Three To Get Along

Story by luckybolt on SoFurry

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Three To Get Along By: Luckybolt

Ash was still pissed off that he had to lose Agnes to his cousin Kristofferson. They were always walking home from school together, watching TV together, and Lord knows what else together. That was one reason why he hated Kristofferson and now the only reason. Ash worked on his room now that they were now out of the sewers and back to a new home. Ash knew he should put the past behind him since it was only a girl he was falling for, but it wasn't easy. Kristofferson saw the anger every so often and even though he has his own room now he didn't want to still be fighting with his cousin. Agnes was over again yet again and Ash knew it. He walked by Kristofferson's room and noticed the door closed. "Heh figures." Said Ash walking past the room. Kristofferson never shut his door unless he was doing something with Agnes in there. Ash headed towards the door as he passed his mother. "Something wrong son?" Asked Mrs. Fox as Ash looked up at her, then flicked his ear and spat on the floor. Without another word Ash walked out the door and slammed the door. Ash passed by Kristofferson's room and noticed what looked like Agnes' head bobbing up and down. He knew what was going on. Ash just kept going, he knew anything he would do would be considered as punishment. Mrs. Fox stilled worried about her son walked to Kristofferson's room and opened the door in shock. There was Agnes on the ground giving Kristofferson a blow job. Usually this wouldn't bug her I mean at that age she was doing allot more then just a blow job to her husband. Agnes stood up frightened and a bit scared as she stood there with what looked like cum leaking out of her muzzle, and Kristofferson with his fox hood standing straight up. Mrs. Fox just shut the door and headed down stairs. Kristofferson followed after putting his pants back on. "I am sorry Aunt Fox." Said Kristofferson. Mrs. Fox just looked at her nephew and sighed. "Its not me that's upset it's Ash." Said Mrs. Fox as she walked to the kitchen. Kristofferson looked sharply at the image of Ash on the wall. Ash was a good kid and Kris knew that it wasn't right to leave Ash out of the fun besides he was family. Not to mention Agnes did have a thing for the both of them. Besides what harm would it do. "Aunt Fox where did Ash go?" Kristofferson asked as he spotted Agnes returning from his room. Seeing everything going on got her a bit worried. Kristofferson looked out the window and saw Ash sitting on the hill side. His Aunt was right and since Kristofferson was always worried about hurting people who didn't deserve it he needed to talk to Ash. Kris walked out of the house with Agnes by his side.

"Hey Ash." Said Kristofferson as he got closer. "Leave me alone, why don' you two go back and cuss!" Snapped Ash sitting in a deep mood. "Because it wouldn't be fun without you." Said Agnes with a very big grin. "Yeah right you two just want to do something cause you feel bad for me. It isn't going to work so leave me be." "Not so Ash we both love you and not in a family way." Said Kristofferson as both him and Agnes walk to either side of Ash. "Yeah besides what's wrong with being in love with two people?" Asked Agnes as she slipped a paw into Ash's pants and became shocked at the feeling. "What's wrong Agnes?" Asked Kristofferson. "His cock its....huge." Said Agnes.

