Into the Slammer

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#1 of Slam

Work of boredom that i'm hoping people will enjoy...


It was much quieter in the place now, save for the tapping of feet. Garret was pleased with the silence, it was good. He paced back and forth, not sure why, just feeling like dong it.

"Hey, can I get a phone call?" the bear asked as the rottweiler walked past his cell once again.

Garret turned around and looked over at the bear; it was the first calm thing he'd said all night. "You already refused your chance for a call,"

"Really?" the bear asked.


"OK...hey, do you believe me?"

Garret stared at the bear for a moment before continuing to pace the small jail house he was stationed in. It was more like some ancient, old west, jailhouse. There was his desk which was to the side and there was a single cell, which could hold about five people, but tonight was home to one person. He looked over at the single occupant and saw the bear counting the scratches on the wall. After a moment he walked over to his desk and looked at the file in front of him.

Tony Garrison, a twenty-eight year old, six and a half feet tall, three hundred fifty pound black bear. He had black fur that covered his thick body and a similar voice to match his imposing size, and there he sat, arrested for drug possession. His eyes always stared at the last part. He knew the bear slightly; they had gone to the same high school. The bear had been extremely popular, on the football team, and a pretty cool guy; one of the guys that everyone wanted to know. In school he had shared a class or two with the bear, though Tony had failed a grade and was a year older than him. Sometimes the bear would talk with him, if only to ask him a question. He'd call the bear a 'thickskulled lard' whenever he got the wrong answer. He didn't really think it was too mean-after all, it was true.

Garret sighed, that was then, and this is now. The bear and some of his friends had been caught with five kilos of pure power; the good stuff. Garret wondered just how much it would be on the street though he knew it was a lot-enough to pay off the last of his student loans and to make him cozy. It didn't seem like the bear was the type to be carrying such heavy drugs though. Tony had been dragged in kicking and screaming, yelling at how they weren't his drugs, how he was innocent; the same stuff all the others said. He wasn't supposed to judge but the thing was that he believed the bear. It was the fact that the bear was sitting there calmly now that concerned him. Practically no one ever just did that, as if they weren't even in trouble.

In truth it was slightly obvious that there was more to what was going on than it seemed; Tony had probably just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The bear seemed different now. He wasn't the same as he was in high school. His athletic build was still there, but with a bit of plumpness to it now. The bear had been a defensive back, had gone to college as one, and last he heard he was into the pros. It was almost ironic to see him in the cell, the jock on the highway to success who fell, he could see the headlines now. It wasn't one of those things you laughed at though, instead it just held a sad humor to it. He guessed the bear was doing well, after all he was in the pros. He knew the bear didn't play in any games though, that he was a benchwarmer on the team-even the pros had them. Tony had played once in an actual game, when one of their defensive ends broke their leg. The bear mostly helped the team in practice, he was more like someone to play against than someone who was an equal.

Garret shook his head and looked down at himself. He had changed since high school too. As a rottweiler he had less body than the bear. He was twenty four years old, five feet and ten inches tall, and two hundred seventy pounds. He was buff, well, he was fit to say the least. Garret knew that the bear didn't recognize him, he didn't expect him to. In the past few years he'd gone from scuff to buff. His black fur ran over his body save for the brown on his chest and muzzle, which usually went unseen as he worked. In school he had been pretty scrawny, more like a Doberman than a rottweiler but now he was strong and plump, the later holding a bit more ground than he would've liked. While wearing clothes he looked a bit big, his stomach stuck out a bit, but his arms told those around him that he could, and on two occasions had, place anyone through a wall. His chest just seemed to hold the excess weight, shared equally with his thighs.

Garret shook his head, casting away the thoughts. He looked at the bear's record and realized that something was strange about it. Next to a single speeding ticket the bear had never even had a confrontation with the cops before. The bear seemed to exude an ideal citizen aura to him; as if he was what everyone should try and live up to. It was a good record save for the fresh black mark on it.

Garret looked over at Tony once more and then sat down, deciding he should just wait out the night. He was supposed to keep watch on the bear and whoever else came in, which would be no body. It was already ten thirty and the station was pretty much closing down. There would be some people there just incase a call came in but besides that the force was going home. But here he was, having to baby-sit the bear. It was irritating to have to spend his night like this and he was even a bit angry at Tony-as if the bear chose this night specifically to annoy him.

"'re a cop?" Tony asked, staring at Garret.

Garret looked up at the bear, as if it weren't obvious and then returned to his business.

"I was just with some friends...they are the ones who are guilty," Tony said, staring at the rottweiler still.

"Sounds like you need new friends,"

"Well...I mean, we aren't really friends..."

Garret looked up and then back down. He wasn't too interested in what the bear had to say. Apparently the bear misinterpreted his gaze though.

"I know, we would hang out sometimes and all that, but I had no idea they were into that stuff...if I'd known I'd never have been around them-that stuff can get me fired," Tony said and seemed to have a revelation, "What's going to happen to me? There's no way coach is about to just be quiet about this!"

Garret let out a sigh, "Be quiet,"


The apology caught him off guard and he looked up, "What?"

"I said I was sorry," Tony said and looked down at the floor.

"Oh..." Garret said and looked down at the desk. He grabbed a book on criminal behavior and began to look over it. The fact that the jock was being quiet made him curious. He hated to admit it but he applied the stereotype to the bear, but so far that was entirely wrong. Nearly thirty minutes passed before the bear spoke again.

"Can I get anything to eat?"


"How about something to drink?"

