The Halo:Chapter Seven

Story by Lithe on SoFurry

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#8 of Dark Star

Chapter Seven:

A Snowball's Chance

When Vera woke the next morning, it wasn't to the bumps and shakes of the truck traversing through the snow. There were two people speaking just outside the back of the truck, one of them she easily identified as Jim. The other voice didn't belong to anyone she knew. It was certainly male, the pitch was lower than her master's voice and didn't carry as much enthusiasm. They were discussing the attacks from the night before. Vera crawled out from the makeshift bed and quietly dug through the bins to locate a suitable set of replacement clothing. She found a sweater to cover her chest, put on the pants from the night before, and climbed out through the back of the truck slowly. The truck had somehow gotten into a hangar where the supply planes were kept. One such plane only twenty or so feet away had waves of heat flowing from the engine housing. They must have been airlifted through the night and placed here. Jim was speaking to a tiger in a flight suit who stood with an interested expression on his face. The tiger looked at her with a nod to tell the fennec she was there. Jim turned around to greet her with a smile.

"Morning Vera!"

The vixen returned the smile and stood next to him. She took care not to disturb his arm or her scratch when they hugged.

"Morning, Master."

The tiger looked her over from head to toe with a wrinkled brow. The handgun she used the night before was hidden in her back pocket just in case she needed it. It was her master's order to hold onto it after all. The tiger looked back at Jim with a chuckle.

"She's the one?"

Jim nodded and put his injured arm around her waist. The tiger shook his head with a grin.

"She doesn't look so tough." He pulled a knife from its place on his chest and took a step toward Jim. "What if I were to try and kill you right now?"

Vera's ears fell flat against the back of her head as she pulled he gun from her pocket. She put herself between the tiger's knife and Jim before placing the barrel of the pistol firmly against the feline's chin. He froze as he heard the safety click off on the gun. He dropped the knife and held up his hands with a nervous chuckle. Vera looked him dead in the eye with a grin.

"Don't hurt my master."

The tiger looked over her shoulder at the fennec behind her. The smug look on his face said everything. The tiger took a step back before recovering his knife cautiously. Vera kept the huge gun pointed in his direction the entire time.

"Alright, Vera. That's enough."

She hesitated a moment before clicking the safety on the gun and putting it back where she had it hidden. Her ears remained back and her eyes stayed focused on the tiger.

"Yes master."

The tiger's eyes widened at her tone. Was that disappointment? He had enough of this for one day.

"There's a restaurant through those doors in the back. Why don't you two go grab some breakfast?"

Vera leaned forward with a smile.

"What's the matter, Tiger? Had enough?" She spoke in a teasing manner with a hand behind her back. There was no doubt in the tiger's mind it was on that monster handgun of hers. Jim pulled her back gently with the arm still around her waist.


She looked back at him with her ears to the side in an apologetic gesture.

"Just teasing him, Master. I'll stop."

"Good girl. Let's leave this guy alone and take a look at that restaurant." He looked at the tiger with a smile. "Thanks for your help, pilot."

The tiger only waved as they left. He was happy to be rid of that crazy vixen. Mark would call for them soon after they finished their meals and that would be the last he saw of those two... unless they came back. He hoped not.

The pair of foxes entered the restaurant and took a seat at a booth. It was a rather modest establishment probably meant for the pilots and maintenance crews that worked here. An old hound soon approached the two as they looked through the menus left on the table. His voice was a little raspy, but maintained a warm feel through the tone.

"Excuse me if you would... are you two Jim and Vera? I was told to expect a fennec and an arctic fox this morning."

Jim looked up from his menu and nodded.

"Yes sir. That's us."

The old hound smiled warmly.

"Oh good. What can I get for you two this morning? I know you guys could use something warm in your bellies after your struggles in the mountains. I heard all about that nasty attack. Glad you two made it back in mostly one piece."

Jim found the hound a welcome shift in the right direction from what happened in the hangar.

"What would you suggest? I haven't had anything on this menu for at least three weeks."

The hound laughed and gathered the menus.

"I'll get you guys something. Just sit tight for a minute. If you need anything, feel free to ask. My name's Dave."

He went into the back room with the menus to start on their breakfast. Vera leaned over the table and propped her head up on her arms.

