Failed Faith Follies

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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Failed Faith Follies

A wolf-bear and a vixen in armored bondage harnesses that include boots, pants and a trench coat, pick their way through the remains of the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in what was center city Philadelphia. Standing at over nine feet tall, the male, who is black furred with orange tiger stripes, green eyes and purple Mohawk, nearly towers over his female companion, her fur is two shades of pink with dirty blonde hair that has streaks of pink running through it and blue eyes, who is just over half way between five and six feet tall. Both are mutants in their own way with the female being the most mutated of the pair in that she was once human and he never was.

The cathedral was magnificent once, but the stained glass windows are broken; almost completely shattered in some frames with the light of day streaming down to the pews from these apertures in both solid white light and colors of the glass where it remains to come streaming through. Beyond the humanimals, there is nobody here, at least no one living as the sounds of a pipe organ begin to play. Kodyax, the male, and Aurora look at one another before drawing weapons, an assault rifle for her and a sword that looks like a machete with ambitions of becoming a katana for him, and make their way to the choir loft of the cathedral whence the sounds of the organ are coming from.

What they find is a steel bodied android in the robes of a cardinal, a high ranking priest of the Catholic faith, playing the organ as zombified children dressed as altar servers start to sing. Maybe sing is the wrong term as most of them don't really have the equipment left to really make proper words but the priest doesn't seem to mind as he bobs his head from side to side as if listening to choirs of angels praise heaven with their voices. He doesn't even notice that there are others in the cathedral other than himself and his charges until Aurora destroys a member of the zombie choir with her rifle and then he stops his playing of the organ and turns around to glare at them.

"WHO DARES!?" The android asks at full volume with maximum menace in his tone of voice. "Who dares interrupt my choir practice?"

"You call a group of zombie children a choir?" KMZ asks of the priest. "I am Kodyax Magellan Zavaj, the vixen is my mate, Aurora, who are you?"

"Call me," the android says haltering, "Cardinal Apocalypse, and you furry freaks are trespassing."

"What comic book did you steal that name from?" Aurora asks mockingly. "You dressed dead children in altar boy uniforms and use their barely animate forms to perform something like a living choir? I think you lost a few pieces of your mind when it was uploaded into that body of yours."

"Blasphemy!" Cardinal Apocalypse thunders.

"Mother Earth; Father Sky, grant me strength," KMZ breathes as he shakes his head ruefully.

"Unbeliever!" Cardinal Apocalypse screams. "Destroy the godless heathens! Their brains are your breakfast!"

"BRAINS!" The zombie kids moan as one and go attack the pair en masse.

"Switch to a hand weapon, Rory," Kody orders, "We don't have that many bullets left to waste."

"Yes, Kody," Aurora says as switches to an aluminum baseball bat.

There were twenty children to start with and after their confrontation the 19 kids are of no challenge to either one of them. Aurora bashes nine of the monsters with one or two of them having their heads batted to the cathedral floor below. Kodyax slices the remaining ten at which point the Cardinal knows he's beaten as the humanimals took out his choir more quickly that he thought they might.

Cardinal presses a button on his own arm and disappears in such a way that it is obvious to both of the canines that some form of teleportation technology was used. Below them a field trip of Muslims walks in heavily armed as it looks as if they are on some kind of scavenger hunt. Two adults and ten children of varying ages, but all human, pick through the pews as if looking for anything of value.

Both mutants take out assault rifles and add scopes to them as they set up crossfire sniper positions to take out the humans. They wait until one of the adults is in the pulpit and the other is sitting on a grand chair that they start shooting. At first the pair target the children for the sheer challenge of killing the kids as they are smaller and more difficult to hit, but the one on the chair pulls something that looks like a remote control from his robe which suggests at least one of the kids is sterile and thus rigged to play suicide bomber if need be so he is killed before he can activate his device by Kodyax as Aurora scores a headshot on a ten year old boy.

The other man is looking up the ceiling to find where the shots are coming from as he has some cover in the pulpit. While he is the pulpit the man is ignored by the pair as they finish off the rest of the children, but when he makes a break for the remote, Kodyax blows his mind with a single shot to the head. Half a dozen men in Arab garb with AK-47s and a double dozen children with the same type of assault rifle rush in when the last man falls and start shooting randomly.

Kodyax glares at the humans and shakes his before he and Aurora rises as one and go full auto on their weapons shooting down and raining death on the human gang of would be looters. The humanimals drop to cover only to reload their weapons and manage to kill off all thirty of them with only minor wounds to themselves. Kody uses his own psychic healing abilities to mend Aurora's wounds as well as his own.

Aurora and Kodyax loot the bodies of their victims and find explosives as well as ammunition for their rifles among the prizes of the dead. The imam on the throne was indeed holding a detonator which the canines confiscate for their own use. After the battle they make sure this was all the Muslims and with all of them dead, they make a call for pick-up, they would have gladly eaten them if they killed either one of them, now the bodies of the humans will feed the humanimals.

