The Life of a Rockstar: Sarah's Story Part 2

Story by MysteriousFox343 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Life of a Rockstar

Part 2: Mizuki's Punishment

Follow Sarah as she has the wildest night of her life


AN: This story involves sexual relations between a female border collie and several males. If these types of things bother you, then click the back button now. . If you are under the legal age in your area, see the big left arrow in your browser window; click it. Otherwise, enjoy!

Word Count: 5264 ---------------------------------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX--------------------------------------------------------------

Mizuki, the brown and white fox and lead singer of Below Zero And Still Dropping noticed that Sarah had on Alex's trench coat. He whimpered as Luke shifted.

"Who's your friend?" Sarah asked.

"He's Luke Jay Rockafeller, one of my fans." Mizuki responded. Luke smiled

"Hello, and who might you be?" Luke asked.

"I'm Sarah Bradford, Mizuki's friend." Sarah said.

"What's with the trench coat?" Mizuki asked, closing his eyes as Luke squeezed his nubs. Sarah took a moment to assess the situation. Cum was dripping off of Mizuki's chest. His proud member stood stiffly at attention. His washboard abs glistened in the light. She observed the cute wolf. He had a cute face. He seemed to have a mask on, but it was his white fur. Brown amber eyes stared at Sarah. Two triangles on each side of the wolf's neck invaded the grey fur of his back. A tail composed of grey on one side and white on the other wagged. Mizuki's puffy tail hung limply on one side. She licked her lips subconsciously.

"Sarah?" Mizuki asked, watching the border collies stare. Sarah undid the trench coat and let it fall to the ground. Mizuki and Luke gasped. Her black and white body was fully exposed. Her nipples were hard, her tail wagged back and forth. Mizuki saw juices dripping out of the dog's sex. Luke's nose smelled not only an aroused canine, but the seed of something else. He realized what it was, horse.

Luke smiled, showing off his canines. Sarah walked seductively over to the duo. Mizuki gasped. Sarah was a virgin, wasn't she? Her lust filled eyes traveled down to Mizuki's red rocket. She licked her muzzle. "I wonder how fox tastes?" Sarah wondered.

"Sarah, what are you doing?" Mizuki asked, staring at the canine.

"Mizuki, you've denied me for the last time." Sarah growled, causing Mizuki to stare in disbelief.

Sarah kneeled and gripped the fox member. Luke grew hard at the sight. He smiled at Sarah. Sarah took Mizuki into her muzzle, causing the fox to moan in pleasure and surprise.

Sarah inwardly smiled. For the longest time she had desired to sleep with Mizuki. Here she was, his stiff member in her mouth and he was moaning because of her! Sarah's tongue licked up the juices that had spilled over as a result of orgasm. Luke decided to calm down, he focused on shrinking his knot, ignoring the actions of the beautiful border collie. Mizuki gasped, he shook with ecstasy. His oversensitive glands caused him to grow even harder. His knot that had started to recede into his sheath had begun to swell, pushing out of its protective covering. Sarah's right paw cupped the fox's balls. She rolled them over her palm, feeling them grow heavier.

"Sarah, oh god, you're so good!" Mizuki moaned, panting and closing his eyes.

Luke shifted his knot small enough to slip out. Mizuki stood up long enough for Luke to move out from under him. He sat back down and lay back on the bed. Sarah had started to deep throat his member. She used her tongue to caress the shaft in her mouth while her sucking caused Mizuki to squirt his pre into her mouth. Luke moved behind the border collie. His paws began to massage the dog's back. Sarah shivered at the wolf's touch. Luke trailed downwards, his paw tracing the wet outline of the dog's vulva. His paw caressed the ever slickening labia. Luke kissed the back of Sarah's neck as the dog focused her attention on sucking Mizuki off. Sarah's right paw massaged the fox's balls as her left gripped the swollen knot. Mizuki squirmed around, growling and yipping in pleasure. Luke stuck a finger into Sarah's sex, causing the dog to buck into Luke. Luke rubbed up against Sarah, his figure towering over the border collie. Sarah felt the wolf's impressive erection poking at her, leaving traces of pre where ever it roamed. Sarah moved her muzzle up and down, scraping Mizuki's member gently across her teeth. Mizuki growled like the adorable fox he was.

