Star Krystal (Mis)Adventures: Double Vision

Story by Koron on SoFurry

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(All characters (well, in this case character) belong to Nintendo..

(All characters (well, in this case character) belong to Nintendo.)

[Wake up, K.]

The strangely familiar voice, distorted as though coming through a P.A. system, pounded through Krystal's ears as her eyes adjusted to this new light. What seemed like minutes ago, she had been scouting ahead on a dangerous mission for Star Fox, but a sudden injection of some foreign fluid into her system, and her world had gone black.


As the pins-and-needles sensation disappeared from Krystal's limbs, she shook off the drowsiness and stood against the chrome wall. As all the sensation rushed back to her nerves, the suddenly cold feel of the floor and wall made the ocean-blue vixen wise to her nudity; whatever enemy, faction, whoever had captured her had taken more than enough liberties in that department. But she wasn't bound or restrained in any way that suggested some asshole wanted to force his way into her body...odd.

It was also rather cold in here; Krystal could just about see every ragged breath, and a look down confirmed that her nipples were rock-solid. But she had enough presence of mind to shout,

"What's going on?!"

[Do you have any idea what it's like to be a lab animal run through a maze, K?]

"What are you talking about? Where am I?" The voice over the P.A. was definitely female.

[I'll take that as a no. So, K, here's the deal...I want you to understand that from this moment on, you are a prisoner and a lab creature, not a civilian. Feel your head.]

Krystal did so. As she ran her hand along her scalp, she found that her cerulean hair had been shaved entirely while she had been unconscious, leaving just the well-groomed fur. Her eyes narrowed at the camera in the top-corner watching her every move, "Hey! What gives you permission to-"

[So I've got two tasks in mind for you. Two itty bitty little tasks, and then you're good to go. Every time you protest, something bad will happen.]

Krystal turned up her nose at this. What right did this stuck-up bitch have to tell her to shut up, after stripping and shaving her? So the next thing the camera registered was a very firm hand gesture from the confined vixen.

[Okie dokie.]

In a matter of seconds, the wall behind the vixen began to shift, its metallic plates sifting to the sides. Krystal heard the mechanic whirring sounds immediately and leapt to the side, slamming to the floor just in time to avoid her 'punishment'. Several silver clamps snapped out of the alcove and hit only air; if she hadn't moved, they would have ensnared her wrists and ankles, making flexible movement nigh impossible.

With her senses suddenly on high alert despite the unpleasant coldness of the chamber, Krystal found it in her to march forth, sidestepping and keeping away from the walls, through the threshold from this room. She emerged into a hallway with a single path. That bitch-voice wasn't giving any instructions; there was only the silent stillness of the path.

"Every time I protest, something bad happens..." Krystal mumbled to herself, carefully watching the walls as she went, wondering which, if any, of these wall-panels would spring open if she were to simply say 'eat me' to that faceless bitch. Every time she passed what looked potentially like an opening in the wall, her heart pounded; it could have been a turret lying in wait, or another set of spring-loaded shackles, or worse...there was the occasional chair lying around, but nothing that she could have used as clothing.

It wasn't the nudity itself that bothered her, but the vulnerability; her everything was at the mercy of whoever was running this experiment.

[First task: make it through the next so.]

As soon as Krystal stepped onto a certain floor panel, those familiar wall-panels slid away, and out shot a pair of metallic shackles that immediately hooked the vixen's wrists together, behind her, tightly enough to force her shoulders taut.


[You're lucky. The shackles that you dodged in the first room would have electrified you every thirty seconds...these beauties'll just bind you.]

"The hallway..." Krystal stared ahead. It went on for about thirty feet, and seemed to be a straight shoot. Easy.

[Oh, silly me. I forgot to activate the obstacle program. Hee hee!]

