her hips and pulled her back onto him, sheathing his thick cock, a weird mix of red, purple and grey striated with dark blue veins, in her rump. Nova cried out as she was suddenly stuffed, jerking away a bit and stiffening up involuntarily.

"You know, as much as I love watching her getting butt-fucked," Dave said quietly, "I feel rather sorry for her." His fingers were lightly probing Kerry's sex, feeling inside to find her clit and rubbing it. "I used to jack off to it a lot, and try to time my climax to his, but watching it now... I'm not sure. Now that I've experienced some truly wonderful, loving sex with a pup, it seems wrong to see others suffering pain and discomfort for my pleasure. What do you think?"

Kerry wiggled and moaned softly as her father's fingertips rubbed inside her soft pussy. "Mm? I dunno. She's always mean to everyone, so maybe she deserves it."

Dave frowned down at the top of Kerry's head. "Even if they're the worst person on the planet, it's not very nice to wish that something bad would happen to them." He lifted his head again to see Nova's father really giving it to his daughter, pounding his cock hard and fast into her probably sore tailhole. The male Great Dane was panting hard with the exertion, and he stopped now and then to get a better grip on Nova. The inset showed the resigned, pained expression on the pup's face as she was anally fucked.

He glanced down at his daughter again, trying to imagine her being abused in such a fashion. She had been, in a way -- by Anson -- but, unlike what he was seeing now, her rapist had taken care of her, trying to see to her comfort and pleasure, and not just focused on getting his rocks off. Also, Kerry had yet to have her anal virginity taken.

His cock was still painfully hard against Kerry's back, constantly spitting precum into her fur, making her back a rather damp mess, as they watched the video to its conclusion. Nova cried out when her father rammed his swelling knot into her, holding her against his crotch as it grew to its full size inside her rectum. The camera showed her tautly-stretched anus clutching at the base of her father's cock as she tried vainly to push it out of her rump.

"Would you want to do that to me?" Kerry asked in a soft voice. "Fuck my butt?"

Dave hesitated briefly before he answered. "Some day, yes. As much as I like your pussy, I would like to try out your bottom, but not until you've had some training. A cock as big as mine would probably rip you open, and we don't want that. I don't think you'd be able to handle my knot either."

"But she can take a knot," Kerry pointed out, gesturing at the screen.

"Yeah, but he's probably fucked her enough that her hole's stretched out for it." Dave continued fingering Kerry, just enough to keep her cunt in motion.

Several minutes later the video was over. Nova's father had pulled out of his daughter's rump and pulled it around to show it to the camera. Her anus was gaping, and a dark red colour around the inner edges. Blood-tinged semen drooled and spurted out as she flexed her ruined tailhole, to the backdrop of her quiet whimpering. A few seconds later the scene faded to black, then it was abruptly replaced by the start of another video.

Dave released his hold on Kerry and got up to pause the video. He came back to the bed and sat down on the edge of it, looking thoughtful. His cock was still hard and throbbing, spitting precum in small spurts. He lay back on the bed, head resting on his pillow, and motioned for Kerry to cuddle up to him. Sighing, he wrapped his arms around her and snuggled her tightly, nuzzling his nose into her slightly curled head fur. "I love you, Kerry," he murmured. "I just... want you to know that I'll never use you, never hurt you. It'll always be your decision if you want to have sex."

Kerry was a bit confused by her father's show of emotion. It wasn't often that he was like this, and she wasn't sure how to respond. "Thanks," she answered eventually, nuzzling her nose into Dave's chest fur, smelling his familiar masculine scent. "I love you too, Dad." She raised her head and turned it to look into his dark brown eyes. "I feel... I dunno. I know it's really wrong for us to fuck, but... I like doing it. It feels good when I have a cock in me, and I love feeling the cum shooting into me." She fell silent for a short time, cuddling up to her father, who stroked his hands gently down her back.

Some time later she raised her head and looked down at her father's crotch. His cock was still erect and throbbing, though it had reduced in size a bit. Without saying anything she shifted herself around so that she could take the pulsing shaft into her muzzle.

Dave relaxed and moaned softly, closing his eyes and letting his mind focus on the sensations his daughter was producing in his nether regions. His cock was quickly revived, and it pulsed strongly within Kerry's warm, wet mouth. Her tongue swirled around his shaft, wiggling against the upper surface. Now and then she swallowed, downing the precum that had built up in her mouth.

