The Halo: Chapter Eight

Story by Lithe on SoFurry

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#9 of Dark Star

Chapter Eight:

From the Ashes

The past hour had been filled with far too much activity. Soon after the medical team arrived, Terra slipped away. They rushed her body to a nano gel tank in hopes she could still be saved. Jim and Vera had been through so many doors and answered so many questions, they may as well have been in charge of the facility. Now, they sat in a bedroom that resembled any guest room one could find in a hotel. The security team allowed Vera to keep her gun much to Jim's surprise, but they were both confined to this room until they were given instructions to release them. The way Mark was right now, it could be days before they got an answer. The panther had completely zoned out since the incident. He hadn't said a word the entire time. He walked around looking like he had seen a ghost. He now sat next to the wolf with his eyes glued to the screen with her vitals. If she pulled through, he was going to be the first to know.

The medical team, either following protocol or just being sure, patched both of the foxes up before they were placed in the room. Vera stared at her hand while laying back on the only bed in the room. To anyone else, the scene might not have any significance, but Jim knew better. The girl had been disturbed by the scene that unfolded just a little while ago. He couldn't blame her. He'd be lying if he said the event had no effect on him. He saw the smile on the wolf's face just before she faded. It wouldn't leave his head. Jim could only imagine what kind of an impact it must have had on the panther. If she didn't come back...

"You alright over there?"

Vera stared at the wall for a moment before sitting up. The hand she stared at just seconds ago now trembled as she put it palm down on the blankets next to her.

"He killed her."

Jim stared at the floor for a moment before standing and making his way to the trembling vixen.

"You won't do that to me, will you Master?"

He put an arm around her and pulled her into a hug. She rested her head against his chest as he took a breath.

"I don't know if I could kill to save my life. Why would I want to hurt you like that?"

Vera smiled and nuzzled into his chest to try and calm down. She chuckled before looking up at him with a grin.

"There wouldn't be a reason for it? Nothing I could do would make you want to really hurt me?"

He laughed and gave her back a pat before hugging her again.

"I might want to for some things, but I wouldn't actually try to hurt you."

"Like what?"

"The bigger stuff. I don't think I have to worry about that though."

She ran through the possible meanings of what he just said.

"Like doing something behind your back with a friend of yours?"


The smile returned to her face.

"No worries then. I only serve my master."

Jim nodded with a smile before taking a breath to calm himself. The shift in topics helped, but he still worried about the wolf in the nanogel tube.

He remained by her side. The naked body of a wolf was suspended in a light blue gel. The glow from the tube was the only light in the entire room. The small screen next to it had slowly been counting to one hundred since she was placed within the tube a little over an hour ago. He had remained by her side the entire time despite being advised against it. Meetings had been canceled, deals worth millions of credits cast aside... all for the wolf in the tube. He felt her take her last breath, watched her die in his arms by his own hands. He disgusted himself. Out of all of the slaves in the facility, this was the only one worth giving everything up just to hear speak one more time. He'd appoint a new master for the facility, leave the Halo, and become an officer in the galactic patrol if it would bring the girl back. Mark decided whatever she wanted him to do, the first major request that came out of her mouth, he would honor it. He thought of all the moments Jim and Vera shared while in the mountains. Every single life threatening event led to their deep relationship. Now, he wasn't sure if all the cruisers at his disposal would be enough to keep them apart. He wouldn't separate them... not after having felt first hand how it rends the heart until all one feels is a hollow knocking. He felt numb.

The panther watched the wolf's form through the blue tint of the gel. He had been there an hour and would stand for eternity in wait. He looked at the ground before a beep from the equipment caught his attention. His eyes scanned the screen until they came across a single spike along the line. Her heart was still strong though it had quit for over an hour. He approached the screen and it beeped a second time. After the third beep, a full readout of vitals appeared on the screen. As soon as the tank displayed the patient was clear to leave the tube, he slammed the shutdown button. The liquid drained out through the bottom leaving the wolf propped against the side. The rest of the tube slid up letting the wolf fall. The panther caught her and pulled her close. She was still out from the nanogel, but she would wake soon. Her body was warm to the touch once again. The gel on her fur might have stained his clothing, but it didn't matter. He sat on the ground with her in his lap, a hand stroking her ears while she woke from death's slumber. He hardly noticed when she returned his embrace.