"I think I better keep our prey quiet." Luke whispered into Sarah's right ear. Sarah growled playfully. She started stroking Mizuki.

"I think Mizuki would look even better with your thick wolf meat in his muzzle." Sarah watched Luke pad over to the bed.

Luke got on the bed and presented his dripping erection to Mizuki. Luke gripped his member and pointed it towards Mizuki. Sarah had retaken Mizuki into her muzzle and was growling in such a way that the vibrations stimulated Mizuki. Mizuki gasped, giving Luke the opportunity to put his member in Mizuki's muzzle. Mizuki struggled to accommodate the wolf into his muzzle. He had never been so turned on. He was being taken by his friend Sarah and his mate Luke. Sarah's paws caressed and rolled his balls in the palms of her paws. He shivered, his tongue traveling around the thick wolf meat in his muzzle.

"Come on, suck it. What's the matter? You shy?" Luke teased.

Mizuki playfully bit the tip. Luke bucked into Mizuki. Sarah continued to suck the object of her affection. A lone paw trailed downward, parting her lips and dipping inside. Sarah relaxed her throat and forced more of the fox's length down. Luke had gripped Mizuki's head as the rockstar struggled to properly suck off his mate. Mizuki's paws grabbed Luke's chiseled butt and squeezed, gently clawing at the wolf. Luke growled in pain and pleasure and proceeded to hump harder. Sarah could feel the fox's pre squirting directly down her throat. Left over cum from Alex dripped out of her cunt and splattered on the floor. Sarah pulled out slowly, her tongue dancing around ever sensitive nerve as she approached the head. Luke had a different idea of getting off. His wolf instincts told him to hump away at anything that was within reach and easily offering itself to him. Mizuki could barely breath. He could feel Sarah's ministrations but could not see her. Instead, all he could see was Luke's silver coat. He shivered.

"Ugh (pant) I think Mizuki is close!" Luke groaned, rocking back and forth.

Sarah was sucking just on the tip of Mizuki's erection. "I know, how about you wolf-hunk?"

Luke groaned and smiled, increasing his thrusts and eliciting a moan and yip from Mizuki. "Don't (moan) worry about me. (Shiver) How about you, you beautiful canine?"

Sarah could feel the familiar tightening around her abdomen, her impending climax. She panted, "I'm closer than you think."

Mizuki's body twitched and jerked, he could feel his member pulse at each lick from Sarah. Luke's member had become so swollen that his jaw was being opened to the maximum. Luke shivered uncontrollably.

Sarah rubbed her clit, she groaned and shook, causing one of her canines to rub against Mizuki's glands. Mizuki howled and thrusted upward. His muffled shout caused Luke the greatest amount of pleasure that he had ever felt.


Mizuki's climax hit hard. His balls hugged his body as his member swelled. Sarah's tongue felt the rapid movement of seed traveling up Mizuki's erection. She waited and was rewarded with a powerful shot of fox seed in her muzzle. Squirt after squirt of delicious fox cum filled Sarah's muzzle. She swallowed eagerly, her fingers thrusted into her opening and hard as they could. Her thumb rubbed against her clit and set of the border collie's orgasm.


Sarah's body shivered as the electrified feelings of climax quickly spread throughout her body. She thought she had urinated herself but realized that it was her juices that were seeping out. Her nipples were as hard as steel and pointed straight up. Her paw was soaking wet.

The sound of climax coming from his partners set the wolf off. He gripped the rockstar's head, thrusted, and howled as he shot his load into Mizuki's muzzle. All that could be heard after his howl was Mizuki gulping and swallowing his mate's seed. Post climatic warmth caused Luke to rock gently against Mizuki. Sarah panted, yet her desire wanted more. Her paw fondled the exhausted fox. Mizuki groaned, his now sensitive glands ached.

"Sarah, please, no more. I can't take anymore." Mizuki groaned.

Sarah smiled mischievously, "What's wrong Mizuki? I thought foxes could yiff the night away? I don't intend on letting an opportunity like this slip out of my paws. "

Sarah got up and headed to her room, showing off her dripping sex.

