Almost Perfect - Chapter Three

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#3 of Almost Perfect

Author's Note: So, I'm really depressed. Well, kind of. RL is really fucking with my time and Chosen didn't really work out the way I wanted it to, but I'm liking this one so maybe things on SF will be better than RL. Blah, can't we just replace real-life with so-furry-life?

I wish today it would rain all day, maybe that would kinda make the pain go away, trying to forgive you for abandoning me, prayin' but I think I'm still an angel away, angel away, yeah, strange in a way, maybe that is why I chase strangers away! They got they guns out aimin at me, but I be comin near when they aimin at me!

***** CHAPTER THREE *****

Kylie led me into the dark room and the four bright lights that were above us before had changed into only two. Once we were under the light, we waited in silence. I could smell the bitter smoke from Cigar's cigar, but I couldn't tell if he was in the room or not.

"Tinlen," yep. He's here. "I'm glad to see you've made a full recovery." There was a long second of silence. "This is were you say thank you."

"Thank you, I'm sorry." He'd never asked us to speak before.

"So, do you want to tell me how it happened?"

"It was just a-"

"If you say mistake, I'll kill you where you stand." I gulped and made a mental note not to speak again, no matter what he said. It was easy to be scared of something you'd never seen. "My boys don't make mistakes. So, I need to know what caused the... imperfection." I made sure he was done speaking before I answered.

"I just had some confusing thoughts." I winced and prayed I gave the right answer.

"Thoughts about what?" I tried to think of a legitimate excuse, but I knew I was thinking about it too long.

"Uh, video games," I spat awkwardly.

"Video games? What if that wound had been fatal? Do you know what it would mean to me if you died? You are- Kylie, leave." Kylie threw me a quick glance before stepping out of the light. I heard a door shut behind me and the light Kylie was standing under switched off. Suddenly, Cigar's voice was closer than it's ever been. "You are my favorite, Tinlen. Why do you think I named you after my own son?"

"I'm sorry, sir." I never knew Cigar even had a son.

"If anyone is supposed to die, it's Kylie. You... you cannot fail. You're the only one worth a damn on this whole team."

"I thought we were all the same?"

"Don't be naïve," Cigar laughed, "your brother's only exist to make sure you survive. They may be just as skilled, but they aren't nearly as valuable."


"What? Speak your mind."

"But I love them." Cigar laughed a billow of smoke in my face.

"You don't know what love is. You feel connected to them because you have the same blood. I'm not asking you to abandon them, but you have to understand that you are not expendable. I rely on you." I tried to process everything. Everything he was telling me now, went against everything I'd ever learned. It didn't seem fair. "Nod if you understand." I nodded. "Good, now... the X-Box is gone for a month and you aren't allowed to play any of the other boys games. Got it?"

"Yes, sir." Internal, I'm screaming for joy that he didn't decide to have me killed.

"Don't let this happen again. Now, go." I stepped out of the light as quickly as I could and felt for the door out. Once I was back in the brightly lit hallway, Kylie jumped excitedly.

"What did he say?" Kylie asked in a concerned tone.

"He said...," I wondered if Kylie needed to know everything that Cigar said. I was sure it would hurt him if he knew the only father-figure he had thought he was completely useless when compared to me. "He said I was grounded from video games and he gave a lecture about imperfections."

"That's it? Wow." Kylie was shocked at the lack of punishment. I couldn't blame him, I was just as surprised. We always expected mistakes to be punishable by death, but for Kylie and my other brothers... it probably still was. "Nice, cover up, bro!"

"Yeah, he thinks it's all about video games."

"Good, but we should probably stop the... you know."

"But he doesn't have a clue-"

"And we have to keep it that way. Alright?" Kylie shot daggers from his eyes as he spoke. He was seriously worried about this going to far. I didn't really understand everything. I kind of hated being so perfect.

"Ok, so this is the part where you make out with me, right?" I challenged Kylie's stance on the matter. The last time this conversation aired, he was quick to change his mind.

"I want to so bad, Tinlen, but this really does need to stop. One of us could die. Seriously." He looked very resolved, but his eyes flickered away as he said it. He was thinking of any possible way we could get away with it.

"One more time, ok?" I put a paw on his shoulder and gave him the best puppy dog face I could muster, which considering my perfection, was pretty damn good.

