Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 10

Story by Shade Fox on SoFurry

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This chapter and the next two or three, I can't make up my mind, will mostly focus on Hiranose, Shinaji, and the masked female figure and their relationship. Also, there may even be a few plot twist and surprises later on, but I won't spoil anything. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. I do not own any of the Pokémon franchise or copyrights, however, Kenshi, Toshi, Shinaji, Hiranose, Sherro (deceased), Benaji, are owned by me.

Chapter 10

(Hiranose POV)

As the group quietly ran towards the old-growth forest, the darkness was alive as the creatures of the night called out into the night. But as they made their way past the trees at the edge of the forest the din from seconds ago vanished, replaced by an oppressive silence. Only the sound of muffled footfalls on the soft loam on the forest floor broke the silence in the ancient forest as they made their way further into Dectarter Nonimod territory.

"Toshi, what does Dectarter Nonimod mean? I don't think I've heard of that before." Hiranose asked his gaze locked on the canopy as swiveled his head as if looking for something.

"'Dectarter Amgine Nonimod'" Toshi stated as they continued walking side stepping around trees and roots in the way in silence before Toshi continued "is the full name but you'll soon know why it's shortened, but loosely translated from ancient Persan, it means 'The exception to the rule of mind, heart and kingdom.' As you know Persa adjacent to two other nations, Tokono to the East and Senbuya to the North and though today we are allies if you went back in time about six hundred years that wasn't the case. You see, back then Persa was broken up into smaller warring nations an-"

"Yeah we know, we've heard it about a thousand times in history class, Persa was broken up into warring kingdoms and most likely the rulers of the kingdoms, if they weren't taken care of back then probably would have ended up destroying everything in their blind lust for power and so on and so forth you know the rest Toshi you were there." Kenshi droned as he recited his history book from memory uninterested in being told something he already knew and was about to continue when a look from Toshi quickly made him shut his mouth and swallow audibly as he drew his paw across his mouth in the 'zip it' and smiled nervously motioning for Toshi to continue.

"As I was saying" Toshi continued shooting another glance at Kenshi before continuing "Yes Persa was broken up into smaller warring nations, like it says in the book, but what the book doesn't say is why the warring kingdoms were only interested in fighting each other and not the other nations on their borders." He stopped talking when he turned to look back the others and saw the look on their faces saying that he had roused their curiosity. Then turning back Toshi stopped walking and looked around and saw a small clearing that had a few less tress and more open space a few yards ahead and told the others that this was a good a spot as any to set up camp for the night.

With the tents set up and a small fire going as Hiranose and the others sat around it looking at Toshi with anticipation while he sat back against a tree his face clouded by shadows but his eyes glinting in the fire light as his narration continued. His eyes never ceasing to glow as the light from the fire danced in them adding to the experience as the group looked deep into his eyes as if seeing the story behind this overwhelming place being played out within them.

"Try as they might, the kings and queens of the warring nations sent army after army, battalion after battalion into the massive forest that stretched along the borders of the warring Persan kingdoms and its neighboring nations but to no avail. Any army that ventured into the forest was decimated and utterly destroyed and the survivors who were lucky, if you can call them that, the poor bastards, to make it back out the way they came in alive, came back damn near crazy. They rambled about the shadows moving on their own accord and hearing voices whispering in their ears and soldiers marching alongside them vanishing day and night and later when they stopped to rest for the night hearing their comrades anguished screams echoing in the silence for hours before they ceased and the silence of the night finally returned only to be broken by the sound of a crying soldier here or there but the soldiers could still hear the screams again and again in their heads keeping them from falling asleep never knowing that it wasn't a someone who was the force behind their misery but rather a something at work and whatever the force that was behind the torment it never ceased. While it was horrible during the night when the soldier was robbed of sight and his other senses compensated, it was much worse during the day when the soldier's five sense were at their disposal but not able to trust any of them; the whispered words spreading lies and falsehoods amongst the ranks planting the seeds of deception and malice, the taste of a mother's home cooking or the familiar and relaxing smell of a long time home or feel the warmth of a lover's flesh creating false trails to steer those caught unaware away deeper into the forest, the fleeting glimpse of a fallen comrade in the corner of the eye waving and smiling beckoning you to follow before being snatched away daring you to go to the spot where you saw them or continue on forever wondering if what you saw was a trick or did you really leave a friend behind to suffer an unimaginable death, tormenting the mind and leaving the soul to wonder what fate will befall it. The soldiers who made it back out were a mere shell of their former existence outcast in the home they left. The kings and queens who heard of the horrors that took place inside that forest scared em' shitless, and out of fear that the survivors would spread the word and cause unrest amongst their militaries, they exiled the survivors forcing them back into the very forest that drove them insane leaving them to die simple as that." Minutes passed by in silence after Toshi before he blinked his eyes breaking contact with his captivated audience and breaking their reverie as their eyes began to gain focus again and they thoughts returned to the present.

