New places, new friends

Story by Midnight Shadow on SoFurry

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If you are under the age of 18 (or 21 depending on your country of residence) then please go away. If detailed descriptions of sexual activities disturb you then why are you here?

Any coincidence between these characters or events to real life people or events is an entire accident.

All characters are © Me, Midnight Shadow

This is my first story, all comments and criticisms are welcome.

Sorry about the long start, but I hope you enjoy the story. >^.^<


It was a bright and sunny day as two girls made their way to the bus stop down the end of their street. They walked side by side in silence both absorbed in their own thoughts. These two girls were both new to the neighbourhood and it was their first day at their new school.

"I'm so nervous," Lisa commented.

"Don't worry, it's just a new school. You fitted in perfectly last year," Answered Rachel.

Lisa hitched her backpack on her shoulder. She was a fox of medium height, with startling blue eyes and wicked grin. Her fur was a deep crimson over most of her arms and legs and it was creamy white along her neck. Her shoulder length chestnut hair bounced as she walked. Today she wore her school uniform, her new, uncomfortable school uniform. Knee length white socks, red skirt, white shirt, red tie and a red blazer with a white trim edge.

"Damn, I hate these ties!" Rachel cried out as the tie pressed against her skin through the collar. It seemed Rachel didn't like the new uniform either.

Rachel was a white leopard of a more lithe build compared to Lisa. Rachel was relatively tall, with emerald green eyes and a friendly open smile. Her white fur was covered with black circles and had a silky sheen. Her long green hair was held back with a headband. She had a well-toned body, and her slim tail swished back and forth as she walked. Both girls were very friendly although Lisa had more of a wilder streak than Rachel.

Once the girls reached the bus stop they settled down to wait, it was rather peaceful seeing as there was not much traffic coming down the road. About five minutes later the bus arrived and they climbed aboard. The bus was near empty, so they took a seat down near the back. Although they weren't close to town the girls didn't expect the bus to fill up much, so they began chatting again, going over fond experiences from the previous year, the funny and tragic moments alike.

As the bus slowed down both Rachel and Lisa looked out the window to see another girl in the same uniform as them board the bus. They did not pay much heed to the new boarder and continued talking. Eventually the bus reached their stop and they got off, Lisa nearly tripping into the gutter. Laughing, Rachel and the other girl helped Lisa to her feet.

"Oh, sorry about that," Lisa said while blushing.

"No worries," smiled the new girl, while laughing "My name's Ellie, pleased to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, my name is Rachel, and the one who tripped in the gutter is Lisa," Rachel replied as she held her friend up.

The three girls made their way towards the school, Ellie giving the new ones some of the basics such as who you don't want to be sitting next to and who you want for a teacher. Ellie was a tall shapely cheetah, with long blonde hair the cascaded down her shoulders and stopped just short of her lower back. As they reached the gates Ellie gave them a last word of advice.

"Keep to the middle Rachel, they don't approve of dyed hair, but they can't really do anything about it."

"But it's not dyed," Rachel said, puzzled.

"Oh, well just get a note from your parents if any of the teachers kick up smoke," Ellie advised.

The group of three split and the two new girls headed off to the gym where they would be getting assigned to classes. As they walked over to the gym they began to take a good look at the school. It was a large complex, with fairly old architecture and some modern articles put into place, such as windows where wooden shutters used to be.

"Man, this place is old," Lisa exclaimed.

"I hope it's better on the inside, I hate that old, wet carpet smell," Rachel quipped back.

"Oh don't worry about the carpets, it's the ceiling you have to watch out for," drawled a voice nearby.

The speaker turned out to be a wolf standing nearby. He had a fairly well muscled body covered by iron-grey fur. His eyes were like two little ice-chips of light blue and his medium length black hair framed his face. He wore the uniform like everyone else His tail curved up in the classic wolf style crescent, and his grin gave away the true intention of his comment.

"You shouldn't joke like that, you might give someone the wrong impression," Lisa said dryly.

"Oh, what kind of impression would that be?" The wolf asked.

"That you're not one who you can trust easily," Lisa sated.

The wolf laughed loudly, startling some of the nearby students.

"My name's Mike," the wolf said, offering his hand.

"Lisa," she said, clasping his hand.

"I'm Rachel," the panther said.

"So, you guys are new?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, we moved here during the holidays," Lisa said.

"Oh, well then you'd want to head to the gym for the beginners 101."

"Why? Where are you going?" Rachel asked.

