The Little Grown Up Part II

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The Little Grown Up Part II

The Same Night

"Mom," Kyle started to his mother.

"Yes dear," his mother asked.

"I'm going to keep Daniel from school tomorrow," Kyle said plainly.

"For what reason," she asked with puzzled look.

"I feel like me and Him need some, brother time," he said.

"That's alright with me," she said with a giddy smile.

The Next Morning

"Psst Daniel, it's time to get up," Kyle said nudging his little brother.

"Good morning Kyle," Daniel said with an exciting look.

"We're going to eat breakfast, and wait for Danielle, and then I'll teach you about those pictures," the older sibling said with a nervous grin.

The two ate their breakfast and Kyle's girlfriend Danielle arrived. Danielle was a beautiful red fox with white markings.

"Hey baby," Danielle said kissing Kyle on the cheek.

"Hey, are you ready to help little man over there," Kyle asked.

"I'm sure we can help him out, come with us stud," Danielle said grabbing Daniel's paw and making him blush.

Danielle and Kyle started to strip down and Kyle took off Daniel's clothes. Danielle and Kyle started to kiss and Daniel watched in bewilderment.

Just like in the pictures!

"Kyle why does you're pee-pee have that thingy on it," Daniel looked puzzled.

"It's called a knot, and I was about to get to that," Kyle said with a snicker.

"When boys get really "happy" their pee-pees do to, so the knot forms," he told his little brother. "When you put your pee-pee in a girl's vagina, which is right here (he pointed) it feels really good ".

"So is that what you're going to do," The little husky asked.

"Yep," Kyle said with a smile. "Watch what I do".

Kyle began his work on his girlfriend; he licked his fingers and started on his girlfriend's accepting entrance. After he felt that his work was exceptional he sat up and mounted her. Daniel could only watch in amazement as his brother showed him the art that he has perfected. Daniel felt funny and saw that his pee-pee got bigger; he had never seen it this way.

"What do we have here," Kyle said motioning to his little brother.

"Let me help you with that," Danielle said taking Daniel's four-inch little pecker into her mouth. Daniel was washed with a wave with of something he had never felt before, the look on his face made the older couple giggle.

"How does that feel little man," Kyle said scratching his little brother's head.

"It feels, so, so AWESOME," the little husky yelled. Daniel almost instinctively put his hands behind Danielle's head and started to fuck her mouth.

"It feels like I have to pee Kyle," Daniel said with a scared look on his face.

"That's called and orgasm or cumming, don't worry you'll be fine," Kyle said with a smile.

Daniel's little knot started to form and Danielle worked on it making him moan almost scream. His little prick started to spasm and his pre-pubescent liquids filled her mouth. Danielle bucked back while she swallowed and rammed Kyle's knot into her pushing him over the edge. Danielle was now marked by the two siblings.

"Wasn't that a great brother day," Kyle said with a wink.

"Best day ever," Daniel said trying his best to wink back.

Blah part II is done hope you liked it criticism is welcomed :D!