Just when it seemed that he would explode in orgasmic bliss, Kerry slipped her mouth off his cock and sat up, leaving his cock to bob and pulse in denied release. The pup didn't leave him hanging, though. She straddled his larger body, spreading her legs wide to do so, and shuffled up a bit to press her lips to Dave's, sharing with him his own taste. As the unique flavour of his precum soaked into his taste buds, he thought back to that morning, the first time that he could remember tasting himself. He decided as he slipped his large tongue into Kerry's mouth, swirling it around, sliding it over her teeth, that he didn't taste too bad.

He wrapped his arms around Kerry and held her as they kissed deeply. Her smaller body felt wonderful against his, and he once again yearned to sink his maleness into her, to make love to her until they climaxed together in incestuous bliss.

Kerry had the same idea. She broke the kiss and shuffled herself down his body until she felt the pointed head of his dick prodding beneath her tail. She reached around behind herself awkwardly and grasped his slimy member, attempting to guide it to her sex. It took a few tries, but she eventually managed to get the tip into her. She wiggled her rump, and sank herself down onto the pulsing cock until she felt the tip pressing against her cervix. Her tongue lolling out, she looked up at her father. He smiled at her, and reached down to stroke his fingers gently over her muzzle and cheeks. "You look beautiful, hon," he murmured softly.

The pup didn't reply. Instead she smiled back and began to rock back and forth, gently fucking herself upon the throbbing shaft nestled within her tight, silky tunnel, wagging her tail up and down. She put her hands upon Dave's chest and curled her fingers through his long fur, taking a gentle hold to steady herself.

Dave sighed pleasantly, bucking his hips up just a little, eliciting little yips when he prodded against her cervix. Her pussy was stretched nicely around his cock, clenching with every movement. Momentarily he regretted not being able to totally fill her, but then he wouldn't risk hurting her with his knot if he did. Maybe she could accommodate him more fully in her other hole, he mused. The thought seemed to make his cock firmer, and him a little hornier. He resisted the urge to wrap his arms around his daughter and pump his dick into her until he came, instead stroking his fingers over her head and face, sometimes slipping them into her mouth for her to suck.

Kerry pushed herself up a bit more, and used her bent legs to bounce herself up and down more vigorously. The change in position let Dave get a good view of his shaft stretching her cunt into a tight 'O'. He grinned, lolling his own tongue out, and put his right hand down to encircle the base of his shaft, squeezing the slight bulge of his growing knot rhythmically, which sent little jolts of pleasure through his groin.

The pup's pussy was getting a bit sloppy now, with the amount of precum that Dave had spurted into her, but the sticky noises, and the precum leaking down his shaft and over his hand, coming from their union were a big turn on for him, and he soon found himself with a swollen knot and an imminent orgasm.

Kerry was close to climax as well. Her yips of pleasure were interspersed with hard panting, and her cunny was going into spasms around her father's dick, milking him hard. Finally she began to shiver, and her pussy became like a vise, squeezing the cock buried in her almost painfully as she climaxed. She fell forward a bit, supporting herself with her hands on her father's belly, riding through her orgasm.

That was all Dave could take. He squeezed his knot tightly, and with a loud groan of long-awaited relief he let himself go. Hot cum throbbed up his shaft and squirted deep into Kerry's spasming muff, mingling with her own juices. Seconds later his seed began to leak out around the tight seal of his cock as what little room that was left inside her was filled, dribbling down over his hand.

Dave let go of his knot, and pulled Kerry down against him, hugging her tightly as his semen continued to pump ceaselessly into her. His hands stroked over her lower back, kneading the fingertips into her lumbar muscles. Her head rested upon his chest, cheek pressed to his breast to listen to his rapid heartbeat.

Several minutes passed. Their breathing steadied, their heartbeats slowed, and their orgasmic spasms ebbed away to leave behind a warm glow of completion. Dave's cock stayed within his pup's tunnel, keeping his cum warm inside her, until it began to soften and shrink.

"I think," Dave began slowly as he scritched his fingertips through Kerry's fur, "that that was one of the most enjoyable sexual experiences I've ever had."

