moving chapter two: my lovely dad

Story by Twilight-the-kitsune on SoFurry

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Moving Chapter two: my lovely dad Ding dong..

Ding the Doorbell. Twilight got up to go see who it was. Even though he already knows who it is his best friend and his crush Miles. Twilight opened the door and saw it was Miles he gave him a hug and lead him inside and to his room.

"Hey Miles" Twilight said happily

"Hey Twilight umm why are you packing" *Miles asked Twilight sighed at the question and grabbed Miles hand and sat him down on his bed then looked up at Miles and started to tear up.

"im moving".. Twilight said looking down sadly. Miles held Twilight close and rubbed his back "why are you moving?" he asked Twilight looked up at him teary eyed "my dad got a job at a different town" Miles bite his lip. He didn't want Twilight to leave he loved Twilight he didn't want to see his crush leave. He lifted Twilight chin up gently "Twilight don?t cry it hurts me to see you cry." Twilight couldn't stop the Tears from going down his cheeks

"Twilight there something I need to tell you" Twilight looked at him Tears still going down his cheeks "wh-what?" he managed to choke out Miles couldn't stand it so he did something he put his face to Twilights and planted his lips on his. Twilight went wide eyed and soon closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Miles neck and deepened the kiss. Miles laid Twilight on his back and run his hand down Twilight leg to his crotch and rubbed. Twilight moaned softly into his mouth. Miles could feel Twilight get hard and he rubbed the bulge and broke the kiss then went to Twilight neck and nibbled it. Twilight moaned at the nibbles. Miles stop and went down more and lifted Twilight shirt up and pull Twilights pants down. Twilight looked down at Miles panting. Miles looked at what Twilights bulge and notice he was wearing bunny panties. Miles looked up at Twilight. Twilight blushed and Miles only grinned.

"Ohh my little kitsune is wearing some panties is he?" Miles said teasingly "?WH-what I like wearing them" Twilight said with a blush Miles smiled and kisses him the when back down and pulls his panties down abit and exposed his cock

"I see someone excited" Miles said grinning

"Take me already Miles" Twilight said panting. Miles licked Twilights cock then starts sucking the tip. Twilight moaned and lay his head back down. Miles starts bobbing his head and his hand played with Twilight balls. Twilight moaned loudly. Miles deep throated him. Twilight gasped.

"M-Miles how did you get this good" Twilight said in pure bliss. Miles just bobbed his head faster in repose

"WH-what's this feeling I'm getting i-it feels like I'm going to pee" Miles pulled away and started stroking him

"It's ok Twilight let it go" Miles said Twilight moaned loudly and shot some white sticky liquid. Miles was quick enough and got it in his mouth. Twilight started panting.

"Wow" he said as he looked at Miles

"Hold on were not done yet" Said Miles Twilight looked at Miles confused then miles pulled Twilights panties down and took Twilights shirt off. He then took his clothes off and looks at Twilights naked body and notice he looked quiet feminine

"Ohh Twilight if you wore girl clothes someone would mistake you for a girl" Miles said as he got on top of Twilight. Twilight blushed at the comment.

"Get on all fours wills you Cutie" Miles asked Twilight blushed badly and got out from under Miles and got in his hand and knees. Miles lifted Twilights tails and spread his butt cheeks and licked his butthole. Twilight let out a small moan. Miles licked around then sticked his tongue in.

"MI-miles that a weird place to put your tongue" Twilight moaned Miles took his tongue out. "Twilight this is going 2 hurt for a while when you're ready just nod" Miles said as he position his cock to Twilight hole.

"What are you?"Twilight never got 2 finishes and he gasped in pain and laid his head down Miles push all the way in. "ta-take it out Miles it hurts" Twilight whimpered and he started 2 tear up "Shhh just let it adjusts and relax if you clutch it will hurt more" Miles said as he tried 2 calm Twilight down. Twilight nodded as he tried 2 stay calm and tears started going down his cheeks. 2 minutes later he nodded and Miles started thrusting softly. Twilight moaned softly. "M-Miles that feels good" Twilight said pleasured.

"Mmm Twilight you're so tight* Miles said moaning. Twilight laid his head down and moaned into the bed. Miles moaned loudly as he thrusts hard and fast. Twilight bit down on the bed sheets. Miles hugged Twilight from behind as he started thrusting his hardest. Twilight wrapped his tails around Miles and he moved his butt back 2 meet the thrusts. Miles started panting heavily.