"I don't think we have anything,"

"Can I shower? I didn't have a chance to yet today and I still reek from practice,"

"You'll have to wait till you're home,"

"Well...what can I do?"

Garret put down the book and looked at the bear, "It's jail...people don't come here expecting to do anything,"

"It's jail...I don't think anyone expects to come here period," Tony shot back.

"You didn't obviously," Garret said and the bear looked away again. It was almost surprising how easy it was to push the bear over like that. With a simple reminder of where he was the bear shut up, he didn't say anything.

" special treatment in jail,"

The words made Garret scoff, "We don't all get what we want in life because we know the right people,"

"No I didn't mean it like that,"

"Uh-huh, I'm sure. You can go anywhere you like and be treated like a hero but here it must be scary right. You're not better than everyone else here, you're not even equal to everyone else-you're a prisoner," Garret said, staring at the bear. He had expected that to arouse some type of anger or at least fear in the bear, but it didn't do anything. Instead he saw Tony just shrug his shoulders.

"Yeah...that's kind of what I was going to say..." Tony said and sighed. The rottweiler seemed angry with him, like he held something against him, but he put it off as the fact that he was in jail. He wondered what was going to happen to the people he'd been with. He was hoping that nothing terrible would happen to himself though, he really was innocent. He'd just gone out to catch up with some friends from college. He had a place outside the city, even as a benchwarmer you made nice money in the pros. He'd been driving his friend home, who was wasted when they were pulled over. The briefcase his friend had carried all night ended up being worth more than his car, and the police didn't even bother asking what he was doing with him. "I was kind of sent straight to jail, I didn't pass go, I didn't even collect my two hundred,"

Garret chuckled lightly at the allusion.

"You can laugh," Tony said, glad to see the dog showing basic emotion other than anger, he'd thought the dog had nothing but indifference. "I think it's good to hear you laugh,"

Garret looked over at the bear, "Thanks?"

Tony smiled and leaned on the bars of the cell. The dog was kind of good looking, he was big and plump looking. He wondered what exactly the dog would look like without the uniform, an image he held strongly in his mind. He looked at Garret and caught his first good look at the rottweiler's face. It was strangely familiar, older than he could remember in his memory, but definitely there. "Do I know you?"

"Probably not," Garret said and picked up his book again.

"I think I grew up out of the main city didn't ya'?"

"I went to Orangeburg," Garret said, and saw the bear's face light up a little. He guessed that the bear was just now realizing that they had gone to school together.


Garret looked up, "What?" he asked, disbelief in his voice as to how the bear could call him that name. "Terry is a cat you thickskulled lard,"

"Ahh," Tony said and chuckled, "You're that guy..."

Garret felt a bit hurt, he didn't have a name, he was just 'that guy' to the bear.

"Garret, right?"

Garret looked up, "Yeah...took you long enough,"

"Wow, I don't even get special treatment from the guy I cheated off of in economics?"

"That was your special treatment,"

Tony chuckled, "You've really filled, you're huge now. The media says that we're dosing ourselves with stuff but they haven't even seen you,"

Garret smiled lightly, "I'm all natural,"

"I'd like to see that," Tony said with a grin. After a second his smile went away though, it wasn't right to hit on the rottweiler. Thankfully his keeper didn't seem to notice it though. Instead Garret stood up and walked over, flexing an arm.


Tony reached out and instead of touching the dog's arm placed a paw on his stomach and shook it, "Yeah, that's muscle," he said with a laugh as his paw was swatted away. The dog's stomach did have a little shake to it and Tony wondered just how it's feel to rub his own body against him. He chuckled and placed a paw on the dog's arm, and felt the muscle underneath. He smiled at the dog, "Nice...good job," he said. It was impressive that the rottweiler, who had been a shrimp in school, was now large; not as large as himself but still large. Tony knew that he was bigger, he had much more natural muscle and definition. He flexed his own arm, "Compare 'em,"

Garret reached out and touched the bear's arm, lightly pressing on it with his paws. The bear put him to shame; he was like a train, a huge thickskulled lard built with a train underneath it all. He moved a paw down and jiggled the bear's stomach, "You're worse than me, you can't laugh,"

Tony laughed as the dog pressed his stomach and it bounced a little. "What can I say? I eat very well, and I eat very much,"

Garret smiled and realized his paw was still on the bear, and he was actually rubbing Tony's stomach. He thought that it felt great, but knew that it was a bad idea, which he quickly fixed by pulling away. He chuckled lightly nervously and felt a bit of blood running to his face. It seemed like Tony was fine with the closeness though, which he played off as the bear's familiarity with being near so many guys. The next thing he noticed was the scent of the bear. He could believe the bear hadn't showered, his scent was amazingly strong. He forced himself to not breathe it in huge gulps, trying to breathe normally. He didn't want the bear to shower, not with a scent like this, it was amazing.

"So when did you start working out?"

"I worked out a bit in college,"

"A bit?" Tony asked, one eyebrow raised unbelievingly.

"Yeah...I didn't even really grow till I was in college. You remember how scrawny I was in school. I just hit my growth spurt later than other guys did,"

Tony chuckled and stared at the dog, "Yeah, I guess so, but really changed," he said and smiled at the rottweiler. They began to talk about what they both did, though it was slightly obvious. Tony enjoyed listening to the dog, and he felt as though the dog actually valued what he said. He learned that sometimes the dog would sit on the highway near his house, watching for speeders and wondered just how many times he may have passed the rottweiler by. "So you're right outside on I-714? Sometimes?"

"Yeah, I hate that part of the job..." Garret said and sighed, "I get to pull over everything from drunks to teenagers who think they can fly down the road...and they all think that they were 'only going fifty-five' down the road," he said, sighing as he mocked the usual excuse.