"Where is she going?" Mizuki asked Luke. Luke growled in the rockstar's ear, "I don't know, but I'm liking this more and more."

Sarah came back with a small suit case. She smiled at Luke and nearly laughed at Mizuki's nervous stare. "Wolf-sweetie, would you mind holding Mizuki down?"

At that comment, Mizuki bolted up but Luke was faster. He held Mizuki down, each of his paws holding Mizuki's shoulders. Mizuki growled. "Let me go!"

Mizuki's eyes grew wide when Sarah brought out a chastity belt. It had a smooth stainless steel rod that could be inserted into a sheath, preventing any erections. And Mizuki's member had already retreated from exhaustion.

"I bought this. It's customized. It has a small tube designed in case you would need to go. Especially for you, Mizuki. "

Mizuki struggled harder.

"Don't you dare!!" Mizuki growled.

Luke applied more pressure and restrained Mizuki. Luke was smiling. He was liking this border collie's kinkiness. "Luke please! Stop her!" Mizuki was begging.

Luke struggled, Mizuki's puppy face almost winning him over. He pressed his muzzle into Mizuki's stifling his protests. Sarah took this opportunity and quickly inserted the rod into Mizuki's sheath and tied the belt. With a click, the lock engaged. Mizuki yelped, watching Sarah twirl the key to the lock in her paw. Mizuki was ready to pounce on Sarah when he felt and heard another pair of clicks. Luke had handcuffed his arms to the headboard. Mizuki watched as Luke came into view, with a sly smile.

"Let me go!" Mizuki barked. Sarah shook her head. Luke rummaged through Sarah's suitcase and found another pair of handcuffs. Sarah reached past the wolf, her thigh intentionally rubbing against the wolf's groin, grabbing a ball gag. Seeing the two conniving canines, Mizuki whimpered loudly. He tensed his legs, getting ready to kick. Luke had seen the subtle movement, but he knew what to do. He made slow deliberate movements toward Mizuki. The fox growled a warning, his legs twitching. Luke had to shake his head. The fox was so predictable. Sarah watched the wolf, she slowly inched her way towards the rockstar.

Luke lunged, Mizuki kicked hard. However, the wolf had quickly ducked and dove on top of the fox. Mizuki was in the process of recoiling for a second kick when he felt the handcuffs on his ankles. Sarah rushed and attached them to the baseboard of the bed. Mizuki was effectively restrained spread-eagle. His yips and howls were cut short as Sarah expertly attached the ball gag to Mizuki's muzzle. The fox shivered, his mind not comprehending what had just happened to him.

"Well Luke, I don't know about you, but I could sure use a shower."

Mizuki shook his head indicating that he didn't want to be left like that. Luke smiled, taking Sarah's outstretched hand. Luke turned off the bedroom light. He turned and waved goodbye to Mizuki.

"Sweet Dreams Mizuki."

The border collie and grey wolf entered the running shower. Their muzzles attached in a passionate kiss. Luke's paws roamed up and down the slickening fur of the dog. Sarah's paws cupped the wolf's butt, causing the grey wolf to shiver. Steam started building up in the shower. Sarah broke the kiss. Her paw grabbed her strawberry flavored shampoo. Luke watched as the canine squirted some on her paw and rubbed it into his head fur. His leg unconsciously thumped, enjoying the rub.

"Well wolfy, don't just stand there." Luke blushed and grabbed the shampoo bottle.

Both canines began to massage the pinkish red liquid into their respective furs. Bubbles and foam cutely covered them both. That scene reminded Luke of when he was just a young pup. The hot water that rained down washed away the foam. Luke grabbed a loofa and squirted some soap onto it. Sarah mrred as the wolf scrubbed her fur. His paws worked the loofa deep into the fur. Sarah grabbed another loofa and focused on scrubbing the wolf's pecs. Their teasing had caused both furs to reach the peak of their horniness. A solitary paw traveled down Sarah's back. It brushed past her tail and circled her tail hole. Sarah moaned and shivered.

