The Brotherhood Chapter 3.

Story by Cathricorn on SoFurry

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Aragor's Story

"Ten years ago, when I was still under the control of the underworld I was given a task. We had ranks, like your race does with their militaries. The Count and I along with the other five Tyrants of Hell were the highest and most valued of Hell's horrifying army." He smiled briefly. "I was known as Hellbringer Aragor, we each had titles that fitted us, but the titles weren't the only thing we were giving. The ranks brought us power; we no longer had to physically be in battle to fight. We could maneuver our men through a simple mind lapse." "Wait," I interrupted he opened his great beautiful eyes. "You mean you could control hundreds of thousands of men at once? He nodded. "This was one of Hells tactics that kept your race from slaying any of us; we were in the safety of Lucifer's presence. The only way to fight was to enter the madness of Hell. Making the odds to killing one of us while all nine were still alive nearly impossible, that was without the pressure of the madness." He paused sighing again. "Forgive me, I'm drifting off, the real story happened after my deceit. I failed a simple task given to me by my creator; I was the one who lead the Brotherhood into Hell. You know of the blade- Heavens Decent... or as the undead called it... Lucifer's Serenade." I nodded, the blade was the ancient weapon told to be crafted by God himself to strike out any undead with a single blow. "The blade was solely designed for the Shadow Beast, as our powers made us invincible to everything except our will to live. This blade was powerful, the only thing that struck fear in our eyes. Now... I failed my creator, because I disobeyed his commands. I was told to avoid the fight at Heaven's Gate. But being away from war for so long raised the lust and passion I deeply desired. I needed the refreshing taste of blood in my mouth and I felt cheated being the only Tyrant left behind. I see the reason why now, but back then I hadn't. He left me behind because he knew that revealing me to such a mass force of Holy energy in such a short matter of time would pull the madness from me. Lucifer always said I was unique, and that I intrigued him with the way my soul was. It was as if I could absorb new forces and change to adapt to the environment. When I found my way to the gate, immediately I became enlightened. Hell's presence was being pulled straight from my soul and I was welcoming Heavens whether I wanted to or not. Just like Hell, the power controlled me and I felt Gods true power running throughout my body. Much after that was hard to remember, Heavens power blinded me, when I awoke from the sunder, I was at the gates of Hell. What I didn't know was that during my time of blindness they had raided my mind scavenging anything important. Like I informing Lucifer of the Brotherhood, now they had me to reveal all of Hells secrets.

I was sentenced to immediate death by Satan himself. This was the first time I had ever faced him alone, and the first time I laid eyes on him when he entered his hellish state." He breathed deeply and opened his eyes watching me for a moment then closed them again. "I remember the voices... moaning souls whispering of their agony in my ears, and the deranged laughs that would run uncontrollably through my head. He planned to drive me insane before he killed me, I knew if I wanted any attempt to escape I would have to survive the madness he pressured on me. I never opened my eyes, not once. I didn't have to, he was infiltrating my thoughts starring deep into my soul and not wanting to let go. The madness was so very hard to keep focused, putting me into different states of mind so that when I thought I had finally escaped, my defenses lowered and he struck out and once I realized I wasn't in reality he would confuse me with another set of images. I lost my mind, I knew I did, I begged for his death but he only pushed further down until every single memory was twisted. That was when the blade came to my throat; it was like sweet appraisal as I thought of the madness leaving me. But then the Brotherhood invaded, struck down the gates of Hell with a single blow. The blade lifting my neck vanished and so did Lucifer's figure. Madness still ran through me, at first I thought of this as a great suffering, having to battle against my own self, but then I realized something. Before Hell kills you, you're released from its grasp; I no longer felt the clutches on my soul. Though I was chained to the burning earth, I desperately struggled against the odds. Until finally I collapsed, broken down in heart and soul, mind crazed. I finally reached insanity." Aragor paused. "Then your father... Tieran Van Helsing appeared before me. You two look very alike, I remember the angered eyes he watched me with. As well as seeing the crazed look of a man after madness was taking him. But without it I probably would have never escaped."

My father helped Aragor, he released him out of madness? I was blaring into my mind, the once great Nobel of the Brotherhood taking by Hell. I didn't want to listen to the story, I felt betrayed that with all he had taught me about being merciless to the undead. That he would disobey the orders and free such a great monstrosity.