To make sure other scavengers don't make off with their finds, the pair wait for the meat wagon to come. Her past life as a sex slave comes back to haunt Aurora a little as she rubs Kody's groin as they wait for the Samson de Butcher to arrive and take the corpses away. Kody remains vigilant for any gangs of rats that scour the city for artifacts and folk to sell, living or dead, as he lets Aurora undo his fly.

While Aurora satisfies her carnal cravings Kodyax spies a small gang of a dozen rat scavengers that gather in the remains of Logan Square and look over at the Cathedral. One of them makes a rude gesture at the canines before a mole shark digs itself out of the ground behind him for a snack. Kodyax laughs as Aurora mounts him and the rats fight the creature they call a mole shark which seems to be some weird hybrid of naked mole rat and great white shark but may have some earthworm DNA thrown in for good measure as it was learned they swim through solid earth somehow.

Just after Aurora gets Kodyax to climax within her, Sam's van arrives and the boar gets out and raises an eye ridge at the pair of predators until he notes that Aurora has removed her panties and does the sex math in his head real quick. Kodyax helps Samson load the bodies into the back and gets a claim check for his share of the meat. Aurora keeps a look out for mounds of dirt or depressions forming in places where the sidewalk isn't so as to warn the males of a possible mole shark attack.

On the way back to the recreational vehicle the pair use as their mobile headquarters the pair come across a flock of egg shaped white furred creatures that look like some weird lab experiment combining the face, ears, tails, legs and feet of rabbits with the wool and general size of sheep grazing on the grass at Logan Square and other places overgrown with weeds and debris in the area. For various reasons, natives of this Twisted Earth call the creatures chow-downs and they are a food source for everyone that can find them and if you know what you're doing, they are stupidly easy to kill. Aurora gets out a sack as Kodyax stealthily draws his sword so they can get some other kinds of meat to sustain them for awhile.

Kody quickly severs ten heads in rapid succession as the other twenty chow-downs run for their lives as Aurora picks up the corpses to barbecue later. The Vagabond Avenger, is parked in the lot behind the Library Vault where books are kept preserved for future generations by an organization calling themselves the Librarians. An alligator guard eyes the pair suspiciously, especially with Aurora holding a bag that is starting to drip, however the promise that some of the meat will be shared gets them into the building and then up to the top floor via the elevator where the cafeteria awaits.

An opossum, a skunk and a turtle all sit around a table discussing technology when the wolf-bear and the vixen move past them into the kitchen. A flying saucer flies by casually as the three drinks their coffee and the turtle turns on the television. A ferret anchor newscaster on the Global News Network reports on a battle in the North East between fundamentalist Christians and Muslims.

"Wink Wankerman, with your early east coast evening news," The ferret announces cheekily, "Fundie Mills tonight is the scene for a bloody battle between human extremists. Currently the place is a Christian stronghold but not if the Muslims have their way. Jihad Joe suicide bombers have breach the main compound at several points that were expanded upon by Hand of Fate helicopter gunships...."

"Jihad Joe is semi local isn't it?" the possum asks of no one in particular, "At least local in that they formed here on the eastern sea board."

"That's the rumor," the turtle replies, "The Christian group calls itself the Knights of Golgotha or something similar."

"How much of a blindside is this?" Kody asks of Aurora as they clean and cut up the corpses.

"They've been fighting over that mall for years," Aurora states disdainfully. "Jihad Joe had a base not too far from where you converted me. But Torquemada sent a party of glory boys to cleanse the place. Only a handful came back but the rest were sacrificed to destroy the place. But the two groups have been at each other's throats for quite some time."

"Mother Earth and Father Sky!" Kodyax exclaims. "All of this over what is the true name of a failed and probably false god."

"I'm not even going to apologize for either of you," Aurora says with a smirk. "We going to do anything about it?"

:"Nah," Kodyax says. "Maybe watch, but other than that I say let them kill each other off."

"I wouldn't mind watching from the bed room," Aurora says with a smirk.

"You mean in the RV don't you?" Kodyax says Aurora just nods. "Let's get the chow-downs prepped for cooking, leave some for the guards as payment and we'll get on our way."

Aurora giggles as Kodyax gives her rump a squeeze before fondling her breasts. She moans at the fondling which draw the attention of the trio who smirk as they leave with their share of the kill and into the elevator down. When the pair get to the Vagabond Avenger it looks like someone has been trying to access it or at least chop it up for spare parts.

"Told you there was a better way to take this puppy for a joy ride," A hyena femme tells her fellow gang bangers as they jump out to try and ambush the wolf-bear armed with pistols. "And don't go for your toys, wolfie."

"I would go for easier prey if I were you, Amanda," Kodyax says with a smirk. "You wouldn't want to get burned would you?" And with that a gout of flame erupts from his hand to engulf a gang member and char him instantly.

"Shit! It's KMZ!" Amanda exclaims. "Scatter!"

"Nice trick," Aurora says mockingly. "And you stock firearms because?"