"That's pretty funny,"

Garret took in another breath and decided it was best to move away from the bear before he lost his rationality. It was like a drug to him, ironic and true. "I guess," he said and went over to the other side of the holding area, where a desk was. He sat down and sighed, thankful that Tony was being quiet. He looked up and saw the bear continuing to lean against the cell, but was now staring off into space.

Tony thought about the rottweiler, though none of his thoughts were exactly down memory lane. He pictured the rottweiler in a more lewd form, enjoying everywhere his imagination dared to take him with the thoughts. In his job it wasn't exactly safe to go out to any gay clubs, or to even be gay-he was a football man. He'd never told another man his preferences, and he'd never really been with a guy. It was one of his shames, not that he was gay but htat he was a virgin. In all his years he was labeled the guy that girls would be with and he'd yet to sleep with one, not that he had any interest in them, but he hadn't slept with a guy either. He loved big guys like Garret but could never say that, at least not safely. He usually made up stories about who he was nailing, saying he couldn't even remember the name of the person. He looked over at Garret and found himself staring at the dog.

Garret opened up a tab on the internet and looked around, as if expecting to see somebody behind him. He was more than cautious about work whenever he surfed the net. He always used his personal laptop, knowing the precinct couldn't trace his personal history. He typed in the bear's name and surfed the web. There were no amazing pictures of him, a few of him on the field but none that he had hoped for-though he didn't really expect to find any of the bear without some clothes on. After a bit he gave up and went to a less clothed site. He thought it was a bit ironic that one of the videos he picked was about a bear, though the bear wasn't like Tony. After a few seconds he switched and scanned through a few pictures. He found a different one and leaned back into his chair, enjoying the scene playing out before him. There were two bears in it, both really into the other, in every sense of the word. His pants were more confining and he wasn't sure what he was more upset about, the fact that he couldn't do anything to relive the pressure, or that the bear in front of him was so great looking, yet off limits.

Tony heard Garret sigh and looked over. The rottweiler seemed totally oblivious to him now, and completely captivated by the computer. There was a painting behind him, which was reflecting the screen and Tony felt his breath catch in his chest. He couldn't get many of the details, but it was obvious what the dog was watching. He could pick out the small thrusts, the throbbing pulses, and the big guys loving each other. He looked down at the dog and then at the picture. After a moment he chuckled, "You enjoying yourself man?"

Garret minimized the screen and looked up at Tony a bit startled by the bear's sudden question, "What?"

"If you want to be watching some good stuff...well, you may want to make it so that picture glass behind you isn't reflecting it to the world. I'm not sure if it was just my view but I could recommend some sites with better footage than that...the one you had seemed kind of grainy,"

Garret felt his face go red and didn't even attempt to play off what the bear had seen, he was too embarrassed to do it. After a few seconds the last of the bear's words finally registered to his mind though, "Wait, what did you say?"

"Just that you have a bad doesn't really give you good details...on mine I can see all the good details and I don't have to worry about the lag on it," Tony said, knowing that the rottweiler was gay now. He wasn't usually blunt, but the dog was too good looking, and he wanted to share some of his years of experience on the net with him.

"I was watching a music video,"

"I never said you weren' know what type of music it're funny," Tony said and laughed.

Garret growled, the last thing he wanted was some jock making fun of his preferences. He stood up angrily, "Are we going to have a problem?"

"I don't think so...but you can be a bit distracting," Tony said with a small grin. He saw the dog walk forward and was soon picked up by the scruff of his shirt. He realized that instead of catching the subtle messages the dog had taken them as insults. He swallowed a lump in his throat.

"You going to do something about it?" Garret asked, snarling at the bear.

Tony didn't really know what to do. Before he could think his tongue was already moving before his mind, "I just meant that I could give you a few good sites that have better vids than the free stuff on the generic ones..."

"What?" Garret asked and raised a fist. The bear suddenly started listing sites, giving off names by the many. He even told him his passwords to them and more info, and his grip on the bear lessened. The bear's face was red, embarrassed more than he'd seen anyone else be ever. "You're gay?"

"No, I just like the videos," Tony said, as if he was trying to convince himself. His defensive nature was coming out a little. He was being confronted and it came out naturally in this type of situation. After a moment he looked down at the floor, "But...yeah I'm...interested in guys,"

Garret released the bear's shirt entirely, "Wow...that'," he said, surprised at the bear's words. He wasn't sure if he expected the bear to laugh and say he'd been joking now or if he was about to break down. It seemed like the words were heavy on his tongue. After a few seconds he chuckled, "You're a know way too many sites,"

"It's not exactly like I can just go to the local club like you," Tony spat out.

Garret shrugged his shoulders, "Who says you can't? A few guys said something to me here once and they went through a're could do it,"

"You don't get it...I had enough of a hard time in college, now I don't even go outside near those places," Tony said and looked over the rottweiler. "I'd hardly even say I've had a date. I get lucky when I find a guy like you to ogle at," he said quickly and then bit his tongue. He backed away and looked at Garret who was staring at him, "Not that I was staring..."

"Hey...I was staring at you," Garret said. He was open about his preferences, not a flamer, but he let his likes known. "The entire reason we're talking like this right now was because you thought it would be appropriate to call me out while I was trying to get some good videos,"

"I told you a few good sites,"

"You're not on any of them I take it?"

Tony blushed, "Of course not," he spat out.

"Don't be so tense...don't worry. I'm not going to call you out or anything man, but if you don't mind me're good looking. I don't think you should be hiding yourself..."

