Almost Perfect - Chapter Two

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#2 of Almost Perfect

Author's Note: Hopefully you liked the first chapter and now you're back for more. Let's talk about me. I'm... ok, that's enough. Let's just move on to the story. Or whatever. :).

Imma bad woof, bout to get a manni ped, I'm the big bad wolf in your granny bed, even though I'm in Mexico, I rep New York like plexico, look switched my name now I'm celebrating Hanukah, Lewinsky bitches! Young Money Monica! I've been hot since hedgehog sonica so could you pass me the keys to the tonica?




Kylie led the way down the staircase to the top floor. Starting at the roof, it wasn't a very far journey. "You ready?" he asked over his shoulder. I checked the assault rifle one more time before nodding. We didn't make mistakes. He kicked the silver door and it flew open.

We sprayed gunfire at the first few desks and we were met with screams. Once we were in the room, we watched the employees for a moment. No one moved. "Are we in the right building?" I whispered to Kylie.

"Fucking American scum!" A german shepherd swung an AK-47 from underneath his desk. I ducked for cover behind a desk as a series of bullet holes riddled the wall where I had just been standing.

"Yep, this is the right building," I answered myself. I located the first few furs in business suits running to get their weapons. I dropped a few with a couple of short burst from the barrel of the assault rifle. Soon, the entire room was screaming with loud booms and cracks as random gunfire ripped the room into shreds. I couldn't see Kylie, but I knew he was doing ok by himself.

I slid from one desk to another taking out anyone I laid eyes on. The employees were tougher and more fanatical than I'd realized. Even after they were on the ground bleeding to death, the picked up a weapon and continued to fire. That meant I needed a lot of head shots. I turned on the red pinpoint laser as bullets whizzed around me barely missing me. I could dodge bullets anyways. This wasn't a real situation. I was just getting warmed up. I jumped to my feet and started moving around the room. I pulled the trigger every time I saw the laser dot a forehead. I must have dropped at least ten before I took cover to reload.

A screaming fox ran over to me with a knife. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it until it broke and she dropped the knife. As she yelped in pain I pulled her down to my level and snapped her neck with my paws. "Bitch," I cursed. I hated it when people interrupted me. I mean, I'm trying to reload my gun here. Don't threaten me with a knife. I slammed another clip into my rifle and continued my circle across the room.

The room was almost empty, but I was realizing that we didn't have quite enough ammo to take out and entire building. Luckily, there were AK-47's just lying around for the taking.

When the last shots were fired and the gunfire ceased, I called out to Kylie. "Kylie, are you ok?"

"Yeah, bro. I'm good." He stood up from behind a desk and walked over to me. "These guys are crazy."

"I know. When did you realize it had to be headshots?"

"Oh, like as soon as the german shepherd yelled," Kylie answered with a shrug.

"Damn, it took me a little longer."

"Well, there goes one floor. I wonder how the other two are doing."

"I want to win, so let's keep moving." I grabbed an AK and a few rounds of ammunition. I wasn't too stingy with it because I knew there were a lot more floors to go. I followed Kylie to the elevator and hit the button for the next floor.

"That's a really nice butt, you've got there," Kylie teased pinching my butt cheek.

"Stop, you're making me horny," I laughed. Suddenly, his paw slid into the front of my pants, but he snatched it back when he heard the ding of our arrival.

"What about that?"

"That was pretty hot too." When the doors slid apart, three huge bulls blocked our entry.

"Tego, sends his regards," The front bull slammed a large gate in front of the exit and then pulled a grenade from his vest. He pulled the pin and dropped the small green orb into the elevator. The bulls ran away from the elevator. Kylie sighed.

"At least we get new suits," I said with a grin. Suddenly, there was an extremely loud pop and the entire elevator went up in flames. I winced as shards of shrapnel pierced my skin and flames singed my fur. The sheer impact sent me through the elevator and I slammed against the shaft wall. I gripped the wall and watched the flaming box fall down the shaft. Kylie was hanging on the other side of the shaft.

"You know, that hurts my ears more than anything else," Kylie whined.

"I'm really gonna hurt your ears, bro," I joked as I pulled myself up the pitch black shaft. We didn't fall very far from the floor with the open doors.

"Oh is that a challenge, pup?"

"More like a promise for the next time I get you alone." Eventually, we reached the opening and jumped inside to the pristine white office of the next floor. It was a big contrast to the dark elevator shaft. The bulls looked genuinely stunned.

"Which one of you threw the grenade?" Kylie asked politely.

"How did-" The bull stopped his own sentence. Shock turned to rage quickly and pull pointed his two henchmen at us. "Kill them." The bulls rushed around him and charged at us. I reached for my pistol, but then I realized it fell with the elevator. Of course...