"Reign!" Aragor roared getting my attention. "Listen to what I have to say before you go into thought." Did I give my expressions away that easy? "Before he released me he made me swear an oath. He said to me...'Beast... You're the one who's been watching my boy... The angels were not lying; they said there would be someone who could aid your boy. I know I'm falling to madness and it will never leave me, so hear me out.' He spoke to me of you... Saying that God had a plan for you. He said this to me... 'If I free you beast... then you swear to me... swear to me you will protect my child. He's the one who's meant to return here and finish what the Brotherhood began.' ... I swore that oath to your father Reign, and I intend to keep that promise." I stayed motionless... silent, lost in my own mind. The anger and rage Aragor had building inside me was there, wanting to break free. I didn't want to believe the story, but the evidence he was showing made it harder and harder to deny. He was here; he had saved me... twice already. "Reign... You may not agree with what your father did, but hear this. Without him, that powerful blade would have never left Hell." I couldn't speak now, choking to even breathe. The anger was fading. What was there to say, I was so lost in my mind. I had to keep my weakness behind me, I would not mourn... Not here. "I'm glad I was able to tell you this before anything happened." My eyes shot to Aragor, he was gone, walking back toward the way we came. My hands were trembling, the beating of my heart pounded against my chest. I desperately brought my father's face back into my head, fighting to keep the tears back. "Ar... Aragor." I heard him stop. "Thank you," I shuttered feeling a tear slip from my face. "Thank you... for telling me..." I felt my heart; a wound not sealed for so long, made the smallest attempt to close. For so many years I had gone out not knowing what happened to my Father...until now. I never knew he could become so forgiving, to have the heart to instead of killing the one who threatened his family, to instead give him a second chance to redeem himself. "Reign," Aragor responded just loud enough for me to hear. "Don't think I lied about the oath, I swore to him. I will not let you fall without finishing Lucifer and his tyrants." Aragor left me; he was intelligent, able to read the expression of those he interacted with. I must have been easy to read. Perhaps I have been misjudging him, but there was something else, not just the oath he swore to me. I felt it when he took me from Marrains side. Then I thought of Marrain, if he awoke while Aragor was there alone, a battle would break out. Setting my thoughts aside for now, I hurried back to the camp finding Aragor lying down, one paw over the other while his black wolf chin rested peacefully on top. I walked to Aragors side and dropped to my knees in front of him. "Aragor," The great big yellow eyes turned to me. They were magnificent, and the crimson ring drastically gave them a beautiful impact. "Thank you again." I came closer and leaned in kissing his soft snout with my lips. I realized why else he's saved me. _Why else would he have opened himself up so quickly? He loved me and I could see it, the kiss proved it. It made him speechless, he didn't react, and he didn't have to. He was purely in lost thought. Funny... I could suddenly read faces? _All he did was smile, knowing what I knew; it was like our minds connected. I left him behind me to ponder while I sat by Marrains side. Aragor had been right on the most part, Marrain was barely harmed a few scratches from being thrown out the back of the black smith but that was it. I could hear his thumping heart beat gently inside his chest, and the intake and exhale of breath. Sitting next to him, I could do nothing more but to watch and hope. I felt awful for sentencing him for a hanging and putting him through that night of jail. Theyen would make him stronger, I was sure he would take him in after I pleaded, he had to. But once we left him behind where did Aragor intend to take me; I couldn't possibly be ready to fight off Hell so quickly. I glanced at him; he was watching me, studying my expression. I smiled and forced a stern look that threw him off. I laughed on the inside then hid my smile from him, I heard him move and brush up against my side. He nipped one of my cheeks with his tongue but before I could turn to welcome his kiss he leapt back. Then again he dove for the other cheek pouncing back before I had the chance to react. I only ignored him this time focusing trying to meet his kiss. He suddenly growled in my ear seductively sending that electric tingle from my face to my hand. My hands rubbed through the soft fur on his muzzle as he laid his chin on my shoulder. "What do you want to do?" He grinned and snuggled his nose into my cheek. "I think you might have an idea." I felt his paw slowly wrap around my leg. "I might... but first... Are you up for a little... something?" If he could do some sexual toying then so could I. But what did wolves like to do? He raised an eye curious. "What kind of something?" "Chase me." I said seductively turning and trailing my fingers from his nose to just under his abdominals. He grinned with interest, and I pulled away from him running into the forest. He didn't move at first, I expected him to give me a head start, I knew this would be an easy chase, but it would be thrilling for me. Leaping over a rock I found myself descending into a gorge where a small stream from the river diverted off and peacefully trailed down. With a quick breath and burst of speed I flew from one boulder to the other, and back onto the leveled earth. Then I heard Aragor, the panting as he started catching up, but I wouldn't make it that simple for him. Diving left I broke his speed forcing him to slow down and make a wide turn to keep up with me. Suddenly he ran ahead, but I foresaw what he was attempting, he wanted to break me off, to try and force me to turn around. If this were any other