"What happened to them, the soldiers that were forced to go back?" Hiranose asked as he sat up still staring into Toshi's eyes as Toshi leaned forward the fire illuminating his face.

"Legends say that the soldiers who overcame the control of the forest and gained some kind of power to trick the mind and other abilities. Over the years since then the guards posted at the borders of the territory say that during the day when the shadows of the trees of the forest stretch in one direction they'd notice a stray shadow stretching towards the guard house, one guard even reported that while on patrol the shadow of another guardsmen on a wall was mocking him, he closed his eyes for a few seconds to organize his thoughts but when he opened them the guard's shadow was normal, but he did write down in his report that he saw an wayward shadow returning to the forest and swore he heard laughter coming from it." Toshi answered stretching his arms over his head and leaning back again with his eyes closed.

"Yeah but those are just legends, none of that stuff is true, right?" Laurran said and jumped with a start looking around into the forest when the fire crackled loudly. Not having escaped his notice, Kenshi was quietly snickering trying to avoid getting his sister's attention but failed and barely leaned back in time when a rock passed where his laughing face was a second ago.

"What was that for?!" Kenshi growled as he leaned forward rubbing the back of his head where it had hit the ground.

"Now that was funny!" Laurran said laughing the expression on Kenshi's when he dodged the rock and his head was priceless and the sound it made even more. "That sound couldn't have echoed more in an empty field" Laurran gasped out between laughs "It's like there's empty space where something important is suppose to go." She gasped out before another laughing fit started. "Now what's that thing that that goes between your ears? A brain! Right, that's what goes there, but where's yours if it's not in your head?" Laurran said sarcastically rubbing her head trying to think "Oh wait I know!" She exclaimed "It's in your pants, like most men, no offense." She said looking at Toshi and Hiranose before continuing "I bet if I kicked you in the balls I'd give you brain damage!" She managed to say before she burst out laughing slapping her thighs as she fell to her side laughing unable to take it anymore and she wasn't the only one Hiranose and the others burst out laughing to match even Kenshi, who could take a joke, started in the fun. But as their laughter died down Hiranose's ears twitched and swiveled as he picked the faint sound of laughter somewhere in the trees nearby. It sounded feminine but he wasn't sure and his gaze wandered as he tried to find the source, his eyes froze when he managed to make out the silhouette and eyes of a figure crotched on branch in a tree about twenty feet away slightly to his left at eleven o'clock. Their eyes locked for what seemed like an eternity before the sound of someone calling his name and feeling Shinaji's paws on his shoulders shaking him brought him back to the present, the camp was silent and everyone was staring at him with a look of concern on his face, especially his little sister Shinaji he waved off their concerns telling them he was fine. After he finally reassured them of his well being, his eyes went back to the spot where he saw the stranger but was surprised to see that whomever it was had gone, vanished back into the forest. Gradually as the night went on, one by one the group fell asleep until Toshi and Hiranose were the only ones awake. The two sat in silence the only sound being made was the crackling of the fire as it burned into the night.

