The Life of a Rockstar- Meet Mizuki Kinto

Story by MysteriousFox343 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Life of a Rockstar

Mizuki & Luke's Story



This story was posted by a good friend of mine, who unfortunately decided not to continue with the series. However, he handed me all rights to his characters, ideas, etc. I hope to be able to continue this series. J

Now, here comes the necessary legal disclaimer:

Warning: The following story depicts sexual relations between a male fox and a male wolf, if you are not over the legal age in your location, turn back now. If this is not your type of story, please move along, as I will not take too kindly to flames about disliking this genre when it was clearly stated what this was.

Hope you enjoy!

Word Count: 3620


The last chords of the electric guitar bounced off the walls of the concert hall. The last beat being played for the night. "Thank you and good night!" Mizuki Kinto shouted to the screaming crowd. The crowd cheered and chanted "Mizuki! Mizuki!" Crazy fan girls held up signs that read from the simple, "I love you Mizuki!", to the not so simple, "Will you marry me Mizuki?" The brown and white fox smiled wildly at the crowd. The life of a rockstar was sometimes worth it.

Mizuki went backstage. Unlike most rockstars with their, well let's say extreme and eccentric, way of dressing themselves, Mizuki wore cream-colored khaki pants, a blue American Eagle polo covered by a red American Eagle jacket. Though many of his friends questioned his inability to actually match colors, Mizuki countered by stating that he had a right to wear whatever colors he like, even neon green and orange. The fox's eyes showed sign of fatigue, due to many a one nights spent partying like crazy. Even the thought of a nice warm bed where he could crawl under the sheets made his fuzzy tail wag happily back and forth. Mizuki was very attractive for a fur, besides the regular features of a fox; black paws, a snow-white chest, a brown tail with a fuzzy white tip, the "works", MIzuki had a small patch of snow white fur on his snout, which only added to his beauty.

Now Mizuki was in no way of sorts a body builder, the sight of bulging muscles was not at all pleasant to the fox, but he still stayed fit and was athletic in swimming and martial arts. He had earned his second-degree black belt when he had sent his own older brother to the floor with one hit, a fact that his brother liked to deny. His band mates knew not to mess with him when he was angry, not unless they wanted a one way ticket to the hard floor. Speaking of his band mates, Mizuki saw them wave goodbye to him.

They consisted of Jake Luther, a quick-witted jaguar of medium height who played the base guitar. Chris Masters, an intimidating black lupine who was very shy and was also the band's drummer. Sarah Bradford, a beautiful black and white border collie who was the band's harmonic voice, and finally there was Alex Hughson, a pure-bred grey mustang who played the lead guitar. The horse was the tallest of the group and very majestic. Every part of his body showed off his muscles that he had obtained from his bloodline.

The band, which was called Below Zero and Still Dropping, (an original idea from Mizuki, and usually shortened to BZASD) had been friends since college and had started to play just for fun. Little did they know back then that they would become an overnight sensation.

"All right guys, I'm going home." Mizuki yawned padding off to his dressing room.

"Mizuki, wait up!"

Sarah ran to the fox, who looked at the border collie.

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to ask you if you're heading straight home?"

Mizuki nodded, yawning again.

"Oh, it's just- that's fine." Sarah said, slightly sad.

"Why did you ask?"

The fox stared at the collie.

"Oh, I thought you might want to get a drink with me..."

Mizuki, being the clueless fox he is, shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Sarah. I'm beyond tired. Maybe tomorrow?"

"That's fine."

Mizuki nodded and walked away.

Mizuki yawned and padded over to the exit. Opening the door, Mizuki bumped into someone. They both yelped in pain and Mizuki fell onto the floor.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you." Mizuki apologized, rubbing his head.

Looking at the other, the fox held his breath. Before him was a grey wolf. The wolf was a bit taller than Mizuki, but instead of having the renowned blue-eyes of a wolf, the fox was surprised to see identical amber eyes. His entire chest or what could be seen from the other's shirt was snow-white. The wolf had a unique arrangement of fur on his neck, it consisted of two white triangles of snow-white fur that seemed to invade into the grey fur. Mizuki's eyes traveled to the lupine's tail which was grey on one side and white on the other.

