Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 5

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#6 of Samantha's Third Chance

The next couple of months nothing big happens Samantha trains Jackie with her dagger. Samantha spent most of her day with the mages, giving advice to some of them to improve their craft. Some of them try to apprentice themselves to her but she rejects them out right. Despite the rejections she still is among the most popular of the mages. Malchor silently stewed. He was once considered the greatest Mage Westwood Town ever had. He helped the King make the Unity Kingdom as little as it is right now. The King did reward him with the position of Mage Master. However this peace doesn't last. She is ordered by the king to join a force sent to take out a recently discovered bandit hideout. So she joins a troop of 50 soldiers and they head out. Malchor watches with a cold look. For a week they travel before they reach the hideout. The group consisted of 40 spearman and 10 archers a Lieutenant with Samantha for a little extra kick. They form a line of battle with Samantha and the archers behind them. The troops march forward and after 50 feet the trees to their side unleash arrows. Many spearmen fall. The lieutenant tries to form the men into a block when she is taken down by an arrow. The troops is ready to route with half their number down. Suddenly a pair of trees start on fire. They hear the screaming from the trees and the troops look behind them and see Samantha with her hands extended as she shoots to more fire balls alighting 2 more trees. "We're not done yet boys." The troops start to rally as the bandits realize their arrow attack has failed jump from the remaining trees and engage in hand to hand. Samantha cast lighting to assist the troops as the battle a superior number. The battle in front of Samantha the soldiers appear to be holding their own. The bowmen continue to rain down arrows on the bandits slowing their attack down. A bowman suddenly screams causing Samantha to look behind her and sees the bowman with a blade coming out of his chest and with a bandit behind him and more bandits behind them. Steering Radia around Samantha charges the rear attack. She beheads the nearest bandit that killed the bowman. She then causes a whirl wind and directs it at the other bandits. Caught in the whirlwind the bandits spin around it as Samantha then lets it fly into the air and out of sight. Though they take a few more casualties the Unity troops defeat the bandits with a handful fleeing into the woods. Samantha spends the next hour using her magic to heal the wounded, as well as dodging the bodies of the bandits caught in the whirlwind. Fifty two soldiers headed out to the hideout only (that's including the lieutenant and Samantha) 20 return battered but alive. One soldier comments, "Glad we had her over Malchor. As powerful as he is he is not a young guy anymore."

That night Samantha is haled as a hero and is promoted form being a basic battle mage to master. Making her just below Machor in the ranks of the Unity Mages. Malchor looks on with a neutral look as the other mages congratulate her for a job well done. Samantha for her part overwhelmed by it all. Used to being the villain and feared this is a whole new experience for her and she doesn't know how to respond. Finally she heads home and to Jackie. While she was gone she was concerned for Jackie but thankfully in the past months she made friends with another Kanin. A female named Tona. Samantha had saved Tona from the very same bandits she fought at the hideout so she owed Samantha a favor, so while she was gone Tona looked after Jackie to repay the debt. As Samantha walks in and Tona looks up from a book she was reading. "Hey, Welcome home Samantha. How did it go?"

"We got them but we lost a lot of troops for it. How was Jackie?"

"She worried about you but otherwise fine. I'm curious, Your not Kanin nor does she have your scent. So how did you end up being her mother?" Samantha opens her eyes wider. And replies.

"You know, I never considered myself her mother. She lost her parents to some Neko and I saved her. She said she had no other family she knew of I decided to take care of her."

"Well you do make a good one." Tona looks upstairs where Jackie was sleeping. "Poor girl to lose her parents at such an age. Well I should go." Tona goes to gather her stuff. Samantha looks out a window notices it's getting dark.

"Tona it's getting late you can stay in a guest room for the night."

Tona also looks out the window with shock.

"How did get that late!?"

"Must have been a good book." Tona groans at the comment. "It's okay Tona I have the room." The past months she finished furishing out the remaining rooms. Samantha yawns and continues. "Well I'm heading for bed, cya tomorrow."

"I'll be heading to bed myself." They both join Jackie in restful sleep.

The next morning Samantha wakes to the smell of cooking food. "Wait who's cooking?" Her eyes go wide and she races down the stairs and finds Tona cooking."Oh it's you." Tona looks up and smiles and turns back to cooking, then looks back again and blushes.

"Hey-A Samantha s-sorry I w-worried ya."

"What's wrong Tona?" The still blushing Kanin points to Samantha. Samantha looks down at herself. She always sleeps in the nude when at home so in her rush to get down she forgot to put anything on. "Oh, well I'll got get something to put on." Samantha starts heading up the stairs muttering. "Who would ever think that a Kanin would be embarrassed about nudity." As she heads up Tona glances back up at Samantha.

"She does have a nice rear." The Kanin mutters to herself. Realizing what she just said Tona shakes her head. "Samantha's a female she can have pups with you girl. Get those thought out of your head." Samantha comes back down wearing a tight shirt and shorts.

"Need any help?" She asks.

"Nope make yourself comfortable should be ready in a few minutes." Samantha nods and sits down at the table. Jackie stumbles down the stairs rubbing her eyes. When she's done rubbing she sees Samantha and her eyes go wide.

