Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 11

Story by Shade Fox on SoFurry

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This chapter and the next few are mostly going to focus on the group's training over the next few months, there'll be some drama and maybe some romance and who knows there might be something else going on but I won't give anything away, I'll let you try to figure it out. I don't own Pokémon they belong to their respective owners but Kenshi, Hiranose, Shinaji, Benaji, Laurran and the others are my creations and my permission is needed for use. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy it.

(Hiranose POV)

I don't like that look one bit. Hiranose thought to himself as he saw the look in Master T'erof's eyes. It's not me that'll be making any moves. He took a quick look at Tanala who noticed the look her father gave him and winked at him then giggled quietly when he swallowed hard and blushed before looking away. Master T'erof saw the blush and flustered look on Hiranose's face, and jumped in surprise at being caught and could only shrug his shoulders in response to his master's wary gaze. Master T'erof looked over to his daughter who gave a surprised squeak and stopped giggling.

"No funny business Tanala, remember I'm always watching." Master T'erof said to his daughter pointing his cane at her, Tanala put on an innocent face and nodded, then swept his cane over the group. "That goes for the rest of you too," he said briefly looking at the couple, Kenshi and Benaji, near the rear who looked away blushing "This is a training exercise that'll test your ability to be one with your surroundings. In order for you to complete the exercise, you'll head out into the forest where you'll be spending the night, in the morning, you'll need to navigate the forest and make you way back here to the village in one day while avoiding capture by Tanala. If she captures you, you fail and you'll be doing the same it again the next day and the next day and the next day until you complete the exercise. Any questions, no, good then get going." Master T'erof said then turned back and headed towards the village.

"So what did he mean by 'meet up and you'll suffer the consequences,' doesn't really make much sense to me." Kenshi asked Tanala while scratching his head as he pondered the old lucario's words.

"Now why doesn't that surprise me?" Tanala muttered under her breath but still loud enough to be heard. Benaji but a paw to her mouth to cover her laughter but still drew Kenshi's attention.

"What is it?" Kenshi asked still scratching his head looking at his mate laughing next to him. He looked around and saw Shinaji, Laurran, and Tanala were laughing as well. He looked over to Hiranose with a pleading look on his face and Hiranose could only raise his paws in surrender with a SOL (shit out of luck) look on his face. Hiranose could have sworn he heard Kenshi mutter something about him being a traitor before he growled in frustration and turned away.

"Before I forget, what did that old fart mean by 'I'm always watching,' it seems a bit- ouch!" Kenshi exclaimed as a rock flew from nowhere and struck him in back of the head. Suddenly the wind shifted directions and came towards them gently blowing, and upon it was a voice, it was faint like someone whispering from far away, it kept changing directions as if the person was quickly moving around them.

"I'm also always listening too. 'Old fart', your old man called me that too. Glad to see his oblivious streak was passed on at least." Master T'erof said chuckling

"Who threw that, I dare ya to do that in the open coward!" Kenshi growled rubbing the back of his head. He scanned the forest looking for anything that would betray the attacker's presence. Hearing no response, he scoffed and starting shouting challenges at the forest completely unaware the wind continued flowing around them, Hiranose tried to cut in and tell his brother his observation but Kenshi wasn't hearing any of it.

"Wait Kenshi-"

"Not now Hiranose I'm a little busy, what's the matter, suddenly scared?!"

"But you need to hear this, the forest-"

"Yeah I know, someone's attacking us from the forest cover, come out you coward!"

"No not that, the wind, the forest-"

"Hey that's right the wind!"

"Finally, you noticed it too, we're-"

"Yeah, I can pick up his scent on the wind thanks for the tip... nope, not this way maybe over here." Kenshi replied as he tried to pick up any unusual scents on the wind.

"No, you idiot we're..."

"Come on coward, you take the first shot right here in the face!"