"You saw it too didn't you?" Toshi said suddenly breaking the silence "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya like that." Apologized Toshi noticing the way Hiranose jumped. Hiranose shook his head dismissing the apology. "Not a problem, just wasn't expecting it that's all." Hiranose looked at the tents containing Shinaji, Benaji, and Kenshi and listened for the sounds of them sleeping before he looked back at Toshi and continued "You mean you saw whoever that was who was looking at us in that tree" Hiranose said pointing to the tree in question. Toshi slowly nodded his head while looking at the tree Hiranose pointed at "Whether you believe my story or not it's up to you but what you should remember about any legend" He said as he got up with a soft groan shaking the numbness out of his legs and walked over to his tent. Before he went in however he looked over his shoulder to where Hiranose was still sitting and continued "Is that all legends have a bit of truth to them, which part of it is the truth I'll leave up to you to find out, goodnight." Toshi finished before he vanished into his tent leaving Hiranose to ponder his last words. What does he mean 'all legends have a bit of truth to them?' Is he talking about the forest or the soldiers? Ugh! Why does he always do that?! Speaking in riddles and leaving clues and what does this forest have to do with our training?! The riddle bothered Hiranose like a bad itch as he racked his head for the answer before he gave up after a few minutes when his head started to hurt, and with an exasperated sigh he got up and doused the fire until it was barely alive and walked back to his tent where he sighed and quickly fell asleep.

Hiranose tossed and turned on his mat his dreams a chaotic mess as they went from the riddle to Tom and his father to Toshi and the others and finally the stranger he locked eyes with in the forest. Hiranose was certain that the person he saw watching them at camp was the same one he saw disappear into the forest at the border. As his dreams started to shift focus to the stranger he settled more into his mat and stopped turning as his dreams lost their chaotic nature as his dream continued.

In his dream, Hiranose was still in the forest but when he looked around he couldn't see Toshi, or anybody else. He started walking and immediately he began to feel like he was being watched, not panicking; he picked up his pace as he wove in and out trees trying to lose his pursuer. He slowed when the feeling vanished and continued walking at his old pace when the sound of a twig snapping made him stop in his tracks. The feeling he was being watched came back much stronger this time as his eyes darted in every direction trying to spot anything, he spun around when he heard another twig snap behind him heart pounding as his head snapped in multiple directions trying to see anything. The sound of another twig snapping to his left made him jump and very slowly he turned his head towards the sound and his eyes opened in fright, staring back at him through a bit of brush ten feet away were the same eyes he saw back at camp. Never taking his eyes off the strangers, Hiranose slowly took a step back and paused waiting for a reaction from the stranger. When he got nothing he started taking another slow step back when the figure suddenly dashed from the brush at him, stumbling backwards, Hiranose caught himself and fled from the stranger as fast as he could, weaving around trees and jumping over stumps and brush in his way. As he was running, Hiranose risked a quick look over his shoulder and saw that the stranger was closing the distance between them fast, its eyes never leaving his back as it closed in. The stranger was getting closer and closer and as it closed the last few feet it reached a hand out to grab Hiranose. Seeing an opportunity, in a split second Hiranose jumped and landed on a branch above and without stopping continuing fleeing the stranger in the treetops. His breath coming ragged Hiranose pushed himself to his limits in his effort to escape the stranger chasing him. The sound of his footfalls on the branches and his ragged breathing were drowned out by the pounding of his heart as he continued his staggering pace appearing only to be a dark blur as he sped along the treetops. Softly at first then slowly building Hiranose could hear someone laughing, perhaps his pursuer, but he couldn't tell, the sound coming from multiple directions and building in volume until it was the only sound Hiranose could hear as he continue, then just as quickly as it started, the laughing suddenly stopped. Hiranose continued on for a while before he finally stopped, landing on a branch then quickly making his way to the trunk before crouching down in the shadow to catch his breath. A few minutes passed before his breathing slowed down enough for his liking and from his perch he took in his surroundings looking for any sign of the stranger or a way out of the forest. As he scanned the forest the feeling came back with more force than ever, he didn't notice the slight movement of the branch as the stranger landed next to him.

