The Brotherhood Chapter 4

Story by Cathricorn on SoFurry

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---Looking into reposting this chapter. Overlooking it after a few weeks, I'm unsatisfied with it, dialogue needs to be touched up, description, etc.

Sorry, I had this story posted earlier, and as soon as I brought it up I realized that I advanced the story way to much... No fun in that right? Anyways, enjoy.

Trust Between Lovers

After the second night of traveling, we reached Eidor on the third morning. The city was great and built in white stone like all Brotherhood cities were. The city was shown in wealth, the escape back in Bolvania could have never happened if the structure were the same. I had to leave Aragors side about a mile before, so the scouts could not find his presence.

Marrain and I followed a dirt path that lead up to the city perched on its cliff side that overlooked a great lake. I was positive by now Theyen would be waiting for us at the gates. I could hear the heart beats of the scouts moving through the trees and around us. Aragors gift had developed much further in the past days, the range at which I could hear increased drastically. My sense of smell became superb and my eye sight was clearer, more focused and even just as good through night as day.

Up ahead, I could make out a group of soldiers at the gates, about two dozen men, half of them archers, and the other knights. As we neared I made out the two muscular figures of Nobles with their unique blades unsheathed and ready to fight.

"Reignhardt Van Helsing!" I heard the familiar voice of Theyen Malorak. "Stay your distance." Marrain and I both stopped as the guards cautiously approached us in formation. They encircled us weapons angled to kill, and Theyen made his approach. He bared the aged face of a man at war, gray thinning hair, green beady eyes and a stern expression. His nose was well rounded and fit perfectly in place. "It's been months since I last saw you... You've kept yourself free of the undead, most impressive, though I shouldn't expect less from Tierans boy. Who's your friend here?"

"This is Marrain, Theyen can we speak in private? I won't take up too much time."

He nodded. "Come with me." We followed him into his castle, keeping close to not get lost behind. Parts of the castle ran memories through my head with my Father, and I couldn't help but admire as I held back the tears. The mass hallway opened itself to us along with a single set of double doors at the end. Theyen welcomed us in and closed the door behind. "Private matters... speak." He said as we took our seats around a sanded oak table, a blue table top covering it.

"I'm sure you sensed something dark around me?" I said before starting. Theyen nodded. "I'll get to that in a moment. I have a favor to ask you, Marrain is an excellent man for war, but he lacks the needed training of a Brotherhood warrior. The ability to keep your mind clear of the madness."

"I assume you want me to train him?" He asked wiping his gray mustache.

"Like always, you're the greatest Theyen."I said with a smile.

He only smiled back. "Wait a minute, now, explain yourself for doing this, I want to know what's going on. The Brotherhood has exiled you, yet you still fight for us."

"I don't fight for the Brotherhood anymore," I said shaking my head. "I have my own cause."

"Oh?" His face became curious and I began.

"You're familiar with the legend of the Shadow Beast right?" He nodded. "He's real." Theyen laughed. "He's outside your city Theyen, waiting for me, he's not what you think though... His personality's completely different of any undead. He has a will."

"So you're leaving your friend behind while you run off with a legend told Shadow Beast that could, god forbid, be all a scandal for Hell to claim you?"

He made it sound like a sin. "I know you don't like it."

He nodded. "It's beyond liking, I completely refuse it. You're putting yourself in more risk than ever before."

"Thank you." Marrain said agreeing.

Theyen's eyes shifted to Marrin then returned to me. "What are you two planning on doing anyways while you leave your friend behind?"

"He wants to teach me how Hell's monsters fight, what to look for, how to defeat them. Nothing suicidal, we intend to come back for Marrain." Theyen pondered for a moment starring down at the table then back to me.

"For a non-suicidal mission, you're putting yourself in a hell of a lot of risk Reignhardt... I want to meet this beast of yours before you leave."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why so curious?"

"Because if I let you fall, your Father will never forgive me nor will I... and if what you say is true, then I wish to witness the beast that escaped."

I nodded. Aragor was going to hate me for this, I knew how Theyen was and this could be a hysterical event. Outside the city again, we brought Theyen from his castle, his Nobles following closely at his sides. "I must warn you Theyen." I said as we neared. "Aragor has an easy temper, Marrains seen it." He nodded behind me. "He is a Shadow Beast after all."

"I don't intend to anger him, only study him." Nodding, we continued on.