"Shh!" Luke said, putting his paw over her mouth. Luke kneeled, his tongue living down her torso. His tongue lapped against her right breast. He took it into his muzzle as his other paw toyed with the other. Sarah rubbed Luke's head fur as she moaned again. Luke's paw had found her soaked sex, and it was busy teasing around the edges.

Meanwhile, Mizuki was struggling against his bindings. His nails had been unsuccessfully trying to pick the lock on the handcuffs on his arms. "Almost..." His nail slipped against the steel surface. "Damn!" Mizuki thought. His sheath was throbbing. His member kept pushing against the steel rod, but it was like going against a brick wall. Mizuki's body was sweating, every ounce of energy wasted in an attempt to escape. He could hear the shower running and Sarah's moans. "Sarah.." The fact that it had been her that did this to him. He tried again. "!" CLICK

Luke had traveled further down, his muzzle now pressing deep into the collie's sex. Sarah moaned Luke's name. She bit her lip, trying to stifle another moan. Luke's proud member had water dripping off. Each drop caused a shiver in the wolf. Water from the shower mixed with his squirts of pre. Sarah ground her yearning loin onto the probing tongue. Her cries of ecstasy echoed in the shower. Luke's tongue began rubbing against her clit. Sarah couldn't take anymore. Her damp tail twitched in ecstasy. She bit her lip, the impending orgasm building in intensity. Luke jacked his proud member. Every stroke made it pulse and swell harder. Sarah gripped Luke's head. Her back fell against the tiled wall. Luke's tongue recognized the taste of horse seed. He dug his muzzle in as he attempted to find more of those stray globules. He nibbled and sucked. That was it for Sarah.


Luke struggled to breathe as Sarah's legs clamped down on his muzzle. Sarah shivered and spasmed in orgasmic bliss. She relaxed, letting Luke breath. The shower quickly washed away Sarah's juices from his muzzle. Luke got up as Sarah embraced him.

"I need you inside of me." Sarah whispered into Luke's ear.

"But wait, I can get you pregnant..." Luke's complaint was stifled by a deep kiss from the border collie.

"That can only happen when I'm in heat, which I assure you I am not." Sarah explained.

"Well than Sarah, get ready to feel what only a canine can give."

Luke lifted Sarah and kissed her. Sarah was puzzled by Luke's comments.

Sarah felt Luke's erection poking at her entrance. She gasped as the head prodded and dug its way into the velvety flesh. "Are you sure about this Sarah?" Luke asked again, hesitating.

Sarah hugged the wolf harder, forcing the head of Luke's member in to her wet cunt. "Yes, take me now! Make me feel like your bitch!"

Luke thrusted his entire member into Sarah, causing the dog to moan loudly. He held still as Sarah's muscles rippled around his member, squeezing and massaging him. Luke kissed and sucked on the border collie's neck, as he slowly pulled out to the tip. Sarah groaned as the wolf thrusted back in, this time harder. Each consecutive thrust was harder. Each thrust caused a low growl crescendoing into a howl to emanate from the border collie's throat. Luke's paws pinched and rubbed the stiff nipples and cupped the dog's sensitive and tender breasts. Just like a little puppy experiencing the greatest joy, Luke Jay Rockafellar was panting with his tongue lolling out. The excess juices spilling from the tip of the wolf's pride and the slick canine tunnel mixed with the water of the shower and ran down the legs of both canines. Groans and growls filled the cavernous space of the shower stall as the duo grew hotter, a result of the water and their yiffing.

"Oh Luke, this feels so,so-"

"Good? Heavenly? Wonderful?" The witty wolf replied.

Sarah smiled, groaned as the wolf kept thrusting, and kissed the wolf on the muzzle. "All of the above, my sweet wolf toy."

Luke whined like a puppy making Sarah giggle.

Sarah groaned as a large ball of flesh hit her cunt. She felt it continue to push its way into her.

"Oh, uh Luke, uh, What is, uh, that?"

Luke's paw went down towards Sarah's sensitive flesh, and he rubbed the dog's clit with his thumb, making the collie cry out.

"I keep forgetting that this is your first time with a canine. What is pushing against you is part of the male's canine member. It's called a knot and its purpose is to hold me inside and seal your pussy so I can spill my seed in you without worry of you pulling out thus assuring a litter of pups." Luke said, saying it in a professor's voice.