"That was fun; I haven't met someone like you in a while. *Sigh* It's a shame it's over though." The stranger said with a feminine voice, as she stared at the frozen form of Hiranose. Hiranose turned to the source of the voice and recoiled against the trunk as the stranger lunged at him her eyes never leaving his, yet even in his fear-stricken state he noticed that her eyes looked sad as she landed on him and brought a paw across his throat her claws tearing into his neck.

Hiranose woke up in his tent with a start as he looked around his tent holding his neck. Noticing his fur was damp, he wiped a paw across his brow feeling the cold sweat on his paw as his breathing slowed and his heart stopped pounding in his chest. Oh thank the gods, it was just a nightmare. Hiranose thought to himself as he sighed and fell back against the mat, gazing up at the tent lost in his thoughts. When I looked in her eyes I didn't see anger or contempt I saw regret and sadness, but why, what was she sad about? His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of something shuffling around in the next tent. Sticking his head out his tent, Hiranose looked to his left and saw the tent Kenshi and Benaji were was moving around. With a sigh Hiranose got up and left his tent and walked over to the smoldering remains of last night's fire, bending over, he picked up a small branch that barely burned and twirled it in his paw gauging its weight, turning towards the tent he threw the branch and was rewarded by a hollow thump followed by Kenshi's pained grunt.

"Knock it off you two, it's too early in the morning." Hiranose said between a yawn as he made his way into the forest to look for anything to eat.

A half hour went by before he returned with a knapsack full of edible berries and fruits and by then the others had woken up and started to break down the tents and snuffed out the fire.

"Where were you?" Toshi asked when Hiranose approached. In response Hiranose set his pack down and opened it showing everyone its contents.

"We were running low on food; I thought that I could look for more before we set off again." Hiranose said as he attached his knapsack to his gear before hoisting it onto his back.

"Well next time just tell me before you go off like that. There are more dangers here than you know." Toshi said a hint of concern carrying across.

"Tell me about it." Hiranose muttered rubbing his neck where he was slashed in his dream.

"What was that?" Toshi said looking back to Hiranose with a raised eyebrow, his eyes scanning Hiranose's face for clues.

"Uh nothing, I was just talking to myself." Hiranose said quickly looking away from Toshi as his thoughts became scrambled. I can't tell them about my dream, if I do they'll think I'm crazy or something like the legend and then what'll they do, some weird test on me to see if I've gone crazy? Not happening! The last thing I want is Toshi doing any kind of "test" on me. Hell, the last time he did one of his "tests" on someone was when Toshi accidentally bumped some guy and made him drop their spoon and the idiot spit in his face. Hiranose shuddered as he relived the incident. I remember Toshi said that he'd perform a little test on him with his spoon. He ended up with four missing teeth, a broken arm and leg, and a fractured tail. I've never seen anyone do that kind of damage to someone with just a spoon.

"Well then if you're sure then we should get going we've got a long trip ahead of us." Toshi said staring at Hiranose out the corner of his eye before him and the others hoisted their packs and left.

An hour passed by in relative silence, stepping over roots and stumps and ducking under branches, before Hiranose felt a shiver go down his spine and the fur on the back of his neck stood up.


"I know they've been at it ever since we entered the forest." Toshi replied looking back over his shoulder to Hiranose whose eyes were fixed on the treetops above darting side to side as he quietly counted aloud.

"It's five to five an even number, but they've got not only the tactical advantage in the high ground, we're in their territory so they've got the home field advantage and if these guys are who I think they are they have an unknown ability that we've never seen or can counter and that gives them an edge over us." Hiranose said quietly as he sped up to walk alongside Toshi so as not to be overheard by the others.

