Of the Wanted and the Royal (WIP)

Story by Avrik_Wolf on SoFurry

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(( A work in progress for a story I am working on. Please comment and enjoy ^^))

"Hush, don't speak."

The rain fell particularly hard that night mudding the dirt streets of the small imperial town, making it easy for the patrolling calvary to leaf hoof prints all through out the street. The sound was terrible, it was an obvious down pour with that loud sound of the rain falling onto the ground and the shackles of the Germanic three story buildings of the city. But why this night? Why was it raining so much and why was there much more movement this night in the patrols than any other, because Avrik said so.

Or at least he chose this night to cause some trouble. The blond furred wolf sat between two of the tall imperial buildings, hidden in the shadows, clothed in dark leathers, a cloak that hooded over his sharp features and fell down along his back. Red leather scabbards dotted his figure, along his tight leather thighs, and along a bandoleer that crossed over his chest, each of the scabbards housing some sort of blade. The wolf had a mane that looked as if it were as well kept as an elf's, and blue eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight above them, yes, them.

One arm was wrapped around a second figure, and his free paw over her maw as Avrik spoke those three words, even though the girl protested and squeaked against his silk furred paw. Within Avrik's arms was a pantheress, her beautiful violet gown that clothed her body was ripped and torn around her feet, and those precious silks were splattered with mud and dirt, amongst the countless water stains that will fit the gown after it drys. Her arms were clothed with elbow length fingerless gloves, though her fingers adorned some of the most priceless jewelry one could find in the Empire. Her long red mane was damp, covering most of her face and neck, slick and sticking to every curve of her and Avrik's body, and though her eyes were covered with the hue and length of her scarlet mane, her eyes were still so sharp that anyone could see the gleam.

Now this Panthress was no princess, though she dressed as well as one, but she did hold importance in the area. She happened to be Revelle, the wife of a duke who controlled every little thing that happened in this large country of the Empire. The Duke of Nidmald was a pious man who prized himself of his victories, the well economy of his state and of course the treasures that he owned. In his castle high atop Friedrich hill there were rooms that glistened with the purest of metals, golds, silvers, and platinums alike. But if there was one simple, pure, and delicious treasure that the Duke of Nidmald prized most, it was his wife Revelle, and this is where Avrik came in, this lupine rogue.

Ah yes, Avrik, the wanted rogue of the Empire, one of the top fifty most wanted through out the entire Empire, claiming a grand rating of 37th of the most wanted which was enough to grant him the title of "Dead or Dead" award. Avrik was not one who traveled much, but he couldn't pass up this offer, this contract to spit in the face of a pious fat pig who only found the worth of something in coin. So when Avrik was given the contract in the city of Altdorf to find the Duke's wife and hold her for ransom for at least 50'000 gold coin, there was no way Avrik would decline such an amusing offer, by Ulric he couldn't! After two-hundred miles of horse-back, a few bars knocked over, a few tavern whores bedded and perhaps a few pick-pockets, Avrik found himself here, in a dark little alley, holding a precious gem to his body, inhaling her delicious scent and feeling her weak body tight against his own.

Avrik was not one to hold blades to the throat of any woman, and why should he? With his physique and charming manner he need not force a single damsel to do anything. So instead this time his silk paw was against her maw, and his free arm was wrapped against the woman's petite waist. The wolf would laugh if he were not trying to conceal his stealth, simply at the fact that the way he held her was so vulgar. He could feel her, the curves of her body, the plump backside that fitted itself nicely against his leather-clad crotch, his arm which laid just beneath her c-cup breasts was admiring the weight of them, and the sheer feeling of just how firm these feline breasts felt along him. But as the patrol passed Avrik relaxed, let his arm fall loose around her body, but the rope that was tied around her waist that he held in that free paw was gripped tightly still, making sure the knot that tied the girl's wrists together was tight enough that there was no way she would have any control of this situation.

In moments there was no sound of patrolling hooves in the mud, or the sound of guard sergeants barking orders to his men carrying on about some consequence if the duchess was not found. It was just the sound of rain, the hot breaths of Revelle's maw on the wolf's paw, and the scent of them both.

"Good girl, this will be easy yet..." he whispered into her round furry ear, keeping his maw close to her head. His voice was so soft, so gentle, musical even which hinted at Avrik's young age, though the twang of masculinity edged on the tip of his tongue.