"But why would I ever want to pull away?" Sarah asked.

"Well, if you're not used to it...well it can hurt, especially if you never had anything big." Luke said stopping his thrusts.

Sarah smiled. She leaned in close to the wolf's ear. "I took my friend Alex easily, he's my first. And guess what, he's a horse." Luke's eyes widened. "So I was right about that cum in your cunt, it was horse!"

Sarah blushed and giggled.

"Well in that case."

Luke pulled out to the tip and rammed in as hard as he could, pushing his knot through the vaginal lips and entering the vagina. He thrusted back, his knot coming out half way and thrusted back in, his knot swelling. Sarah screamed in pain then pleasure. Luke's thrusts became shorter and faster. The wolf made up for the lack of long thrusts by rubbing the collie's clit in circles and sucking on each nipple. The Dog had her eyes closed, her chest was heaving, her muzzle was shut and teeth grinding. She howled which Luke followed with his own howl. Sarah came hard, not even being able to form words anymore. Luke felt her muscles grip him but he pushed through, continuing to thrust.

Sarah was coming down and then Luke pinched her nipple and clit, sending her off on another orgasm. The wolf kept her like that, orgasming multiple times, each time getting harder to breathe or think. Just as Sarah was about to pass out Luke howled and thrusted one last time, cumming hard. Sarah's last orgasm kicked in as she felt each individual squirt of wolf seed travel up the shaft, engorge to head and squirt out to slicken her vaginal walls. She lost consciousness just as Luke came again.

"Sarah. Sarah. "

Sarah, the beautiful black and white border collie who was the harmonic voice of Below Zero and Still Dropping, slowly opened her eyes. The shower head was still dousing them in warm water, enhancing the warmth and bliss of post-climax.

"Hey there beautiful, you passed out." Luke said.

She tried to move only to be stopped by Luke. "We're still tied. My knot should come out soon. Until then just relax. "

Sarah nodded, sleepy, feeling safe in the arms of Luke.

--Ten Minutes Later--

Both Sarah and Luke came out of the bathroom with towels on, laughing, and covered in talcum powder. Sarah had tried to act like an adult but Luke brought out the puppy in her. They ended up having a talcum powder fight and didn't want to take another bath. Both canines shook, creating a cloud of powder. As they entered Mizuki's bedroom, they noticed two things. One, the light was on. Two, Mizuki wasn't tied to the bed. Both canines yipped as a cloth with a strange smell covered their noses. Both Sarah and Luke lost consciousness.

"Ugh, What happened?" Sarah thought. She tried to stretch but realized that her arms were tied down. She was on all fours with her ankles tied down onto the bed post. She looked over and saw Luke in the same position.


Sarah howled as she felt something hard hit her butt.

"So you're finally awake."

Sarah heard Mizuki walk up towards her.

"I don't appreciate being tied. I don't particularly like being bondaged. I especially don't like naughty puppies having fun wit out me. "


Sarah howled again. Mizuki hurriedly covered Sarah's muzzle with a ball gag. Sarah whimpered as her rear burned.

"You thought it'd be fun to just go ahead and torture me, eh? "


"I'll teach you to respect your fellow canines, especially your best friend."


"How do you like that?"

Sarah whimpered. Her butt burned and everywhere the small whip struck buzzed with pain. But what she couldn't understand was why it was turning her on. She whimpered again as Mizuki ran his paw across the reddened flesh. His pay caressed her labia making the dog shiver.

"I see your enjoying this. I'm glad that my slave likes it when her master teaches her respect." Mizuki said, smiling.

Sarah shivered, her breath coming out ragged. Mizuki took the handle of the whip and teased the border collie's sweet cunt. He smiled as she shivered and tried to buck into it. Mizuki immediately took the handle back and cracked the whip.


"You do not pleasure yourself unless I let you. Is that understood, bitch?" Mizuki removed the red ball from the gag.

Sarah whimpered, she had never seen this side of Mizuki before. He was always so sweet, so caring, confident but not this controlling....


Sarah howled in pain. "I also expect you to answer, slave."

"Y-yes, master." Sarah whimpered.