"We've got two options here, option A and option B, and only one of them is looking promising right about now." Toshi whispered back.

"Option B is our best bet if we want to get out of this in one relatively whole piece." Hiranose said glancing at Toshi who quickly picked his jaw off the ground.

"You haven't heard them yet, how do you-." Toshi started but Hiranose cut him off.

"I've known you for too long Toshi, when it comes to you when you say we have two options they usually fall under the 'fight-it-out-and-hope-for-the-best' or 'see-what-the-opposition-proposes-before-going-any-further' categories and sorry to say, in this case, the 'see-what-the-opposition-proposes' option is our best bet because at the moment the enemy" Hiranose said glancing up at the treetops for emphasis "would kick our asses in a heartbeat and then we'd have no choice but to see and accept what the opposition proposes." Hiranose finished and looked over to a surprised look on Toshi's face and Hiranose's only response was to shrug his shoulders and say "What?"

Toshi's only response was to sigh and look over his shoulder to the rest of the group who stared at him wondering what the two were whispering about just now.

"Listen if you go along with me and Hiranose's lead okay we should make it out of this safely." Toshi told the group who in return just stared back at him with puzzled looks.

"What are you talking about?" Laurran asked

"Yeah what's going on, what were you two whispering about just now?" Kenshi asked putting a protective paw on Benaji's shoulder and looked around the forest for danger.

"Were surrounded that what, now do as we say and we'll live or don't we'll probably be all be killed." Hiranose said coldly as he and Toshi slowly lowered their packs to the ground and put their paws on top of their head in the universal sign of surrender before looking back and motioning the others to follow their example and do the same. Once everyone's pack was on the ground along with any weapons they had they waited as the minutes passed by like hours as they stood motionless with their paws on their heads.

"Why are we doing this, I don't see, smell, or hear anyone nearby." Kenshi groaned as he started getting restless from remaining motionless for so long and began shifting his weight from foot paw to foot paw and began to lower his paws from his head when a cold voice from behind him made him freeze mid motion.

"Make one move and I'll shove this dagger into your head, Tervas. The same goes to the rest of you." The stranger said loud enough for the rest to hear. Looking out the corner of his eye Hiranose couldn't see anyone and started looking around for the person who spoke up. I don't see anyone behind him or anyone else, so where did that voice come from? It couldn't ha-, what the!? Hiranose's thoughts were cut off as he stared wide-eyed at what he saw happening in back of his brother. His shadow, and taking a quick look at the others he saw the same thing was happening to their shadows as well, started to lose its shape and became a black circle and from it the shadow began to rise up and take the shape of someone else. The shadow's transformation quickened and in a few seconds a stranger shrouded in a dark clothes stood in back of Kenshi in a defensive stance with a kunai held, blade backwards, in his paw.

"Hey who do you-" Kenshi started and tried to turn around to look at the stranger but was stopped by the stranger who quickly stepped forward and wrapped an arm around his neck placing his claws on Kenshi's jugular and brought the kunai up to the nape of his neck were his spine began.

"Make one more move and I'll drop you like a stone Tervas." The stranger growled vehemently pushing the kunai harder against his neck for emphasis drawing blood.

"Kenshi, I know I'm asking a lot from you right now, but could you please not provoke the angry people with sharp things against our throats right now. I think it would really help in getting out of this hmm how can I put this, this uncomfortable, situation okay?" Hiranose asked sarcastically looking over at Kenshi and rolled his eyes.

"Perhaps you should listen to your friend here; after all he does notice certain things others might miss." The stranger guarding Hiranose said she, definitely a she, had a melodious voice, it wasn't high like a girly sort of voice but was mature and fuller like it danced along and carried across, like someone who was both caring and dangerous at the same time.

"Wait I know that voice, I've heard it before, in a dream I had." Hiranose said as he tried to see the owner of the voice out the corner of his eye.

