
Story by Reno420 on SoFurry

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It's Monday again? he asked himself looking down at the taskbars clock on his laptop, I guess I should eat.... he rubbed the back of his neck with his paw as he stood and stretched. Padding down the small hallway between his room and the kitchen, his bathroom, of course, being the only door on the right, strands of green LED lights lined the left wall at the moldings, top and bottom. His paw smacked the wall and slid up flicking the light on in the kitchen and squinted in the fluorescents. Why do all apartments have fucking fluorescent lights in the kitchen? The fridge was almost empty as usual, he ate out a lot, in his line of work he didn't have a lot of time on his hands and hated other beings, though there were some exceptions to his hatred, he put up with the furs that work fast food just long enough to get fed. Dear gawd, I must get something other then pickles and Cesar dressing! He screamed in his mind as he re-dipped a dill into a jar of dressing, his blank, sleep deprived eyes follow the eyes in his favorite Kat-Clock back and forth. He jumped when somefur pounded on his door. "Eric, let me in I got your groceries!" A short orange and white cat, loaded to the teeth with brown paper bags, shouted as he kicked the door. Coming.... Eric rolled his eyes and set down the jar, pickle in his maw, he padded through the archway to the living room, crossed it and opened the door. Hi Otto, he waved and smirked, sucking on the pickle and taking a few bags. Otto smiled as the door opened and the tall muscular white wolf, whom he secretly and hopelessly loved, let him in. "I see you already got hungry," he closed the door behind him with his butt. "Should I make you a salad?" the cat begun putting the food away, tail swaying about as he hummed a little tune. Eric clapped his paws together in front of his maw and bowed. When Eric was young his father tried to kill him by slitting his throat, thankfully the doctors saved his life but they couldn't save his vocal cords and the large scar under his chin that ran from one side to the other reminded him why he hated every fur. Except Otto, he'd been his BFF since long before his near death, they were so close Eric didn't need to use signs to communicate with him, Otto could in layman's terms, read his thoughts. "Thanks' for getting the dressing out for me," he chuckled, busily making a salad for his best friend. He smiled and let his mind drift, his half lidded eyes unfocused and staring in the general vicinity of Otto. Sigh, I'm so lonely....I wonder if there's a singles bar for obsessive compulsive shut-ins.... Otto looked over his shoulder at the wolf and sighed, having heard what he thought, turning and pointing a tomato at Eric. "You know, you don't need a dating service to find someone.." he bit his lip and looked down at the floor. Eric's eyes focused when his friend spoke and found he'd been staring at the cat's ass and now his crotch. His eyes widened as this sight ensued dirty thoughts that didn't seem so bad to him, having last had sex 6 years ago. He tilted his head at the feline and arched a brow, If it comes to it, better you then some guy I don't know... Eric had never been with a guy before, let alone thought about it. Otto had been openly gay for most of their friendship and often asked Eric if he would ever consider it, to which the wolf replied by laughing and changing the subject. So this was shocking news to the cat and he gawked at the wolf. What? He blinked at his friend before heading to his room, bring my salad, where his last thoughts as he padded down the hall. Otto blushed not knowing exactly why he would walk away from him, but he loved the attention Eric gave him and was willing to do just about any thing to get it, positive or negative. "Eric, I don't think you should eat in your room, what about,..." he stopped dead in his tracks gawking in awe at the naked wolf pawing himself and looking softly at his friend. "...ants...." Eric was unsure of how this would effect their friendship but it was too late now, Otto had dropped the salad and was now stripping as he crawled on the bed and sat between his legs playing with his tail. Eric swallowed hard still stroking his cock, Otto please be gentle. His orange tail swayed seductively as he crouched down taking the wolf's hard member into his maw, circling his tongue around between Eric's foreskin and head, pawing at his fuzzy balls moaning as he sucked. Groaning and arching his back Eric shot some pre into his friends maw and squeaked in surprise, Ooohhh Otto! his mind filled with lusty thoughts and ecstasy. Otto blushed and tried to fit as much of Eric's wolf hood in his maw as he could, trailing circles around his tailring with a claw, enjoying the taste of his pre. He moaned silently biting his lip, placing a paw on the top of the cats head, not forcing but scritching. Put it in....please, he looked down, blushing at Otto as his cock throbbed in his maw. He smiled crawling up Eric's torso laying on his chest running a paw