"Gladly, but I'm not over there." Master T'erof said chuckling darkly as the wind picked up around them rustling a group of bushes a few yards away at Kenshi's 10 o'clock, Kenshi ran over and pulled them apart with a triumphant look on his face but was replaced by confusing when he saw no one behind them.

"What the, no one here, what gives?"

"Hey Einstein, look over here."

"What did I do now Laurran?" Kenshi said s he turned to his sister.

"Hey for once it wasn't me honest." Laurran said holding up her arms.

"Over here genius, the other female smart-ass," Tanala said with her arms crossed over her chest, "your brother really needs to tell ya something, looks important." She looked over to Hiranose who took over.

"What I was saying earlier was we're just about in the middle of the forest, so unless someone's manipulating it-." Hiranose trailed off when the wind picked up again and the look in Kenshi's eyes told him he wasn't listening anymore.

"The offer still stands you can have the first shot!"

"How kind of you, I'll take the first and last shot."

"What the hell was that?!" Kenshi exclaimed and whirled around and gasped at what he saw. A translucent T'erof was standing in front of Kenshi, before Kenshi could open his mouth to ask a question Master T'erof, rather the apparition, lifted his cane and pointed it towards Kenshi's head and with a short jabbed Kenshi between his eyes sending the 6' 7'' 280lbs fion flying backwards and landing heavily on his back four feet away unconscious.

"The wind couldn't really reach us." Hiranose finished with a sigh much to the amusement of Master T'erof who laughed wheezing slightly before clearing his throat.

"We'll begin training tomorrow morning so for now rest." Master T'erof said then placing his cane in front of him the wind settled and the apparition vanished along with the wind.

"That is so cool; think he'll teach us that? The things I'd do if I could do that, Kenshi'd be paranoid in a week." Laurran said with a mischievous smile on her face. Shinaji could only smile weakly at her sister's antics.

"Do that Laurran and me and Hiranose'll end up perfecting our kekkai techniques not to mention our growth as artist." Shinaji said smiling.

"The marks your bodies leave on walls do make such interesting designs, it's like they scream 'the infinite possibilities in our lives' or 'completely-dysfunctional-yet-loving-family', CAUTION! Beware of flying bodies.'" Hiranose said chuckling. He looked to his left and saw Tanala laughing along. "You have a nice laugh it's...sweet." Hiranose said quickly then smiled nervously, a few second passed in silence before Hiranose laughed nervously then quickly turned away to collect his brother who was starting to come to. 'You have a nice laugh it's...sweet', what the hell was I thinking?! Hiranose thought berating himself mentally; his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone speaking to him.

"You as well," Tanala said meekly looking at the ground while she twirled a finger through her waist length, silky, ebony hair.

"Huh?" Hiranose said with an uncertain but hopeful tone in his voice as if making sure he heard her correctly.

"You as well, you're sweet too...I mean your laugh I mean, it's sweet too." Tanala said quickly correcting herself. Now it was her turn to be embarrassed, she laughed nervously and turned towards the village in the valley below and motioned for the others to follow her as she made her way to a set of stairs carved into the valley wall that led them down to the valley floor. Benaji was helping Kenshi slowly sit up as he rubbed the spot where the wind clone apparition struck him.

"Ugh, man my head's killing me, how long was I out for?" He asked groaning to Benaji crotched down next to him. "Hey why didn't you speak up about the wind huh, probably could have kept me from getting my ass kicked?!" He said angrily as he slowly got to his feet trying not to stumble if his legs gave way. "Hello, anyone home." Kenshi said making his way over to Hiranose who just kept staring at the retreating form of Tanala. "Looks like the lights are on but no one's home. Hey Hiranose, snap out of it." Kenshi said sarcastically waving a paw in front of Hiranose's face.

"Huh, what is it, did you say something?" Hiranose said finally snapping out of his trance. Kenshi looked at Hiranose then looked towards the stairs and saw Tanala going down the zigzagging stairs. A sly smile crossed his face when he looked back at Hiranose who looked back puzzled. "Why are you smiling like that, it's creepy?" Hiranose said the smile his brother was making him fairly uncomfortable fairly quickly.