With a great cranking of gears, pieces of the floor and walls began to shift all in unison, revealing...oh, shit. All sorts of new traps and obstacles sprung from the walls and ceiling, moving at a manic pace. Pincers whirling along the ground snapped at ankle-height, with razors that looked like they could embed themselves in bone with enough of a head start. Parts of the walls flipped forth and back, seemingly at random.

Krystal remembered, suddenly, this odd type of porn that she had seen a particular chameleon wanking to once or twice during her brief stint in Star Wolf, where naked women would run through these increasingly-dangerous labyrinths; the ones who made it all the way through had luscious, hardcore sex with the commentator, while the ones who didn't make it got caught in all sorts of bondage positions that made Krystal's back hurt just to think about.

After she mapped out a rough strategy in her mind, Krystal ran. She made several short, quick leaps over the ankle-slashers, while doubling to the other side to dodge the swinging wall. Then came the wires, swinging from the walls and ceiling. Krystal thought she was in the clear, just before one of the rope-like wires snared around her neck and yanked her back.

The wire tightened; Krystal had to think fast. With honed reflexes, she carefully grasped the nearest ankle-slasher as it passed under her, gripping it between her feet just in a way that its spines just barely didn't pierce her; she then 'tossed' it up so that it slashed through the wire holding her, letting her down.

The final obstacle remained ahead: spring-loaded shafts of churning electricity that whipped up and down from the floor panels like pistons. She had no way around...had to jump.

While careful to stay away from the swinging ropes behind her, Krystal focused her senses on this one threat...when she thought she identified the pattern, she ran and leapt.

Just when Krystal thought she had cleared the electrical shafts, one of them shot right up, connecting with her knee; the sudden jolt caused her to arch her leg, which was all that was needed for the next electrical charge to come right up between her legs, delivering a powerful jolt to her womanly region.

Krystal let out a high, strained groan of pain as she hit the ground, twitching. The electrical stimulation had caused her cunt to release some fluids, but she barely paid it mind, just staying there until the twitching had subsided.

She was past the dangerous hall, and as such, the binders automatically released and fell to the floor as the hallway began reverting to its original 'safe' state. Krystal looked cautiously up at the hallway's security camera before entering the next room, this one two stories high and with a darker pit in the center.

[Hold your horses there, cowgirl. Now, see that pit in the center?]

Krystal begrudgingly stepped to the edge and peered down. There was a mass of...something...down there, gleaming metallic in the black. It almost looked like a den of steel snakes, or...

[Your task here is to allow this program to complete two cycles of substance transfer. If you take more than ten minutes to complete this task, the program will consider you a resisting threat and lock you down until you are neutralized.]

"Who are you? What the - what IS this?!"

[After this second task, I'll meet up with you and lay things out. It'll all make sense then. Now then...Initiate Program Serpentine.]

Instantly, the writhing pit below whirred to life. Krystal had been standing at the very edge, but her canny reflexes allowed her to leap back, somersaulting away from the edge just as the large tentacles shot from the pit. That was what Krystal now realized they were: metallic tentacles, each about five inches around. Their tips were bulbous, almost phallic in nature.

Two lunged for Krystal; the vixen spun and kicked one away while batting the other one with her elbow. A third would have gotten her if she hadn't spun again and kneed it away.

[Sweetheart, you're not supposed to -fight- them.]

Momentarily distracted by that bitch's words, Krystal had no time to react to the tentacle that wrapped around her ankle and tripped her up. That same tentacle coiled around and up her leg, while another just emerging from the pit spied its opportunity: with her legs splayed wide, Krystal couldn't resist as the new tentacle plunged into her bare cunt before she could close up

The cold steel alone caused the vixen to screech so long and hard that she became hoarse. Her scream was down to a ragged moan of agony by the time the tentacle started pounding, not any care about her readiness. After half a minute of pounding, the torture subsided somewhat; she was slowly getting used to the coldness of the steel, and her natural lubrication had turned agony into mere pain. But the program decided against comfort; just as Krystal was getting what could be called 'used to it', the coil snaring her leg yanked her up so hard and fast that the vixen felt a jolt of pain, and she was forced to dangle upside-down, the tips of her ears three feet above the ground.