"The Master must want to see us if we're expected." She turned to watch a wolf walk into the restaurant to have a seat near by. She ordered a glass of water before looking back at Vera with a glare. The wolf then turned back toward the other side of the bar. The vixen shrugged it off and looked back at Jim.

"Would you have any ideas why?"

"No, Master."

Jim looked toward the wolf at the bar for a moment before looking at the table. He had noticed the glare she gave Vera moments before. They must have known each other somehow.

"Maybe he's going to explain how I got here." He looked up at the vixen with a smile. "After that, I'll let him know I intend to keep you."

The wolf at the bar shifted in place noisily before resting her head on the bar. Dave came back through the door in the back holding two plates of food in his hands.

"I'll be right with you Miss Terra."

The wolf didn't bother to move before speaking.

"Take your time, Dave. I'm not going anywhere for a while."

The hound gave her an odd look before turning back to the couple at the table with a smile.

"Here ya go folks. This is an old favorite of mine. Keeps me from sticking in bed too long on those cold mornings. Hope you enjoy!"

He placed both of the plates on the table and bowed his head before turning to join the wolf at the bar. The food looked delicious and was cooked with almost insane precision. They didn't waste any time digging into the plates.

Dave took a seat next to Terra with a bit of a sigh. He clasped his hands together on the bar in front of him.

"Are you alright Miss Terra?"

She picked her head up off the bar's surface and looked at the aged man with a frown. She kept her voice low when she spoke.

"Remember the girl I mentioned earlier this morning?"

The hound turned to look over his shoulder at the vixen sitting with the fennec. A smile was on her face and her ears were perked as the two talked. Her tail wiggled slightly in the seat next to her. Dave turned to look back at the wolf.

"That's her, isn't it?"

Terra nodded slowly and the hound sighed. He heard Vera giggle at something before he reached across the bar to grab a pair of small glasses and a bottle of spirits. He poured a little of the liquid in each glass before placing the bottle on the bar in front of them.

"You're right. She is a lucky girl." He took a sip of the drink and placed the glass back on the bar. Terra stared at the glass in front of her for a moment before picking it up and choking some of it down. She didn't usually drink things that strong, but the times were a little different for her. The wolf coughed and put the glass down. She looked over at Dave with a straight face before grinning.

"The Master let me sleep in his bed last night."

The hound stared at her before lifting his glass.

"You're kidding."

"No. He put me in his bed, tucked me in, and sat next to me in a chair until I fell asleep."

Dave chuckled and stared at the glass.

"Guess he has a heart after all. You're probably the only one here that has seen it." He sat up a little straighter and smiled. "Maybe you can change things around here. He hasn't chosen a mate yet you know."

The wolf blushed and looked at the bar.

"How much have you had to drink, Dave?"

"Just a sip or two. I've been drinking this stuff for years though."

Terra looked at the glass and took a slow breath.

"He's got his eye on that dancer from the club... the lioness."

The hound let out a hearty laugh.

"She's never even been to his room. How many times have you been there these past few days?"

She looked at the bar and traced a line with her finger.

"Seven times the past two days. I spent the night in his room last night."

The aging hound only nudged her with his elbow. She couldn't believe he was suggesting she had a chance. She stared at him in disbelief, ears shifting about rapidly. She let her ears fall to the side finally and looked at her lap.

"You're crazy... he wouldn't..."

"He might, dear. You never know until you ask for sure."

"But what if he..."

"He could... you know I'll be here if you need to talk." He chuckled a moment before spreading his arms with a chuckle. "I'm an old man, Terra. I'm not going anywhere."

The hound had helped her reach a decision.

"When should I ask?"

Dave took a sip of his drink and placed the empty glass aside.

"You will know when you should ask. He won't kill you for it. I'm sure of that. Don't wait too late, Terra. Don't let him cast you aside without a second thought."

She stood and turned to the two at the booth. They had finished their breakfast and were enjoying a conversation.

"Jim, Vera?"

The two foxes turned to face her after stopping their conversation.

"The Master wishes to speak with you two. Please follow me."

They turned back to each other before standing. Jim led the pair toward the wolf as she started out of the restaurant.

"I had a feeling he wanted to see us."

"Yes. It's not a good idea to keep him waiting."