"Ok, but this is it, Tinlen. No more." He shot me a look of warning before following me to my bedroom. Once we were inside, I stripped off the designer jeans and the black and white polo I was wearing. Kylie followed suit and took off his blue boxers before sliding under the fluffy red comforter on my bed.

"Aw, I was hoping to see a little more than that," I whispered as I slid off my own boxers. I didn't want to risk waking up Jack or Garrett. Kylie slid the covers back down to let my eyes roam over his perfect naked body. I quickly joined him in the bed and ran a paw over his abs.

"You want to try something new?" Kylie asked with a gentle kiss to my nose.

"Like what?" I asked. Kylie's amber eyes flashed me a look of pure seduction.

"I want to see what you look like from behind, if you get my drift." I instantly knew what he meant.

"No way, dude! If anybody's doing that part it's me. I've read how bad that hurts and I'm not doing it," I defended.

"Oh come on! We can take turns or something."

"Yeah, you always say that, but every time it's my turn I never get to cum so you still owe me."

"You got really close last time!"

"Yeah, but you got to actually cum in my mouth, so it's my turn." I was fairly sure I could win this argument, but Kylie's paw was already playing with my tail and giving me very seductive looks.

"Please, Tinlen. I promise I'll be really gentle. You won't even feel it."

"Liar! You don't even know what you're doing! You're just going to stick it in there and be like 'oh, it feels too good, I can't stop now.' Lying bitch."

"Well, I don't see you making any promises." Suddenly, One of Kylie's fingers forced it's way into my tail hole. I started to yelp, but then I realized how good it felt to have one of his fingers inside me. "See, not so bad, huh?"

"No," I grunted realizing I'd lost.

"Imagine how it's going to feel when I get my cock in it," he chuckled. It did sound like a pleasing idea. The way his finger moved and worked my butt actually started to make me hard. Kylie shifted his position so that his throbbing pink member was between my legs. "Ok, maybe you need to be on your stomach." I giggled and turned around for my brother as he prepared to slide into my warm tight hole.

Suddenly, I yelped and bit hard into the pillow as a sharp tight pain cut through my tail hole. "Stop! Stop!" I begged Kylie to undo whatever he did, but the pain stayed lodged inside of me.

"What's wrong?" he whispered.

"It hurts! Please, stop," I whined quietly, but I noticed something inside of me was almost craving the pain.

"I'm barely in there, Tinlen. Just suck it up. It can't be that bad anyway." I winced and whimpered as more of the thick pole furrowed its way inside of my butt. The pain was almost unbearable.

"Wait, wait. Maybe you're doing something wrong! The fingers didn't hurt this bad."

"It's fine, Tinlen." He growled as he pushed more of the long pink flesh into me. It seemed like hours, but Kylie finally slid the entire member into the tight hole under my tail. "Wow, this is so warm and tight." Too bad I wouldn't know. He pulled my hips up with his paws and put me in the doggy-style position. My brother's hips compressed my rear. I winced against every thrust, but I could feel the beginnings of pleasure building inside me.

Slowly, the sharp pain drifted away and as Kylie's thrusts became faster and more powerful, I moaned in pleasure. The pumping increased in pace and knocked the breath from my lungs. The thick flesh pounded my tail hole over and over again. I felt my brother's balls brush against my own and his muscular thighs grinding against the back of mine. His labored breath covered my ear in warmth. There were weak moans mingled with the air. The breathy sounds alone were enough to get me hard.

His paw circled my member and stroked the flesh as fast as he could. My muzzle fell open in pleasure. My brain was completely engulfed in pleasure. "Harder, Ky," I breathed. Kylie grunted and pumped his hips harder against my butt. I growled quietly as his member slammed inside of me. I squeezed the walls of my ass around the thick cock causing a slight whine from my brother. I could feel his knot forming and pushing against my tight hole.

"So... you... like... this?" Kylie whispered between thrusts and gasps of air. My brother's paw squeezed my member tightly and pulled the sheath over my knot. His thrust became wildly faster for a moment before he slowed down and tried to focus on my member.

"Yeah, it's ok," I whispered. He pawed at my member as fast as he could while keeping his hips at a steady pace. I could tell if I was close to cumming or not, but my cock swelled and Kylie pulled against the knot one last time before ropes of warm husky seed splashed against the red sheets beneath me. Before I could say another word, my brother's knot forced it's way through the tight hole and tied to me. His warm wet cum coating the insides of my ass. I winced at the feeling and the thick smell of musk and sweat in the air.