I grabbed the bull charging at me and slug him in the thick plaster wall behind me. He recovered quickly and I was pulled to the floor. He mounted me and slung fist after fist into my face.

He was too heavy for me to lift, but after I landed a few heavy blows to the bulls gut, I squirmed away from him. A well placed boot to the nose sent the bull backwards.

Jumping back to his feet, he charged me again and pushed me into the wall. I gasped as the air left my lungs and the bull's knee slammed into my ribcage.

I knew instantly something was broke. I knew the fight couldn't go on any longer. I slung my knee into his crotch. As he doubled over in pain, I ripped the bulls head from his neck by his horns. I threw the head down the elevator shaft and waited for Kylie to finish his fight.

"I think you're bull broke one of my ribs."

"Who are you?" The lead bull sized up my bruises, cuts, and burns in shock. I must've looked pretty bad, but part of being perfect is not feeling it when you are.

"Oh, we're here to kill... Taco?"


"Yeah, him. Well, all of you have to die to, but he's the main one." As I explained the situation to the bull as calmly as I could, he backed away slowly. "Do you have a gun? Because killing you would be much easier that way. I don't want to rip your head off."

"You exaggerate!"

"No, didn't you see the other bull?"

"You think I will give you my gun?"

"It'd be a lot easier than me just taking it." The bull reached into his pocket and drew a heavy looking revolver. I tried to plan my next move, but the bull pulled the trigger faster than I expected. I felt a sharp stab pain in my shoulder and I fell to the floor in agony. When I pulled my paw away from the stinging wound, it was covered in warm red blood. "Oh shit," I whispered. I'd never been shot before. My mind started racing in panic. I knew the wound wasn't fatal, but I couldn't control the fear that it might become very fatal.

Before, I had time to process anything the bull was on the ground motionless. Another set of paws locked around my shoulders and pulled me to face Kylie. His eyes were full of concern and I could sense a little fear. "Tinlen, are you ok?" His voice was shaking and only served to increase my own fear.

"I don't know..."

"THE TARGET IS ESCAPING!" Jack screamed over the radio. Kylie pulled me to my feet and placed my arm over his shoulder. I winced in pain as he walked me to a window.

"We have to jump. The building is going to blow," Kylie warned. I nodded in understanding and Kylie shot a bullet through the tall black windows. Air rushed into the room and scattered papers in a giant vacuum of wind. I felt Kylie's Paws wrap around my waist and before I knew it we were plunging towards the ground in a freefall. We were higher up than I thought. We must have fallen for at least five minutes before Kylie launched a grappling hook into another building. He grunted as he fought the weight and speed of our fall and landed us gently on the ground.

Suddenly, I noticed a leopard and a bull running down the street as fast as they could. "Tego," I growled showing Kylie with a nod. We lunched down the street following their path.

A loud roar echoed through the quiet night as the building behind us erupted into flames and showering debris. The ground shook from the force of the explosion and waves of dust rolled away from the building as it slowly collapsed like a house of cards.

Tego was jumping into a waiting yellow Hummer with his companion, but Kylie reached the door before they could take off. Kylie fired a single shot as the Hummer sped off into the night. "Did you get him?" I asked trying to catch my breath. He grabbed me around the waist again and launched another grappling hook into the sky. We were ripped off the ground just as clouds of dust and debris covered where we had just been standing.

"I got the fucking bull," he growled. Once we were in the sky I found the yellow vehicle quickly. I grabbed the gun from Kylie and aimed at the back windshield. If Kylie got the bull, then Tego was on the other side of the vehicle. Hummer's were big though. From this distance, I couldn't be sure if I did hit Tego or if I missed. Then, they made their final mistake. The Hummer's turn signal blinked and I fired a shot in the direction they were turning. My bullet caught the Hummer's gas tank as they rounded the corner and the vehicle burst into flames, jumping into the air like a firework. "Nice," Kylie laughed as we reached the top of the building.

"For second there, I thought he was actually going to get away," I giggled nervously. My paw was shaking and the wound in my shoulder had lost a lot more blood since we jumped out of the building.

Kylie took a small black gadget from his pocket and pointed it at the fiery wreckage of the Hummer. The screen lit up and allowed him to see inside the fire and melted debris of the vehicle. "Kill confirmed," he announced over the radio. "Tinlen, wins."

"Damn it! I was so going to get him!" Jack whined, "I already had the sniper rifle set up and everything."

"I don't feel like a winner," I whispered. My head was getting light and dizzy and nausea started to build in my stomach.

"Tinlen?" Kylie shot a look of concern my way before he faded into blackness. Was this what dying felt like? Dying was a lot like going to sleep then...

