Lord Vin's Story Chapter 1

Story by Kris Auburn on SoFurry

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So here's the first chapter to my new series! I'm actually quite happy about it and I have the rest of the story planned out pretty well. I'm not so sure if I'm going to keep the title of it though since I really couldn't think of anything creative.

Anyways, rate, comment, fave, and feel free to add your sugestions. Hope you all enjoy!

Kris Auburn

On hot humid summer days, Vin would usually take a quick and refreshing swim in the swimming hole, or he would just wander around the palace and strike up friendly conversations with the servants and guards. Today however, despite the muggy weather, Vin was quite comfortable. The fox walked along the path that led to the training grounds, his russet muzzle held high and his blue eyes completely alert to his surroundings. Despite the stifling heat, Vin still wore a full tunic. He knew his brother, Veran, would only be wearing shorts, regardless of what others thought. Vin often thought if it was possible that he was more mature than his older brother.

The clamor of steel against steel echoed throughout the flat land that made up Vin's hometown. During a day like this, his brother would be at one of two places. The older fox would usually spend his day hanging out at the town's fountain and entertain a few dim-witted girls. He wasn't at the fountain, so that left the training grounds and armory. Vin was nowhere near a master of swordplay, but he knew that his brother was quite impressive. Sure, Vin could hold his own in a battle against the most skilled trainer, but he had never landed a blow upon his brother before. He had about the same physical stature as his brother, but Veran definitely spent every day working out or practicing in the armory. Vin practiced in the armory every day too, but he often found himself reading in the palace library.

Vin approached the several practice rings and scanned the area for his brother. There were several trainees practicing sword techniques in the rings, and more trainees were struggling through exercises. His brother would definitely not be talking to any of the trainers or trainees, so he had to be in the armory. Vin was about to enter the armory, but he decided to rest up against the railings of one of the practice rings and enjoy the view. Almost all of the males were shirtless and soaked in sweat. Vin often found himself staring at the rows of half nude males every time he came down here to practice, but there was one trainee who he had had his eyes set on for awhile.

His name was Marik. From what Vin could tell, the white wolf was the top trainee in his group. His theory was thoroughly proven today as he watched the wolf complete the toiling exercises that were commanded by the trainer. All of the other trainees were dripping of sweat and panting as they struggled to complete their lunges, but Marik did not even look like he was struggling. The wolf kept his body firm and upright, and although his tongue was lolled out to the side of his muzzle, he was hardly panting. Vin watched the wolf's leg muscles tense and ripple with every lunge.

"I expect to hear all of you counting down from thirty. If I do not hear all of you counting, then all of you will start over." The trainer's gruff voice commanded.

Vin stifled a grin as the trainees began to count down in an exhausted tone of voice. The trainees finally completed their lunges, and some of them collapsed to the ground. However, Marik simply stood there and stretched. Taut muscles rippled underneath the wolf's fur as he raised his muscular arms over his head. He then pulled each leg up to his chest with perfect balance. He then proceeded to bend down to stretch his back, and Vin caught a tantalizing peek at the wolf's toned rear as he was only wearing a training skirt. Vin continued to stare at Marik and was almost convinced that the wolf was showing off for him. Sure enough, Marik turned his muzzle ever so slightly in Vin's direction, and Vin caught a flash of the wolf's eye and the slightest hint of a smile.

Vin continued to watch as the trainees dragged themselves to the edge of the practice field to pick up their tunics. He wanted to work up the strength to walk over and talk to Marik, but it would look unprofessional for a lord to strike up casual conversations with a soldier in training. Instead, Vin continued on his way into the armory. He acknowledged the cougar who stood guard with a slight nod, then proceeded to make his way into the sparring room. Sure enough, Vin spotted his brother in the ring. The older fox was shirtless and was currently deeply engaged in a round of sparring against one of the trainers. Vin leaned against the railing that surrounded the ring and waited patiently for the two to finish. The clash of steel echoed loudly through the room and caused Vin's ears to flatten down against his head. Vin preferred to practice in the outdoor rings instead of the indoor rings. As Veran parried around the otter he was battling, he caught Vin's eye. Vin made a gesture with his paw that told Veran to wrap it up soon. With a sly grin, Veran blocked a right blow from the otter, stepped in close, and delivered a quick strike to the otter's right side.