shadow beast hunting me I may have considered it, but I persisted on. He leapt out in front of me hoping to make me stop, but I only ignored him sliding under his belly. "Reign!" He growled pursuing me again. I knew he would catch me here, now that he knew what I was capable of. I tried to throw him off diving left and right, taking different directions but he remained on my tail. He pulled himself up next to me winking then nudged me with his shoulder driving me from my path. I laughed almost falling and having to slow down. He started playing with me, as soon as I would regain my balance he would nudge again. Until finally as he came in I leapt onto him taking hold of his thick mane as handles. I felt dominant, he was unable to do anything, but soon he thought better. Aragor took advantage striding further and faster through the forest. I had to keep my head low to avoid it being snapped from my neck. He ran endlessly, faster and faster, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and the speed made breathing difficult. Suddenly he began slowing drastically, I was able to keep my head up and look out around us. It looked similar, somehow, but I knew we were far from Marrain. He threw me from his body and I rolled through the dirt before Aragor came charging after. He dominated me this time pinning my arms back and snarling fearfully. For a second I did feel that cautious fear break loose, but it was lost when he grinned and licked from the base of my neck to my chin. His chest was beating, thrilled and excited. I pressed my ear against his body and listened satisfied as how I had aroused him. He dragged his thick warm tongue over my throat again before kissing my lips. I was exhausted beneath him trying to keep my breath rather than kissing. He allowed me the recovery, kissing everywhere else from my neck to my chest. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling myself closer to taste his tongue. "How was my chase?" I asked out of breath. I could see his wolf like grin and he pressed down for another kiss. "You didn't have a chance." Accepting my defeat we fell vulnerable to each other raising the sexual tension we no longer had to hold back. I gave him everything of mine burying my face into his lips and rubbing my body against his warm underside. My hands fell to his sides and ran through the muscular features beneath the wolf fur. He reacted the same, meeting the rubbing sensation with his own, and softly dragging his hands across my back as I rolled on top of him. His claws came to my shirt lifting it off my body and out of his way. There he massaged the muscles in my back, I could feel the enormous power he had and with a simple amount of strength he could snap me in half. I trusted him though, and was willing to open my entire body to him. He seemed the same way for me, as I moved my hands across his chest and then over his shoulders. We refused to release lips, sucking the breath out of one another. His did have a strange yet a powerful taste; it seemed to daze me with how strong it was. It wasn't potent, or as dog breathed as I expected it to be, it seemed to send an addiction to the mind. Leaving every kiss, with a more flavorful taste. Finally we released each other Aragor dominantly rolling on top of me, I was lost in his colorful eyes. "What?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head. "I'm just lost in you; I've never fallen in love with an animal before." He laughed deep in his throat. "Then let me be the first to intrigue and love you back." He rhythmically rubbed against my lower half, striking that familiar tension from below. I felt my excitement, growing higher and higher. It wasn't long before I was at full attention and he snuck in through my stomach, lapping my abdominals with his tongue. "Think you can handle this Reign?" I nodded for warned and he rolled over me sliding his tongue toward the center of my thighs. Warmth encased my fully erect cock and I moaned in pure pleasure feeling for Aragors head. I shook in eagerness as his tongue slid up and down its length moaning again. I squeezed his furry paws shaking in ecstasy when suddenly he stopped. His ears had picked up and he looked off into the distance. "...Marrains awakening Reign." "You're almost there Aragor, we can make it back before he wanders off." I squeezed his paw again in reaction as he happily obliged and the warmth of his mouth sent me back into shear satisfaction. Suddenly I felt it, rising from inside me and wanting to escape. "Aragor... I!" I yelled before raising my hips and crying out as the loving bursts of semen shot into his throat. He stayed firm over me as, panting in relief and clenching his paws. My cock was slowly softening but I could feel his tongue still trying to take my every last drop. "Alright," I breathlessly said. "Now... it's your turn." He laughed releasing my cock, and then met my lips with his tasting my own semen. "No... Not today, you got the treat for now... But there are more important things to think of right now." I wanted to argue so much, but knew he was right. I felt bad that he didn't get to feel the same satisfaction that I did. "Your friend, and then we must move Reign... Besides, you gave me what I wanted." He winked and smiled licking his lips. I nodded still wanting to share. "Now get on, we ran just a little ways." I quickly climbed onto his back and took hold of his mane like harness. Returning to our encampment, like Aragor had said, Marrain was awake sitting alone and slightly confused. "Marrain!" I called out sliding from Aragor's back. His head shot back and his face lifted. "Reignhardt... is that you?" I heard him say standing. Then I saw his eyes shift to the beast behind me. As I approached he spoke. "Who is that?" "This is Aragor..." Aragor came out from the shadows of the trees revealing his beauty and monstrosity of a Shadow Beast. "I know what he is Marrain... before you say anything listen to me. Remember the story we've been told years ago about the Shadow Beast who escaped Hell."

