Training Day

Story by Artemis Snowtail on SoFurry

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#2 of Slave Kitten

The door opened as the bull stepped into the room. The kitten sprang

upwards in s...

The door opened as the bull stepped into the room. The kitten sprang upwards in surprise and scampered into the corner.

"c'mon now don't be scared of master" the bull approached him slowly, a small cruel grin spread across his muzzle. "you're not my master!" The kitten hissed, tried to make himself as small as possible, his eyes darting around the room looking for an escape. The bull reached towards him, an angry look in his eyes. "what did you just say?" he picked the kitten up by the throat and slammed him against the wall. The kitten mewed in pain and kicked at the bull weakly. "who is your master" the kitten squirmed and scratched at the bulls wrists in a desperate attempt "M-Master Josh owns me!!" the kitten squealed as the bull slammed him against the wall again, his grip on the small throat tightened as his eyes narrowed "wrong!" he threw the small kitten into the center of the room and pulled a whip down off the wall and turned back to the kitten, who was now lying limp on the floor. "get on your knees!" the bull shouted at the kitten. The kitten whimpered as he tried to get up, his head dizzy, his arms failing under him, causing him to fall back down. "bad kitty!!" he shouted and swung the whip. The sound of leather cracking against skin echoed around the room as the kitten screams out in pain. "now tell me, who is your master?!" he swung the whip again cutting a deep scar down the kitten's back and causing him to cry out once again, but repeating a whimpered "M-Master...Josh." as the bull snarled and kicked the kitten onto his back and whipped again, cutting across his face and chest. "now," he crouches next to the limp feline "who is your master?" the kitten tried to turn away, but the bull held his lower jaw, not allowing him to move "answer me" The kitten coughed blood onto the bulls hand and said "Master...." he shut his eyes bracing himself for pain "J-Josh" the bull raised his large hand into a fist and brought it down across the kittens face. The kitten mewed weakly as the light started going dark. A few hours later he woke up on the floor in a pool of warm blood, a collar strapped tightly around his neck and secured with a padlock. He sat up and immediately a piercing pain shot through his small body and he cried out, falling back down onto the concrete floor, crying and whimpering "oh good, you're awake" a voice behind him said as he stayed lying down, helpless. He turned his head only to see a foot before feeling immense pain hit his face. "you still haven't given me the correct answer, now who's your master?" the kitten started crawling away, letting out soft whining noises. "where do you think you're going?" the bull kicked him in the ribs powerfully, knocking him onto his side and sending him sliding across the floor. The bull pressed down on his throat with one large foot and watched as the kitten struggled for air. As the kitten choked and gasped for breath, he asked again, "who is your master?" slowly blacking out, the feline coughed out "y-you....sir" The master took his foot off of the kitten's throat and said "good, now you can serve me without any problems. Now get on your knees" The kitten bowed his head in submission and pushed himself onto his knees. The bull unzipped his jeans in front of the kitten. His strong scent filled the air, making the kitten cough. "will you be a good kitten from now on?" a tear fell from the kitten's eye as he nodded and looked up at his master. The bull stood in front of the kitten and put a hand on his head. "ready for masters cock?" the kitten looked uneasily at the thick six inches of flaccid member in front of him and nodded again. "then lick" the kitten hesitated and then started to gingerly lick at the bulls heavy pouch and mewed as the length twitched and pressed against his face. He dragged his tongue up the cock as it grew in front of him, precum drooling off the flared tip "s-sir how big is it going to get?" the bull laughed and forced his cock into the kittens mouth as his length stopped growing at thirteen inches long. "now suck" the kitten hesitated and suckled on the tip slowly. "No, like this!" he grabbed the kitten by the hair and forced it into his mouth. The kitten mewed and squealed in protest but the bull wouldn't let go of him as he pumped in and out of his mouth. He forced the kitten's nose into his musky groin with each hard thrust. His member throbbed hard as it was forced into the kittens mouth as his length slid down his tiny throat. Choking and trying to pull away, he beat his paws uselessly against the bulls legs. He kitten's eyes slowly closed as the bull continued to pound his throat hard. Noticing that his kitten was about to pass out, he slowed slightly and allowed the kitten to breathe enough to stay conscious before slamming his cock into the wet maw and shooting a giant load of cum down his throat. The kitten squealed loud and tried to pull away hard as his eyes began closing again. Seeing this happening, the bull grinned wickedly and pushed deeper and watched the kitten slowly go limp. The bull let the kitten fall back onto the floor. "wake up" he nudged the unconscious kitten's ribcage with his foot, but the kitten only groaned and rolled over. "get up!!" the bull slammed his hoof into the kitten's chest sending the kitten into a wall, causing him to mew in pain and go limp. The bull stormed over to him and lifted the kitten off the ground by the tail, making him yowl and thrash around. He threw the kitten onto the bed and grabbed his tail again, holding tightly. The bull grinned and examined the tight pink hole "god that looks fuckin' tight. You ever had it there?" The kitten whined and nodded, his head lowered in surrender. The bull smirked and lifted a leg onto the bed, his thick member grinding against the helpless kittens rear. The bull grunted as he shifted and pushed his tip against the tight hole. The kitten cried out with protest as it pressed harder and harder, eventually penetrating into the feline, who let out a loud squeal of pain let slip from his maw. The bull doesn't allow the small feline to adjust to his size but pushed deep inside, the cries of pain growing louder and louder with every inch forced in. The bull snorted softly once his hips push against the little cheeks, his large hands held the slender hips as he began to thrust. The kitten continued to let out loud yowls of pain, which the bull ignored, only pushing the kitten's head down into the filthy mattress, his heavy bovine testicles smacking with each strong push in. He continued this violent session long after the kitten's cries silenced, replaced with soft crying and moaning. Finally, the large bull lets out a loud grunt and rammed himself deep, unleashing his thick, messy load into the helpless kitten, who let out another weak yowl. He pulled out of the used, gaping cat hole, allowing the kitten to go limp on the bed, several extra ropes launching over his body. "That's more like it" the panting bull said before he rested a hand on the trembling feline's shoulder, a slightly softened expression on his face "As long as you obey me, I won't have to hurt you. Understand?"