The familiar thumping of his heart protruded my ears. We were getting close; I could pick out his faint pine scent and smiled. "Aragor!" I yelled out stopping. His paws thudded against the earth. "Don't startle yourself, these are friends." I spoke as Aragor revealed himself at a distance.

"What's going on Reign?" His deep and sacred voice called. He was starring at the Nobels and Theyen.

"They just want to see you, Theyens worried for my life."

"I assure, nothing will happen to you. I won't let it." Aragor responded slowly starring at each man.

"He's protective of you... What did you do?" Theyen asked curiously.

I started to speak but Aragor got the first words. "Reignhardt, saved my life against a group of the Bolvania hunters... Although, I'm sure I could have handled them without his help." He was lying, and doing a very good job at it. "They had been following me for several miles and I was restless, he stepped in to defend me."

"You feared men from an uneducated city?" Theyen said almost with a laugh.

Aragor thought quickly. "They claimed to be members of the Brotherhood, I took no chances."

"Bah, Bolvania, they haven't a clue of how our system works." Theyens eyes followed Aragors large structure up and down. "May I see your paw?" Aragor lifted it in front of him. "Incredible not even the mark burns." I was surprised Theyen was so interested in Aragor, it sent relief through me. Theyen wandered around Aragor inspecting his body. "You swear to keep this boy out of Hells harm for your life?"

Aragor nodded. "I intend to die for him if it comes down to it."

Theyen finished his circle around Aragor. "Well balanced structure, muscular body, and a beast of scars... I have my trust in you..." He looked back at me "Aragor?" I nodded. "But," Now he got in his face starring Aragor deep in his eyes. "I swear to you, if Reignhardt does not come back, I will hunt you to the ends of the earth and even into Hell I stand my vow here... I will kill you with the Heavens blade!"

Aragors eyes narrowed and I prayed he would not loose himself. "As I said," The gold eyes looked to me. "Theyen is it?" I couldn't help but smile as he mocked Theyen. "I will die before he does. If I had to I would rip open my stomach and keep him inside me until I can get back to safety!"

Theyen seemed please by his words. "Very well... Reignhardt... I will permit your request on one condition."

I looked Theyen over curios to what he would want from me. "What might that be?"

"How many months has it been since Hell's Day?"

I shrugged. "Three or four at least?"

He nodded. "Stay one night here in Eidor. I would like to know what's happened to you since Hell's Day."

I could feel Aragor tensing; this would delay us even more, although I had no idea where he was taking me. "If I stay... then Aragor has to come with us."

Theyen hesitated starring up at the great beast pondering. I knew he wouldn't accept Aragor to enter his city, it would cause too much of an uproar, the other cities would know right away. "If you can find a way without the public knowing, than he may enter, otherwise you come alone." I cringed as my plan had failed. All I could do was nod as he turned and left.

"Aragor and I will talk." I shouted to him. "Marrain, go with Theyen."

"Reignhardt," Theyen said turning. "If you're not in by sun down, I will leave your friend to the forest." I nodded pushing back my hand through my hair.

Once at a distance, Aragor growled. "This is only delaying us Reign."

I sighed meeting his wolf head. "One night is all he wants... You can manage one night can't you?"

He glared at me. "This was the reason I told you to leave everything behind." Did he not even hear me? "We could have been on our way to Ighearta.

So that's where he wanted to take me? I thought to myself. "What good is going there, I'm not well rested, let alone still don't have some equipment to survive, come on Aragor, it's only one night."

"You have me, I am your sword and shield!" He barked stomping his paw. "We could run from this now."

"And leave Marrain behind!" I nearly lost myself after he said that. "And what happens when you're not around to be my sword and shield? You leave me defenseless!"

"I will always be around!" He harshly assured.

He left me shaking my head as I starred at the ground. "Aragor... you know you're not going to be there all the time. Please... just one night... You don't have to talk to anyone, just wait in the room Theyen provides us with." I rubbed my hand against his cheek. "Maybe we can continue where we left off a few nights ago?"

I found the smile I was looking for and he reluctantly nodded. "Fine... Reign, one night that's all. We leave tomorrow by dusk. I will rob you of his grasp if he denies... Don't test me."

I leaned in and kissed him. "Love you... but we still need to figure out how to get you inside."