Tony blushed more. He looked up at Garret and smiled, "Thanks...but I don't really think it's that simple,"

" were hitting on me five seconds ago till I picked you up...and that's gone, I hope you're not always that bad at following through. I was kind of hoping you might not be as much of a quitter in your experiences with other guys,"

Tony felt his ears perk a little. He looked at Garret, unsure whether he was being hit on or not. He took a tentative step forward. "I can follow through...I once hit a guy across the field,"

"Yeah, but not on him I bet. It's a're a catch,"

Tony moved forward a bit more, now they were close again. His face was a bit red, and he realized it was his first time being praised by a guy; not just complimented while he was blowing them, but actually complimented. It was up to him to close the gap though, Garret was already leaning on the cell. He took another step forward, "I just don't date guys...OK, there no reason to. If I was looking for a relationship I'd put on a shirt that said it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got you...don't get so testy,"

Tony sighed and looked down at the floor. In truth he'd love to have a relationship, but he couldn't take the chance.

"That wasn't too you said you had hard times in college?"

"I told you, I don't date guys," Tony said, a bit disappointed at his memories. His life was great, he had every thing that he needed and a lot of what he wanted, but he still wanted a guy too. He just said it to drive home the point, he couldn't afford to date a guy.

"But you're gay..."

"Yeah, so are you,"

"And you're never been out on a date, or really even with another guys...You're...a virgin?"

"No!" Tony said, but he had said it so aggressively that it was obvious he was lying. He looked down at the floor and felt a paw on his muzzle lifting his face up.

"Not a bad thing...better than being a complete slut for guys,"

"You don't like used goods I take it?"

Garret chuckled, the bear obviously had no experience picking people up. He was fidgety, his voice wasn't calm, his breathing was rough, and the lines he used were terrible. It almost felt like a role play, because the bear was so much larger than him, yet was extremely timid. The bear wasn't used to being approached, and the demeanor he had before when they were just talking was completely gone. He didn't want to make him uncomfortable, but he couldn't help but move a paw to the bear. It stayed on his belly and the bear guided it up his chest hesitantly. The way he felt was nice and Garret smiled kindly at the bear, "You feel really nice,"

Tony stared at the dog, unsure what exactly to do. He leaned on the bars, letting them hold his weight fully and the rottweiler's paws moved down his body and pulled on him lightly. He felt the dog's paws peel his shirt up and he shivered as the dog traced over his fur. He moved his own paws to the dog, and felt one of Garret's paws grab his wrist. The dog guided his paw down to his package, which felt hard already. When he looked up at the rottweiler the dog was smiling at him. He leaned down and got onto his knees in front of the dog.

"That's a good way to start, but hang on," Garret said and walked over to the desk. In the corner of the room was a small camera, which only recorded for a day and then its memory was wiped. He knew its blind spots and everything about it, but he was more interested in making it go dark. He didn't really like the chance of anyone knowing what he was doing with a prisoner. He took his cap and put it over the camera, knowing that it wouldn't really make a difference, it was just precautionary-he was the only one on the night shift and Tony was the only prisoner in the jail tonight. He moved back to Tony who was on his knees and smiled at the bear. He unzipped his pants and stuffed a paw into his pants. After fooling around for a moment he managed to get his cock through the holes and it was pointing at the bear. He wasn't fully hard yet, but with someone as good looking at Tony he doubted it was going to take long. He was about to ask the bear if he wanted to do this before he let out a surprised grunt when Tony pulled on him, and his cock was rubbing the bear's muzzle.

Tony nuzzled the cock and then pressed it against his lips. He let it slide past his lips. The assault on his tongue was strange, even though he'd yet to let his tongue on the cock, the rottweiler tasted completely different than he did, though he guessed it was different to actually suck on somebody and not just get the load. He knew not to let his teeth touch the cock, that he would need to curl his lips, but besides that he realized just how clueless he was. He'd read tons of stories, watched a thousand videos, and read online about all there was to it, but when he finally had somebody in his muzzle he was dumbfounded. He just kneeled there with the dog's member hovering in his muzzle, unsure what to do with the new intruder. Apparently the dog caught onto this, because he made the first move.

"Just enjoy whatever you want, I'll let you know how you're doing. Be bold with it...don't be afraid to be a bit aggressive, but it's like a team, you have to be considerate," Garret said and saw the bear blush. He pulled his member out of the bear's muzzle and smiled at Tony, "Want me to show you some tips?"

Tony looked back to the cock and leaned forward, "No...just let me know if I do something wrong..." he said, his face red with embarrassment. He felt the dog press forward and the cock entered his muzzle again. He was still for a minute, just getting used to how it felt to have another male in his muzzle; it was strangely nice. When he actually tried to suck on the dog he got a light moan and the dog gave a small thrust into his muzzle. The effect was different when he prolonged the action, not as great the tiny actions. He thought that this was good, that the dog was happy with it, but soon the dog pulled out to the tip.

"Try using your're missing out the best part," Garret said, the bear's tongue only touching his cock whenever his cock would throb. He pushed forward and let his cock slide into the bear's muzzle a long ways. He didn't attempt to push his cock any further than a few inches in. If the bear had never sucked someone off before he was letting his first time be more like an experiment. He knew that if he was so unsure of what to do with a cock in his muzzle then he'd be clueless how to react if he pushed it down the bear's throat.