over the wolf's finely sculpted pects and arm. "Are you sure this is what you want?" he looked into the wolf's hazel eyes questioningly, his hard cathood throbbed at Eric's tailhole prepped for the moment he's been waiting for since he was 5. Eric nodded yes wrapping his legs around Otto's waist, pushing his tailhole against the feline's cock, Yes, yes a thousand times YES!!!! his eyes screamed as he pulled his friend into him. Otto moaned loudly as he entered his best friend pressing his maw to the others. He pulled out almost all the way then slid it back in, repeating over and over. Eric moaned in his maw as they kissed. The wolf shivered with joy as his hole was plugged repeatedly, he could feel the soft little spurs on the head of his fine feline friends cock rubbing and catching on the walls of his mangina. Eric moaned loudly, though it merely sounded like wheezing, clenching down tight around Otto's cat hood and slipped his tongue in the others maw. "Oh gawd, Eric y-you're s-so tight," he groaned lustfully as he begun fucking harder and faster, pawing at Eric's large throbbing member and fuzzy white balls. Otto was trying to remember what Eric use to sound like, when he laughed, cried or even when he was yelling. He bent down and started sucking Eric's cock as he continued fucking, being a cat made him very flexible, his paws now working gently at the wolfs nipples. Eric arched his back and bucked at his friends hot cock and maw, clawing at his sheets and the wall, biting his lip and groaning as his ass came a little making it easier for Otto to slide in and out, OH MY GAWD OTTO! Yessss fuck me, fuck me harder! his mind moaned as he slapped his paws on Otto's ass cheeks gripping tightly, pulling Otto into him harder and deeper. The cat moaned and shot pre into Eric as they fucked like the wild animals they really are. He let his teeth scrape along Eric's shaft when he sucked down and his tongue went up, against the grain of his taste buds, swirling it round in between the head and foreskin before gliding his teeth down. Loving the taste and feel of his friend to the point where he wished it would never end. Eric punched the wall a few times as he twitched and moaned before exploding his hot wolf juice inside Otto's maw, his ass came again and it oozed out around the cats member. Oh Otto thank you....thank you so much, he thought loudly as his eyes rolled back into his head. He swallowed the warm fluid and sucked Eric's cock clean as he wrapped his arms around Eric's shoulders thrusting in hard and deep, "I.....I.....I L-lov-love yo-you," he whispered as he came deep inside the love of his life. They lay there, twitching occasionally, enjoying the smell of each other till they drifted off, holding one an other.

Hours later Eric woke to find Otto, the little spoon to his larger spoon. He's so adorable when he sleeps, the wolf smiled and kissed his feline counter part's cheek then got up and padded to the bathroom, where he spent a good 15-20 min. before washing his hands and heading for the kitchen. Food..... he opened the fridge starring at the full racks and crispers before grabbing milk, the cereal was still out 'cause Otto never got around to putting away the non-perishables. Eric ate cheerios then put his bowel in the sink, went into the living room and sat at his finely tuned baby grand piano. Flipping through his music sheets he found a concerto by Bach that Otto had always loved, cracking his neck and wiggled his fingers then begun to play. Otto smiled and made a cute sound as he stretched and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Hmmm?" he got up, wrapped a sheet around himself and fallowed the music, he found the sexy wolf, at his tool of the trade, naked. "I love this song..." he practically glowed as he walked closer to Eric, letting the sheet fall to the floor, "but you know that already." he draped his arms around his friends shoulders, kissing his neck. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensual feline, fingers dancing away on the ebony and ivory, tail wagging between Otto's legs. Otto's naked form pressed against his friends back as he enjoyed the lovely tune. "You always play so beautifully Eric," he purred in his love's ear as his paws kneaded at Eric's shoulders. Eric's tail wagged faster as his fried's barbed soft member pressed against him, I love you so much Otto, I don't know what I'd do with out you, his thoughts reached his new secret lover as if the words actually passed his lips. "Oh Eric, I love you too," he hugged him tightly, kissing Eric's neck tenderly, "and you know perfectly well you'd shrivel up and die with out me," Otto slimed as he giggled, kissing and rubbing his friends back. Otto had always fantasized about being a women so he and Eric could marry and live in a quant little townhouse in the country, growing their own fruits and veggies and maybe one day children . He sighed at this thought, knowing full well it could never happen. Eric laughed silently as he kept tempo, I love you Otto, you're so silly, he closed his eyes enjoying the attention.