"How long was I out again?" Kenshi said looking back to Benaji the smile still on his face.

"About ten minutes, give or take, why?" Benaji responded looking puzzled.

"Little brother works quickly don't he?" Kenshi said pulling his brother in a side hug.

"What are you talking about, 'working quickly' I haven't done any work." Hiranose said even more puzzled than before.

"You sly dog, well figer in your case, you like Tanala don't ya, and it looks like she likes ya too. Barely here for a month, barely around the girl for a day, and already you're falling for each other, man you really do work quick." Kenshi said brotherly noogieing Hiranose playfully.

"Whatever you're wrong okay." Hiranose said slipping out of Kenshi's headlock.

"Which one," Kenshi said suddenly sounding serious.

"What did you say?" Hiranose said disbelieving.

"You heard me, which one am I wrong about, is it the one about you falling for Tanala or is it Tanala falling for you?" Kenshi asked still sounding serious taking a step away from Hiranose so he could look him in the eyes. "Well which is it?" Kenshi said staring into Hiranose's eyes as he looked for the truth. Hiranose looked away and muttered something unintelligible. "What was that I couldn't hear, you need to speak up." Kenshi said putting a paw to his ear. Hiranose mumbled again. "I said I can't hear you, you need to speak up." Kenshi said putting emphasis on the word 'need'. Shinaji, Laurran, and Benaji looked at each other puzzled as well as what was going on but none of them had an answer so they just remained silent as the two continued talking. "Which is it brother, it's a simple question?" Kenshi continued but couldn't get through to Hiranose who was lost in his thoughts. Like someone like Tanala would fall for someone like me, she's nothing like me, she's sweet and beautiful and caring and even though she puts on a brave face for others I can see it in her eyes, she's sad like in my dream. I only wish I could help her get over her sadness, but I could never do that, she'd never love me she probably likes that Botan guy. Besides I can't let anyone get close to me and mess with my emotions they'll get he did, I'm a monster, I don't deserve love I deserve destruction. Hiranose's thoughts were interrupted when Kenshi shouted at him.

"Stop beating yourself up, it wasn't your fault, it never was, your emotions got away from you, it can happen to everyone," Kenshi said grabbing Hiranose's shoulders and staring at him but unable to meet his eyes. Benaji, Shinaji, and Laurran looked at each other and nodded and headed off down the stairs to give the two brothers time alone. Once the three were gone Kenshi started up again but Hiranose was still lost. It was my fault I didn't control it and it ended up controlling me and someone got hurt because of it. My emotions are a liability not only to myself but to anyone I share them with, I can't be close to anyone especially not Tanala, I won't hurt her anymore than she already is. Hiranose's thoughts ended when he felt Kenshi slap him across the face.

"We all make mistakes we wish we could take back but we can't, the only thing we can do is move forward and hope we can right our mistake in the future. So stop wallowing in self-pity and get on with your life!" Kenshi roared slapping Hiranose across the face. Hiranose's eyes were open wide from shock and when he turned back to face his brother Kenshi stepped back at the sight, Kenshi saw his brother's eyes and saw the pain and sadness within them roiling and churning like an angry ocean that threatened to crash down upon him if he kept his gaze locked on them. It's as if the pain and sadness and hate within his eyes began leaking out as Hiranose's usually sapphire blue eyes turned a crushing black mixed sapphire while his pupils turned white.