"I am a Shadow Beast; swimming through shadows comes naturally to me... But the Brotherhood city is always shown in light; it might be hard sneaking into your room." I bit my lip trying to think. "Or..." Aragor hesitated. "I... can become your shadow."

I looked up to him interested. "You can become other people's shadow?"

He nodded. "All I need is your trust."

I smiled patting his head. "You know you have my trust, what do I need to do?"

"Come with me, its better if Theyen cannot detect the dark energy." I nodded and we fell back a good few miles before Aragor stopped. "Reign... listen, you're going to feel like madness is taking hold of you... This is why I asked for your trust. There is no madness; it's my soul joining with yours."

Our souls had to conjoin? This was truly some deep dark magic. "...Aragor, you've saved my life numerous times, my trust is the least thing I can do to give you."

He began to clear the ground of any rocks or wood pieces that could get in the way. Then he drew with his paws, creating different sizes of circle arcs and strange symbols. I figured they were in his demonic language. I felt nervous when he drew the pentagram. "What's... all this for?"

"To become your shadow Reign." He lifted his eyes. "I asked for your trust... can you provide that?"

"How does my trust have anything to do with this, this is very dark and I'm not sure the outcome will help me?"

Aragor stopped. "Your trust is what will be used to prevent me from taking over you. I know. It's to benefit both of us Reign, to show how deep our relationship can go and at the same time how we can trust to not hurt one another." Again I felt hesitant. "We don't have to do this Reign." He swiped with his paw the dirt covering the symbol.

"No," I said shaking my head. "I... I trust you." He waited for a moment then drew the symbols back. The earth rippled around the symbols as he filled in the final one. An unknown source of air blew up around us, and the symbols boiled to a hot red. As Aragor stepped in, the symbols lit with fire.

"You have my trust Reign." The ground grew brighter and he offered me a paw.

This was going against everything I had ever learned when I was still with the Brotherhood. This could possibly decide your outcome Reignhardt... do you really trust Aragor? His story rushed into my memory. The vow he gave to protect my life, and to defeat what Hell has corrupted the world with.I will ask again... do you trust him Reignhard? I took a step forward. My answer was...

_ Yes._

The glowing symbols encased us and as I touched Aragor's hands, a river of dark magic poured into my head. Out of reaction I fought it, feeling it move down my body and swirl around my heart. Reign! Aragors voice called me. It's only me, stop resisting Immediatley my guard fell, and Aragor flowed down to my feet and stretched to my shadow. Inside, I felt Aragor, his powerful presence standing next to me like a guardian.

Ar- Aragor?

_ Yes?_My eyes went wide and my hands rose to my face

"Get out, get out!"I screamed jumping back as I realized his physical self was gone. The magic evaporated from my body, and the little spectacles ofshadow energy formed together and built Aragors structure.

He picked me up in an instant holding me tight. I was lost in shock not able to think only stand there and stare. "You're okay, I told you I would never harm you Reign." Then I fell into his embrace.

A frantic panting left my lips, my chest heaving and body weak. "I... I thought for a moment, that I had lost to him."

He pulled me closer. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to scare you... I tried to tell you. Forgive me for performing this; I will never do it again!" The warm fur of his body seemed to comfort me; the strands of scented fur gently tickling my nose.

Finally after minutes passed I got my confidence back. "Aragor... we have to do it again."

He pulled his warm body away from me. "Reign, I don't want-

"No, we have to do this... I know you won't betray me, I overreacted that's all... again, please." I begged him with my eyes.

His moist tongue licked my nose. "I will not harm you." His body disintegrated and absorbed into me. I closed my eyes and relaxed, feeling the dark soul combine with mine.


_ Yes, I am here._

I breathed in deep. What's it liked?

I felt him laugh inside me. Your soul... is very soothing.

My eyes widened embarrassed. It's strange; your presence is just the same... It feels weird having your great size inside me.

_ Don't think of it that way Reign._ His voice became stern in my head. I am not in you, I'm only your shadow. I don't want to worry you that my body is inside you. I have no control of your actions; your trust is balancing everything out.

_ So... while you're inside me, you cannot do anything?_

_ While I'm inside you, all I can manage to do is speak through your mind, see as you can see but all around you. Think of me as a second pair of eyes_.

Right... Then we go see Theyen... Together we walked to Theyen's city, Eidor. I was nervous when I saw the large gates, yet at the same time, excited to for the moment at least, be a part of the Brotherhood.