Unexpected 3 The Sweetness in Torture

Story by Kinky Katt on SoFurry

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This is likely the last one, we were cordial long enough for her to give me this.

This is exactly how it's written (minus one spelling correction.)

Waking up for the third time was unlike the two days before. My head rested on his chest and I could feel him breathing, heavily and warm, into my fur. Before I could control it, a purr began to work in my throat and my tail bristled up as I got goose-bumps. Laying with him is heaven Kitty, I thought to myself. "Mmm... Nez," he moaned as he wrapped his arms around my naked body. He ran his paws up to my left ear and scratched. My leg started to twitch and I found myself thinking of how simple it seemed, being with him this way. I smiled. "Katt?" I whispered, peeking up through my bangs. "Hm...?" he muttered a faint reply while licking my ear. I look up to find him feigning sleep, eyes closed and a smug smile on his lips. "I know you're awake, Sand fox..." I kissed his nose. "Quite wrong, actually. Now quit it. I'm losing a good dream," he smiled and rolled over, with me in his arms, until he was directly on top of me. "Ugh... and what... is your dream, suffocating me?" I looked again and saw him staring at me. He loosened his grip and slid his paws up my arms and grabbed my wrists, pinning them up above my head. "Nah, it was more lie... healing you," he winked. "Healing me?" I ached my eyebrows. He kissed up my neck and moved his lips to mine and kissed me sweetly. His tongue twined delicately with mine and the kiss depended. Strong, careful arms tightened around me, pulling me closer to his body. "Katt..," I gasped when I found the air, "I need to tell you something." He moved to lay beside me and then brushed the hair out of my face. "Nez, if it's about last night, I-" "Katt, it's very important!" Sorry -.-," he bent his head down and buried his shout in my neck. I took a deep breath and tried to think of where to start. "Last night, and the night before, well... There were just-" "Amazing-" O.o "Katt!" I shot him a look. "Sorry baby, I'll let you finish," he kissed my cheek. XD "You've made me feel so much.. I never thought I was even capable of feeling so much," I crawled on top of him and sat on his stomach. "You came inside of me last night... That is totally clear. The thing is -" >.< "Baby I'm-" O.O I clamped his muzzle shut with my paws. "You're not in trouble Katt!" My paws were shaking and tears trickled down my cheeks. Katt looked at me in shock. My paws fell and he sat up and wrapped his arms around me. "Katt... (sniff) ... I'm going to have your pups... kits... uhmm...?" O.o ^.^ ??? Ten seconds of undisturbed silence, until we broke out laughing. What did we call them? Mutant baby kitty-foxes? "Nez, babe, I want you to understand something I wouldn't have done it if I didn't want you to be my mate" O.O that was unexpected... o.o "Nez, make love to me..." Ack!! ^.^ Abrupt! "Wh-what?!" God I startle easy. -.- "Be my mate, make love to me." How could I refuse that? He scooted me back and I felt his hard cock pressed against my back. "Katt..." I whimpered. "Nez...?" I felt the last two nights all at once, my muscles slowly started to tense and I felt the soreness of my bones. I looked over the open gash of my belly-button, the chain marks on my wrists. He saw my glances and slowly tuned me. Staring at the scars. "Katt?" I looked at his face. "Again... healing you," he softly laid me underneath him and kissed me so intensely that I nearly forgot my name. "Nez..," he growled into my neck. "Ohh... Katt," I tugged his ears and scratched up his back lightly, he shivered. As he wend down, he stopped at every wound and licked it clean. He used his paws to massage my thighs while his tongue relaxed the sore walls of my insides. Every bit was pure pleasure. Ohh Kitty, you have GOT to pleasure this sexy best, I thought over and over in exstact. "K-katt...b-baby," My moans sounded as squeaks and my legs were shaking as he lapped at my sweetness. He kissed up my body and softly brushed his lips to mine. I could taste myself on him. "Do you feel better?" he whispered to my jaw line." "Ahh... (shiver)... y-yeah, yeah," I stammered, I felt light-headed. I also felt his cock pressing hard on my thigh as he hovered over me. "Nez... I want to show y-" I cut him off by kissing him so deeply, so thoroughly powerful, that he just took me without hesitation. At once, we were taken by surprise at how good it felt. Totally different from any other time, we felt love, passion, and complete want for none but each other. "Oh... Katt... baby!" "Oh God, Nez, you feel sooo go-" We went harder and faster as the pleasure built up, heading for climax. We were so close, almost there... "Katt!! Ohhh... Katt! STOP! Stop..." We slowed as I gasped for air. "Are you... o-KAY!!" AS soon as he spoke, I shoved him as far inside me as I could take. I pulled him out of my already soaked depths and led his tip to my other entry. Drenched in my cum, I shoved his cock into me and pumped with him. "Nez!!! OH BABY YES!!" he was enjoying everything that I was giving him, "N-nez... I'm going to c-cum!!" He was out of breath and sobbing for air, and release. I quickly pulled him out of me and shoved him back into my warm pussy. My muscles tightened around his shaft as the pleasure built. Our climaxes came at the same time, so did our names off each others' lips. After a minute or two of breathing, he pulled out and our cum dripped onto my stomach from the tip of his cock. "Oh... my God, Katt." "Nez- I..." "Wow." "Wow." We looked at each other and smiled. I leaned forward and slowly licked his length clean and he cleaned me with same way afterward. "Definitely havin' your-" "Oh yeah," he laughed and took me in his arms and kissed me. It felt like sparks were shooting off in my head. "I love y-" Uh-oh. Before I could stop myself. I covered my mouth, but he pulled my paw away and kissed me again, rolling his tongue over mine. "I love you too baby," He winked and molded his body around mine and we fell asleep... again.