The husky and The Crocdile short story

Story by Luke_Sukronius on SoFurry


The husky brims with exitment to meet his blind date his eagerness could not be explaned but little did he know his date wanted to the husky to get more equainted with his stomach the husky hears the doorbell ring and he opens the door with great eximent and he sees this 6 foot 9 crocdile and the husky shakes in fear.The gator says im your blind date the husky says oh come on in then he smiel the croc walks into the house he says nice house you got say want me to make you some dinner.The husky says shure i gess then the croc makes this huge banquite the husky fininsh half of it up completly full the croc says how was it for your last meal the husky says good wait what he trys to get away but he was to full to barely buge the croc walks up to the husky and opens his jaws and in one bite the whole husky is gone and in the crocs stomach and the kicks he attemps..........

two dogs one fuck

**a gay rottwiler and wolf cople rent a cabin for their honeymoon they decied to have some fun. the rottwiler said well hunny want to have some fun the wolf replyed in a noding yes takeing off his pants slowly.The rottwiler begins to take his pants off...

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huskys hot alone time

the husky was all alone in his house.He brimmed and bashed with ideas of what to do since he was all alone in his home.He thought mabey I could play with myself so he started to pull down his pants revieling his muscle like legs and big underwear he...

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why why Oh why did thy heavenS curSe me with all this pain cArOline iS my name pain iS my game when heven qoffS forgiveneSS don't count on me forgiveing them for i am cArOline SO pleASe dOnt hAte me pleASe don't cry im never going to die thy hAven...