Mizuki smiled, "Excellent, sweet bitch. You'll see I can be a very kind master. It just depends on how my slaves behave."

Mizuki grabbed a pair of nipple clamps, covered in rubber of course. He attached one of them to Sarah's erect nipples, and then the other. He ran a small chain across them and gave it a yank. Sarah squirmed and closed her eyes. The line between pain and pleasure was becoming blurred. Sarah couldn't understand. It felt so wrong, so bad, so painful, but at the same time: so good! She had never felt this aroused, this horny. She needed something to fill her.

Mizuki stepped behind her, he lowered his snout and took a big sniff. The border collie was releasing strong female arousal pheromones. His tongue couldn't resist, he took a lick. Sarah moaned. He licked all around, savoring the taste that was unique to Sarah. He could smell Luke's cum deep inside her. Mizuki pulled away, placing the whip down. He reached into his personal toys and pulled out a wooden paddle. He took a couple practice swings before he turned his attention to Sarah's rear.

"If you can take 15 hits on each cheek from me without screaming or shouting, I will reward you. If you fail, I take this up a notch. Is that understood my horny slut?"

"Yes Master Kinto, I understand."

Mizuki stared at Sarah and then nodded. He took a swing and hit her right cheek.

"Count!" Mizuki growled.


Another smack. "T-two!"

Again. "Th-three!"

Mizuki swung harder. "F-four!"



Sarah's rear started to burn, she gritted her teeth as Mizuki swung again. "Se-Seven!"

Mizuki caressed her soaking cunt, playing with the puppy's juices. Mizuki swung the paddle again, making the already red flesh even redder. "Ei-eight!"

"You're doing good, you're doing very good." Mizuki praised his slave.



"Five more!" Mizuki watched as Sarah struggled to control her breath. Sarah was in a fuzzy world, the pain felt so good. It was strong with the impact but would then radiate outwards as heat. It was, it was



Mizuki smirked, Sarah had almost failed there. It'd be a shame if he had to start over.





Sarah couldn't handle it any longer, her right butt cheek was now on fire. She had to do it though; she had to survive two more.



"Last one slave!" Mizuki swung as hard as he could.


Sarah collapsed, groaned, and whimpered. It was over. She looked over her shoulder and saw Mizuki's sly smile. Then it dawned on her.

"That's right puppy, other side now."

-15 painful yet pleasurable smacks later-

Sarah's rear was painfully red. Her mind was beyond fuzzy with brain. All she could focus on was the buzzing sensation of her butt, as well as the pulsing of her heart. "You did great, extremely great Sarah."

Mizuki reappeared in her line of sight. He was naked, his proud 8 ½ inch member standing erect, equally prideful. It was slowly dripping pre-cum. Sarah licked her lips.

"Oh I know you're going to enjoy this Sarah, but that wouldn't be much fun."

Mizuki removed the chain connecting the two nipple clamps. He took out a longer chain. He clipped it to the right clamp, ran the chain across her back, and attached it to the left nipple clamp. In a way, making Sarah his own pony. He leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Trust me, you'll enjoy this. Luke, get in here!"

Sarah saw, through the corner of her eye, Luke enter the room. She gasped. Luke had a red collar with a shiny buckle and a gold puppy-paw shaped tag that said "Mizuki's bitch." He also had a more complicated rig of chains and nipple clamps attached to his nubs. His proud wolf cock had a red cock ring attached under his fully engorged knot. All over his back and chest was a red substance. Her nose realized it was candle wax. Her eyes widened as she stared at Mizuki.

"He failed the task of not screaming or shouting." Mizuki said with a smile.

"Luke, get under her!"

Luke immediately got under Sarah, His cock rubbing against her slit. Mizuki detached two chains from Luke and attached them to Sarah's longer chain. It was clear now what the fox's intent was. Mizuki gave a tug to the chain, pulling on both Sarah's and Luke's nipples. Sarah and Luke howled.

"Maybe next time you'll behave around me." Mizuki snidely remarked. Mizuki took Luke's member, that had been leaking pre-cum continuously ever since Mizuki had begun his "punishment" and gave it a small lick. Luke yelped. He rubbed it against Sarah's tight hole, making the border collie moan. He slowly pushed it in, causing both canines to groan in pleasure. Mizuki gave a light smack to Sarah's rear, causing her to yip.