"What happened?"

He backed away to look at her. The orbs of green shined brightly back at him as her ears fell to the side with worry.

"Why are we in the nanogel recovery room?"

The panther fell into hysterics as he clung to the wolf.

"I'm so sorry..."

Over and over, he repeated the phrase. Terra was confused. What could have caused this outburst from the usually stoic man? She couldn't remember being taken here... that had to be a clue. The last thing she could remember was a massive pain in her chest. Did she have a heart attack? She couldn't have. The wolf was too young and well cared for to allow it. Her neck felt bare. Where was her collar? The realization then hit her. She had removed it in front of the Master after asking for a date. He beat her for the act. The memory burned in her mind as she relived each kick. The suffocating feeling of choking to death on her own blood... she had died as a result of those kicks. The panther begging for forgiveness killed her. She shuddered before taking a shaky breath.

"I remember now. You killed me."

All the panther could do was sob into her shoulder.

"You... killed me."

He spoke quickly in a choked voice.

"I'm sorry!"

The wolf's next action would have scared her under different circumstances. Her ears fell flat against her head as an easily audible growl formed in her throat. She threw the man away and struck him in the nose. He fell back against the floor in shock as she stood and glared at him.

"You killed me! You bastard!"

Mark stared up at her in fear. The tables had turned against him.

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry?" The wolf sneered. "That's the best you can do?!" She pointed at the tube she had been in minutes before. "What if that didn't work? What if I was still dead? What would you have done then?"

The panther stared at her feet. Blood from his nose hit the floor in steady drips. He didn't seem to notice the blood or the pain.

"There wouldn't be a reason for me to..."

The wolf bent down to grab his shirt collar. The rage still burned within her.

"To what? Say it!"

He looked at her before closing his eyes.

" I think I know how that fennec feels. I can't go through with my plan to separate those two... not anymore."

The wolf was taken aback by his words. She let him go before turning her back.

"I can't blame you for hating me. I just had to hear your voice... one last time."

He stood and started for the door before stopping.

"I'm going to let Jim and Vera know they can leave. I won't stop you if you want to go. The shuttle for Megoji will leave from the front in an hour."

Terra didn't say anything as the door closed behind him. The front she put up fell with the sound. She clumsily sat on the ground and cried into her hands. It felt good to hear that voice again, even if it belonged to the one that killed her. She wanted to forgive him, but how do you let something like this slide? Could you? When the medics entered the room to make sure she was fine, they found her curled up on the floor staring at the tube with distant eyes.

When word of Terra's fate reached the two foxes, they both let out a breath in relief. The Master had also told them they were leaving in an hour via shuttle. They didn't have anything to grab and Vera knew the way, so they spent time in the Citadel sight seeing. This would probably be the last chance they got to see it. As Jim thought, the majority of the facility open to the public was styled like a gentleman's club for both sexes. There was a section for just about any fantasy imaginable. Most of which made Jim a little nauseated. They were now waiting out the last ten minutes in the lobby area. Mark sat on a bench in front of the doors looking solemnly at his hands. He hadn't washed or changed out of the bloody clothes earning more than a few curious looks from staff, slaves, and guests alike. Despite the fact the wolf had come back, he still had the same look of loss. A familiar set of purpose filled footsteps caught the duo's attention. They turned to see the green eyed wolf that died just over an hour ago standing next to where they sat. The first noticeable difference was her clothing. She wore much more than she had when they first saw her. The next was her collar was still gone. She looked like any other guest touring the building. Without asking, she had a seat next to Jim and stared at the panther by the door. He had yet to notice her.

"We need to talk." Terra spoke to no one in particular. Both of the foxes looked at each other before Jim answered.

"We're all ears. What's on your mind?"

Without a second's hesitation or shift in focus, the wolf responded.

"I love him."

"Even after that?" Jim found it hard to believe.

"I don't care about that any more. By stroke of luck, fate... divine intervention, hell I don't know what... I'm still here. I saw death's doors take me in and yet here I am. I don't know if it's the slave part of me or my own desires, but I long for his touch..." She looked Jim in the eyes with a straight face. "Does that make me a freak?"