"SAM!" She runs to Samantha and hugs her. Over the last few months Jackie started calling Samantha Sam and Samantha just took it in stride. Now She smiles and returns the hug with Tona smirking. Tona final brings out breakfast and since it's a house hold of carnivore leaning beings there's a lot of meat in it. The three eat in silence. After breakfast Tona gets dress and gathers her stuff and Samantha follows her to the door.

"Thanks for watching after her." Samantha says.

"I owed you remember. She's a good kid, couldn't gotten a better kid to adopt." Samantha looks behind her and comments.

"Sometimes I feel that I don't deserve her."

"Maybe but she maybe what you needed. Children can be a gift and a healing presence." Samantha looks back at the Kanin. "I may have not known you long but I can tell your hurting from something and Jackie helps cure it, what ever it is. Cya around."

"Defiantly, and your always welcome here." Tona leaves and Samantha heads back up to change into her uniform. Heading back down she goes to Jackie. "I have to go to work, but when I get back I'll take you to the toy store for being good to Tona."

"Yippee! Though I wish you didn't have to go soon. You just got back." Samantha hugs Jackie and says.

"I have to, it's my job and it pays for everything." Samantha leaves and heads for the Unity Mage's barracks.

Once there Malchor tells her coldly. "Sir Ganfree is requesting you presence. Go to the East Hall." She heads that way and finds the East Hall and an Elf in Knights armor. She heard of Ganfree, one of the King's most trusted knights. To get his attention speaks highly of that person. The knight sees her appear and smiles.

"Ah, Master Reborn thank you coming." He holds up his cup. "Care for some wine?"

"No thanks my Lord I just had breakfast."

"Very well, the King has asked me to clarify somethings from the raid. Could you start from the beginning of the assault." Samantha then proceeded to tell him all about the battle against the bandits. Two hours later they were finished. "Well it is good we have a mage as talented as you, Malchor is getting old and we will need someone to one day replace him."

"My lord if that day comes please pick someone else."

"Why? Your the best out of the other mages, very few a close enough to your level. Does this have to do with your name?"


"Well Reborn is hardly a proper Catrai name. Nor do any of the Catrai towns I know would let a talented mage as yourself go easily." Samantha takes a deep gulp.

"Well my Lord, Reborn is a proper name for me because I was reborn. I've done things I'm not proud of and I don't want to be in a position where I do them again."

"Go on."

"Well at one time was a puppet to an evil woman and thanks to a good friend manage to break free but, I'm afraid if I get into a teaching position again. Please for the good of this great town don't pick me for that."

"Very well. Take the rest of the day off, you deserve it." Samantha salutes and heads for home. When she gets home Jackie goes to see if it's Tona who may have forgotten something. To her surprise it's Sam. "Sam your home."

"Yup they gave me the day off. Let's go to the toy store." The young Kanin cheered and the head out.

A month later Samantha is summon to Malchor's personal house. She enters the house and a servant greets her. "Follow me miss." The servant takes her down into basement. The servant eventually leads her into a large room where Malchor was waiting with his staff. The servant closes the door behind her leaving the two mages alone. Malchor taps his staff on the ground and a green wave ripples out. Before Samantha can react she is hit by it and is knocked out. When she comes to again she is naked and bound. Her arms strap above her and her legs forcibly Spread apart. She looks around and sees she still in the same room before she sees Malchor with a grin and a lustful look in his eyes.

"What's the meaning of this Malchor!"

"Why to take care of you. I'm the Mage Master here not you. I'm the one the king should have sent not you. So I will make sure you don't replace me." He steps closer. "Now if you were a man you'd be dead, however since your a girl you get to be my plaything."

"How are you going to explain my absence. My disappearance will be noticed."

"I'll report your on special assignment for the safety of the city and I'd trust no one else but you to handle it. Now to get to my fun." He then drops his pants to reveal his erection. First Samantha tries to struggle against the bindings but they hold true. She then tries to cast a spell and nothing happens. "Oh, I almost forgot. I bound you in magically infused bindings so it will take more strength than you can muster and while you were unconscious had you drink a potion that blocks your ability to cast spells. So take THAT!" To emphasize it he thrusts his cock into her pussy. She yelps for her pussy was dry and he starts pumping. As the sound of flesh hitting flesh and his grunts Samantha tries every spell and incantation she knows to break free. All fail leaving her to the care of Malchor. In time she can't help but to grunt with him. Thankfully for her sake he doesn't last long and cums into her. He exits her and looks back and admire he feline body. "Sadly it is getting late and I have work tomorrow, but tomorrow night will have more fun." The mage leaves her in her bound position and turns off the mage lights and closes the door. Completely helpless Samantha prays that someone finds her and more importantly that Jackie would be okay."

Early the next morning a servant appears and Samantha's hopes rise. "Hey help me out of this." The servant looks up with a blank face and says with a flat voice.

"I obey my master, he says to bring this bucket for your waste and to bring you this food."

"Oh no." Samantha thinks. "This poor woman is nothing more than a drone for him." Once the bucket is in position she relieves herself and the servant feeds her the meal. Thankfully it has a lot of meat. When done the servant leaves laving the bucket behind. Samantha could only hope for rescue as she waits for Malchor to return.