"Well, well, well, you can't stop thinking of me can you? When was that, when you first saw me heading back to the forest from the border or was it when who spotted me at your campsite, huh?" She asked

"I- I- I have no ideas what you're talking about." Hiranose stammered to the amusement of the stranger in back of him who giggled.

"Or maybe you were dreaming of me hmm, were they naughty I bet they were." She said giggling as a blush became visible on Hiranose's face.

"Tanala knock it off, we're not here to pick up dates we're here on business on why these Tervas entered our forest." The stranger in back of Kenshi said taking sidelong glances at Tanala as he tried to keep his eyes on Toshi.

"What're you staring at?" The guard holding Kenshi said hotly as he eyed Toshi who didn't answer but just kept on staring at him neither his eyes nor face betraying any emotions.

"I asked you a question Tervas, now answer, what're you staring at?" The guard demanded his face retaining its emotionless state but his voice betraying his emotions. Toshi remained quiet as he continued to stare at Kenshi's capturer his eyes delving deeper and deeper into his mind as he silently put his and Hiranose's plan into action. The other guards around covering Benaji, Shinaji, Laurran, and Toshi watched on with interest as their leader went back and forward with their silent prisoner completely unaware that as they watched everything unfolding they were unconsciously lowering their guard, save Tanala.

Wolfy over here probably couldn't come up with something like this, he's seems predisposed to defensive-offensive tactics. Not to mention the oblivious one glancing at Kenshi_probably as perceptive as a piece of wood, definitely not coming up with any plan period. Then you've got the easily irked sister,_ taking a quick look over to Laurran keeping Mr. Oblivious in check doesn't really leave a lot of energy for planning and the other sister, then looking back over to Shinaji who's probably playing the referee between the other two, so she's a conflict deterrent. So now that only leaves one possible choice. Taking a closer look Tanala noticed that Hiranose never broke eye contact with Botan, the guard behind Kenshi. Smiling to herself, she had figured out their plan but kept it to herself to see whether the others would pick up on it or not and where this would lead. He's waiting for his opening. Smart and cute, a rare combo to be sure, but I wonder how it plays for him. I may need to dig a little more to figure out how he works but I know one thing, I'm gonna have fun doing it.

"Tervas, answer my question now what are you staring at." Botan growled menacingly the anger quickly rising within him being mirrored in his eyes as he continued to stare into Toshi's emotionless ones. Botan's paws began to shake as his anger threatened boil over, his grip loosening on both the kunai and Kenshi's throat.

"You bastard Tervas, you will answer me or you will suffer unimaginable pain by my hands, so for the last time what're you staring at?!" Botan roared his anger clouding his judgment as the distance between Kenshi's throat and neck grew until there was a opening, just a small one, but more than enough for what was about to happen.

"I'm not looking at you, I'm looking into you, and I must say I'm not impressed you've got a fault that any sensible warrior learns from the beginning to control." Toshi said earning a few shocked gasps from the other guards and leaving Botan speechless, but not for long.

"Tervas, you dare slander my name with your lies?!" Botan shouted

"Make that two instead." Toshi said chuckling. While the rest were occupied by Botan and Toshi, even Tanala, Hiranose saw his opening in Botan's guard and took it. Tanala gasped as Hiranose vanished before her eyes, she didn't anticipate him executing the plan but the other one, Kenshi, the stupid one.

"Two, two faults, I have no faults and even if I did you'd never be-!" Botan's sentence was cut off when Hiranose reappeared besides him. Throwing his left elbow and driving it into Botan's ribcage forcing him backwards as Hiranose quickly followed up with his open right paw, straightening it like a spear tip and thrusting it into his shoulder forcing it backwards bringing Botan's claws and the kunai away from Kenshi's throat and neck, and in one fluid motion brought his right arm back and twisted his torso to face Botan and shot his left arm up bringing his open paw, heel first, crashing into Botan's jaw knocking him off his feet and flying backwards ten feet before falling heavily.