He looked at the floor struggling to come up with an answer. Vera looked at the wolf with a smile.

"No. I went through the same thing when I met Jim. I wasn't sure if I was attracted to him because of how long it had been since I saw someone or because I was intended to from the start. In the few days that followed, I learned that it didn't matter. I knew without a doubt that I loved him and couldn't leave him or watch him go. I made up my mind as I drifted off to sleep after the snow cat attacks that I belonged in his arms. If you feel the same way, go to him." Vera looked at the panther across the room. "It looks like he loves you dearly."

Jim remained silent as the wolf next to him blinked away a tear.

"What if he does it again? What can I do?"

"Defend yourself. Show him he's wrong to do that. He will understand."

Jim and Vera stood getting the wolf to join them as they walked toward the doors.

"It's time for us to go home. Vera, are you ready?"

"Yes, Master."

Terra followed them over to the panther, keeping behind a fair distance until they were close. Mark still had not seen her.

"Jim, Vera, the shuttle is just outside those doors. Is there anything I can do before you go?"

Jim stood to the side and pointed at the wolf behind him.

"She wants to speak with you."

Mark looked her in the eye for a moment before realizing who it was. He lowered his head and kept silent. Terra stepped forward without a word and lifted his face so he was forced to look her in the eye. She kissed him once, little more than a peck, but it was all he needed. He hugged her tightly as his eyes teared up again.

"Does this mean you forgive me?"

"If you try to kill me again, I'll slit your throat."

He chuckled a little despite the venom in her words. The wolf smiled before joining in his chuckling. Jim and Vera smiled when they erupted in a fit of laughter. As soon as they caught their breath, the panther turned to Jim with a broad smile. He removed an encrypted disk from his pocket and put it in the fennec's hand. He stared at it for a minute before looking at Mark.

"What's this?"

The panther dug for his wallet and removed a pen.

"That is the deed to a bit of land I own near where you live. The address is in the file."

Jim watched as Mark removed a check from his wallet and started working on filling it out. In a moment, he handed him the check.

"This is just a token of my friendship. Spend it wisely."

The fennec looked at the check and gawked. The amount was eight digits long.

"I... I just can't take this..."

The panther picked up the check, folded it in half, and placed it in the pocket of Jim's jacket.

"Mister Stevens, I insist. This is pocket change compared to what I make in a week. Take good care of Vera." He looked at the wolf standing next to him with a playful grin. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take care of something I should have done earlier." He took the wolf's hand and tugged on it to pull Terra into him. "I have an answer for you."

She blushed beneath her fur as he looked into her bright green eyes.


"I wouldn't have it any other way."

She smiled and pulled back from him.

"Then go to your room. We have a score to settle."

He looked at Jim with a grin before starting toward the elevator.

"Yes, Mistress."

Every slave within earshot stared at him in disbelief. Jim and Vera left through the large set of doors and approached the shuttle. A familiar looking tiger stood next to the ship causing Vera to grin. The pilot rolled his eyes when he saw the couple.

"Bloody hell... not you guys again!"

Jim made sure Vera was the first to enter the shuttle so he could have a word with the tiger.

"Just keep your mouth shut and fly the shuttle."

The tiger glared at him before sighing and turning to enter the front.

"It'll be a three day trip at our best speed. Enjoy the accommodations and..." He closed his eyes as he reluctantly placed a card in the fennec's hand. "... feel free to contact me any time you want to return. It's the commander's treat to you... lucky bastard..."

A large handgun suddenly appeared next to the tiger's head with a click. He jumped and fell back over his own feet.

"Fuck! Okay! Put it away! Damn!"

Jim watched Vera smile before pulling the gun back into the shuttle. Jim could only laugh as the tiger ran off toward the front. He took a seat next to the vixen and closed the door with a grin.

"What did I tell you about doing that?"

Vera let her ears fall to the side as she returned the grin.

"I thought I would remind him I had the gun."

Jim only laughed as he put an arm around her. He was finally going home after all this time. His only worry was how would he explain his absence to his boss when he got home. No one would believe him even if he told the truth.