The Taking of Innocence Chapter 3

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Okay, you know the drill... dont read if under 18 or not alowed in your area please. And this story might be disturbing to some, dont scream at me, i warned you.

Slowly, the large equine walked to a corner, crouching and dialing in the combo for a safe, opening it and starting to pull money out, each stack containing $1000. He smiled, counting out 5 and closing the safe, turning back to Tom. "Here you go, $5000," he said, his large ears flicking a bit.

"Mmmm, thanks, and I'll tell you what, next time ill grab someone older, maybe with a little more experience, but for now, enjoy your little slut." The fox said, walking out and stepping into the night, leaving the cub with Damien. Slowly Damien smiled, chuckling a bit and walking into the room with the small cub, who was sitting with his head resting on his hands, body shaking as he sobbed.

"Okay whore, stand up... tonight begins your training, and so help me god you had better hope you pass." He said, leaning in and pulling the cub to his foot paws by an ear. "Okay, let me go over a few rules for you. First. You will listen to me, call me master or sir, and you will do as I say without question, I control when you eat, sleep, and if you get punished so you had better listen. Second. You will do as told by paying clients, it doesn't matter if they want you to eat shit... you will do it and you will smile while doing it. Third. You disobey or do something I don't like, I will beat you... do you understand?" He asks, the cub looking up at him, eye leaking tears as he nodded slowly, opening his mouth to speak only to close it, fearing what punishment might await him for speaking up.

The large horse smiled, tail flicking as he smiled. Slowly he tugged the kid closer by the kids fur, growling as a small bit of fur was ripped out, the boy whimpering softly, The horse ignoring it and leaning in, putting a collar around Arion's neck and clasping it shut, purposely pulling it far to tight, the cub whimpering again.

"Now, follow me." Damien said, turning, walking out of the room, and inputting a code into a digital lock, waiting for the door to open as he watched the naked cub follow him slowly, chuckling, excited for the long night of training. As the door swung open, he stepped in, holding it for the cub, smiling and letting it go, laughing as it slammed shut, the cub jumping, whimpering and looking around. Damien began to walk, going down the dimly lit hallway, opening a large metal door and stepping in.

"Here, your training will begin, and you will receive the piercings all my sluts get." He said, walking to a drawer and pulling it open, pulling out a large box, pulling out piercings of various sizes and shapes along with several needles and disinfectant. While taking his time, the horse sighed and pulled out a gage, holding it up to the boys ear, smiling. "Okay, this is gonna hurt, but don't worry, you'll be fine." He said, opening another drawer, pulling out a cordless drill and a drill bit slightly smaller than the gage he picked out. He walked up to the cub and chuckled, grabbing one of the boy's huge ears and starting the drill.

The cub screamed in pain, tears dripping off his muzzle and cheeks as he whimpered, sobbing, afraid to move, not wanting any more pain as the drill slowly hacked a hole for the gage near the base of his ear, a bit of blood being thrown off the spinning drill bit. With a smirk, Damien shoved hard, forcing the drill bit to come out the other side, smiling as he slowly pulled it out. As soon as the drill was out he pressed the gage into it, smiling when the finally got it in. The cub stood as still as a statue, sniffling and whimpering as the beastly horse began to drill through his other ear, the cub grinding his teeth so hard he thought they were going to crack. As soon as the drill was pulled out and put away he whimpered again, yelping as the gage was shoved into his ear. The large horse smiled and turned, grabbing a pair of pliers, turning back around and grabbing the cubs muzzle, the strong equine having no problems forcing it open. As soon as it was open he jammed the pliers into Arion's mouth, grabbing his tongue and yanking it out of the cubs mouth.

As it was pulled out the cub whimpered, the horse lining up a needle in the center of the tongue. He quickly jammed the needle through, pulling it out the other side, the cub trying to yell in pain again only to receive a harsh slap. The horse then shoved a barbell stud through the boys tongue, examining it before wiping it with the disinfectant, the cub yelping as it burned a bit. "Okay, now your looking like one of my whores" the horse said, starting to put everything away, the cubs ears and tongue incredibly sore, aching from the sadistic piercing session.

The horse smiled and turned again, grabbing the cub and dragging him into a corner with a large green bed on it, the sheets as rough as a burlap sack, stained white in spots and stained with other liquids in other spots, the sheets smelling like vomit and cum. The cub whimpered, gagging as the horse threw him into the filthy bed, climbing in after the cub.