"Sarah, time for you to lose your virginity."

Sarah was confused, she had already lost her virginity to Alex, had slept with what did Mizuki mean? Mizuki aimed his fox-hood at Sarah's bud and let the pre-cum slicken the entrance. Sarah shivered at the feeling. Her mind still to incoherent to comprehend what Mizuki was about to do. The rockstar fox slowly pushed his member in, causing Sarah to moan at the sudden intrusion.

"St-stop! Mizuki! Please!" Sarah pleaded.

"Luke, start thrusting into her." Mizuki ordered.

Luke started rocking his hips back and forth in Sarah's pussy, causing the dog to freeze mid sentence. She shivered as the wolf's thick member pulsed inside her, shooting his pre-cum deep inside her. All the while the fox was pushing his cock deeper into the border collie's tail-hole. When he reached his knot, he froze.

"This is going to hurt Sarah." Mizuki tugged hard on the chain. Sarah and Luke yelped. Luke's reaction was to thrust as hard as he could into Sarah. Sarah's reaction was to buck back against him and Mizuki. Mizuki shoved his knot in that instant. Luke and Sarah were panting and moaning. Mizuki started his thrust, that spurred Luke on.

"I'm being double penetrated....I've just lost my virginity and I'm being double penetrated by my friend and a wolf!" Sarah's mind kept repeating that as both vulpine and lupine thrusted into the collie.

Luke growled, his mind in a primordial mind-set. Mizuki had proven that he could be an effective alpha, and it was his job now as a beta to obey the orders of his alpha male. If that meant fucking this border collie, he would do it with pleasure.

Mizuki on the other hand was in Heaven. Sarah's tight tail-hole was caressing his member. It was so tight, so warm. His knot pulsed, his breath rate increasing. He knew he might not last as long as he wanted. However, he was going to make it last.

Both males thrusted harder and harder. Mizuki's paw trailed downwards, where he felt the wolf cock thrusting in and out of the collie's wet pussy. His digits reached out and massaged the collie's engorged clit. This made Sarah scream in pleasure.

"Yes master Kinto! YES! FUCK ME HARDER!"

Mizuki smiled, Luke was caressing the collie's breasts.

"As you wish slave, you've earned it."

The fox increased the strength and tempo of his thrusts; Luke matching the same speed. One went in, the other went out. They alternated like this, so that Sarah always had a canine member inside of her. Something that she could feel shooting pre-cum deep inside of her, warming her insides, making her more hornier. They couldn't keep this tempo up forever.

Sarah thrusted back, impaling those canine members deeper into her and making the males moan.

"Ah, ugh, uh, ma-master, I-I'm so close. I'm goin-going t-to..." Sarah gasped.

"Master Kinto, I can't hold it!" Luke shouted.

"Yes, yes! Cum, my slaves, I'm also going to.." Mizuki moaned, giving one last thrust.




Mizuki hugged Sarah as his seed squirted deep into Sarah. With each squirt, his fox-hood pulsed and his knot throbbed. Luke was in a similar predicament. His seed shot deep inside Sarah, joining the previous load he had squirted in her. Every squirt caused a throbbing sensation under his knot, where the cock ring was squeezing his wolf-hood. Sarah was in the midst of multiple orgasmic waves. She could not form a coherent thought. All she could feel were two hard cocks shooting their seed deep inside of her, warming her insides. All she could smell were her juices mixing with the seed of both males. The pheromones of orgasms mixing into a wonderful scent capable of making her orgasm by just the smell. She collapsed on top of Luke, panting. Mizuki was on top of her, tied.

Sarah laughed, to which Mizuki looked up.

"What's so funny?" The fox asked.

"Imagine if someone walked in on us. What would they think?" Sarah asked.

"Knowing Mizuki, he'd get them to join in too." Luke said, panting.

"You know what?" Mizuki said.

Luke and Sarah looked at Mizuki.

"I think we need a bath."

The trio laughed, thoroughly spent, but sexually satisfied.