Mizuki had no idea that he was looking the wolf over. Finally, Mizuki's eyes met the wolf's. He had white fur surrounding his eyes that seemed to create the illusion of a mask.

"Are you okay?", the wolf asked, helping Mizuki up off the floor.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Mizuki shook his head, clearing his vision.

He couldn't stop looking at the wolf.

"Name's Luke," the wolf said smiling, showing off his radiant smile.

"Oh, um I'm-," the fox was cut off.

"Mizuki," Luke finished for the fox. "I know who you are. I'm a big fan of your band and your music."

Mizuki blushed, "Um, Thank you."

The fox looked down at his feet, still blushing.

Luke's heart was pumping. He couldn't believe his luck, of all the people to run into! Luke noticed that the fox had suddenly become shy.

"But what I love more than the music is your voice."

Luke inwardly smiled as he saw the fox's blush deepen. "Let's go a bit farther, shall we," Luke thought.

Mizuki didn't know why he was acting this way. He had heard all of this before, but now what had changed? The truth was that Luke didn't just love Mizuki's voice, he was in love with the fox. Ever since he laid his eyes on the vulpine, he couldn't think of anyone else. He couldn't get him out of his head. Mizuki was the first and only person to do this to Luke. "Now's your chance! Don't blow it!"

Luke stepped closer to the fox. Mizuki didn't even notice.

"But I think I love you more. Especially the way your body moves on stage."

Luke grabbed one of Mizuki's paws. Mizuki looked up, his nose catching the scent of male arousal.

"The sweat rolling of your face, your cute little butt and fuzzy tail."

Luke had wrapped his arms around Mizuki. Everything he had said was whispered into Mizuki's ear, sending shivers down the vulpine.

"But more than that, your beautiful eyes and angelic face."

Luke looked deep into Mizuki's eyes. Mizuki was quiet, unable to say anything. His heart was pounding, his pulse racing. This wolf, this stranger was doing something that few could ever do to him. He felt like he was a pre-teen again, when he had first asked someone out and was waiting for their reply. Was it possible to fall in love at first sight?

Luke kissed Mizuki. The fox gasped, not entirely expecting this. This gave the wolf a chance to explore Mizuki's mouth. Luke's paws trailed up and down the fox's body. He extended his nails slightly, causing Mizuki to arch into Luke. He started pressing into the kiss, the fox's hands no longer by his side. Mizuki's right paw caressed Luke's cheek, while his left gripped the startled lupine's butt. Mizuki broke the kiss.

"Let's go to my apartment."

Luke smiled, taking the fox's paw as they walked out.

It was nobody's surprise that Mizuki went both ways. He was equally as happy to be around a female as he was to a male. However, it could easily be said that Mizuki was clueless around the females. Mizuki and Luke hadn't even managed to make it to Mizuki's apartment before they started kissing and feeling each other. They were locked in an intimate muzzle kiss as Mizuki struggled to open the door. As the door finally opened, both furs fell inside. Luke managed to close the door as Mizuki led the way to his bedroom.

Luke started tugging Mizuki's jacket off. They broke the kiss long enough to rip their shirts off. Mizuki mrred as he saw the well-toned lupine chest. His paws trailed up and down the snow-white fur. Luke went down and nibbled slightly on Mizuki's nubs. The fox whimpered. The wolf's paws unbuckled the vulpine's pants and let them drop to the floor. Mizuki wasn't one to be left out; he too explored the lupine's body. Luke shivered against the vulpine. Mizuki smirked, knowing that he might be able to turn the tables on the lupine. Unfortunately, Luke had other ideas.

Luke pulled the fox's boxers down to reveal his vulpine sex. Mizuki whimpered as the cold air seemed to caress his length. Luke kissed Mizuki again, his right paw pinching Mizuki's nipple. The fox groaned. Luke took his other paw and groped the fox's tail base. His finger slowly traced circles around the fox's entrance, causing Mizuki to buck into the wolf. Luke smiled, his right paw gripped the fox's sheath. More of the fox's pink length popped out.