Kerry lifted her head and smiled. "Same here," she said, wiggling her butt. She pulled herself up, releasing Dave's cock from her well-seeded pussy, and shuffled up to lick at her father's lips. "I really liked it, especially when you shot your cum in me."

"Heh, so did I. We've made a bit of a mess, though." He slipped a hand around her rump and fingered her sex. "Especially in here," he added. "You'll have to clean yourself up there before you get into bed."

"Can we have a shower together?"

That seemed like a good idea. "Sure," Dave replied. He reached for a pillow and with some effort pulled the pillowcase off it. "Hold this between your legs to stop the cum dripping out over the floor."

"Okay." Kerry carefully pushed herself upright, took the pillowcase and pressed it to her crotch before she awkwardly climbed off Dave and onto the floor. She wobbled slightly until her weakened legs took the strain, then she took herself off to the bathroom.

Dave lay for a minute or so before he got up as well. He inspected the duvet, and saw definite signs of their unorthodox lovemaking. "That'll need washing," he murmured to himself, "but it can wait for the moment."

He joined Kerry in the bathroom, and soon they were in the shower, being drenched with the warm, nearly hot spray of water from the showerhead. When they were thoroughly wet, he detached the showerhead and directed it between Kerry's legs. She held her pussy open as best she could, giggling as the water sprayed up into her passage. "It feels funny!" she exclaimed.

Finally they were both clean, inside and out -- as much as Dave could get, anyway. Kerry was starting to yawn as he rubbed her down with a big, fluffy towel. "I guess all that sex tired you out, hmm?"

"Maybe." Kerry smiled and spread her legs wide so her father could pat her pussy dry. "Can I read for a bit first?"

"Sure. I'll come in at 8:30 to turn the light off." He finished drying Kerry and stood up. "There you go. All fluffy and dry."

Kerry hugged him. "Thanks, Dad." She ran off to her bedroom, and Dave took the towels they'd used, as well as the pillowcase, to the laundry, stopping in the bedroom to take the cum-stained duvet. He slipped the duvet's outer cover off its Dacron inner and put it into the washing machine with the towels. He added some detergent then started the machine, before heading back to his bedroom.

The screensaver had come on again. Dave cancelled it, revealing the video that had just started to play when he'd paused it. He looked at it for a few seconds before he closed the media player and cleared his recent file history. Sitting down in his chair, he stared at the screen for a while, replaying in his mind what had just happened. Despite the overwhelming love for his daughter, and the joy he felt when he coupled with her, he still had an underlying sense of guilt, and a deeper fear of being found out. He was sure that Kerry wouldn't tell anyone, but a wrong word somewhere could spell disaster.

He shook his head, and opened his accounting program again to focus his mind on something more mundane. Now and then he glanced at the clock, and when it was close to 8:30 he got up and went into Kerry's bedroom. He stood in the doorway and smiled slightly. She'd fallen asleep already; she'd curled up on her side, and her book was on the verge of falling off the edge of the bed. He crept in quietly and put the book on her desk, then moved out again, turning the light off and closing the door as he went.

As Dave resumed going through his invoices and receipts from the past month -- there were a lot of them -- he couldn't help but wonder what the near future would bring. There was no doubt that he was enjoying his daughter's company more than he used to -- the sex was a huge part of that, but she seemed to be more mature, even if that maturity had been somewhat forced upon her. The perverted part of his mind saw her as a way to relieve his sexual tension, which had been increasing over the past few months since his wife had been promoted. She now spent a lot of time away from home, shuttling between one city and the next. It wasn't uncommon for her to be away for over a week, then home for only a weekend. Even when she was home, she seemed to have much less of the libido she'd had previously, so more often than not he had to take care of his needs himself.

He shook his head and resumed his data entry, after realising that he'd stopped for several minutes to ruminate.

A bit after ten o'clock he saved his work and shut down the computer, getting out of his chair to go to bed. "Oh... I forgot to replace the duvet," he muttered to himself. He hauled two smaller blankets out of the linen cupboard and laid them over his side of the bed, then turned the light off and slipped in between the sheets.

Dave lay in the darkness for a while, hands clasped behind his head as his mind once again ran over the day's events. That was always a problem for him -- he could never get to sleep without his mind having a last jog around.

Eventually he fell asleep, on his front with one arm hanging over the edge of the bed. For another night, the house was silent.