He nodded watching Aragor with his brown eyes. "This is him?" Marrain was silent for a few seconds. "Reignhardt... can we talk alone for a moment?" "We have to leave now Reignhardt." Aragor argued. Marrain looked back. "It will only take a second beast." I saw the anger in Aragors eyes. "Don't Aragor, well be quick I promise" I said under my breath. His gold eyes shot to me and they narrowed. "Be quick then." I nodded and walked with Marrain to the river side. "Reignhardt," Marrain started. "What the hell's going on? You've made friends with a Shadow Beast over night, because he claims to be the one who escaped Hell. Even if he was the one, how could he benefit us at all?" It was my turn to argue. "He is the Shadow Beast that escaped Hell Marrain; he has the unlit symbol of Hell to prove it. He's good in heart; he's saved my life already twice as well as yours. Also, he already knows a lot about Hell, giving us an advantage when he and I fight." He caught the two words. "You and him, what do you plan to do with me? Throw me out because you found someone stronger?" "No, you both have your strengths Marrain, you haven't dealt with the undead the way he and I have. You haven't gone far enough to meet the madness after fighting hundreds of undead. I have plans for you." "Tell me, I'd love to hear how you get rid of me." His arms crossed and he fell silent. I did too, watching him for a moment. "Marrain, listen, I don't understand why you're getting so angry." "Because I don't like this!" Marrain interrupted. "Suddenly becoming friends with him... I..." He stopped. "Reignhardt, I just don't want you to fall to darkness. If I let you do this and you become corrupt I would never forgive myself." "I will not become corrupt Marrain; I will never let darkness take control of my soul." He looked into my eyes serious now. "Then swear to me... Swear you will not fall!" He offered his hand. I gripped his hand tight and shook it. "Marrain... I will never let Hells presences take me; I will fight for God even if it takes my life!" "I swear if you break this oath, I will never forgive myself. Nor will I pause after striking you through your chest after I find you." "You have my undying word; now listen to me when I tell you this. Like I said before, I have plans for you. Aragor says that you're not ready for fighting the undead yet." I saw the deceit return in his eyes. "Before you argue listen, because I have the same thoughts. I know we've fought undead before, but not like this. There's madness when fighting them, once you start facing them endlessly you'll see it." "Is that what I felt when I saw Aragor?" I forget how immune I've become to it, even Aragor's presence seems to bring a madness into those he's near. Knowing this now, it would be a good tactic against bandits or someone who hasn't been involved with the Brotherhood. "Probably, everyone experiences it different, but it always leads to the same ending complete control by Lucifer." A memory broke over me of the first time I experienced it and how frightened I felt dwelling further and further from my soul. "Which is why, we've planned to leave you behind just long enough so that you can experience it. My father had an old friend who's a king of the Brotherhood city, Eidor. That's where I intend on taking you." "But I thought you were exiled." I nodded. "I am, but that won't stop him from taking you in, out of my Fathers debt. You won't be there long, though a few months are all." Marrain thought for a moment. "Then where are you two going for the time being?" I shrugged. "Aragor refused to tell me." "No," He shook his head. "I will not agree to that until he tells you. That was the least I could do for endangering his life, not only that but I also wanted to know. "If I will find out, will you agree then?" "Yes, I want to hear him say it though. You're making me nervous already by just leaving." "Well figure it out before we leave today." I made my gesture back to the camp. We returned to Aragor laying down, lifting his head as he noticed us. "Its about damned time, we've got to move." He said getting to all fours. I only shook my head. "Wait a moment Aragor, we have something to discuss before we go. The both of us are curious as to what you're planning on doing with me after Marrain is in Theyen's custody." Aragor's eyes shifted to Marrain and then to me. "I was planning on teaching you some of the tactics Hell would use. Also teach him the fighting types of some monsters and how to bring the big ones down with ease." Marrain watched with uneasy eyes. "Is that all?" Something in Aragor changed; a slight tone in his voice deepened just barely enough to realize it. "Boy, do you think I'm going to take Reignhardt to Hell? Believe me I could have done it already, without you. You're not what Lucifer's after." Aragor held his eyes on me. "He wants the secrets of the Brotherhood, where things are, what cities are weakest. Right now he's the most vulnerable person of the Brotherhood." The normal amber of