Disoriented by the sudden flow of blood to her head, Krystal still had her mouth open from the cry of pain that, at first, she barely even saw the second tentacle coming right for her face until it was too late.

The second tentacle rammed right down Krystal's mouth; just having the cold steel invading her mouth forced her into another muffled scream, tears of anger stinging her eyes. As the pounding in her cunt became more rapid, the mouth-tentacle wanted just as much satiation: it attempted to force its way right down her throat. The vixen actively resisted this, even though she couldn't even close her mouth halfway - and ultimately, her natural reflexes ended up inadvertently pushing the steel snake further down, until it seemed to touch the very back of her throat.

As Krystal gagged and attempted without success to cough, the pressure-release mechanism on the first tentacle released: loads of goo, black, spewed into Krystal's cunt as she hopelessly writhed, and in her upside down position, speedily dripped down to her belly, and then pooled at the undersides of her breasts. Having completed its directive, the tentacle ripped itself from her vagina and silently retreated to the pit.

As the second tentacle began thrusting deeper and harder, Krystal's eyes bulged; this metallic cock was so deep that it was denying her any oxygen, and her body writhed frantically, trying to dislodge it before it was too late. Though it was but a machine, the tentacle seemed to be enjoying itself; that was an illusion of the process gaining speed as its pressure release system neared the breaking point.

Just as Krystal's eyes lulled back in her head and it seemed the blood rushing to her head was the only thing keeping her conscious, the tentacle 'climaxed'. What felt like tons of that horrific black goo went streaming down Krystal's throat in the first load, and the second load came as it was pulling out, resulting in that goop spraying onto Krystal's face and boobs.

With the two release cycles completed, the program automatically shut down. The tentacles immediately retracted back into the pit, leaving Krystal to fall from midair; she let out a strained cry as she hit the floor on her side.

[You were a lucky girl. If they had dropped you from a few more feet up, you probably would have snapped your spine.]

"I'm a living thing..." Krystal said, gagging on loads of black cum-goo as she said it, "Why are you...?"

[You are a biological organism that reacts to stimuli. In other words, a piece of meat that can scream. That's all THEY care about, anyway.]

"Wh-what? Who's they?"


"Speak to me! NOW!" Krystal tried to sound strong, but just coughed up more mecha-cum.

[K, you deserve to know the truth of what I'm going to do to you, and why I'm going to essentially end your life. I mean...we're way too alike for me to not tell you. Follow the path.]

The door on the other side of the Serpentine chamber opened automatically. Krystal took a while just to stand, and even then, her legs shook; her midsection burned horribly, and every few steps, she gagged up more of that...stuff. She figured she must have looked pathetic: practically limping down the hallway, soaked in whatever that shit was. Finally, at the end of the hall, she reached a door that read, quite simply, 'In Here, Bitch.

When it slid open, Krystal's eyes bulged, and some more of that black cum dripped absently from her gaping mouth.

It was her.

Or, at least, an exact duplicate. This Krystal looked exactly the same, including the shaved hair, except for the blue flight suit she was wearing, which the nude Krystal identified as the one she had been clad in before being taken here. This duplicate had her arms crossed over her chest, and a wry, sadistic smirk.

"Good to see ya, K!" This duplicate said, and whipped out a syringe from her suit; Krystal had not the strength to resist when the duplicate jabbed it right into her arm. The image of herself became woozy...and she faded to black again.

When Krystal came to, she was bound to a wall in that same room by her wrists and ankles. As her vision came back to her, this duplicate was pacing back and forth, still wearing that flight suit...the bloody imposter. Krystal looked down at herself; at least this bitch had the decency to wash off that black 'cum' before her captive awoke.