"I-I'm close Twilight" Miles said.

"C-Close?" Twilight asked but then he heard Miles moan loudly and felt something warm inside him. Twilight gasped at the warmness and clutched his butt not wanting the warmness to stop then he came on the bed. Miles panted heavily and pulled out of Twilight and collapsed beside him and Twilight did the same but on the other side. They both panted.

"Th-that was amazing WH-what was that?" Twilight asked.

"That's what you call sex' Miles said as he stared into Twilights Blue eyes.

"I-Is that what sex feels li-" Twilight tried to finish but got interrupted as Miles planted his lips on him. His eyes went wide but then closed and he put his arms around Miles. Miles deepened the kiss and get back on top if Twilight and Stick his tongue in Twilight's mouth and his hand went down and softly squeezed Twilight's butt cheek and got a small moan from Twilight. After 5 minutes of kissing Twilight Miles broke the kiss and stared into Twilight bright blue eyes

"Twilight I got something to confess" Miles Said

"What is it you want 2 confess?" Twilight asked

"We-well I liked you for a while well it's more like a crush" Miles said Twilights eyes went wide, As miles saw this he sighed "I understand if you don't like me back and if you don?' want 2 be friends i-"Twilight planted his lips on Miles. Miles eyes went wide and then relaxed them as he deepened the kiss. 2 minutes later Miles broke the kiss and looked into Twilights eyes.

?Miles I do like you a lot I didn?t want 2 say anything because I didn?t want 2 scare you away* Twilight said. Miles smiled "you won't Twilight I love you" Miles said as he kissed Twilight again. Twilight closed his eyes and smiled weakly then his ears went to the back of his skull and whimpered. Miles looked at Twilight in worry "whats wrong my little Kitsune" Miles asked in worriment

"i-I'm moving so I won't be able to see you for a while" Twilight said as he looks at Miles tears starting to make their way down his cheeks. Miles licked Twilight tears.

"Can't I at least come see you once In a while? "Miles asked "ye-yes you can" Twilight said tears still going down his cheeks. Miles smiled and kissed Twilight gently and looked at the clock and notice it was 7:00. He said at the time because it was time 2 take his leave.

"Well my little Kitsune I have to go home now" Miles said as he lifted Twilight chin.

"WH-why do you have to go?" Twilight asked

"I told my mom ill be home at 7:15 don't worry my little kitsune we'll see each other again" Miles said as he kissed Twilight one last time and got up to put his clothes on. Twilight watched Miles and sighed.

"Alright Miles I'll see you next time" Twilight said "I love you Twilight I hope we see each other soon" Miles said as he walked to the door. He stops at the door and looked at Twilight one last time and left. Twilight buried his face in the pillow and cried hard. He ended up crying himself to sleep. (Midnight)

Twilight shivered at the coldness and reached for his blanket. But couldn't find it he reach further but ended up Falling off his bed and woke up with a start. He looked around the room and notice he couldn't see that much. He started whimpering because he was scared of the dark.

(With Nagato)

Nagato heard whimpering coming from Twilights room. Nagato got up and walked out of his room and walked 2 Twilights door he opened the door and looked inside. He noticed it was dark inside the only light source was the moon light shining in through the window. Nagato looked and saw Twilight curled up near the bed whimpering his tails covering him. Nagato walked over and kneeled down and picked Twilight up. Nagato felt Twilight had no clothes on. He sat on the bed and rocked Twilight back and forth. Twilight stopped whimpering and looked up and saw his dad. ?Da-dad?? Twilight asked as his eyes watered

?Shhh I?m here for you Twilight? Nagato said as he rock Twilight back and forth Twilight put his head to his dad?s chest and cried quietly. Soon after a while Twilight calmed down and looks back up at his dad. ?Da-dad?? Twilight asked

?Yes my son?? Nagato asked

?Can you sleep wi-with me?? Twilight asked as he gave Nagato puppy eyes Nagato Smiled ?I can Twilight? he lays down with Twilight and Twilight uncovered his body and Nagato looked and saw Twilight naked body. He looked at Twilight. Twilight looked up and saw the look.