"What mistakes have you made that you wish you could take back huh?! You don't make mistakes, you don't even have to try and you never mess up! Do you know how much I wish I had it as easy as you?!" Hiranose shouted as another voice, its tone darker and heavier layered over his normal voice until the two were in concert sounding like two. Hiranose was breathing heavily as he stared at his brother with ill intent, as if sensing his brother's intent Kenshi took a step backwards still shaken by his normally quiet and reserved brother's outburst and change in his eyes and voice. Hiranose's breathing slowed but when he noticed the frightened look in his brother's eyes he looked down ashamed. Kenshi's afraid...but he's never afraid of anything ever, but he is afraid...of me. Hiranose opened his mouth to speak and Kenshi flinched in response for the onslaught ahead but it didn't come, Hiranose still didn't look at him but his voice was shaking as he tried to hold back tears.

"I know what you think of me, and you and everyone else should be afraid of me too, I know I am." Hiranose said his voice trembling but still retaining the dual voice. Kenshi was taken aback by his brother's actions but what ate him up the most was when Hiranose looked up and looked Kenshi in the eye, tears were falling down his face and onto the ground below.

"Every day I have the same battle with myself, but I make myself look okay and happy for you and the rest of the family because you don't need to burden yourselves with my problems." Hiranose sobbed.

"And the battle that you have with yourself, what is it about?" Kenshi asked the question sticking in his throat as his throat dried up, already he feared the answer.

"Is whether I risk going through another day always on my guard hoping something doesn't trigger this...evil inside me whispering in my head, or do me and the world a favor and end it all now." Hiranose cried out his legs giving out as he started to fall but was halted by Kenshi grabbing his arms and gently lowering him to the ground.

"Earlier you asked me what mistake I wished I could take back, do you still want to know?" Kenshi asked softly, Hiranose slowly nodded his head never breaking eye contact.

"The mistake I wish I could go back and fix is the one where for the past ten years you've suffered alone because I didn't care to know my brother. I'm so sorry for what I've done to you, and I only pray for your forgiveness. You don't have to suffer alone anymore, me, Laurran, Shinaji, Benaji and maybe Tanala, if you let her will be here for you, so please...move forward with us." Kenshi said embracing his brother feeling tears roll down his face as he wept alongside his brother.

A few minutes passed before they both stopped and Kenshi stood up and helped his brother up as well.

"Feeling better, I hope?" Kenshi said jokingly

"Much, thanks for that." Hiranose said as his eyes bled out the foreign colors and his original colors and voice returned to normal.

"We should catch up to the others." Hiranose said pointing at the stairs.

"Yeah let's get going before they start to worry." Kenshi responded as the two brothers headed towards the village below.

The next morning...

Hiranose turned away grumbling as the first rays of the sun filtered through his window and crept their way down into his closed eyes. He was having such a pleasant dream too, really pleasant, as Hiranose looked down at the tent beneath the covers. He was about to roll over and try to get back to sleep but his door suddenly slid open and Tanala looked in.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead-, poor choice of words maybe considering the circumstances, but get up anyway training starts in a bit." Tanala giggled blushing as she slid the door closed. Hiranose's face was twisted up in embarrassment at being caught; he dragged his paws down his face and groaned. This is not how you start a morning. Hiranose thought to himself as he got up and got dressed. He gave up his usual sweats and instead went for a pair of black fatigues he packed instead, and pulling a black short sleeve shirt over his head he completed the look.

"Perfect for blending, black pants, black shirt, black fur perfect shadow camo." Hiranose said impressed with himself. He left his room and making his way down the hall made his way to the kitchen where the others were already seated around a table. He took an empty seat opposite Tanala and immediately regretted it when she looked at him and giggled making him blush.

"What's so funny?" Shinaji said noticing the two's antics. Before Hiranose could respond Tanala leaned over and whispered in her ear what she saw earlier making Shinaji blush and stifle her laughter to the dismay of her brother who groaned in embarrassment and led his head fall on the table as the events of what happened earlier in the morning made its way around the table. This is gonna be one hell of an adventure. Hiranose thought as the realization of what they'd be in for sunk in, the only thing him and his family could do was endure and move forward.

What'd you think, I was hoping to add more to this one but I think it's good where it is right now, but I'd like to know what others think.