"Me?" The second Krystal said, "They called me...ya ready for this? K-2. K2. Someone must have gotten a hold of your DNA from somewhere, because they cloned me from your cells, and now...and now I exist to be tortured by 'scientists' day in and day out, all for the purposes of medical advancement. You wouldn't believe the kind of things they pass off as research...pain response, orgasm stimuli - actually, that one's kinda fun - mind alteration...bleh."

Krystal could think of nothing to say. Her mind raced, trying to think of where someone might have gotten her DNA...but that wasn't important right now, "Why do...why"

"It's simple, really. I'll lay it out for you straight..." K2 came so close that their noses were practically touching, "You're going to take my place in the research facility, and I'm going to take your place in this big grand Star Fox team of yours. Cool? Cool."

"Go fuck yourself..." Krystal groaned, still weakened by the sedative flowing through her system.

K2's only response was to grasp Krystal's crotch so hard that the prisoner strained and coughed until the clone let go. K2 shouted, "I was born like this! I have no childhood, no hobbies, no - no NOTHING except being poked and prodded like a piece of meat, and it's all your fault! That's why I had you running these you know how it feels, but it's only just beginning for you. It's your turn to feel hopeless...maybe in ten years they'll let you go, when they realize that you're aging rather than being in a state of 'arrested cellular mitosis', hence you're the real deal."

"Please..." Krystal groaned, "You can't..."

"I can and will. In fact...they're on their way right now. By the way, I thought I was the real deal too when I first awoke, and I tried to tell them. So nothing you say can save your tight-ass...ass." K2 smirked, "I do owe it to you,'ve got a nice bod. Wonder all the things I can do with it."

"One day, either tomorrow or in - or in a decade, I'll get out of this..." Krystal growled, "And when I do, I'll see to it that justice is done to you in every possible way!"

K2 sighed and shook her head. Her back was turned, but Krystal could see her reaching to the table and grasping something black, and long...and then strapping it around her crotch. K2 turned to her prey with the ten-inch dildo strapped on and ready to go.

"Ya still don't get it, huh? Okay, here. Here's a visual metaphor for exactly how boned you are, sweetums." K2 gave the dildo's head some precursory strokes as she strutted towards Krystal.

"Get that away from me. Get that - don't you even - shit - don't come any closer! I mean it! You - don't - AAAAIIIIII!"

Krystal was too hoarse to scream when at least seven inches of the thick strap-on unglamorously penetrated her. K2 laughed, a chuckle that rose into a mad crescendo as she thrusted in and out, tightly grasping Krystal's shoulders. Krystal's anguished shaking showed up even on the grainy security cameras as she took the dildo, becoming involuntarily slick between the legs all over again, unable to do a thing against the reinforced shackles.

"What's the matter? I thought ya liked cock, judging from reports of your sexual activity with that Fox McCloud...or was his dick so small it left you soft when a real big boy like this thing comes along?"

"P-Please!" Krystal cried out, her muscles tightening as an intensifying warmth she didn't want to feel began flowing through her system.

"Ah, well...I'll be seeing it for myself in a few days. Get to judge for myself." K2 said with a sadistic grin. Krystal shrieked, shut her eyes and shook even more fervently, as the tight waves of orgasm rushed through her body and exploded over the ebony dildo inside her.

Krystal panted heavily, slumping down against the shackles, as K2 slowly slid the dripping dildo from Krystal's cunt. She wanted to break from these shackles and tear that bitch all kinds of new assholes, but was too exhausted to even swear at her. K2, meanwhile, simply took off the strap-on, calmly running it under some sink water.

With that, K2 turned to leave, swaying her hips like she was on top of the world. Krystal screamed until she was hoarse again for her clone to come back, to reconsider, but she knew inside it was hopeless. For now, anyway...she would have to cosign to her fate. They would be coming for her, any second now...but mercifully, she lulled her head forward and fainted away.

(I had been intending to make this into a series, but in hindsight, I don't know if I'll ever get around to doing that. I'm not ruling it out in the future, but for now, I'll leave her dark fate up to the reader's imagination.)