Teenage Hunger Part One - WIP

Story by roadkill on SoFurry

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#1 of Teenage Hunger Series

Teenage Hunger - This is a Work In Progress.

Two teenage furs were sitting on one of those blue rubber lunch benches out in the quad area of their high school.

The burly brown wolf looked up from his lunch tray to the panther sitting across from him. "Dude, you really should eat something. We have a game this Friday, you're going to need your energy." he said.

The panther was staring into space at his food. Processed meat substitute and vegetables. The comment from his lupine friend snapped him out of his little trance.

"Mike can I tell you something?" he grumbled.

The wolf looked honored that his buddy wanted to confide in him. "Sure man you can tell me anything, you know that." the wolf replied.

"I know I can. I just... I really want this to stay between us," The panther pushed his little food tray away from him and continued, "ok, to be honest, I just can't eat this stuff anymore."

Mike cracked his muzzle to laugh at the jet black cat in front of him but was stopped by the panthers pointed eyes. "Well I don't think anyone really likes it dude." mike said.

"That's not what I mean man," said the feline, "I mean I really can't eat this stuff anymore. For the last three days I have to leave Bio after lunch to puke, dude."

Mike took in Brian's words for a minute and a thought came to him, "Well something was wrong with the fake chicken yesterday. I chucked too when I finally got home. You probably just got sick, that's all man."

"I don't think so dude. It's every time I eat the processed food. I even tried the kind we have at my house the same thong happened. About twenty minutes after I ate I had to puke. It's starting to freak me out man." The lithe panther looked back and forth at the other furs in the quad area, deciding it was safe he continued on, "The only thing that doesn't bother me is this 'real jerky' my dad orders from another country. The package says it made from real beef."

The wolf looked shocked as Brian finished his story. "Dude that's not good man. You think you might be rejecting the fake food?" asked the wolf.

"I think I am." replied Brian.

After a few minutes of reflection the brown furred canine could only think of one question. He leaned toward his friend of eleven grades. "Have you told anyone else?" he asked.

"Are you kidding! I don't want to get my ass hauled off to the 'camp' dude." Brian responded.

The wolf nodded his big head at his friend before he said, "I think I can help you dude." The panther looked relieved as his buddy continued, "I found this site on the web a while back. Come over to my house tonight after my dad leaves for work and I will show you it."

Brian's look of relief faded as he tried to think of what web site his friend wanted to show him and how on earth it was going to help his new urge.

At around nine pm Brian decided to head over to his wolfie friend's house and see this all knowing website that his friend said could 'help' him. It wasn't a very long walk; the two friends lived at the opposite ends of the street so in just a few minutes the panther mashed the little glowing door bell button and waited for his buddy to answer the door. Brian could hear music playing then being turned down, followed by heavy thumping footpaw falls coming down the stairs. When the door opened the black cat almost let out a little moan.

Brian and Mike had been friends for a long time. Since both cub and pup had been allowed to go outside to play they had been best friends. Somehow they always ended up in the same classes together until their junior year in high school. When they hit puberty Mike horned after girls in school but Brian had learned he preferred the company of his male friend more. Sometime in their freshman year, Brian slipped up and wound up making it very clear one day that he secretly wanted his best friend. Since then, the short furred wolf always messed around with the panther. His favorite thing to do to Brian was to come up from behind him in the locker room after practice and whisper dirty things into the cats sensitive ears. That always startled Brian and usually made him feel embarrassed since Mike usually timed it when Brian was changing from gym shorts to pants. In that short space of time Brian would get rock hard and usually fail at hiding it. At the current moment Brian found himself presented with a shirtless wolf standing in the open door way. In fact the panther's friend wasn't wearing anything but socks on his paw.

"Hey baby," the wolf joked, "see anything ya like dude?"

Brian's eyes jerked up to his friend's. "You know that's not fair dick head!" Brian blurted.

The panther shoved his nude friend out of the way as he went inside. Just like thousands of times before, Brian headed up the stairs to the dog's room, moving as though he were in his own house due to having partly grown up there. He headed to the third door on his right and went right inside.

"Hey! Wait!" the wolf barked, "You can't just go into a guy's room like tha..."

The big cat smirked as he saw Mike's computer was on and displaying a rather adventurous couple in the buff going to town on each other in the '69' position. With a heavy flop Brian landed on his friend's big bed, drawing in a deep breath from the sheets. The feline let out a muffled moan as he exhaled, he loved the musky smell his friend's bed always had.

"Jeez man, you'd think this was your place." Mike mocked grumbled to the panther that was rolling around on his big bed.

"Well I pissed in your bathroom once." The cat joked back, "Doesn't that make it mine by your standards?"

"Oh, ha ha ha, a feral joke." Mike retorted. "Here play with these kitty, I had to do sprints today."

Mike fell into his chair and propped his big sock covered paws on the bed in front of Brian's muzzle. The panther reached out and slipped a claw under the stretchy part of the sock at Mike's ankle and slowly peeled it backwards of his right footpaw. After getting the damp sock up over the canine's big toes he flung it at the giggling wolf sitting in front of him. Mike tossed it over his shoulder and turned to the computer to hunt down the site. Brian moved on to the other footpaw and repeated the process. This time when he threw the sock at the wolf it hit its mark, landing right on the end of his muzzle. Mike shook off the sock and looked back down at his friend who was working his claw firmly into the canine's soles.

"I hate that you're so good at that dude." Mike moaned.

A sly smile grew across the panther's shorter muzzle as he continued to squeeze the damp footpaw in his paws. The wolf gave another short grunt and sigh when Brian traced the skin around his aching pawpads. This was something that Brian always liked to do for his friend and even more so since he discovered his orientation. The wolf was very attractive and played little games with his feline friend enough that Brian never really stopped having a secret crush on him. One time they even fooled around with each other under the guise of 'learning'. Both males were aware of things between them and figured there was no real damage to be done just keeping things they do to themselves.

"Are you gonna show me that site or what pup?" the panther asked.

Mike slid his relaxed footpaws off the bed and turned to his computer again. With a few clicks and some typing Mike found what he was after. Turning back to this friend, he said, "Ok dude, here check this out. I heard about this page one day when I was listening to some talk show on the am stations."

The panther rolled over and sat up, peering at the computer's screen he started reading. It was a news article about how some Anthro's are experiencing a genetic change that causes them to start rejecting formulated food.

Brian's muzzle scrunched up as he finished reading the short article. Looking back to his friend, he said, "Do you think that's what's wrong with me?"

The wolf just shrugged and looked back at his computer monitor. "I don't really know dude," he said. "But it fits the description pretty good."

"Well what am I supposed to do? If I go to the doctor and they test me and it's true they will send me to the camp" Brian was starting to sound scared as he continued, "What do I do man? You gotta help me somehow!"

The only thing Mike could come up with was, "Well I guess you might start thinking of hiding."

"What? Where and for how long? Oh and more importantly what am I supposed to eat!?" Brian snapped back.

"Dude I'm not sure. I have no idea how to deal with this. I dunno lets go find a place that sells real beef," said the wolf.

But the panther knew there was nowhere to go to buy real meat any more, unless you ordered it all the time but it was extremely expensive since it's outlawed.

Then another thought hit the wolf jock. Looking back down at his friend who was almost on the verge of tears, he said, "Wait, what if you vore someone?"

Brian looked at his friend with a bewildered look on his face. "You want me to eat someone? Just go up to some guy and say, 'hey I'm really hungry, think you could help me out?'" Brian said sarcastically.

This is a higher priorty story that I want to get done so expect more soon. *bark*