Tony stopped for a moment and slowly moved his tongue. He had thought he was doing everything pretty well, that he was tasting the dog's scent and musk. When the true flavor hit his tongue he had no idea it would be so powerful, how much of an effect it had on him. His first real taste of another man and he knew that he was in love with how it tasted, how strong it was on his tongue. At first he just kept his tongue there, the initial flare of it was enough to sate him for years it felt like. The pre that was on the dog's cock wasn't like his own, which was a bit sweet and milky, it was different, better. He heard a moan and looked up, but it wasn't from Garret, it was a much more familiar tone to it. He realized that his own body was reacting to it, that he was moaning-moaning with another male in his muzzle.

His tongue moved again and he ran it over the dog's cock that was in his mouth, a difficult challenge for him. It was a bit tough to do the action and make sure his teeth never touched the cock, but the moans he received as praise made the work worth it. Sometimes he received a small thrust into his muzzle, the dog grunting as he did so, and other times he received a small tip or word of praise whenever he managed to do something that cause a moan. He wondered if that meant the dog was about to cum. He could tell with his own body, but this was someone else to please. Someone whose only indications of pleasure were the moans, and he didn't know how to read any of the body language right now.

"Good're doing pretty good," Garret said and moved a paw to the bear's head. He gently petted it, never pulling or forcing Tony to do anything. He really did want the bear to enjoy this, and wondered what exactly he would do to get his new found friend to lose his load. He moved his paw to the bear's muzzle and gently stroked it, the bear blushing as he did so. When the bear looked up at him he smiled kindly and ruffled the bear's head, "So how do you like it?"

Tony stayed on the cock for a minute, unsure how to answer. It wasn't that he didn't know the answer, he was just trying to figure out what the dog meant. Usually in the videos the people would ask that and would call the person a 'good slut' or something else like that, but Garret seemed different. He liked that the dog didn't tell him anything stupid, like he was so good at the actions, or anything like that-but he still received a bit of praise. The dog seemed like he just wanted to know. He pulled off the cock for a moment, "It's...good...really good," he said, blushing. He looked at the cock again and gave it a long swipe of his tongue-apparently that made the dog very happy. Looking up at Garret he stammered a little, "Could...we try something different?"

"Like what?" Garret asked, leaning on the cell bars.

" you were watching?"

"You ever had someone in you before?" Garret asked.

Tony felt his eyes widen a bit, he had meant for him to be mounting the dog. The fact that the rottweiler asked that questions showed what he was expecting. He wondered if their roles were established now. Instead of trying to reword it his head was already shaking a 'no' for Garret. "I've....put a finger in me before, but-"

Garret chuckled lightly, "OK, well...this is a bit bigger than a finger...but first, how do I make sure you don't escape? It'll be uncomfortable for you to be pressing against the cell. Your muzzle had a perfect fit through the bars, and it'd be a bit painful for me to have my junk smacking these bars either..."

"Why don't you just come around here?" Tony asked.

Garret looked down at the bear, "Because I don't want you to escape..." he said.

Tony wondered if the dog was serious, and it sounded like it. Could the dog think he was doing all this just to have a chance to break out? The thought was almost humorous, he'd go through the entire night over to do something like this again. He stood up and put his paws through the bars and saw the dog's face light up.

"Good idea...hang on," Garret said and went back to his desk.

Tony watched as the dog walked back to him, his cock bouncing heavily in the air. He realized just how large it was, and remembered just how little he'd had in his muzzle. The fact that the dog had taken it easy on him made him happy. He was still looking down at the cock when he felt cold metal around his wrist, and then around his other wrist. He looked up in confusion to see handcuffs on.

Garret smiled and then unlocked the cell door. He walked in and saw the bear trying to turn around to see him. He moved forward and his cock pressed against the bear's rump, which was large. Being his close to the bear was different. It wasn't like when he'd been getting sucked off, and it wasn't like touching Tony through the cell. Now there were no barriers save for their clothes. He was glad Tony's shirt had already been removed, and began to work on his own.

Tony watched the rottweiler strip and looked over his body. He was, for everything he saw, the hottest dog he'd ever seen. He hated the cuffs around his paws, hated that his first time with a guy and he couldn't do anything or touch him. It wasn't like a video, this wasn't some hot bondage scene, and he really was still a prisoner-the cuffs served only one purpose, to hinder any escape. The dog's stomach was pretty large, but due to his arms he knew that there was probably significant muscle beneath the belly, and once again wished to touch his friend. It wasn't like a beer gut, but instead just the place the dog's extra weight had set itself. He watched with dead locked eyes as the rottweiler worked on his pants and they slowly dropped. When Garret kicked them to the side, underwear and all, he could finally get his first look at the dog. His first look at a male in the nude, at least a male who was hard and dripping pre while looking at him. The next thing he felt was Garret's arms around his chest and he let out a moan, even the feeling of the dog's embrace from behind was good. The way it felt to have his back being pressed against by another male was nice-especially one as large as Garret.

Garret slowly worked his paws over the bear, enjoying every curve in his friend's stomach. He wondered for a moment, amazed at the bear's build. It wasn't like running his paws over some large ball of fat, but instead over, by all means, a tank which was shielded by a wall of plumpness-something one could lay against and sleep peacefully. He really had cuffed him because he didn't want him to escape, but he wasn't sure it had been necessary right now; it seemed like Tony really was gay, that the bear really did want him, and he felt a surge of pride. His paws moved to the bear's pants and he worked on them, bringing them down quickly. As his cock hit the bear's rump he thought he'd brought down the underwear with it. One look told him he was wrong though, the bear had on a jock. He smiled and beheld the scene. He moved his paws back up and actually hugged the bear against him, his cock sliding in between the bear's cheeks. The size difference was a bit strange, how Tony was nearly a foot taller than him, but it didn't mean much right now. His nose caught a whiff and he let out a heavy moan. If it had been powerful when Tony had on clothes, now it was more like an assault on his nose. He pulled on the bear more and dug his nose into his back, taking in deep and heavy whiffs. After a moment he looked up and smiled at Tony. He moved his paws over the bear and looked at him, "You' a great body," he said, meaning it fully.