"Game." Veran commented as he slid his practice sword back into its sheath.

"Well played, my lord." The otter replied with a bow.

Veran grabbed his tunic from the railing and slipped it on as he strolled over to Vin.

"What is it this time Vin?" He asked as he rolled up the sleeves to show off his muscular arms.

"Father wants us to eat dinner with him tonight. He says he has something important to share with us." Vin replied, slightly annoyed at his brother's question.

"Does this involve me or you?" Veran asked with a twitch of his ears.

"I do not know. I'm guessing it involves both of us considering he wants both of us to be present." Vin replied.

"Very well. We might as well go now." Veran said as he picked up his pace.

Vin started a light jog to keep up with his older brother.

"Well now we are late because of your little training session." Vin said crossly. "I spent over an hour looking for you."

Veran ignored Vin's comment and kept on walking.

Soon they reached the steps to the palace just as the bell rang in the clock tower, signaling that it was currently six o' clock in the evening. His father would just be sitting down now at the dinner table.

"Come on Vin!" Veran said as he took two steps at a time up to the palace courtyard.

The two foxes made their way into the palace and raced down the marble corridors. Vin's nails clicked noisily on the marble floor but he made no intention to quiet his footsteps. They finally came to the wooden doors that led into one of the dining halls, and they burst through.

"Sorry!" Vin immediately said as the doors swung open. "It took me awhile to find Veran."

His father, Lord Vexon, sat at the head of the dining table. He looked up at the sudden intrusion, but only smiled warmly and motioned towards two chairs.

"Have a seat." His father said as he looked at Vin.

Without any hesitation, Vin walked over to the empty chair and seated himself, making sure that his tail was swept out of the way. His brother did the same.

"The cooks prepared a wonderful roasted fowl for tonight's meal." Vexon commented as he chewed on a piece of the meat.

Vin's father was currently forty years old, but he had the physical stature of a thirty year old fox. Vin was currently seventeen, while his brother was twenty. His father had the exact color scheme of Vin's fur though, while Veran's fur was a lighter orange color.

Vin turned as his father's lover, Tybalt, entered the room and leaned up against the wall behind his father. The breeze from the open window caused the white and black wolf's fur to rustle gracefully, and Vin noted that the wolf had probably just come out of a council meeting as he was clad in a royal blue jerkin and vest. Vin turned to his father and also noticed that he was wearing similar attire, except the fox wore a royal blue doublet.

"A steward from Illium delivered a message today." Vin's father said as he set down his fork and dabbed at his muzzle with a napkin. "It's a message straight from Lord Gavin himself."

Vin perked his ears up at the sound of the name. Lord Gavin was a very well-known and honored lord.

"What did it say?" Veran asked curiously.

Vexon cleared his throat as he picked up the letter from the table.

"It is my honor to announce the induction ceremony of Coster, the second son of Lord Gavin, into the royal line of the Illium Lords. I request that one lord from each kingdom partake in this ceremony, as it is an enormous honor to partake in such an event and that only certain kingdoms are asked to attend."

Vin felt his fingers grow numb. The chance to partake in a royal ceremony? It seemed almost too good to be true.

"Veran, I want you to represent us." Vexon said as he looked at the older fox.

"I know the territory better than him." Vin burst out impulsively.

"Consult your brother if you want to, but I have made my choice. Veran is older and more experienced." His father continued.

"Yes father. Thank you." Veran replied.

Vin dug his claws into the polished wood of the chair. It wasn't fair. Just because Veran was older meant that he was chosen to do all of the important tasks. He was just as responsible and experienced as Veran was.