"All the new people go to the assembly, I have biology now, so I'll see you around, lunch maybe?" Mike sounded hopeful, and his ears perked up.

"Sure, but first... Which way is the gym?" Lisa asked.

"Oh, it's just around the next corner, you can't miss it. Seeya at lunch, bye!" Mike called as he headed off around a different corner.

Rachel and Lisa walked on a bit in the direction Mike had pointed.

"He seemed nice," Lisa commented.

"Yeah, pretty friendly. Where'd he say the gym was again?" Rachel asked tracing the wall with her hand.

Both girls turned the corner and stopped in their tracks as they saw a medium sized courtyard framing a massive, what looked to be two story, gym complex.

"Damn... It's huge," Lisa breathed in awe.

"I know," Rachel started to say, but was cut short by a matronly rabbit.

"New dears? Follow me."

They followed the rabbit while she led them through the front doors of the gym past several rooms to an open space, which looked like a basketball court. Several furs were already inside, sitting in pairs or alone. A few leant against the wall, obviously not happy at the new situation. Two more appeared to be asleep, with their bags propped under their heads as pillows.

"Just take a seat, someone will be along soon to introduce you and give you your timetables," the rabbit said, shooing them inside.

"Uh, thanks," Lisa said, trying to smile.

Rachel and Lisa looked for an unoccupied space and ended up sitting near the wall. They plopped their bags down next to them and looked around. Most of the pairs had already returned to talking, some of the single kids were looking wistfully at them, wishing that they could at least talk to someone. The more morbid characters didn't seem to have batted an eyelid, still leaning against the wall, headphones stuck in their ears.

"So when do you think lessons will start?" Rachel asked.

"Today is just a welcome day, you meet your teachers, get your text books and stuff. We don't usually do much in terms of work," a voice said from behind them.

Nearly everyone in the room turned around to look at the source of the new voice, which turned out to be a slim looking lion. His golden mane hung down, framing his head. His grey eyes had a twinkle in them that promised laughter, and his smile was friendly.

"Alright guys, welcome to Saint Frederic College, my name is Mark. Your first day starts here. Today we'll just be going through and touring the school, meeting teachers and so on and so forth. Follow me," Mark said, while beckoning with his hand.

And for the rest of the day the new students were shown all the main points of the school, they discussed lesson times when they got their timetables and they met their teachers when they usually would be having that lesson. Before normal lunchtime Mark stopped them at the tuckshop and said that they could buy something if they wanted, or eat what they had packed.

"Ok guys, you can have lunch with the rest of the school, meet back outside the gym after lunch has finished," Mark said.

After Mark had left Lisa and Rachel finished off their lunch and began talking again. Another girl had joined them, proving to have a wicked sense of humour while they were being bored touring the school. Her name was Jessica and she was a cheetah with long brown hair, brown eyes and very white teeth that showed themselves each time she smiled.

"The rooms aren't that bad, are they?" Lisa asked.

"No, I don't think so at all," Jessica replied.

"I like how they keep a central theme through each building," Rachel added.

About ten minutes of chatting later Mike showed up. He looked bored to death already.

"Hey, what's up?" Lisa called, waving him over.

"The sky. How are you guys going?" Mike replied and asked.

"Well it's pretty boring, but the teachers seem nice," Rachel responded.

"Yeah, most of them are pretty cool," Mike said.

Mike plopped himself down on one of the benches and began eating his sandwich. Rachel, Lisa and Jessica resumed talking, the subject now going to what lessons they had. After Mike finished his sandwich he bought a drink from the tuckshop and joined in the conversation.

Eventually the bell went and Mike departed for his maths lesson. Rachel, Lisa and Jessica walked the way back to the gym, amazed that they didn't get lost. They sat down with some of the others from the group and began talking, and then Mark showed up.

"We've only got a few things left to do guys, come on," Mark said, as he beckoned everyone to get up.

They walked across to the library, where Mark explained about printing, photocopying and finding sources. After that the group headed over to the book hire room, where they collected all the textbooks they would need for their subjects.

"As you've obviously guessed you'll be moving into a class with other students, they are all in the same year level as you," Mark began explaining "Because they've been here a term longer then you they know most of the basics, so if you're stuck, ask them. That's it for the day, you can go home, just sign out through the office."

Mark assigned them all a class, gave them the locks for their lockers and took them around to where their classrooms were. Everyone dumped the textbooks into their lockers because they were heavy and they wouldn't need them until tomorrow.