The trio weaved their way through a large portion of the first floor entry foyer. It resembled a resort hotel in almost every way including the large reception desk in the center. The major difference was in the employees and what they wore. The security team was armed with high power close defense weapons and wore full suits of thick combat armor. Not an inch of flesh or fur was exposed. The rest of the staff was made up of collared men and women of various ages, species, and temperaments. They entered an elevator just behind a hawk with a bandage around his head. He quickly left after seeing the wolf girl standing behind him. Jim watched as he left in a hurry until the doors shut and the trip to whichever floor started. There were no stops in between the ground floor and their destination near the top leading both of the foxes to believe any elevator heading to the Master's floor got priority. The wolf led the way down the hall toward a set of ornately decorated, dark stained doors. The girl's ears lowered as they got closer.

"The Master is just ahead. Please show respect while in his presence."

She opened the doors and dropped to a knee. Her head lowered to the floor.

"I have brought them to you, Master."

The Master, a panther, stood in front of a desk in formal dress. His hands were clasped together low behind his back. A firm expression was on his face.

"Come here, girl." He lifted his gaze from the wolf and offered the other two a practiced smile. "Please, find a seat."

The wolf stood and moved next to the panther as he took a seat at his desk. The fennec walked slowly toward the desk and had a seat. Vera took the chair next to him after a nod from Jim. He looked back at the panther.

"I am Mark Werth. I run this fine facility you've spent so much of your time exploring. I'd like to welcome you to my private chambers." He sat with a hand stroking the ears of the wolf kneeling next to him. "You've met my pet Terra, yes? Did she give you any trouble?"

Jim shook his head.

"No. None at all."

"Good. You're probably wondering how you got here, yes?"

The fennec nodded and sat up in his chair.

"Yeah. Can't be anything I've done."

The panther chuckled and removed a pair of glasses along with a small bottle of expensive looking champagne.

"It is, actually. Champagne, mister Stevens?"

He poured a glass for himself as the fennec shook his head.

"I don't drink, Sir. I put that stuff behind me."

Mark looked at him and shook his head.

"That's a shame..." He took the glass he filled and raised it to his lips for a drink. "You do good work for the people in Qustoba. How many have you rescued since you moved there from Megoji City?"

This man knew too much about him. Was he being watched while on the job?

"Almost two hundred."

"What about your pay? How much do you get?"


Mark laughed quietly and placed his glass on the desk in front of the wolf. She stared at it for a moment before pouring a little more into the glass.

"You live in a four room home on the outskirts of town, drive a small, wheeled pickup to work and have just enough to cover the bills, fuel costs, and food. That's fair payment for what you do?"

"Despite what you do here, Sir, you can't put a price on life. I enjoy every minute of my job. As long as I can, I'll continue to work for the search and rescue team there."

The panther smiled and leaned back in his chair.

"I admire your spirit, mister Stevens. That is part of the reason you are here. I wanted to thank you personally for your service to the community."

Jim wrinkled his brow as the panther continued to explain.

"About a year ago, a very close friend of mine had an accident while rock climbing. You happened to be out on vacation at the same place that very day. Without a second thought for your own safety, you risked the crumbling mountain to save my friend. I was thankful for what you had done, but it wasn't until two months ago you earned my admiration and respect. The same friend was out enjoying the sands of the dessert with a few friends. He went missing and for five days your team searched for him. When they called you off, you took your personal vehicle to the dessert and searched for him yourself. You again saved his life. I then arranged for you to be brought here, to the Halo, as part of my thanks to you. While lost in the mountains, you again impressed me by taking the girl next to you as your slave. The last person that found her was discovered frozen to death with a large bullet wound in his chest."

Jim looked at Vera in shock. She only looked away and stared at the ground in shame. Mark took another breath to continue.

"I have been watching you while you've been here, mister Stevens, and I'm quite impressed. Few people I know would charge a snow cat with little more than a flashlight for a weapon. It wasn't until you returned to the truck that I figured out why you went as far as you did for a replaceable piece of property." He leaned forward in his chair and propped his head on his arms. "You love her, but that isn't everything. As your slave, Vera is to do whatever you command her to do. She does and will continue to do so, but it isn't only because you are her master. It's mostly because she loves you too." He sat back in his chair and had a sip of his drink. "I am left with a terrible decision to make. Vera will either return home with you or she will remain here unless you can pay for her yourself. You may stay with her, but you will have to work for me. The choice, however, isn't up to either of us."