"Then it's settled. Veran, you will depart for Illium in two days. I will make sure that three soldiers will accompany you on your journey."

Vin sank back into his chair and lowered his ears sulkily. His father eyed Vin disapprovingly but he ignored him.

"Veran, would you mind stepping out for a minute? I wish to talk to Vin alone." His father said as he pushed his chair out and stood up.

Veran nodded and did the same. He took a quick look at Vin, then quietly padded out of the room.

"I'll be in the next room." Tybalt whispered to Vexon.

His father nuzzled the wolf, then waited until the room was completely empty. Once the door closed behind Tybalt, his father sighed.

"Why are you upset?" He asked Vin.

"It's not fair!" Vin exclaimed crossly without looking up at his father. "You always choose Veran to do the important tasks."

"I choose Veran because he is older and has had more experience than you. You are still learning." His father replied as he set his paw on Vin's shoulder.

Vin shrugged his father's paw off and stood up to face him. His father was only a few inches taller than him.

"No, it's because you think that Veran is better than me, more mature and responsible than me. I'm just as mature as him!" Vin replied, his voice rising in anger.

Wrinkles formed in his father's muzzle as he frowned.

"Then why don't you act like it? Ever since you came of age, I've been waiting for you to act like it."

"I thought when I came of age, I would be trusted with important tasks and not be treated like a child."

"That's not what I'm saying-"

"Really? Because it sure sounds like it." Vin interrupted.

"Don't interrupt me." Vexon snapped. "Whether you like it or not, Veran is going."

Vin opened his mouth to protest, but decided against it and fell silent. Tybalt opened the parlor door and peeked his head in.

"Is everything okay?" He asked worriedly.

Vin gave an exaggerated sigh and crossed his arms.

"Everything is fine. I'll talk to you in a second." Vexon replied in a softer tone of voice.

Tybalt nodded and disappeared into the parlor again.

"I suggest you go and get some rest. I'm sure your brother would appreciate your help tomorrow." His father said softly.

Vin knew that it was futile to further argue against his father's decision, so with a snort Vin turned around and stomped out of the dining room. He ignored his brother's request to talk to him and continued walking until he stood in the courtyard of the palace. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

It just wasn't fair. He was always in his brother's shadow. Veran always got the attention from his father. He could be just as good of a lord as Veran could.

"Vin! Don't run! I just want to talk!" Veran shouted as he quickly ran down the palace steps.

Vin huffed and sat down on one of the courtyard benches.

"Can you please talk to me? I just want to know why you're so angry." Veran asked as he sat down next to him.

"Why does it matter? You'll say the same thing that father said." Vin grumbled as he picked at the loose stone with his claws.

"About you not being mature and responsible enough?" Veran asked.

Vin didn't reply.

"I understand why you're so upset." Veran said as he rested his paw on Vin's shoulder.

"No! No you don't!" Vin exclaimed. "Everything always goes your way! You get to travel to Illium and represent father and our kingdom! You get everything that's important while I'm left with simple chores! And you get all the attention from any girl who lays eyes on you!"

"Vin, you don't even like girls!" Veran sighed.

"That's not my point! The point is that I'm always standing in your shadow. Everyone recognizes you, not me!" Vin muttered.

"That's not true. You're much better of a fighter than me, and you're definitely smarter than me too." Veran said with a smile.

"Sure." Vin muttered.

"Well anyways, I'm hoping that you'll help me with planning my route on the maps tomorrow. I don't know the terrain as much as you do." Veran said as he stood up.

"Sure. I might as well help." Vin sighed as he stood up too.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow morning then." Veran said with a smile.