After Rachel had gotten rid of her books she walked over to the office. She wondered where Lisa was, until her mobile began to ring.

"Hello?" Rachel answered.

"Hey, Rachel it's me, where are you?" Lisa said over the minor static.

"I'm in the office, where are you?"

"I'm walking towards the bus stop, meet me there, k?"

"Sure thing," Rachel said.

She snapped the mobile closed, signed out of the school and began walking to the bus stop. The sun was warm against her white fur and there wasn't much of a breeze around. The college was just outside the city centre, so there were a few cars around. As Rachel stopped at the traffic lights she turned her mp3 player on, switching it to one of her more favoured songs by Arashi. When the lights changed she crossed, humming along to the tune. The bus stop was only a street over, so it didn't take her long to reach it and meet up with Lisa.

"What classroom are you in?" Lisa asked.

"R101, you?" Rachel responded.

"B103, bummer," Lisa said.

"Bummer indeed, I hope we at least have some lessons together," Rachel said.

"We should, there aren't that many different classes," Lisa said hopefully.

The bus came along within five minutes, Lisa hailed it and grabbed her bag, while Rachel began looking for her ticket. They boarded the bus and became lost in their own music and thoughts. When the bus reached their stop they both looked up and were surprised to see no one else on the bus.

It didn't really surprise them seeing as they were out of school about an hour before everyone else. Both the girls got off of the bus, pulled their bags on and headed across the road. It was quiet as they walked up the street Lisa lived on. Only a few birds chirped in the trees nearby and the sun still shone down steadily. As they reached Lisa's house, they heard a familiar noise coming from somewhere down the street.

"Looks like Josh got home early too," Rachel said.

"Oh it's not that bad," Lisa said in annoyance. Lisa and Josh shared mostly the same musical taste.

"You don't have to walk up there though," Rachel said defensively.

"Whatever, just punch him if he can't hear you," Lisa said, smiling.

"My pleasure," Rachel muttered as she walked up the street.

The noise increased in volume with every step Rachel took. She could hear the exact bass notes from the next-door neighbours. As she reached the front yard she could hear the words to the song her brother was playing. The reason it was so loud was one, because it was a song his band had produced and two, only the front screen door was closed.

"Dude, turn it down!" Rachel called into the noise filled house.

The volume turned down a notch, so Rachel knew her brother had heard her. She stalked further into the house, her eardrums becoming sorer. The music turned off as soon as Rachel walked into Josh's room.

"Bloody hell Josh you can hear it down the damn street," Rachel half shouted.

"Sorry," Josh didn't look sorry at all.

"What a great impression to make on the new neighbours," Rachel said, pretty pissed off now.

"They're not even here," He said indifferently.

"For the love of Jesus... Some of them could be! Mum and Dad don't need complaints when we haven't even been here a month," Rachel half snarled.

"Ok, ok, I'm really sorry this time," Josh did look more sorry.

Rachel took a closer look at her brother. His eyes were green like hers, but his hair was black. His fur was also darker, and he had larger spots. His fur also looked rougher then Rachel's. The tip of his tail twitched in frustration? Anxiety?

Rachel sighed, "I know it's hard not being with the band anymore but you can't just blast yourself away with music all the time."

"I know, but it's not like I'm ever going to find anyone who can play like those guys could" Josh said.

"You never know, it's like dating, just put yourself out there and you'll eventually pick someone up" Rachel said, fighting hard to keep from grinning.

"Hardy har har, I'll remember that one," he said with mock sarcasm.

Rachel left his room and headed to her own, as soon as she entered the room her eyes started to blur. Suddenly it took all the effort she had to remove her school uniform and slip into something more comfortable. She lay down on her bed and slept, the anxiety and stress of the past week melting away into blackness.


Lisa unlocked her front door as Rachel went ahead to do battle with her brother. Lisa changed into some comfy clothes and grabbed a light snack. She jumped onto the computer and began playing some music and chatting to her friends. Lisa loved her friends; they were always there for her even if they still lived in Darwin. She could always talk to them about anything and everything.

Seeing as she had nothing interesting to talk about apart from school Lisa signed out. She chucked a dvd into the dvd player and settled down to watch it. After a while her parents and older sister made it home.

They asked how the new school was while she helped her dad make dinner. Lisa's mum sat over at the table going over the bills, she was a slim fox with grey eyes and a long bushy tail.

Lisa's sister sat at the bench and they both talked about the new schools and new friends. Her sister had blue eyes, sleek fur and was about a half foot taller then Lisa.