Tony moaned and pressed against the dog, wanting to feel the rottweiler pressing more against him. The compliment was nice too, it didn't seem like he was just saying it; it was like he actually meant it. The air suddenly became cool as the rottweiler pulled away. He wondered what the dog was doing and felt the dog's paws on his rump, and then something wet run over his hole-which made him gasp. After the second swipe across his hole he realized it was the dog's tongue, and he shuddered again. Rimming had always interested him, but he could never imagine another male actually doing it-at least not to him.

Garret wasn't sure if he moaned more or the bear did. The musk of the bear was the best he'd ever been near; it was powerful enough to knock him down. The bear was pressing his rump against his muzzle, and he tried to gain as much access into Tony as he could. It was fun to pull on the bear, and to hear Tony urge him on. When he got tired of digging his tongue into the bear's hole he pulled away and stood up. He hugged the bear again and nipped at his neck, moving his muzzle to the bear's ears, "Are you OK with this?"

Tony moaned as Garret bit along his neck. He rubbed himself against the rottweiler and felt his own cock tenting the jockstrap. The dog had never touched his cock, it was left alone completely. His cock and balls were still in his jock, the last article of clothing that he had on. Apparently the dog didn't care about that; he seemed to enjoy it actually. He couldn't do anything to himself because of the cuffs and was completely reliant on Garret for any touch. "That's not a fair question after you've already done that," he said weakly.

Garret rubbed his cock in between the bear's cheeks, tracing over the hole, "Is that a yes?"

Tony pushed back again, "Yes please,"

Garret smiled and pulled away. He put a paw under the bear's muzzle, "Spit," he ordered.

The bear looked down at the paw, unsure why he would do such a thing. The dog tapped him on the nose and ordered him again. He did so without thinking and Garret thanked him.

Garret stroked his own cock with the bear's saliva and wiped the rest on Tony's chest. He wasn't trying to just use the bear, he just did whatever he found easiest. There was no lube so he rimmed the bear and used both their spit as lube, and with no rag to wipe off on he used the bear as such. He grabbed his member and pressed against the bear, keeping pressure on Tony's hole. The bear shifted beneath him and he put a paw on his shoulder, "Don't worry...I'll be gentle,"

Tony sighed, for some reason the words relieved him. He'd had stuff up his hole before, when he messed around, but to have an actual person was different, especially when everything he had used was dwarfed by the dog's member. He felt the pressure on his hole still there, along with Garret leaning forward, without ever moving his member as the dog hugged him gently.

"Just relax,"

"I know," Tony said, telling his body to do it, but it didn't want to yet. He was just nervous, excited, scared, happy, eager, and so many other things that he wasn't in real control of himself. The dog's paw moved to his stomach and gently patted it, the sound lightly feeling the room.

"Then do it," Garret said, rubbing the bear's stomach. He smiled as the bear moaned beneath his touch. He leaned forward, "Come-on buddy...relax for me...that's all..." he said and leaned forward a bit more, "it takes,"

Tony shuddered beneath the dog again. He took in a deep breath and let out a drawn out sigh. It soon turned into a loud grunt as his hole finally relaxed and the dog slipped in a bit, but he quickly tensed again. He began to gasp a bit, and kept telling his body to relax, the rottweiler doing the same.

"You're doing fine...just relax," Garret said, his member slipping into the bear's hole a bit. He didn't push anymore, and let him adjust to it. After a few moments Tony stopped tensing and he could see and feel the bear relax. He moved his paws up to the bear's shoulders and rubbed them, "Tell me when you're ready,"

Tony moved back a little, the cock moving a bit deeper into his hole and he let out a light grunt. The saliva was the only thing that soothed the burning in his rump, and he whimpered a little. He hadn't expected the dog to stretch him so much.

"Are you OK?"

Tony let out a light gasp, "I'm...I can't do it,"

Garret frowned, "Are you sure,"

" don't know," Tony said, gasping again. Every time he would gasp he moved back a bit, he had the entire dog's member in his hole. It was just that he kept tensing around the rottweiler's cock, which always made him feel a bit more of a fire in his hole. After a few more moments he made himself calm down, but it was more due to the dog's efforts. Garret was biting on his ear, whispering lightly into his ear as he did so.

"You can do're doing great. Just relax,"

After a minute he finally managed to, a small burning sensation still in him though. He sighed, it was bearable at least. The dog chuckled.

"It took you long enough..."

"'re not exactly the easiest guy,"

"Oh, well, I guess you got that right...I'm not much for being easy on a guy that's like you. You can take getting tackled by guys bigger than yourself but you're having trouble with me?"

Tony moaned for the first time and then grunted. "What can I've got more where it counts,"

Garret pulled pushed forward a bit more, "'re a smooth talker aren't you?"

By now the burning sensation was like a dull throb and he was actually moving a bit on his own. "You keep complimenting me...but I haven't seen you do much it just me or have I been doing all the work?"

"What's that ya' thickskulled lard? I was thinking about helping you out while I pounded you, but might be fun to make you beg," Garret said and pulled out a bit. He pushed forward and Tony groaned loudly. He continued the actions, the bear slowly showing more and more pleasure from the action. He didn't speed up or slow down, keeping his pace steady and heavy. After a bit he stopped and just kept himself buried into the bear.