Luke slowly caressed the fox, a lone digit pushed past the fox's puckered hole. Mizuki moaned. The fox had two options, push forward and thrust his foxhood into Luke's paw, or push back and impale himself on Luke's finger. The wolf smiled as he felt the rockstar choose and pushed back, impaling himself. Luke mrred as the warmth engulfed his finger. Mizuki continued to moan. Luke began to stroke the fox. The wolf felt his own member push against his boxers. Mizuki moaned, squirming against the wolf. Luke went downwards, his tongue danced around the fox's abs, tickling Mizuki.

"You're such a tease, I thought wolves were direct with things?"

Luke responded by wiggling his finger, causing the fox to shiver and moan.

"I like to play with my prey before being direct, foxy."

The wolf reached his real target, taking in the fox's musk. It was extremely intoxicating. Mizuki was obviously well-endowed, his 8 ½ length was not fully out yet.

The wolf grinned, "If it's not going to show."

Luke fondled the fox's balls. The vulpine whimpered, Luke's finger kept going deeper. Luke's tongue explored the fox's inner thighs, coating his brown fur in saliva. Mizuki couldn't stand it, he grabbed the wolf's head and tried to get him to take his length into his muzzle. Luke lightly nipped at the fox's black paw, causing Mizuki to yelp and let go.

"No no no, naughty foxy," Luke cooed to him.

Luke's left paw caressed Mizuki's inner thigh. The fox moaned softly.

With a jerk, the fox's knot popped out. Luke grinned. He quickly took the member into his mouth. Mizuki groaned, bucking into the wolf. Luke gently sucked on the tip, feeling it begin to squirt its pre-cum. Mizuki closed his eyes, moaning again. Luke's tongue explored every inch of the fox's length. Mizuki shivered, his length slowly disappearing into Luke's muzzle. The wolf took all of the fox's length. It sent shivers down Luke's spine as it pulsed in his mouth. Luke slowly pulled out, sliding his canines along the slick flesh. Mizuki gasped. The wolf came back up to the tip and nibbled on it. Mizuki nearly collapsed. Luke took this opportunity and shoved his finger back into Mizuki's tail-hole.

The fox yelped. Luke eagerly swallowed the juices spilling from the fox's tip. Mizuki's paws grabbed the nearby wall and he dug his claws into it. Luke sucked and bobbed his head. The lupine removed his finger and inserted two fingers into the fox's tail-hole.

"Oh, Luke! fuck! Fuck! FUCK!"

Luke blushed; he hadn't expected such words to come out of Mizuki's beautiful muzzle. Luke took his fingers out and gripped the pulsing foxhood behind the knot and began to jerk it up and down. He squeezed and released, attempting to simulate a successful coupling. Mizuki groaned. He didn't care if the entire city heard his moans; it had been just too damn long. Luke's member made the wolf feel uncomfortable as it pushed against his boxers, leaving a slick wet spot that continued to grow in size as he sucked the hard cock of his idol.

Luke stopped long enough to peel his boxers off before he took Mizuki's length back in. His tongue wrapped around the length. Luke's groan was muffled as he felt Mizuki's length thicken. He quickly took it out of his mouth and stroked the fox member.

"Are you going to cum, cute foxy?"

Mizuki whimpered and shivered as the wolf squeezed his foxhood. "Please Luke, I'm so close!"

Luke teasingly lapped the pre-cum off the tip. Mizuki squirmed in pleasure. The wolf took the fox back into his mouth.

"He's gonna do it! I'm going to make a rockstar cum! And not just any rockstar..." Luke happily thought.

"Oh Fuck! Luke, I'M GOING TO-"

Mizuki nearly punched his paw through the wall. Luke gagged as Mizuki's first squirt hit the back of his throat. Fox cum coated Luke's tongue as he struggled to swallow. Mizuki's hips rocked into Luke as his length continued to pump his seed out. Luke kept swallowing, afraid of choking. Mizuki came and came, his balls hugged close to his body. Luke couldn't hold it and he took the fox's member out of his muzzle, sweet fox seed coating his muzzle. Several more squirts coated his face. When the last squirt left his foxhood, Mizuki collapsed against the wall.