"Pride, pride and anger are your faults, coupled with a superiority complex and a feeling of insecurity it's a stroke of dumb luck you're not dead." Hiranose said to the barely conscious Botan, whose only response was to let out a slight moan before losing consciousness.

"Well, that was a surprise, never expected someone to beat Botan so effectively like that before, especially a Tervas." Tanala said as she walked over to the unconscious form of Botan and taking one look at the slowly growing spot of blood soaking his shirt and bloodied mouth whistled appreciatively.

"Looks like several fractured, probably broken, ribs most likely the 7thand 8thribs, nerve damage in the shoulders, temporary, and several chipped teeth and a fractured jaw. Should only take a few months of recovery and he should be fine." Tanala said nonchalantly nudging Botan's uninjured shoulder with her foot and getting a soft groan in response.

"All right guys let the rest go; we'll take 'em with us to the village and let my father decide what happens to them." Tanala said looking over to her comrades who were still guarding the others snapping them out of their daze as they looked at her incredulously.

"What're you insane, there's no way we're taking them with us, I mean look at what they did to Botan." One of the guards said as he and the other guards slowly stepped back from the others and went to stand next to Tanala.

"Yeah, we can take 'em, no problem!" Another guard said raising his kunai and prepared to attack but was stopped by Tanala smacking him upside the head.

"You must have a death wish then huh, it only took one of them to take down Botan, and you all know even though he's an astronomical asshole, he was strong, stronger than you" Tanala said as she looked over the others in her party "and if that's not enough the same one who took down Botan in less than five seconds also vanished in front of my eyes." The others around her was shocked as they looked back to Tanala then over to Hiranose who stood stayed crouched in a fighting stance who relaxed when the rest reached a consensus, the Tervas would return with them to the village and their fate would be up to their leader, Tanala's father.

About an hour passed in silence as the group and their "escort" made their way to Tanala's village. Hiranose, who couldn't help himself, kept taking quick glances over to Tanala who noticed and began to giggle much to the bemusement of Hiranose until a surprised look passed over his face that was quickly replaced by a ever-growing blush, making Tanala giggle even more. Another hour passed before they came to a stop on a small hill that fed into a massive valley below where truly massive trees grew. The view was breathtaking, as the sun began to descend behind the never-ending horizon of trees it cast a scattered shadow across the valley bringing out the remaining lights from the village within that glistened like the moon's reflection on a still lake.

"It's beautiful I've never seen anything like it." Benaji said with awe as she and the others could only nod their heads in agreement as they too gazed down at the village with awe. But we snapped out of our daydream when someone loudly coughed us when we turned around there was an old looking lucario with a cane standing a few feet behind us. Opening his eyes they were not red like a normal lucario but were sapphire blue.

"Tanala what is the meaning of this, bringing Tervas to the village." Someone said behind us with a gruff masculine voice.

"Father I didn't see any other option, they managed to defeat Botan" Tanala started but was cut off by her father.

"What one of them defeated Botan, in single combat who was it?" Tanala's father asked slightly surprised his eyes opening a bit more. Tanala looked at her father then to Hiranose then motioned for him to step forward and answer. Hiranose stepped forward and respectfully bowed to the lucario chief who bowed his head in return.

"My name is Hiranose Abumanesan lo Kempura Himora-Tan, I noticed that we were surrounded and we surrendered and when Botan threatened my brother, Toshi distracted him long enough that create an opening and take him out. But I am sorry about his injuries; I didn't think they'd be so severe." Hiranose apologized to the chief who just continued to stare at Hiranose in silence. A few minutes passed before the chief spoke again.

"What did your friend do to distract Botan?" The chief asked never taking his eyes off Hiranose.

"He just stared at him and remained quiet when asked a question." Hiranose responded

"Let me guess he started getting angry when your friend wouldn't answer didn't he?"