Tony groaned and looked back at Garret. The dog smiled at him and just kept still, and he realized what the dog was doing. He began to move on the rottweiler's cock, rocking back and forth. Even though he was breeding himself on the cock he couldn't stop the strong moans of pleasure or how his body shook as he tried to control himself. Whenever he tried to truly pound himself against the cock he could never get the rhythm. It started out well, his cock told him he was doing something well, but he eventually began to just move and wasn't really burying the dog's bone into him. He whined back at Garret and the dog placed a paw on his shoulder. The dog began to play with him a little, though his cock remained untouched.

"Good job...come-on...why'd you stop, didn't you like it?" Garret asked and jiggled the bear's stomach a little.

Tony moaned and let out a grunt when the dog slammed into him.

"Most people answer a cop when they ask a question,"

"Yes!" Tony gasped and pushed against the dog. He could tell that did wonders for garret, because he seemed happy with that. He began to breed himself on the rottweiler's cock again, using his own body to please himself. All he could do was ride the dog, there was really no other option. Even this though was driving him crazy, he felt like his cock was made of granite, though it leaked like a faucet. The rottweiler played with his stomach, bouncing it up and down.

Garret enjoyed the bear's own enthusiasm. Tony seemed eager to have the cock in his hole, and even better yet was that the bear was enjoying it. The bear's breathing was rough and he smiled and continued his ministrations to him. He never touched the bear's cock, he wanted to him to cum paws free. Even if the bear had never been with someone before he thought the bear was the type who could, he certainly seemed happy enough with his current position. He hugged the bear, making it a bit harder for the bear to ride his cock and the bear let out a light whine of disapproval, though that didn't stop his attempts to continue to ride. After a few moments the bear adjusted and was giving himself short thrust. Garret leaned to the bear's ear, "There ya''re really good. A guy like's a wonder no one's hit on you before. You feel really good. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself too ya thick skulled lard...though that's not a bad thing is it? In fact...I go crazy for guys like's like a real man should be,"

Tony moaned as the dog continued to grunt small praises into his ear. They did wonders for him, and he blushed through most of them. Either the rottweiler was good at making things up, or he really meant what he was saying, and it seemed to be the later. The dog patted his stomach, complimenting him on his size, and would nibbled at his neck, telling him how great his scent was. Garret was at no loss for words when it came to praising him; some of the complements were nice, some were a bit cheesy, some of them made his own cock throb, and some just seemed like the dog was speaking his own language, but it was a compliment nonetheless. All the attention made his own cock feel like he was about to blow and it hadn't even been touched. He looked back at the dog and sighed, "OK...I take it back...just pound me already," Tony said, stammering a bit.

Garret pulled out to the tip and pushed back in, "I guess that's as good an invitation as you get. Just tell me if you want me to slow down or anything...but I can't make any guarantees," he said, deciding to finally get serious with the bear. He pulled out once more, his cock leaving the warmth of the bear's hole and then slammed it back in making Tony yell out. He grabbed the bear's shoulders and repeated the action more, and more. The bear continued to yell out, and he would've felt appalling if Tony had continued to hate the action but soon the bear's yells weren't filled with hurt, but with pleasure. Now Tony was moving back against his cock, and his eyes would widen every few moments in bliss.

Tony groaned and pushed back against the cock. Each heavy thrust provided a different vocalization, a new and different way for him to let the dog know how much he was enjoying himself. The dog placed his paws on his rump, almost as if to say that it was his own. He'd seen plenty videos, but none of them were anything like this, this wasn't something that could be captured. The dog's lust, and his own, they were both completely different than acting on a screen. His jockstrap felt like it was practically soaked with pre and he wasn't sure he could do much more than to just ride the dog. Whenever he looked down he could see his cock twitching beneath the bit of cloth as it bounced in the air at the force of Garret's thrust. Something was slamming against him and he realized that the rottweiler had a knot. He panicked slightly, but somehow Garret was already soothing him again, stopping slightly and patting his head.

"Don't worry...I'm not going to be tying with you...I don't do that to just any guy OK?"

Tony nodded, "OK..." he said weakly, feeling spent already. He wasn't doing anything other than being a hole for the dog, but that was a workout in itself. Most of his own work consisted of moving forward then backwards, basically rocking back and forth on the dog. It wasn't a greedy feeling though, as much as the dog received he received also. He could hear Garret panting and soon felt the dog lean down onto him. Tony leaned against the cells and moaned as the dog assaulted his prostate. His cock was violently throbbing, but still refused to shoot. For as much as he felt he was about to cum there was still this invisible string that stopped him, as if he was suspended in mid air. He yelled out and moaned at the feeling-an indefinitely teasing edge stopping him. His hole tightened like a vice grip around the dog's cock and that was all it took to send Garret over the edge.

Garret gasped and began to buck into Tony. He put all his weight into the thrust, and put a paw around his knot so he wouldn't hurt the bear. He growled and pounded Tony for all he was worth, the bear moaning loudly as he did. Even when the initial glow of his orgasm faded he continued to bury his cock into Tony, wanting him to cum to. He growled more and pulled roughly on the bear, "Come-on buddy...shoot for me,"

That small line cut the string and Tony chocked out a violent roar of pleasure as his cock shot heavy loads into his jockstrap. His orgasm was amazing, like a dam breaking and a flood being released. He knew that if anyone was nearby they would hear the roar, he could feel his chest shaking with the energy of it, and the rottweiler burying his bone and groaning with the satisfaction as he filled him. The bear could feel the cock tensing inside him, could imagine the warm load soaking his insides so well he thought he could feel himself filling up, and was pretty sure he was a good bit also. He gasped for air as Garret panted for air above him.