It wasn't long till both Kris and Agnes was leading Ash back to Kristofferson's room. All the foxes got undressed. Agnes surprised Ash with her beauty. Sure he had seen her in a swimsuit before but nothing compared to just being in her fur and nothing else. Kristofferson looked good too. His silver fur surrounding his body and yet the only thing not covering was his cock. From the looks of it Kristofferson was a good 8 1/2 inches and somewhat thick. Ash had never seen Kris before but what shocked them was when Ash was now fully unsheathed. "Holly cuss he is huge." Said Kristofferson as he viewed Ash's length. Ash was about 11 inches and as thick as a silver dollar maybe more. Kristofferson watched as Agnes measured Ash's size slowly moving down and giving the tip of his member a soft lick. Cuss it felt good to him he was already squirting before she made her way further down using her tongue all over his member. Ash was even more excited smelling her heat spreading around the room. She was really getting into it. She started sucking the tip before putting the whole thing into her mouth. Ash never felt anything so good in his life as he did now. She was actually sucking his cock. Agnes had a tough time taking so much into her muzzle but didn't care she never saw something quite as big as this. Kris was big but nothing compared to Ash. While Ash gained a nice cock sucking Kris went right to work on eating Agnes out and when Agnes lifted her head for a moan it gave Ash enough time to position himself to suck on Kristofferson's member. It was now a love triangle going. Ash was finally getting what he wanted for so long and secretly so was Kristofferson and Agnes. The moans stopped from her so she could get back to work on Ash. This was driving both males wildly. Ash never showed his bi side which confused Kris allot but Ash knew about Kristofferson ever since he saw him wearing a Speedo. True it wasn't enough evidence but Ash had heard Kris in the middle of the night moaning out Ash's name while working on his member. Ash worked hard on Kristofferson's member as he felt Agnes trying to take in his cock. It was tough for her since Ash was so huge but she managed to take in what she could as if she was sucking away at Kristofferson's. A mutter took spring as Kristofferson shot into Ash's mouth which was a big load but Ash could handle it. Agnes was getting her reward soon after which was so much that allot sprayed out of her mouth and onto her face. This was good for her though she enjoyed the taste allot more then even Kristofferson's. Both males watched as she covered her spotted chest with the slimy goo. Ash and Kris was still hard as a rock which didn't bother Agnes but she knew what they were like that and why their moods changed. She was in heat. The scent was becoming more and more open. Kristofferson looked at Ash with a grin and Ash like he knew what was happened nodded as Ash laid on the floor and positioned Agnes above him sinking his cock into her waiting pussy. Kristofferson on the other hand jumped up onto Agnes and took her doggy style. This was new to Agnes, she heard things like this happen but didn't think it would happen with Ash and Kristofferson. In their minds they didn't want to go through with this without some protection but it seemed like they were not in control. Even Agnes couldn't control her needs. To her it felt just so good to be filled by both of her mates even if it meant she would get kits in the future. It was becoming so wild for Agnes her cuss hole was being filled with pleasure even if she wasn't usually in the mood for it and her dripping wet pussy was filled by Ash. This was so much better then anything she could imagine. Not only was Ash's cock so huge but his knot was even bigger. She could feel both of her lover's knots hit on the outside of her. It was like feeling two balloons trying to press deep inside of her. She moaned deep as she felt Ash pop his knot inside of her pussy with a loud squashing noise it was making Agnes more and more wet by the minute. As soon as Ash went inside her knot and all he erupted again splashing her insides with hot fox seed making Kristofferson pop inside her as well filling her cuss hole to the brink. They rested a bit before going on. Ash was the first to pull out and while waiting for Kristofferson he worked deep onto Agnes' breasts sucking hard on her tits. Her breasts were not to big but they were worth having around. Before Ash and Agnes knew it Kristofferson was out as he pinned Agnes doggy style again on the bed and forces his way into her pussy feeling both her and Ash's cum inside. Ash watched as Kristofferson did this. By this time Ash snapped out of his wild side and was now staring at someone who was more peaceful but now a dominate person. It was enjoyable to watch as Kristofferson worked hard inside Agnes. Ash worked his way to make Agnes suck his cock as he waited to see what Kristofferson would do next. Kristofferson felt his knot already swollen to the point of entry but wasn't ready to finish off inside of Agnes so he kept his pace as both him and Ash kissed deeply. Ages on the other paw kept sucking Ash's cock feeling the cum spray into her mouth as she worked all the way to Ash's knot. This shocked him but wasn't enough to pull him away from the kiss. Instead he worked on forcing more of his cock into her muzzle. Agnes wondered if this was going to be how it was for the rest of their lives but also thought of how fun it would be to keep this up and not change how she feels about the pleasure It wasn't long now when Kristofferson finally pushed his knot inside of Agnes and Ash could feel the difference as she started sucking him harder. Kristofferson blasted his seed into Agnes' womb as Ash did before him and Ash forced another load into her muzzle as the panting began. Agnes fell to the bed taking Ash's cock down with her and Kristofferson fell asleep on her. They all rested till dinner dreaming of the pleasure and the gift to come.

The End