"Okay, first lesson slut." He said, grabbing the cubs head and ramming it into his filthy, incredibly musky armpit, the horrid smell flooding the cubs nostrils, causing them to burn and his eyes to water as he muttered a soft "Y-yes s-sir".

"Many of our customers aren't gonna smell like fucking flowers so first your going to have to get used to the smells. This is after all a special fetish prostitute service." He said with a laugh, the cub fighting the urge to gag from the disgusting smell. The horse smiled, watching the cub's ears twitch a bit before finally laying down.

Slowly, Damien pulled the cub out of his pungent armpit, smiling, the cubs fur damp from all his crying, the horse delivering two harsh smacks to Arion's cheek. "Knock off all that whimpering you little piece of shit!" he said. "Now, its time for lesson two, and I swear to god if you throw up I will beat you and not feed you for a week" He said, moving the cub's muzzle to his crotch, the musky scent even worse here as he smiled, smearing Arion's muzzle against the sweaty and horrid sheath and ball sack, the sweat matting the boy's fur. Slowly his massive 12 inch cock slid free, sliding against Arion's dampened fur. He smiled and pulled Arion away. "Now, your going to learn how to drink a customers piss."

He sighed softly, quickly forcing the boy's muzzle to his cock, forcing some of the cock into Arion's muzzle, stretching it a bit as a large stream of yellow, musky, hot piss started to spray down the cubs throat. The cub gagged and whimpered, the disgusting fluid filling his belly as the horse chuckled, the cub gagging, vomiting a bit, praying his new master didn't feel it as he struggled to swallow it again. The large equine slowly started to pull his cock out, chuckling as the musky piss hit the cub in the face, coating him in urine, soaking him, the cub just closing his eyes, wishing he was else where.

As the stream of urine slowly died down, the cub sighed softly, ears flat, wincing in pain, the salty piss burning in his new gages. "Now, get over to that closet and get on something for me, and do hurry, we will be getting customers soon" he said, shoving the cub to the floor hard and laughing. Arion slowly walked to the closet, opening it and whimpering loudly, the closet full of skirts and dresses and stockings. He slowly stepped in and picked a skirt that was black and lace, a pair of black stockings, and a tight, frilly top, looking at himself in the small mirror in the closet, whimpering softly, the closthes soaked with the piss from the horse. As he walked out, the horse smiled, laying there with his cock throbbing hard, drooling pre down the side. "Get the fuck over here slut." He said.

As the cub approached, he lowered his head a bit, softly replying "Yes m-master" he said, stopping next to the bed, yelping as he was yanked into the bed by his fur. "Mmmm, final lesson you little slut... Time for you to learn how to take a customer like a proper little slut" the horse says, tail twitching as he shifted and squirmed, pulling the cub to straddle him. He smiled, hands resting on the cubs hips as the tiger slowly lifted the boy.

The cub whimpered loudly as he felt the equines flat tip pressed against his tight tail hole. He had already felt his masters cock earlier and his rump still hurt from it. Damien smiled, putting force down on the cubs hips, unable to see his cock through the skirt as he suddenly bucked, the cub screaming in pain as the huge thick cock rammed deep into the boys tail hole.

With a loud grunt, the horse began to slide the whimpering and sobbing cub up and down his huge cock, pre slowly leaking out. The large equine snorted as he slammed Arion down, his hips meeting the boy's ass as he moaned, a large bulge visible in the cubs belly. Arion whimpered and squirmed a bit, rump feeling like it was on fire as he felt the huge cock slide in and out, every vein and bulge along the length of the huge cock felt by him.

After about 3 minutes, of the brutal fucking, the horse threw back his head, the huge flare at the tip of his cock swelling, causing Arion to cry out in pain and discomfort, snorting as his cock swelled a bit, hot, thick, pearly cum flooded the boy, causing the boys belly to swell, making him look pregnant, cum dripping out around the huge cock. The equine snorted, panting a bit even, slowly pulling the huge cock out of the boy slowly, a torrent of cum dripping out of the boys ass as a loud buzzer filled the room, making the cub whimper and jump.

"Oh! We got a customer!" the hose said, jumping up, knocking the cub to the floor, tugging on pants and a shirt, walking to the door, stopping. "Get ready slut, our customer is getting you" he said, walking out, leaving the cub in a small puddle of cum and piss, sobbing, muttering "Yes Sir." He stood up and walked to the door way, peeking out, getting a look at the customer