Aragor's eyes had changed, becoming darker in gold, and mixing with the crimson ring." "Yet, you're still taking him close enough by himself toward Hell. That sounds just as dangerous." "Which is why were leaving you behind." Even now, Aragors tone was becoming more demonic. I knew what was going on, the demonic form was taking hold of him. Both Marrain and his own attitude were igniting it. "Aragor, Marrain, that's enough." I intervened. "You have your terms Marrain, Aragor I'm sure you heard us talking about it so you know the decision." "I will not go through with it." Marrain replied, my eyes shooting a glare of betrayal. "I'm pretty sick of your distrust toward your friend Marrain." Aragors demonic growl sent shivers through my body, the now gold eyes filled with blood red crimson. "Marrain run." I said drawing my blade. He stayed firm. "Run, damn it!" "He'll kill you there's no way I'm leaving you!" "No you run, that madness is going to get to you when he releases that from". I pushed him aside. "I am not leaving your side!" There was no point now, Aragors wolf like face now became Hellish, jagged fangs and devilish horns reaching out behind his ears. His eyes went red, even the pupil and cornea disappeared. Black fire ripped from his back and became like tentacles stretching up and around his body protectively. A faint purple aura surrounded his massive self. He stepped forward into a readied stance and snarled, the force of his roar throwing the leaves of the trees thrashing through the wind behind us. Then he leapt with blinding speed for Marrain, but I was aware of who he wanted, stepping in front of him protectively. My arms were wide open as if I wanted to embrace his body. I stayed strong on my feet, Marrain frozen from the madness as it slowly took his mind. Aragor was lingering over me, our eyes in perfect alignment. You could see the outline of the eyes through the ruby. The tentacles desperately tried reaching for Marrain, but I kept Aragor at a distance. "That's enough Aragor." It was obvious now, we needed to get Marrain to Eidor and quickly. "Calm your- "Move Reign." He roared silencing me. "No!" I yelled back. He roared in a frenzy, attempting to frighten me from Marrain. "I told you that's enough, the both of your bickering is enough. You need to control your anger Aragor. I can't have you loosing yourself with every little thing that irritates you." I looked back at Marrain who was watching in fear. "You too Marrain, realize this... It's come down to light and darkness joining one another to banish Hell from our world!" Aragor snorted drawing my eyes , he was back to normal fighting against himself as he starred at Marrain before turning away. Once the two of them are separated this will be handled much easier. My arms fell to my sides and I waited for Aragor to create space between us before retreating to my own spot. I could feel Aragor's madness stabbing at my mind but to know success of getting in. Then the idea of what would happen if you lost yourself to Aragor's madness flowed into my mind. Would you still be controlled by Lucifer or by him? I didn't allow the idea to adapt further than that, it was time to solve this issue. "Whenever you're ready to leave Aragor." He shot back a glare. "I'm ready now. Your friend is the one we'll have to wait for." I looked back seeing Marrain lost in madness. Marrain was stunned almost, he didn't move only held the fearful expression I knew. Returning to his side I put myself between him, blocking his view from Aragor. "Marrain, listen to me. Fight against the madness you feel, do not let it persuade you that the power it has is greater, it only leads to enslavement." I was reciting my mentors training that we were forced to remember years ago. "You serve under God, not for the sinful members of Hell. Falling to them would be like the weakness of man, do not give in. Do not forget who you are, come back to reality, come back to salvation." His eyes found me and his expression died. He gasped for air choking as he collapsed. "I told you, Marrain." He vomited beneath me. "I'm sorry Reignhardt... I never knew it was so... controlling." His chest was heaving and his heart was pounding rapidly in my ears. "Forgive my attitude; I had no room to speak." I pulled him up by his arms and hugged him. "I will never fall to darkness, I promised you that." He nodded in my shoulder. "Now listen, were leaving for Eidor. By tomorrow, you'll be with Theyen. You have my trust and I have yours, keep yours and I'll keep mine." We rode off together, through the night; Aragor was swift and tireless driving himself until he could no more. By morning we waited for him to rest, where Marrain and I could speak once more before having to leave him behind. I gave him several things to focus on and to ask about when he got to Eidor, and I was hoping that Theyen could teach him some of the Brotherhoods arts himself. Especially with the hand to hand combat, if Marrain could master that he would become impossible to defeat.