Fortunately, I wasn't dying. Or I was dying, but they fixed it. When I woke up, I was on the black leather couch with no signs that any wound had ever been present. I gotta love the healing factor. I glanced up at my favorite husky. Kylie was holding my head in his lap stroking my ears gently. "Are you ok, bro?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah, I feel great. Where is everybody?" I glanced around the big white room. It was empty except for us and the stylish black furniture.

"Jack and Garrett are asleep. We have to go see Cigar when you're ready. I figured you'd want to take a shower first and just relax for a little while."

"You're right, but if you're sure Jack and Garrett are asleep... you don't want to get in the shower with me?" I raised my brow suggestively. I could already feel a stirring arousal behind my boxers.

"I... I don't know, Tinlen. I feel like this is partly my fault. If we wouldn't have been so... distracted... it might not have happened." Kylie looked full of shame and regret.

"Kylie, accidents happen."

"Not for us, Tinlen. None of us have ever been put in a really threatening situation. If we were thinking the right way, we could've cleared that building in minutes. Tego wouldn't have even had the chance," he whispered.

"I know, but we're only perfect on the outside. We still have problems."

"Not when it comes to tactics. Jack and Garrett had already covered twenty-six floor, Tinlen. We barely made two." I paused and the let thought sink in. Maybe it was wrong. We should've been just as fast, if not faster, than Jack and Garrett. In the moment, I thought we were making good progress, but looking back... I didn't want to be wrong though. The way I felt with Kylie was... I wasn't sure what it was, but it was different than anything I'd ever felt before.

"But... I..."

"There's nothing to say, Tinlen. We screwed up. We just can't let it happen again. Ever."

"Ok," I sighed. I sat up off the couch and made my way to the bathroom. We had a very small space for four grown huskies. Just one bathroom and four bedrooms. I closed the door behind me and tried to push my thoughts away. Or replace them. I was so confused. I wanted to think Kylie was wrong, but Kylie had never been wrong about anything. He always did what was best for the team. Even if he didn't like it.

I took off the sweatpants and the blue boxers they had changed me into and climbed into the shower. The warm jets of water soaked into my fur and washed away all the grime they missed in the medical room. It was a dirty business. I cleaned up very quickly and climbed back out of the shower. I found a towel under the sink and dried myself off before wrapping it around my waist. The mirrors were fogged with the steam of the shower, so I opened the door to go to my room, but Kylie was standing in the doorway. He pushed me away from the door and trapped me in the bathroom with him. I liked this kind of trapped.

"I know it's wrong, Tinlen, but..." He pressed his muzzle against mine in a searing kiss. My eyes shot open in surprise. When he pulled away, he looked down in shame. "It just feels so... good," he whispered. I placed my paw under his chin and lifted his muzzle to face mine.

"You can't be perfect all the time, Ky." I kissed his neck and his paws wrapped around my head. There were different emotions this time. I could sense how much he hated this, but he knew how much he loved it even more. We couldn't just go back to being brothers again. His paw pulled the towel off and groped my throbbing member. I moaned quietly as he worked the sheath back and forth over the pink tip. The feeling was so good. I couldn't hold my eyes open. I rested my head on his shoulder as the movement became more intense. He squeezed harder and pulled faster. I could feel pre dripping from the tip onto the towel below us. The smell of my musk filled the room quickly.

"God, you smell so good," Kylie whispered. He dropped to his knees and sniffed beneath my ball sac. I whimpered as his soft warm tongue traced the furry orbs carefully.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. My heart stopped and I looked at Kylie with wide eyes. Kylie jumped to his feet and handed me the towel. I grabbed my toothbrush as the door opened and Jack walked in groggily. "God damn, Tinlen. It smells like cum in here. Were you pawing in the bathroom again?" He gestured towards the hard bulge in the towel I couldn't conceal.

"Well, I was until Kylie walked in." Kylie chuckled and pretend to be brushing his fur. Jack went to the toilet and lifted the seat to pee.

"Sucks for Ky," he laughed as the stream of yellow liquid shot into the water of the toilet. "How about you keep your musk in your room?"

"Jack, I've found your cum all over the fucking couch," I attacked.

"Yeah, but you've never walked in while I was in the middle of it. It stinks, dude."

"Shut up and go back to bed."

"I am..." Jack swished his tail at me as he squeezed past us and out of the bathroom. When I was sure he was gone, I put the toothbrush down and looked at Kylie. He was struggling not to laugh.

"You wouldn't be laughing if he was making fun of you."

"Aw, lighten up Tinlen. You did good. I didn't know what I was going to do if he asked me. You played it very well."

"Yeah, well no more bathroom time."

"We just forgot to lock the door. That's all." Kylie locked the door and moved closer to me. "So, where were we?"

"We were going to see Cigar." I had lost any horniness that I had when Jack walked in. Time to see what discipline Cigar had in store for me.