Luke caught him with his canine instincts.

"Luke, oh my, I've never cum like that! You're the first to ever do that with a blowjob. How do you want to relieve that swelling between your legs?" Mizuki asked, leaning on Luke's shoulder, cleaning his own seed off the wolf's muzzle and face.

Mizuki fondled the wolf's hard length, Mizuki smacked his lips as he saw Luke's pre dripping down to his paw. Luke snuggled into the fox, he nipped at Mizuki's ear.

"I think I know what I want, lover. I want to tie with you." Luke whispered.

"Tie? But, but-" Mizuki looked up, alarmed.

"What's wrong Mizuki, never tied with a canine before?" Luke asked, nipping at Mizuki's neck.

"Oh I've been with canines before but I was always on top." Mizuki said.

"Oh I see. It's also good to bottom, it's not bad. Especially when you feel this," Luke grabbed his sheath," inside here, spilling my seed in you and making you my mate, you'll never want to top again."

Luke said. Mizuki's foxhood had started to retreat back to its sheath, but it stopped. Luke noticed Mizuki getting hard.

"Entertaining the idea?" Luke asked.

Mizuki got up. He purposely waved his sensuous ass around, exciting the wolf. Mizuki paused at the entrance to his bedroom. Mizuki ducked down, moving his tail to show his puckered hole to the wolf. He put on the best cute puppy innocent look that he could muster.

"Oh no, Mr. Big Bad Wolf, I'm just an innocent foxy."

The wolf inwardly awed at the overwhelming cuteness. Luke followed the fox. Mizuki got on all fours on his bed, his ass facing Luke. Mizuki put on his best puppy look. Luke inwardly smiled. He padded over, his length already hard and dripping on the hardwood floor. Luke kneeled before Mizuki and took in the fox's scent. Mizuki's chest was rising and falling, waiting impatiently. Luke blew his hot breath on to Mizuki's sheath. He whimpered as his length hardened.

Luke continued to breath all over Mizuki's length. It caused the fox to yelp as his length began spraying his pre. Luke fondled the fox's balls. Mizuki groaned. The wolf took the furry sack into his mouth, his tongue gently prodding him.

"Uh, oh, Luke-" Mizuki moaned.

Luke gently inserted a finger into Mizuki, watching him arch into him. Luke pulled it out to the tip and shoved it back in. Luke put in two fingers and continued to thrust his fingers. Mizuki yelled, Luke's fingers were tearing him apart. His hole was dry, making it extremely painful.

"Luke! Fuck this hurts!" Mizuki yelled.

Luke took out his fingers. The wolf smiled. Mizuki was about to look back when he felt something wet lapping at him. Sending shivers down his back. Mizuki moaned gain, grabbing on to his bed sheets. Luke's tongue explored every inch of the fox, lapping up his tail hole and leaving it glistening. Mizuki's eyes rolled into his head. Luke inwardly smirked.

"If he thinks this is good..."

Luke inserted his tongue into Mizuki's hole, grabbed his butt and brought the startled fox closer. Mizuki yelled out loud, not caring what his neighbor's thought.

Luke dug his tongue as deep as he could.

"Luke! oh fuck, oh fuck, I CAN FUCKING FEEL IT INSIDE OF ME!"

Luke winced as Mizuki screamed out in pleasure. He continued to move his tongue around, causing the fox to shred his own bed sheets. Mizuki's upper body gave out and he fell face first, his ass high in the air. The vulpine was swearing and moaning as Luke continued to explore him. Mizuki yelped as his own foxhood began to squirt pre onto his chest.

Luke slowly pulled his tongue out, smacking his lips. Mizuki groaned out loud, panting hard into his shredded bed sheets.

"You taste sweet, Foxy." Luke smiled at the panting fox shivering before him.

Luke got onto the bed. He hugged the fox, his length spilling pre all over the fox's hole.