Kylie rested his head against my shoulder blades as his thick member continued to buck and pour streams of cum inside me. "Damn, that was... wow."

"Yeah, I know," I panted. I'd never felt so exhausted and good at the same time. My whole being was weak, especially my knees. If Kylie wasn't laying against me for support, I would have collapsed on the bed. I wondered how long he would be tied to me.

"Did I hurt you too much?" Kylie's paw traced the lines of my abs as he spoke.

"Not really. I mean, in the beginning, it was terrible. We have to find a way around that. I don't think you're supposed to just go in." I tried to look at him over my shoulder, but he was still relaxing against my back.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I don't know if I could do it though. You were shaking for a minute there and I almost stopped."

"Well, it was pretty intense," I laughed. I felt Kylie's lips nuzzle against my neck. I murred quietly as he kissed my furred neck gently. "Are you sure this is over, bro?"

Suddenly, the door to my room creaked open. "Hey, Tin-," Jack stopped in the door way with his muzzle full of shock. "Oh..."

"It's not what it looks like," Kylie laughed nervously. I felt his knot trying to force it's way out of me. I couldn't help but whimper as the thick cock left me feeling empty. I was more concerned about Jack, however.

"Then what is it? Because it looks like you two were fucking..."

"Well, we weren't. We were just wrestling," Kylie lied. I prayed that that sounded appropriate.

"Yeah, well it smells like you were fucking too." Jack stood against the door and waited for the next explanation. I was trying to think of a good excuse, but my brain was completely tapped. This one was totally up to Kylie. "You realize you have to tell Cigar, right?"

"No!" Kylie yelped, "please don't do that, Jack. I'll do whatever you want, but please don't tell anyone!"

"We don't keep secrets, Kylie! It's not right!"

"Jack, please!" Kylie had tears forming in his eyes. He was practically begging Jack not to say anything. I reached over and wiped the tears away from my brother's eyes. I couldn't stand to see him cry, but he was scared. I should've been scared too. We just encountered the worst case scenario. There was no way in hell Jack could keep a secret.

"Well... we'll," Jack was struggling to come up with an answer. Maybe he was considering Kylie's offer. "I think you and me should talk." Jack nodded towards his room.

"Why don't we just talk here?" I asked.

"I just want to talk to Kylie. Got it?" Jack sounded very offensive.

"Yeah, but I'm involved in this too."

"Tinlen, just let me talk to Jack, ok?" Kylie raised his paw against me. I was feeling a little betrayed even though he was doing this for us. It didn't feel fair.

"Ok," I whispered more to myself than either of them. Kylie gave me one more look before he followed Jack out of the room. I was left alone with the thick smell of musk and sweat to brood.

I was more jealous that Kylie was with Jack than any other feeling. There wasn't even a real reason for me to be jealous. Jack wasn't gay. Kylie wouldn't do anything with him anyways. Besides, they were probably just talking.

Or maybe Jack was curious. I mean, if two out of four were curious enough to sleep with their own brother, why wouldn't the other two be just as curious. Kylie would do whatever it took to protect us. Even if it hurt me.

I tried to get some sleep, but my mind kept roaming at the possibilities. I stared at the clock anxiously for hours. Almost three hours later, Kylie came back without Jack. Before he could even speak, I smelled Jack's scent in his muzzle. "You fucking slept with him?" I growled.

"Tinlen, listen," Kylie tried to remain as calm as he could, but my blood was boiling. "Jack said that if I quit doing stuff with you then he wouldn't tell, but when I asked why, he wanted me for himself. I'm sorry, but this is the only way to keep you safe." I knew I was safe. With or without Kylie, I was the favorite. I held all of the cards and they held none, but it wasn't fair to play those, yet.

"No, you go back and tell him that if you can't be with me, I'll tell Cigar about you and him."

"No! Tinlen, please just leave it alone!"

"No! You said I was the only one you trusted!"

"And you still are! That's why I have to do this. Jack would tell, but I know you wont. We can still... be together, but we have to be more careful."

"Kylie! This isn't fair! I had you first," I whined. I knew I must've looked like a baby with tears forming in my eyes and a second-grader pout on my face. I couldn't control this new feeling. It hurt more than any wound I'd ever endured.

"I know, buddy, but this is how it has to be. Jack likes doing stuff with me, but he doesn't want to share. I'm sorry." My mind was racing with ideas of how we could make this work.

"Ok, what if I kill him?"