"Rory," Kodyax growls and pushes her in a little too hard but she reacts better than he expected. "I try to use that power sparingly." Then his words resound in her mind. <I'd rather use other powers like my telepathy abilities or psychic healing.>

<Right, and are you a mind reader too?> Aurora sends back mockingly in telepathy and then realizes she has the ability. <Wait a minute I got some powers with all this fuzz? Cool! I wonder what else I can do?>

<We can visit Nazareth later,> Kody promises and then mentally exclaims as she pulls his pants down, <Hey! Can I at least get in the driver's seat before you start this?>

<Sorry!> Rory mock apologizes as she lets him get situated before licking and suckling at his scrotum. <Do we have a time limit?>

<Not really, but we want to get back to watch the fundies kill each other, right?> Kodyax asks of his mate.

<Yeah, I suppose we do,> Aurora says in a half-hearted mental voice. "I just want to try out the bed you have in here.>

<We'll test it out soon enough,> Kodyax returns and pets her head as he concentrates on driving.

"Smooth move, Mandy" a male hyena says mockingly as the watch the VA drive away.

"Pike it, Petey!" Mandy snarls as she watches an old lover of hers drive off. "He must have been prospecting around here. I'd say follow him but he's headed out for the high roads. Unless of course you want to take the chance of running into a walker or a saucer."

"Nothing doing!" Pete shouts back.

"Momma!" A young wolf-hyena hybrid calls. "You looked you had that vehicle."

"Beowulf my son," Amanda says sweetly. "You will find that some guys are more trouble than they're worth to take on. You father is one of them."

"The wolf-bear was my dad?" Beowulf asks.

"Yeah, one day we have to arrange a meeting," Amanda promises and holds her child close to her.

The Vagabond Avenger makes good time coming up what was once an interstate up towards Fundie Mills as a flying sauce passes by them to the compound. Hand of Fate helicopter gunships slightly more advanced than the Apache helicopters used by the now defunct United States Army fire on the sauce as if their weapons could be more effective than methods tried over a hundred years ago and couldn't even scratch the paint job. Beams of light lance out from the U.F.O. and disintegrate the Hands of Fate.

Kodyax and Aurora keep a healthy distance away as ahead of them a white van bearing the blue globe and eyeball emblem of the GNN on the side as they pull up alongside. Aurora makes her way to the bed but Kody is more interested in seeing what the saucer is up to. There is nothing he can do to bring the saucer down and wouldn't even if he could but he is interested in seeing what it's doing here.

Exactly what it is doing here is a question that is answered within minutes as an electronic voice grates over the radio berating humanity for clinging to such petty differences making for such and urge to kill each other off so vehemently. It then turns its weapon on the main mall itself and what was once a yellowish light becomes and angry red beam that transforms the entire area in the same sea of glass that covers the middle east. Tesla towers rise from the glass and crackle to life.

A dream of one man so many years ago is finally coming true as free energy is now available to those able to receive. Bella calls Kody on the CB in a panic as another saucer is firing a blue beam at the place she manages. Then as she is beginning to get hysterical it flies away with a Tesla tower now in place.

Kodyax explains to Bella that what they now call the Rosy Felt Center has gotten a gift from the aliens to help keep lights on and the power running without much trouble. She calms down and thanks her friend and after which he turns the radio off and joins Aurora in the back. The vixen is already nude and laying in a lewd display as the wolf-bear joins her.

Mixed emotions are going through the head of the wolf-bear Kodyax as he gets undressed quickly to lay with this vixen that has so willingly offered herself to him. There is lust as she is beautiful, when she was human she was beautiful and now as a fox she looks even better to him. But there is also some feelings of love as he appreciates her company.

Slowly but eagerly he slips his love missile into her willing and open silo. His muzzle dips to sample her tits as she just moans as she lays there, completely submissive to what her huge lover wants to do to her. Aurora loves Kodyax, it's one of the reasons she submits to him so readily as her body enjoys the pleasure he is giving.

Her legs wrap around him as best they can as she invites him inside of her so readily. The both moan in ecstasy as his knot soon starts to form as they enjoy the interplay of their bodies. Aurora smirks and kisses her mate's muzzle as a part of her dimly remembers when they spent their first night together and how she went from human to vixen overnight because of it.

Aurora clenches and unclenches her inner walls against the invited invader. His knot seals his member within her and causes her to giggle. Of all the things she has been enjoying about her new life style it's getting knotted that gives Aurora the most satisfaction now.

They switch positions in bed so when Aurora rises she can sit on top of his scrotum and looks out to the newly formed Tesla Plaza. She is not sad to see the place of her birth go the way it has, If she did not choose to flee and be with Kody, she would have been dead long before this happened: made into barbecue brisket for her fellow Christian cultists.

His semen explodes inside of before she collapses on top of him. Once they both climax, they start to get sleepy and while the reporter on the scene may want an interview the mouse is going to be disappointed as they drift off to sleep. Unbeknownst to either of them, Aurora's first egg cell is waiting in the womb when he climaxed inside of her so as they drift off to sleep her the DNA beings to mix into a whole new person, one that seals Aurora as a vixen as she becomes the mother of a weird child with fox, wolf and bear characteristics.

But that is another story.