"Are you ready, Mizuki?" Luke whispered to the fox.

The fox slowly got up and looked back at the wolf.

"Quit hesitating and FUCK ME!" Mizuki shouted, giving Luke one of those I-can't believe-you-asked-that looks.

Luke smiled his radiant smile and thrusted as hard as he could. His length was buried deep inside the fox in one thrust. Mizuki opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out, the pain could not be expressed in a mere scream. Luke hugged the fox as he felt Mizuki's muscles ripple all around him, trying to get used to his wolf member. Mizuki shivered, feeling full. Luke slowly pulled his length out to the tip and slowly thrusted back in. Mizuki moaned. Luke kept this slow pace. His knot had started to grow.

Luke made each thrust count, making the fox yip every time he thrusted in. The fox was tight, his sphincter muscle tightly wrapped around Luke's length. Mizuki tried his best to relax, but his muscles just wouldn't. Luke realizing that if he didn't hurry he could not tie with the fox, upped his pace. Mizuki groaned. Each thrust made him move forward. The fox's member had already created a slick puddle near Mizuki's front paws. Luke gripped the rockstar's slick tool and stroked it in tune to his thrusts. Mizuki moaned, shivering at the added pleasure. Luke groaned as Mizuki's muscles rippled again.

"How(thrust) are you(thrust) liking(thrust)this?" Luke moaned into Mizuki's ear.


Luke winced again as Mizuki shouted all of this.

"I'm going to have a tough time explaining this to his neighbors." Luke thought.

He gripped the fox's tennis ball sized knot and squeezed it, causing Mizuki to yelp.

"You asked for it."

Luke pulled out all the way to the tip and thrusted. Luke yelped as he hilted himself in the fox. Mizuki screamed in pain and pleasure as the wolf's orange-sized knot shoved past his sphincter muscle, Luke hugged Mizuki, and pumped as hard as he could, attempting to end this coupling. Mizuki groaned, moaned, whimpered, and yelped as Luke pumped his member.

Luke groaned, unable to keep his climax back. Mizuki's pre soaked the wolf's paw and continued to soak the sheets. Mizuki's eyes opened and widened, his amber eyes dilated in pure bliss.

"Luke, I'm gonna cum soon! oh fuck, oh, LUKE!"

Mizuki yelled the lupine's name as his balls drew close to his body and he shot his second load of fox cum. It shot out from his tip and hit his left front most paw. The second squirt landed under his chest. Smaller weaker spurts coated the wolf's paw in cum. Luke felt the fox's knot thicken and pulse as it shot squirt after squirt. Mizuki's muscles clamped down on the wolf's member. Luke yelped and growled. He hugged Mizuki lifted him up, placed him on his lap and bit Mizuki on the neck. Mizuki yelped. Luke came hard, his cum coating Mizuki's hole. Mizuki whimpered as he felt the wolf's length continue to squirt. He whimpered as he felt his own muscles contract to squeeze every last bit of cum the wolf could muster. Luke whimpered as he felt his length being milked. Just when Mizuki thought it was over, Luke yelped again.

Mizuki felt the wolf's member thicken and shoot another load of cum.

"Multiple orgasms? That shouldn't be possible!" Mizuki's insides were boiling hot as more wolf seed pushed deeper. The wolf whimpered and moaned again. The wolf hugged Mizuki as he felt his length get sore beyond belief. Luke howled again as he felt yet another load come spurting out! Mizuki howled as well collapsing into Luke. They both waited for Luke's knot to shrink.

"I didn't know wolves had multiple orgasms." Mizuki panted.

"Only when we're full." Luke nuzzled into Mizuki.

"I love you." Mizuki whispered.

"I love you too," Luke whispered back.

Mizuki's ears pricked up as he heard the door open. The duo watched as Sarah, the black and white border collie walked in.

"Oh my." Sarah gasped.

Mizuki and Luke blushed. Luke nuzzled and nipped at Mizuki's neck. Sarah smiled at both of the canines.

"I see you had some fun."

Mizuki looked up at Sarah.

"It's exactly what it looks like."

-To be continued-