"You're not going to get away with this you know," The panthress replied, teeth gritted and fangs glistening in the moonlight. Revelle's own voice was the sound of a woman, a true woman, something that Avrik was not accustomed to. No, Avrik was use to the sounds of squeaky whorish moans of whatever girl he bedded during a stay at a tavern. Avrik was use to the sound of that fat bar-maids that walked, delivering the large mugs of ale to drunken men, trying their so very hardest to seem as 'evening' as they could as if to try to rely on the charming of alcohol so that men would look beyond their obvious physical 'impurities'. But no, not this, Revelle was something different, though she spoke in a harsh tone, her voice was as succulent as it was strange to Avrik, and even though she spoke words of hate, he loved each of them.

The words however made the blonde-maned blue-eyes wolf roll his eyes and scoff with a quiet chuckle.

"Honestly girl, in the history of kidnappings can you even begin to understand how many times those words have been said? 'You won't get away with this', oh yes, yes I think I will Duchess Revelle, you know my name, and you see my face on posters, so obviously what does this mean?" He paused to look at her, turning his head so their gaze could meet, "It means that I have gotten away with it," he grinned at his finishing comment as he leaned forward and let a single, long lick slide up the Panthress's cheek, tasting her, taking in the taste of her scent. It was perhaps for a split moment that Revelle found comfort and sexual need in that one lick. Her body couldn't lie, it shivered though her face looked repulsed, she knew in her mind she loved that slick feeling on a lupine tongue.

Too many times had she found herself alone in a bed while her husband toured the county, of his prizes, and it was obviously no lie to anyone that during his travels he found comfort in the touch of a young tavern whore, or two, or five, or...well you get the picture. Too many times had she found herself pleasing herself, buried beneath layers of red velvet sheets, ebony fur contrasting against that shining material. Too many times had she laid nude, back arched, and crying out to no one as he fingers did the work to her begging nethers. She realized through time all she was, was a prize a trophy for her husband to hide inside a castle to be untouched and flaunted for by hundreds of men. So when she found herself in the arms of a young, handsome wolf who's voice was as sweet as his musk, she didn't protest with natural instinct as that tongue licked over her cheek, in fact she could feel something stir between her legs.

"Mmhaahh, you're disgusting, "she spoke out softly, gritting her teeth in hopes to hide the moan that passed her lips.

"Disgusting? You say this but it's so obvious what you truly feel," Avrik spoke in a condescending tone as he tugged on that rope that bound her wrists tightly together. "But let us not rest on our wants, I have a job to do and I have money to make," Avrik spoke coldly, standing tall as his cloak wisped behind him as a breeze tunneled through the dark alley. "I don't think you understand, you're my gold egg laying goose, I can start doing business in Tilea once I am finished with you..."

Revelle shut her emerald gaze tightly, growling as once again she was being treated as a tool, a trophy to be traded between men. Like her father had sold her to the Duke in hopes of a strong border Alliance she was traded, and now in the arms of a different man she is to be traded again. She wanted to cry, she wanted to weep in the cold mud and dirt of the alley, feeling the dark and deep harshness of the situation, but instead she screamed, she threw her head back, opened her lungs and screamed in a weeping tone of anger and desperation. And that was the moment she felt a hollow feeling on the back of her head, saw nothing but black, and then the cold feeling of mud on her face, and finally peaceful slumber.

Warmth, comfort, relaxation, peace, this was all Revelle could feel as she slowly began to stir out from her stupor. The panthress moaned in contentment as her body shifted along the familiar feeling of sheets and blankets, it was all a dream, it must've been. And then her eyes opened, her nostrils flared at the unfamiliar scent of vanilla-spice, and her entire body, though comfortable felt out of place. Though the large imperial styled room was not of her own it was still well kept. Perfect, if not priceless furniture hugged the walls and took up a good portion of the room. Burros made from rich mohagony wood lined the circular room, and sofa's made from scarlet velvet sat in the center of the room, resting on an imperial red rug that rolled from the foot of the large bed a lit fire place, and beside that shut door stood tall, hugging between one of the burros and the fire place itself. It was obvious where ever she was, was a place of rich taste and value.