"Good job...that was great,"

Tony didn't respond, instead still catching air in his lungs like it was all he could manage to do-which it nearly was. The cock was still buried in him, but he could feel the dog slipping out too. He moaned still, and every few moments his body would be wracked by a new wave of pleasure. After a few minutes the dog pulled out and he gathered his things. The dog moved to the other side and unlocked the cuffs, which Tony took off quickly. He was a bit confused now as to what happened next, he wasn't sure what exactly to do. He'd secretly hoped for there to be some affection, for the dog to just stay near him, but that wasn't happening. One look into Garret's eyes told him the answer that he dreaded; the dog was back on duty-mostly.

Garret smiled at the bear as he leaned against the prison cell. He looked down at the bear's jockstrap and grinned at the sight, it was soaked and he could smell the treat from here. He moved a paw through the cell and groped the bear once, rolling the bear's surprisingly heavy orbs in his paw, "Dress don't want anyone coming in on you like that..."

Tony quickly put back on his clothes and looked over at Garret. "Hey, Garret...umm..."

"You should get some sleep ya' thickskulled lard, don't ya' know that it's almost two in the morning,"

Tony yawned, he was tired. He was extremely tired. He didn't even have the strength to tell the rottweiler what he'd wanted to say. He moved over to a cot and found himself quickly in his own dreams.

Garret smiled when the bear fell asleep. He went over to his desk and grabbed a piece of paper. He wrote down a few things to say to Tony and then unlocked the cell. He didn't know what exactly to do, the bear didn't have pockets on his shirt or his pants. He lifted the bear's pants a little and placed it in the elastic of his jockstrap. Though he'd wanted to speak to the bear duty did call-and he had already broken so many things. Sex with a detainee, he smiled at the forbidden fruit of it.

He wanted the bear to be OK. He decided he would personally see to it that nothing terrible came from the drugs that he'd been involved with-he still believed that he was innocent.

***Three Months Later***

Tony sighed as he got into his car. Practice had been bone breaking today, he'd hardly been able to get off the field he was so tired. Coach had dealt with his drug charge very well-even though that was expunged. The note he'd found two months ago was strange. The dog told him that he did like him, but that had been all it said. He wished him a happy life and told him to be a good guy and not get caught up in anything. Besides that it was rather plain, no huge confessions of hidden love, no hidden not about a desire to see him again.

It was sad in many ways, the first guy he'd ever been with and he didn't even know how to find him. He smiled to himself as he traveled down the highway, there was one way. It wasn't the most legal, but he'd met the dog under very strenuous circumstances anyway. He let his foot slam onto the pedal as he made his way down the highway. It was one way, though it had little effect on most days. In truth he did this nearly everyday now, hoping one day to get pulled over for once.

His car sped down the road and he sighed as he approached his house. He was sure it was another failed attempt to get attention of the police. Suddenly flashing lights came about and he felt his face light up. Exactly where he'd thought they would come from. He struggled to not slam down on the brakes and stopped up ahead, just a few miles from his house. Finally the officer made it to his car and tapped on his darkened window with a flashlight. Luckily his car had the driver's seat on the left side so they wouldn't be on the side of the street.

"Please step out of the vehicle with your license and registration," the gruff voice said.

Tony nearly felt like jumping with joy-the voice was the rottweiler's. He opened his door and got out, the dog obviously didn't recognize him though. It wasn't offensive though, for some reason Garret had on sunglasses and the dog wasn't even looking in his direction. He beamed a huge grin at him, "What did I do officer?"

"You were you realize you were nearly going a hundred in a fifty five an hour mile zone," Garret asked, writing down on a pad as he talked.

Tony smiled at the dog, who was just about to look up. "Yes, yes I do. And I have to say I'm really disappointed with the police. I mean, if you were out here more then you'd be writing more than just one of those...I've gone down this road nearly everyday like a demon,"

Garret jerked his head up at the voice, not sure how he hadn't recognized it sooner. The bear's grinning face brought him into a different world. He chuckled lightly and handed the bear the ticket, "You're a thickskulled lard,"

Tony smiled, and stepped forward. He kissed Garret on the lips, obviously surprising the large male. It was quick and he quickly pulled back. It was strange, that was his first time kissing a male.

"You trying to add unseemly behavior onto this?" Garret asked, but he knew his own face betrayed him. He was shocked by the bear's presence, even more so by the kiss, but he was grinning like a fool.

"Hmm..." Tony said and looked down at the ticket, "How about we discuss that over a drink?" he asked and then ripped the ticket.

"You're making this worse you know?"

"So what? You may have to take me in...or you could take me up on that offer,"

"I thought you said you didn't date guys," Garret said with a smile.

"Things, do I have to add coercing to that list...or are you going to come down peacefully?"

Garret chuckled, "I really do have to write a ticket,"

Tony smiled, and took the pad from the dog. He threw it somewhere behind him and looked at the dog, "I'm only going to do more you know,"

"You're at..." Garret said and put a paw on the bear's chest. Any cars that drove past would only see them for a brief moment, "about three tickets...and you're going to pay for diner,"

Tony smiled and roughly pushed the dog against his car. Garret let out a grunt and he pressed his weight against the dog, "Assaulting an officer...hmm...I wonder what I'm going to have to pay? You just tell me where I'm taking you downtown to,"