?What?? he asked

?Why are you naked?? Nagato asked

Twilight bite his lip. ?Umm m-me and miles were having sex I think he called it that? Twilight said confused. Nagato swallowed his spit at the thought of miles and Twilight making love. Twilight felt something poke his butt he move back abit and seen a bulge go in-between his legs it reached almost up to his chest. His hands moved and touched it rubbing it gently up and down. He heard a moan escape his dad. He looked up at his dad then he took the bulge in his small hands and stroked it up and down.

?Ahhh T-Twilight WH-what are you doing?? Nagato asked

?Do-does that feels good?? Twilight asked as he keep stroking Nagato moaned and looked at Twilight. Twilight looked at him innocently and cutely. Nagato panted and laid his head back as he was getting his cock stroked by Twilight. Twilight pulled Nagato?s pants down abit and pulled down his underwear and look at his dad?s hard cock. He then licked the tip of it. Nagato looked down and stopped him.

?w-we can?t your too young and it will hurt you a lot? Nagato said

?It?s ok I can handle it and I won?t tell anyone dad? Twilight said then he sucked the tip of his dads cock. Nagato lay down and moaned then his hand squeezed Twilights butt cheek. Twilight moaned softly and started to bob head. Nagato lick his finger until it was wet then moved to Twilight?s Tail hole and rubbed it. Twilight moaned and stopped sucking then laid his head down on his dads lap and licked the bottom of his cock and stroked his dad faster. Nagato slowly started pushing his finger in Twilight tight Tail hole. Twilight whimpered.

?d-dad it hurts? Twilight whimpered

?Shhh the pain will go away? Nagato said as he pushed his finger all the way in. He waited till Twilight adjusted to it then he added a second finger. Twilight kept whimpering at the pain of the two fingers in him. Nagato put his finger into a scissor motion to stretch Twilight out abit then he took his fingers out.

?Twilight can you lay down on your stomach?? Nagato asked Twilight nodded and laid down on his stomach and wondered what his dad was going to do next. Nagato took his clothes off and put them on the side of the bed then he got on top of Twilight and moved Twilight?s Tails from His Tail hole. Nagato grabbed one of Twilight?s butt cheeks and spread it and positioned his cock at Twilight?s Tail hole. Nagato?s cock rubbed against Twilights Tail hole. Twilight shivered at it rubbing against his tail hole. Nagato Slowly started pushing his cock in Twilight felt it enter him and started squirming and whimpering.

?d-dad please take it out it hurts? Twilight said as tried to get away. Nagato tried to calm him down.

?Easy Twilight if you move around or try to push or pull it out it will hurt a lot? Nagato said Twilight tried to relax he tried his best but that didn?t stop the pain so he close his eyes and tears started making their way down his cheeks. Nagato kept pushing his cock in till it was all the way in.

?That?s it Twilights it?s almost all the way in? Nagato said Twilight bit the pillow as he felt it push inside him. Twilight then felt the end of it he sighed in relive.

?Just nod your head when you?re ready? Nagato said Two minutes later Twilight nodded his head and Nagato started thrusting. Twilight laid his head on the pillow and started moaning. Nagato closed his eyes and moaned at the tightness.

?Ahh so tight? Nagato said as he continued to thrust. Twilight heated up and panted with his tongue hanging out. He clutches his butt muscle up for more tightness Nagato felt it and moaned loudly.

?ha-harder dad? Twilight said. Nagato nodded and thrusted harder and faster.

?D-do me your hardest daddy? Twilight said Nagato thrusted his hardest and fastest.

Nagato and Twilight moaned loudly and Nagatos Hips slapped against Twilights butt.

(Other room)

Kiba was on top of Michael moaning. Michael was nibbling kibas collarbone and thrusting into Kiba.

?Uhuhuhuh br-brother sounds li-like Twilights having a piece of dad? Kiba moaned

Michael Responded by thrusting harder.

(With Twilight and Nagato)

?I-im Cl-close Twilight? Nagato said

?Fi-fill me up with that warmness daddy? Twilight said as he moaned

?I?.i? Nagato didn?t finish and thrusts deep inside Twilight and cummed inside Twilight.

Nagato collapses beside Twilight and panted and looked into Twilights eyes. Twilight looked into his dads eyes.

?I Love you Twilight ?Nagato said

?I love you to daddy? Twilight said as he snuggled up to Nagatos chest and they both fell asleep.

End chapter 2