Vin watched as the older fox turned around and walked up the palace steps. He sighed and looked out at the town that lay below the palace. The sun was just setting and cast a gorgeous red glow across the sky, but Vin was too angry to enjoy the scene. He trudged up the palace steps again and made his way through the corridors until he came to his own quarters. His quarters only consisted of a large bed, a chest for his clothing, and a table with two chairs, but Vin was just happy that he didn't have to share a room with his brother. He stripped out of his tunic and pulled the sheets back on his bed. Yawning, the fox climbed in and covered himself with the sheets. He wondered if he should finally work up the strength to talk to Marik tomorrow. He knew that the wolf would be practicing down at the armory in the morning with all the rest of the soldiers, so that would be a perfect time to call the wolf aside. The evening's argument was soon forgotten as Vin yawned again and rolled over, where he soon fell asleep.

Vin woke up before the sun had even risen and quietly slid out of his bed. He yawned and stretched tiredly as he pulled a royal blue tunic out from his chest. The royal blue tunic with gold trimming was only worn by lords, which consisted of him, his brother, and his father. Making sure to not make much noise, Vin quietly opened his quarter's door and padded down the corridors to the palace's exit. The palace was just waking up and the servants and scribes were the only inhabitants of the corridors. Vin quickly skipped down the palace steps and took off running for the practice fields.

The clash of steel met Vin's ears as he approached the training fields. Sure enough, there were several groups of trainees and soldiers in the sparring rings. He immediately spotted Marik, who was leaning up against the wall of the armory and chattering happily to another soldier. Vin felt his heart beat nervously, but he forced himself to keep on walking towards the wolf. He passed by several soldiers, who all bowed to him in greeting. Vin nodded in acknowledgment as he passed by. He walked over to one of the sword racks and picked up a narrow metal longsword. Vin weighed the weapon in his paw and swung it around a few times. Satisfied with the weight, Vin slid the sword in its sheath and strolled over to one of the sparring rings. He spotted one of the trainers, named Trikef, and walked over to the ring. Trikef, a very fit and toned panther, was one of the most skilled trainers Vin knew. He would often spar against Trikef, but they were so evenly matched that the sessions were often long and tiring and frequently ended up in a draw.

"My lord, good to see you again! Back for another rousing early morning match?" The panther asked as he rested his paws on the hilt of his sword.

"Of course Trikef." Vin replied with a smile.

"Ah! Very good! These recruits here need to see a real soldier in battle." Trikef commented as he followed Vin into the ring.

"I'm not as good as you Trikef." Vin replied with a chuckle.

"Nonsense!" Trikef replied as he drew his sword.

Vin unbuttoned his tunic and took his time taking it off, as he knew that all eyes were on him. Even more importantly, he knew that Marik would be watching him.

Vin hung his tunic on the railing of the ring and drew his own weapon. The sun was just now beginning to rise and cast half of the ring in golden sunlight. He squared off against the panther. They bowed, touched swords, and began.

Vin immediately swung his sword down and around. Trikef parried and quickly stepped to his right. The panther faked a strike from the left, but Vin wasn't fooled. The real attack came a second later and Vin easily blocked the strike to his side. He slid his sword along Trikef's, hoping for a stab, but Trikef easily knocked Vin's sword away. Trikef came back with a quick upward slash, but Vin stepped aside and easily blocked the blow.

And so it went like this for several minutes. Soon, Vin was dripping sweat and panting slightly as he blocked another strike from the panther. Trikef was just as exhausted as Vin. As they circled and sparred, Vin caught a quick glimpse of Marik watching him intently. With a sudden burst of energy, Vin swung his sword in a quick arc. The sword's tip brushed against Trikef's armor.

"Match." Vin said with a smile.

"Very well played, my lord! Amazing sword work! The best around!" Trikef exclaimed as he bowed.

Vin strolled out of the practice ring and grabbed his tunic from the railing. The soldiers and recruits returned to their training. Vin quickly slipped his tunic back on and returned the sword to the rack. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Marik staring at him with a small smile. Taking a deep breath, Vin walked over to the wolf. Noticing that Vin was walking over to him, Marik murmured something to his friend, then walked the rest of the distance to Vin.