Jim looked at him with a frown as the panther looked at the wolf kneeling next to him. She looked at him for a brief moment before looking at the floor.

"Terra will make the decision."

Her eyes widened as she fell forward into the desk. She looked at the panther with wide eyes.


"I will abide by whatever you decide. The choice and details are yours to form."

Terra looked at the ground in a panic. So much was now on her shoulders. She saw the video of that attack. She knew how strongly they cared for each other. She also knew her master well. Would he let her choice stand if she wanted to let Jim keep Vera? Would she be punished for it? The words of the hound from the restaurant were hard to follow now. Did she really have a chance to change things? She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, hoping she picked the right time.

"Master hasn't chosen a mate yet..."

The panther's brow furrowed as he stared at the wolf.

"What does that have to do with these two?"

"I want to take that spot, Master."

He sighed and leaned back in the chair. Was she serious about the offer? He dismissed it quickly.

"Don't make me punish you in front of the guests, Terra. Answer the question."

Vera covered her mouth when the wolf stood and removed her collar. She held the studded piece of leather in front of the Master before letting it fall to the hard wood floor. The more violent, pushy side of the wolf came through when her ears started to fall flat.

"I want an answer too. May I or may I not fill that spot?"

The panther stood quickly and pulled his whip. Jim and Vera slid their chairs back a little as it unrolled against the floor.

"Pick your collar up now or I will strike you right here."

She only folded her arms with a firm expression on her face. The hand Mark had on the whip shook as he pulled it back. With blinding speed, the whip lashed out to strike the wolf in the face. She yelped loudly and fell to the floor as the mark started to bleed. She slid away from the panther as she covered her face, trying desperately to protect herself. The wolf whimpered as she moved along the floor. In a fury, Mark stormed toward her before giving her a swift kick to the ribs. Vera winced as a sick cracking noise reached her ears. Jim stood to stop the panther from causing anymore harm to the wolf, but he kicked her again before he could get close. The whimpering had stopped only to be replaced with gasping and coughing. Blood trickled from her lips as she tried to weakly crawl away. Jim put a hand on the panther's shoulder to stop his advance toward the beaten wolf. He turned to face the fennec for a split second before punching him across the muzzle. He reeled from the impact as Vera stood and slipped a fresh magazine into her gun. The panther ignored it as he went back to focusing on the bleeding wolf trying to get away. Jim regained his balance and went after the panther again only to have him push back and shift his attention. He punched Jim again and followed through with a second punch as he stumbled back. If this was what was in the way of the wolf, he would have to remove it. He delivered an uppercut that sent the fennec sprawling on the floor with a groan. As he knelt to continue punching, a single shot echoed in the room. Everyone turned to face the vixen that now held a smoking handgun and an angered expression.

"Don't hit him again!"

The panther started to look back at Jim, but Vera shook the gun and yelled louder.

"I said don't!"

He pulled back to strike the fennec and the vixen fired. The shot went through the tip of the panther's ear before burying itself in the wall. He froze in place as the pain woke him from his trance.

"I won't miss next time! Let him go!"

Mark turned to look at the vixen. The fierce expression of an angered warrior was what stared back at him. It was frightening. A moment later, his attention shifted to the wolf's coughing. The amount of blood on the floor had increased quite a bit from earlier. She was struggling to breathe and shook from lack of oxygen. The panther blinked, horrified by what he saw. He rushed to her and fell on his knees before sitting her up in his lap. Her formerly terrified eyes now looked weary and dull. Mark cried in a quivering voice.

"What have I done?"

Vera put her gun away and went to check on Jim as the panther's cries got louder.

"What have I done?!"

Jim looked up at Vera and blinked a few times as he sat up. He was bleeding from his lip and had a cut on the side of his muzzle, but he wasn't worried about it. He waved Vera off and motioned toward the dying wolf with concern on his face.

"Go help her. I'm fine."

She nodded and went to the desk to hit the panic button before heading over to the panther. The wolf he held tenderly was still alive, but only by a slim margin. Vera went to work trying to keep her alive until help arrived. There wasn't much she could do without equipment, however. The security team came quickly bringing with them a few medics. Vera waved them over as the wolf's hands started shaking. The medics worked feverishly, but Terra was fading too fast. The wolf smiled at the panther before her eyes closed. The trembling hands fell to the hard wood floor as the last of her breath ebbed away.