"Yeah but how did you-."

"Then I'm guessing he got offended when your friend finally spoke right and lowered his guard?"

"Uh-huh but how did-."

"Finally when he got really mad he backed up a bit and created the opening for you to whoop his ass right?" The chief finished as he continued staring at Hiranose.

"That was just about it, but how did you know all that?" Hiranose asked puzzled how the chief could have found out about what they were doing almost an hour and a half away.

"Easy, that dumbass Botan has too much pride and gets angry too easily. It clouds his judgment and makes him weak and open to attacks." The chief replied gruffly but in his eyes Hiranose could see a smile. The chief's focus then switched to someone else in the group but couldn't figure out who it was until the chief spoke.

"Don't think I didn't notice you back there either Toshi, ya little shit. You still doing those "test" on people or are you up to something else these days?" The chief said spotting Toshi and couldn't help but smile at the bewildered look on his face.

"How are you still alive you old bastard? You were already old as dirt when Sherro and I were here seventy years ago; you were what six hundred and fifty then, so what, that makes hundred and twenty years old?!" Toshi said trying to stifle a laugh but failing. "Wait since when did you have a daughter, but wait she's a cheetah but you're a lucario." Toshi said trying to work it out, Tanala and her father looked at each other

"Don't ask." Tanala and her father said at the same time.

"Who is this, a friend?" Hiranose asked Toshi who looked at Tanala's father and tried not to laugh.

"This Hiranose is my master, Ishkaya T'sal Hanasagi; he was the one who taught me and Sherro everything we know. However, you may not know him by that name you may know him by another, "Last of the Old Vanguard"." Toshi said motioning to T'sal who just growled at being called his full name. "Wait I'm sorry, Whispering Winds, is his name now. He gave up his Persan name when the Persan kingdoms gave up on them and took the name Whispering Winds or T'erof." Toshi said quickly correcting himself.

"So Chief Ishkaya-"

"Just call me Master or Master T'erof, hell; T'erof would work, saying everything else just adds to the noise." T'erof said cutting Hiranose off.

"So I figure that this is where Toshi was taking us right so you could train us?" Kenshi said

"Yep, that's the case, but I'll let T'erof take over for now, I've got to get going." Toshi said addressing the group.

"Wait What?!" Hiranose, Kenshi, Benaji, Shinaji, and Laurran said at the same time.

"Wait, you mean you're just leaving us behind?" Hiranose said trying to digest Toshi's words.

"Yep, I've got some business to attend to." Toshi said with a sigh.

"What business could you possibly have, especially when you're public enemy number one?"

"Well I can't go into details at the moment but I'll get back to you on that." Toshi said grabbing his pack and jumping into the trees and took off.

"Why am I really not liking the fact I heard him laughing when he took off?" Hiranose asked but immediately got his answer when T'erof banged his cane against the ground getting everyone's attention.

"Enough with the talking you'll be starting your training." T'erof said

"Uh Master not to be rude but when do we start?" Hiranose asked with a nervous smile that quickly disappeared when he saw an evil smile creep onto Master T'erof's face.

"You start now, grab your supplies and your tent and head out in different directions into the forest. You will not help one another and if you do you will suffer the consequences, the first part of your training is to be one with your surroundings. Tanala will be looking in on you and will report back to me, and don't think I'm not watching either." T'erof addressed the group "The same goes for you Tanala, I'll be keeping an eye on you too." He finished looking at Tanala then at Hiranose, the look in his eyes saying everything, "hurt my daughter and I'll hunt you down and feed you your balls." Hiranose couldn't speak but just swallowed loudly and nodded fervently. That bastard that's why he was laughing, I'll get him for this! Were Hiranose's thoughts as he remembered seeing Toshi vanish, hearing him laughing and wiping tears from his eyes.

So tell me what you think of this one, I'll try to make everything flow easier as I branch out into different ideas but I'd like some feedback.