Her dad was busy chopping the vegetables while Lisa cooked the meat, they were having marinated steaks tonight. Her dad was a big fox, he had broad shoulders and was almost a foot taller then Lisa. He had blue eyes and slightly lighter fur compared to the three crimson vixens.

After dinner Lisa and Amber (her sister) sat down to watch TV. The shows were pretty boring and they ended up chatting more through them. At around 9:30 Lisa headed off to bed. Her parents decided to have an early night too, while Amber stayed up watching more TV.

Lisa had a big room, she had already covered most of one wall with band posters and some of her ambience paintings hung on another. The two free walls were coloured cream white. She had a large wardrobe and a queen-sized bed. Her stereo sat on one table while next to it was her study desk.

Lisa changed and got into bed. She kept her desk lamp on while she read. The current book she was reading was '101 Horror Stories' by a variety of authors.

"G'night sis, seeya in the morning" Amber said from her doorway.

"Oh shit, you scared me," Lisa said, startled.

"Stop reading your horror stories and go to sleep," Amber said, laughing and rolling her eyes.

"I lost track of time!" Lisa said defensively.

"You always do," Amber said as she went into her own room which was just across the hallway.

'Do not' muttered Lisa under her breath.

Lisa put "101 Horror stories" on her bedside table and turned the lamp off. As she was drifting to sleep her mind wandered over Ellie, the cheetah she had met on the bus. Lisa had known for a while that she was gay, or at least not straight. As she lay in her bed she ran her eyes down the cheetahs sexy frame, holding her curves with her mind.

Lisa could feel herself getting moist down in her nether regions. She slipped a hand down underneath the blankets and wriggled off her pyjamas. Once they were off she moved her hand across her mound. She gasped slightly as this sent a tingle of pleasure across her body. Lisa began to slowly undress the cheetah in her mind. Running her fingers through the short fur above her lips.

As Lisa freed the lovely round tits in her mind she ran her finger down her lips, parting them slightly. She moaned into her throat as she brushed against her outer lips. Lisa slipped the skirt off of the sexy cheetah in her mind, so that she was only wearing her underwear.

She spread her legs out a little and began rubbing her inner thighs, brushing over her mound. As she began to take the underwear off of the cheetah Lisa opened up her legs even further, running a finger down her lips. She gasped as her finger brushed over the inner lips.

'What the hell,' she thought.

Lisa spread her lips with her fingers as she yanked the underwear off of the Ellie in her minds eye. From her generous amount of foreplay her lips were well and truly lubricated. She began to rub around them, just passing by her clitoris, teasing herself even more.

She quickly got tired of teasing herself though, as she began to play with Ellie in her mind. Lisa began rubbing her clitoris, tapping it lightly, bringing herself close to the edge. She used her free hand to stuff a piece of rubber into her mouth, to stop most of her gasps and moans from reaching her sisters room.

After biting down onto the rubber Lisa used her hand to cup her breast, rubbing the nipple with her finger. She started circling her entrance with her finger, keeping her thumb on her clitoris. Her body was being wracked with more powerful waves of pleasure then she had ever felt before.

Lisa slowly inserted one of her fingers into her vagina, until her finger was fully inside. She began moving her finger back and forth, drawing forth more pleasure. She kept rubbing her nipple with her free hand, and used her thumb on her clitoris.

Lisa slipped another finger into her vagina, bringing the hand rubbing her nipple down to continue rubbing her clitoris. She began pumping her fingers faster as she imagined all the things she could do to Ellie. Lisa could feel her orgasm building, wave upon wave climbing higher and higher.

She began rubbing her clitoris faster and herder, the sensations coming together quicker and quicker. Lisa jammed her fingers deep into her vagina, arching her back and biting hard into the rubber in her mouth. The pleasure almost exploded inside her loins, cascading through her entire being. Her juices flowed freely around the fingers buried inside her, dripping onto her sheets.

As the pleasure subsided and the afterglow began to take effect Lisa tried to remove her fingers, triggering another orgasm. She bucked wildly, spike after spike of pleasure running through every nerve in her body. Finally the second orgasm finished and Lisa quickly pulled her fingers out, her hand covered in her juices.

She rolled over onto the other side of her bed, licking the juices clean from her hand. She basked in the afterglow for a good 20 minutes, thinking only of the sexy cheetah that she might be meeting on the bus. Lisa pulled the covers closer, snuggling into their warmth and drifting off into the depths of her mind.