She sat up, looking hazily around the room as her long, wavy mane fell around her shoulders, and what appeared to be her nude, ebony body. It wasn't until she felt the warmth of the fire tickle at the furs of her body that she noticed she was in the nude, forcing herself to squeal, grip the sheets of the bed and pull them directly over her large breasts. A dark blush hued over her chest as she tried to control herself and try to assess the situation she found herself in. The last thing she remembered was the feeling of her ripped and expensive gown around her body, knelt down in cold mud, wrists tied, and in the arms of a rogue, yes that wolf. She shut her eyes at the thought of him, his tense, strong body against her own, the feeling of the male body against her, holding her in a way that was so rough, yet gave her exactly what she wanted, for it was true that for years the only male touch she was given was the raising of the hand as that disgusting duke presented her to her people. Revelle couldn't help but grit her teeth at the thought of that man and his putrid desires, how she was only as important to him as one of his most prized gems. Indeed Revelle lived the life of luxury where everything was given to her at a simple beckon, everything but the touch of a real man, the touch of a lover, the succulent feeling of a rocking body on top of her own with moans that would intertwine with one another with each and every push.

The thought alone made the ebony Panthress's paw slide between her breasts slowly, feeling her fur, the teasing feeling of touch around her most sensitive areas, and then finally settling to let a single digit slide between the lips of her moist mound. Her musk filled the area around her as she toyed with her self, gently pulling and teasing at those wet lips, and as the tip of that finger played around her perky clit the thought of that rogue invaded her mind yet again. His body, his young voice, his rough touch, the masculinity of it all, and of course the feeling of that tongue. The thought of this and the feeling of her playful finger made Revelle moan out longingly, letting her head fall back as coils of scarlet mane fell around her shoulders. She wanted to try to imagine the feeling, manifest it in any way as she could. Taking a second finger she let the two work up and down in sync, demonstrating to herself the feeling of that slick lupine tongue. It made her rub her knees together, bite her lips and shiver in content pleasure, but no, it wasn't content, it wasn't enough, she must have more.

Like so many times before, she brought those juice soaked digits up to her maw and suckled on the sweet taste of herself, only imagining just what it must be like to taste a lover. Her feminine moans left her maw as her own feline tongue rolled and collected the taste of her love-juice, making her moan in such a husky tone. "Mmhhhnaaaahhh, Aaavrik," she cooed out as she suckled over and over again on what seemed to be the most delicious thing to her.

"You always like that dear girl?" a voice came from near the fireplace, no, the door way to be exact. Revelle's eyes opened wide in fright of the thought that she wasn't alone. fingers still knuckle deep in her maw and her sweet musk filling the room was exactly the sight and smell the rogue walked in on, and he was grinning like a kid in a candy store. Revelle on the other hand was frozen, just staring not even knowing how to continue. It made it harder for her still at the sight of the man she was pleasing herself to, and to make things worse he was half naked. The blonde furred and maned wolf stood there, leaning against the frame of the door, bare torso, showing off his strong pectorals, his strong broad shoulders, and a flat stomach to finish the sight. His legs were however covered in loose cream white slacks, and a simple wet towel hung around his waist. It was obvious that the wolf had just finished taking a bath, droplets of water dripped from his body, and the fireplace beside him shined light into each and every one of the succulent drops of water.

"Go ahead, moan my name again, I love that voice of your's," the wolf spoke as he stepped in and shut the door behind him, walking around the circular room, dropping that white towel on the spine of one of the sofa's only to stop in front of one of the burros.

By this time Revelle's fingers had fell out of her maw, though her maw was still open, her emerald gaze was still locked on this wolf. She wanted to shriek, dissapere, run away, but instead she stared and was given the best course of all, to gaze upon the thing she wanted. Her eyes washed over him like a tall drink of water taking in every bit of his masculine form, the curves and lines of his muscles pressing against his fur, his teasing gaze, and the sound of his delicious voice, and the tent that was now formed at Avrik's crotch which pressed so perfectly against his white slacks. Avrik knew that he immediately formed an erection from the sight of this girl, the sounds she made, and how the wolf stood outside the door way the entire time she played with herself, listening to her succulent moans.

"Please....," she spoke, her eyes still glistening at the man before her, as she kicked the sheets off to expose her perfect, curvaceous body, plump breasts, and the glisten of juices that dripped down her inner thigh. The ebony panthress was on the prowl, and as she got on her paws and knees she crawled over to him like a feline in heat, swaying her long round tail and hips perfectly together, before stopping as she reached the edge of the bed. "Please, come here Avrik....come here you rogue..," she spoke again, her voice dripping with sultry lust as he emerald eyes gazed at the tent between the lupine's legs.