"My lord." Marik said confidently as he stopped in front of Vin.

"Good morning Marik." Vin said with a smile.

The sight of the wolf caused Vin's heart to beat rapidly in his chest. His tail twitched nervously and he curled it around his leg to keep it still.

"That was some very impressive swordwork out there my lord." Marik commented as he continued to stand straight and tall.

"Well thank you very much Marik."

"You...uh...wanted to see me?" Marik asked respectfully.

Vin rubbed his paws together nervously as he cleared his throat. He wanted the wolf so bad right now.

"Ah, yes. This way?" Vin replied as he gestured with his paw.

He turned around and strode off for the back of the armory. He heard Marik follow, and forced himself to breathe normally. He led the wolf to the back of the building. No one would venture into the back of the armory, and even if someone did, they would be hidden behind one of the walls that jutted out from the back of the building. Seeing that they were safe from view, Vin turned around to face the wolf.

"I...uh...enjoyed your show that you performed for me yesterday." Vin said.

Marik bowed his head.

"Thank you my lord. I am pleased that you liked what you saw. I am yours to command."

It took Vin to register what the wolf had just said. He stared at the wolf, but he couldn't form any coherent words. Marik smiled warmly. With a quick motion, Vin went to his knees and slipped his paw underneath the wolf's training skirt. He felt the wolf's sac in his paw, and he gently rolled it around. He then quickly moved up to the wolf's sheath, which was slowly becoming engorged. Vin stood up and touched noses with Marik. Marik groaned and pressed his muzzle against Vin's. Vin melted into the kiss and nudged the wolf's muzzle open with his tongue. When Vin pulled away from the kiss, he noticed that his pants had been undone by agile paws.

Vin's member was just slipping out of his sheath as Marik bent down and grasped it in his paw. Vin stifled a groan of pleasure as the wolf gently licked the tip. Marik trailed his tongue down Vin's entire length. Vin moaned at each stroke from Marik, and he had to brace himself against the stone wall of the building as the wolf took his entire length into his muzzle. Intense waves of pleasure traveled up Vin's body, and he wrapped his arm around the wolf's back to steady himself. Marik began to bob his head as his muzzle traveled up and down Vin's member. The wolf's tongue swirled around the head of Vin's member, and Vin tried to quiet his moans of pleasure. He gripped Marik tighter and savored the feel of the wolf's muscles. Marik's free paw ventured behind Vin and explored his body with increasing lust. The wolf used his teeth and his tongue to bring intense waves of pleasure that traveled up Vin's entire body. Vin groaned again and thrust forward into Marik's muzzle. With every thrust, he felt the wolf's tongue press up against his member.

After several thrusts, Vin began to feel his member twitch. He felt the pressure build up inside the base of his member, and he knew that he wasn't going to last long. With a throaty growl, Vin thrusted forward one last time. With one paw, he gripped Marik's shoulder so he could have something to hold on to. With a stifled moan, Vin's member released his seed into the wolf's muzzle. Fireworks exploded across Vin's vision as his member continued to pump several spurts of his seed deep into Marik's muzzle. Finally, his orgasm diminished, and Vin was left panting in exhaustion. Marik slid his muzzle off, leaving Vin's shaft dripping in the sunlight. Marik stood up and pulled his training skirt back on. He licked his lips and smiled.

"I'd better get back to training." He said with a grin.

Vin nodded as his mind raced to think of a proper reply.

"I'll see you around, my lord." Marik said as he licked Vin's nose.

Vin watched as the wolf quickly jogged out of sight. The fox sighed and pulled up his own pants. His brother had probably already started preparing for his journey, and he did say that he would help him. Yesterday's argument stirred up mixed feelings in Vin, but they were soon forgotten as he passed by Marik, who gave him a sly grin. Vin returned the grin and kept on walking towards the palace. He really didn't want to be the one to leave now.