Like a Glass of Warm Milk

Story by Shade of Gray on SoFurry

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'his boyfriend's seed dripped down the back of his throat into his belly,' Ben typed, his brown eyes following the characters as they appeared, checking for mistakes. 'Ren suckled on the tip, trying to get every last drop before Jay pulled himself from his mouth with a conten-' Ben quickly minimized his story as the knob to his door was turned, the window disappeared from view right as his mom walked in. His story safely hidden, the german shepherd swiveled his chair to face his mother. She was wearing a black cocktail dress with a cardigan because Friday was the night Ben's parents went out for a late dinner. "Hi Mum," he said with a smile. "You and Dad ready to go out for your dinner?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"We are, but," She was mad about something, but what? Ben's mind raced, he had been careful, but what else could she be mad at him for? "I don't want you having any girls over this time." She frowned as an obviously confused look wrinkled her son's face. "Ben, don't play dumb, I know you're not. I found some of her fur in your bed, long black fur."

Oh. Damn. Ben cursed inwardly, it seemed he had not been careful enough when he brought his boyfriend to his house last time. "I promise there wont be any girls here tonight," he said, smiling what he hoped was a reassuring smile. "trust me."

"I do, Ben," She smiled and hugged him. "Dad and I'll be back later, honey. Don't stay up too late." As she walked towards the front door, heels tapping on the hardwood, Ben grinned devilishly. If he could have his way he wouldn't even be sleeping tonight. He turned back to his story, claws clicking against plastic as he turned his first experience with his boyfriend, Shay, into a story. Ben sat on the edge of his chair as he typed, he was almost to the part where he was about to mount Shay from behind when his pocket buzzed. The shepherd yelped and fell out of his chair at the sudden interuption, landing on his rump. He jammed a paw into his pocket after his still buzzing phone and pulled it out. The small screen on the front showed a picture of an ashen-coat wolf smiling for the camera with the word "Shay" beneath it.

Ben's heart beat faster as he opened his phone. "Hey Babe," He said, trying to keep the excitement from his voice.

"Mmmm, hey yourself," Shay murred back with a chuckle. "your parents gone yet? It's a bit chilly out here and I want to come in..." A car door slammed outside and over the phone. He's right outside, Ben realized, jumping up to run for the door.

"I'll be right there." the shepherd grinned, unable to keep his tail from wagging. A dark shadow behind the door window told him Shay was standing on his porch, so he took the knob in his paw and threw the door open. The wolf blew in on a gust of cold night air, like a leaf into the arms of the shepherd who held him tightly.

"I've missed you so much, Pup," he murred into Ben's neck fur, arms slipping around the younger canine's waist. "I couldn't go another minute without you," He continued softly, kneading a buttok with each paw, pulling him closer. "You want me to, dont you..."

"I- I do." Ben moaned, eyes rolling back into his head as the inside of his ear was licked. "Let's go to bed..." He suggested quietly, stomach churning with excitement. Together they set off towards the bedroom where Shay pulled his boyfriend close and planted his lips on his wanting muzzle. Ben looked into his face, his eyes closed in passion, lips and tongue working in sensual rhythym, the way the light glinted off of his many earrings, and closed his eyes in surrender. He wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck, moaning softly into his mouth as Shay steered them towards the bed.

"Do you have any bags?" Shay broke the kiss to ask, his hands still groping the dog on top of him.

"Bags?" came the incredulous response. The insides of his ears blazed as he realized that hed made an ass out of himself in front of the wolf.

"Y'know, condoms?" he replied, tugging at Ben's shirt. "I doubt you just use that tight ass of yours for keeping your tail on." Ben pulled his t-shirt off and locked lips for a few more seconds.

"To be honest," he said, biting his lower lip as Shay ground against him. "Before I met you the only thing I'd take my pants off for is bed."

The wolf laughed and pushed the smaller fur onto his back. He shrugged his jacket off and gave his pants a tug downwards. "That's about to change," he said, taking his shirt off and standing over him.