Avrik had turned, looking over his shoulder at the sexual antics of his captive, the way she moved and crawled over the sheets, obviously begging for his touch. He tried to understand everything at this very moment. The night before he held her by tied rope, taken her from her room as she slept peacefully, and now she was a feline in heat, begging, panting, wanting nothing more than him to step over and fulfill her wildest dreams. Now, Avrik was never one to pass up a good thing, and just as she was attracted to him, Avrik felt the same lustful attraction to her, her voice, her sultry, desirable moans and pants that rocked every corner of his being. Turning fully, Avrik approached the bed and the delicious ebony-furred panthress that knelt hand and knees on the edge of the bed, and stopped, placing a gentle paw on her cheek. But he was not ready for what happened next.

As if she was shadowfast, as if everything she had ever desired was right there, the feline moved forward, paws lifting from the bed and gripping the rim of his breeches and pulling them down with a harsh tug and a feral growl. The wolf gasped out, feeling the weight of his erection fall from it's prison along with his full, furry sack, making him shiver and grip tightly on the girl's mane as the cool air of the room kissed on his 'naughty-bits'. But she didn't stop there, she pushed forward and moaned with sultry desire as her face nuzzled into his pulsing erection, pushing his nose in the nook between his wolfen sack and the girth that now laid on top her snout.

"By Sigmar..." he moaned out as she inhaled the musky scent of this clean wolf, her tongue immediately pressing forward to tease and lather the base of Avrik's fat shaft, and the skin of his leathery sack, "Mhhaahhh you smell like a fucking God..." she purred out as her paws gripped his thighs as sharp claws dug into his skin and fur.

"Mpppfff, going to worship me like one?" he teased as he looked down to her, his paw working and gingerly scratching through the long red mane she adorned on top of her. She couldn't help but look up to him with her shining green gaze with a devious grin, giggling at his words. He had no idea what he was handling, no idea what she wanted, no idea just how badly she was going to ware him out. Not moments after she gifted him with the sight of a playful kitten, she would gift him yet again, but not with the feral lust that Avrik expected from her. She had wanted this for far to long to let it slip away in a matter of minutes. With a purr of delight, Revelle lifted her maw slowly and let a long, wet lick of her tongue slide from the base of his thick shaft, all the way to the tip of it, where that tongue's journey continued, swirling and playing with the strange shape that made up the tip of his shaft. She couldn't help herself, her tongue basking and swirling all over, tasting another, it had been far too long. Minutes ago she had only pretended, suckling on her own juice dripping fingers in hopes of creating the illusion of something she was enjoying now.

Avrik was enjoying himself too however, watching the sexual antics of this feline with pleasure, and as that tongue slid up his shaft and played teasingly with the tip he couldn't help but let out a pathetic moan of pleasure, forcing himself to grip her mane even tighter. The wolf was no stranger to sex, he was no stranger to fornication of the night or the whorish delights of girls 'worshiping' the nine inch bit the gods seemed so generous to gift the rogue with. But this was something all together, this wasn't another rump in the sheets, this wasn't another one night stand, no Revelle was working his shaft like it was something she had never had before, and she was sending riveting shivers through his body like nothing before.

Revelle continued still as one of her paws slid from his thigh and gripped the base of that throbbing shaft and slowly began to jerk the length up and down, twisting her wrist as she worked it, grinning and giggling like a girl as she looked up to him. "Oh look at you, ummffff, look at how you're panting like the dog you are...such a good boy, aren't you?" her tone darkened as she began to work him with her paw, staring up to him with dark, dominating eyes of lust, "hmmmff, you're nothing when I get a hold of you are you?" her words slurred to a dark whisper before she leaned her maw forward, opened it, and let that pre-dripping tip slip into her maw. Immediately her paw stopped stroking and twisting, instead it gripped the base of that hard dick, and squeezed in hopes to milk the seed of life from him.

Her tongue felt like a wet strand of silk rolling and playing around with the tip of his hot shaft, expertly toying with the wolf's pleasure as it tickled along the underside of that girthy shaft. The canine leaned back, letting his head roll back as a long, drawn-out moan of pleasure passed through his lips showing just how much pleasure that little kitty gave him. A low growl emanated from his throat, trying to contain himself as Revelle continued her teasing while pushing more and more of that veiny flesh into her maw, moaning wonderfully all the while as she did.