Fucking with a guy's mind

Story by onewhoknew on SoFurry

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First story here, so go gentle! Standard disclaimer, so if you're not looking for furry porn, go elsewhere. Contains a little bizarreness, slightly coerced sex, and hopefully The Hotness.


Andy seemed out of place walking down the street, the smartly dressed leopard attracting attention dressed as he was in a shirt and tie. His neat attire and carefully combed head fur were a magnet for trouble in an area like this one, and as he strode past a filth-strewn ally, two fur hidden in torn and stained layers of cloths pulled out and began to stalk him past the rotting hulks of cars that lined the streets. However, when he turned and climbed the crumbling steps of and old tenement building, the two figures quickly changed their minds and hurried past.

The leopard slowed his pace as he stalked the corridor, avoiding the piles of rubbish and dribbles of water dripping down the walls into pools of less pleasant fluids. He paused, steeling his nerves against what was to come, before opening a door and stepping through. He coughed, nervously. The group lounging on the couches looked as though they were about to rise and attack, but Jan, a large shire stallion, stood and waved them back. "Chill," he said. "I got some business with my man here."

He clasped the short, leopard on the shoulder, and pulled him close as he led him from the room. "We is just gonna exchange a few words, right?"

Jan's long white mane brushed across Andy's face, and the golden furred cat tried to recoil, only to be pushed further against the horse's shirt, his black fur smelling of sweat. "An' then we'll see if we can't do more."

To the cheers and whoops of the gang, he lead Andy up a flight of dilapidated stairs and unlocked his room, which was revealed to be a mess - empty bottles strewn over the floor, half-eaten food, and the powerful scent of a horse. "I got your stuff right here, man," he said, pulling a lockbox from beneath the bed and from that a vial of clear liquid, and several sheets of pills.

Andy glared at him. The leopard seemed to bristle as he took the vial and drugs, stowing them in his pack. "Good."

He turned to leave. Jan thought otherwise: he reached over Andy's head and slammed the door, imprisoning the smaller man between his arms. "Hey, why'd you gotta be goin' so fast? Don'cha like hanging around with me?"

Andy stared up at him. "I loathe you, in every way possible."

"But ya keep comin' back. 'Cos of the deal. Go ahead. Say it."

"Why do you always make me say the deal?"

Jan smiled. "Because I love the look on your face."

Any closed his eyes, defeated. "Fine. The deal was... You give me the drug I need. To be who I am. And in return..."

He sighed, and scratched his muzzle. "You get to use my body for sex. Until I have the operation."

Jan backed off, throwing his arms wide, and then clapping. "That's what I wanna hear!

"Now get naked."

Andy moved over to the bed, as he always had before. He slowly, reluctantly, unbuttoned his shirt, showing off his golden fur, which rippled and flowed over his large, firm pecs muscles and tight abs. He turned, showing the delicate rosettes of his feline heritage and slid his trousers down, leaving nothing but his boxers.

Jan tugged on his tail. Andy turned, to see his much hated lover was naked, the pink flesh of his long, hard cock contrasting with his black stomach. He was only lightly muscled, with little fat but his size gave him more strength than the leopard. He grabbed the cat, and pulled him close, pushing his cock against the spotted fur of his back, and running his hands over the muscles.

"Mmm," he said, slipping his hand into the boxers and starting to rub. "Let's see what we've got."

He pulled the black boxers down, revealing the leopard's already moist vagina. "Get on the bed, boy."

Andy did as he said. He knew that he couldn't resist, not if he wanted the hormones that had made him a man. He knelt on the bed, leaning forwards until he was on his elbows. He could feel Jan moving behind him, his large hands brushing against the fur of his inner thighs, tracing up to the soft lips, a glimmer of feminine arousal on the lips. He gasped as the equines large fingers teased him open, the lips of his cunt spreading with a willingness that he refused to acknowledge.

"Mmm, guess you're ready for me now."

Jan stepped up, and grasp Andy's hips. The flare of his cock rubbed against Andy's testosterone enhanced clit, forcing a moan from the boy beneath him. Andy gritted his teeth as Jan began to penetrate him, the lips of his vagina slowly splitting with agonizing pleasure, feeling himself stretch around the hard horse cock, a fullness within him that he loathed but his treacherous body loved. Jan shifted, pushing deeper, until his crotch touched the leopards'. "You're so tight..." he moaned. "I bet you don't so much as masturbate, do you?"

Andy braced himself to spit an insult back, but could do no more than gasp as Jan suddenly pulled out, the pink flesh of Andy's hungry cunt clinging for as second, before thrusting in again, and again, and again. He hung his head, trying to resist the flow of pleasure building within him, an electric pulse that he couldn't deny, each pump building more feminine pleasure with him. He bit his lip, trying to stop this, trying to ignore what his body was forcing on to him, the nerves of his body pushing out what his mind thought.

"Come on, you bitch! Don't just lie there!" Jan leant forward, his muzzle inches from Andy's ear and whispered, "I want to hear you enjoy this."

The horse moved his hands up, and fondled Andy's chest, rubbing his nipples gently, strong hands pleasuring breasts that were never given the chance to grow. Andy couldn't help it, he let out a gasp. "Good boy!"

Jan suddenly pulled himself up, and Andy, impaled, was forced to follow. Jan braced himself on his knees, and pulled Andy against his chest, long golden fur ruffling against the blackness of the horse. He scrabbled with his legs, trying to find purchase to lift himself off the horsecock, but failed as Jan's hand gripped under his thigh and pulled his leg forward. His whole weight fell against the cock in his vagina, punching deep within him. His eyes unfocused, and he let out a yowl of half pain, half pleasure, loosing himself for a second.

"Oh, yeah, that's good, yeah, fuck me like that," Jan moaned. The hand under Andy's thigh flexed, lifting him off the hard meat for a second's respite, before dropping him back again. The air from Andy's lungs rushed out, in a gasp that sounded almost like a purr. Again he was lifted, and he tried to breathe, but the drop forced another purr from her.

"Ahaaa, that's right bitch, purrrr for me!"

"And you know what I love about this?" The hand on the leopard's chest dropped, and began circling his clit. "I love that if you wouldn't hate this nearly so much if you didn't come every. Single. Time."

His strongly fingers grasped the clit, and Andrea erupted, her whole body stiff as uncontrollable muscle spasms of pleasure rolled over her body, her cunt pulsating tightly over Jan' cock as he spurted his passion into her, her eyes wide, unfocused, unable to see anything as female pleasure overrode his mind. Her body flexed over and over as she let out a mindless wail of submission to her desires.

Her scream faded, and Jan dumped the leopard back on the bed. He pulled out and stepped back, grabbing a tissue to wipe himself off. The rest of the box he tossed at the golden cat as he gasped in post-orgasmic haze. "Shit man, I love the way you go off. Must be cause you're so goddam stuck up."

Andy wiped the residue of Jan from his vagina, and glared at him. Jan snorted as he dressed. "So, how much longer have I got you for? Until you've got enough money for the operation?"

"Too long." He pulled his boxers back on, a pad in place to pick up any leftovers.

"I tell you man, go into porn! I got contacts! You know how much Buck Angel makes?"

Andy was buttoning his shirt. "No. I'm not selling my body, just to be who I am!"

Jan laughed. "Man, whaddya call this? You let me fuck you so you can get your drug! If that ain't selling yourself, what the fuck is?"

Andy paused, and turned in the doorway. "The one part of me that you use? It's not even a real part of me."

He strode out, leaving Jan on his own.