Tales of Jasper VIII

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#8 of Tales of Jasper

Jasper lived with Naila on the island for the upside of a year, and maybe as little as ten months before he actually came in contact with someone from the outside. Despite wanting to constantly be with Naila, they normally avoided having sex, though every now and again the urge got a little overwhelming. Miss Adams had dropped off newspapers, toys, clothes, and food about once a month. Things outside of the island were up in chaos.

Gliss had arrested Naila's mother for use of narcotics, and she was going to be in jail for three years. Aaron was found hanging from a noose with a note. He felt he had failed Naila as a father, and Lili as a husband. He felt he had nothing to live for and took his own life in his depression. Miss Adams had become a suspect for the disappearance of Naila and Jasper, since she was one of the only links that both of them shared. However, it seemed that Gliss had broken under the pressure and admitted that she had statutorily raped her son.

Gliss was placed in prison for twenty years plus five for each year her son was missing. It seemed that everyone assumed that Naila and Jasper had run away, and no one was sure if they were together or not. Miss Adams was allowed to return to her work as a teacher after the investigation. Jasper and Naila had plenty of text books inside the cavern, as if this had been done before. They were a little dated, but teaching science, math, and English... the basics were all there. Jasper and Naila were learning faster than ever having nothing to really do, but study, and play with the few toys that Miss Adams dropped every now and again.

The most recent bundle of papers revealed something very interesting. Jack's parents, had apparently gotten a group together to look for Jasper and Naila. In the article Jack promised that they would be found soon and they would be returned home. Everything going wrong only drove Naila and Jasper closer together, and their love developed more and more. Jasper was Naila's little kitten and she grew a little precocious in many ways.

The day was seemingly like any other as Jasper and Naila studied in the cave, practicing math questions and learning some higher level studies. Whenever they got to go home they would be ready to skip a couple of grades, not that they would really want to. Jasper sighed heavily, and moved over to Naila getting a little bored. There was very little to do, and they had studied almost every day, just because it was all there was to do. There really wasn't much more they could get from those books, other than practice, not to mention that Miss Adams never stopped to say anything. She dropped boxes and flew away.

Jasper placed his head in Naila's lap and he looked up to her as she smiled down to him, stroking his ears gently. Naila shifted position a little and she sat cross legged, rather than on her knees as Jasper nuzzled into her. He purred as Naila trailed her paws over him, and he reached up with his large paws to pet over her ears and pull her head down a little, lapping lightly at her muzzle. She graciously accepted the kiss and lifted Jasper up and pulled him more into her lap to force her wet tongue into his muzzle, their teeth clicking a little as they kissed.

Even though they had clothing they did not really wear it, having no real need, since no one was on the island, and they had enough fur to cover themselves, for the most part. Jasper mewled a little into the kiss and Naila's ear flicked to the sound of large wings flapping in the distance. It seemed that Miss Adams was finally going to come in the daytime. The climate on the island hardly changed, save having a rainier season, but even then the cave sheltered the two of them.

"Jazzy... I love you," Naila murred a little, smiling to him as she broke the kiss a string of saliva between the two of them before Naila wiped her maw.

"I love you to Naila," he said happily sitting up and hearing the same sound as Naila, the wing beats getting closer.

Naila held Jasper in her lap, pushing her developing breasts against his chest and rubbing against him a little to tease him. She did not care for any interruptions, having little desire to see Miss Adams again. She never wanted to experience being forced inside of another being again. Jasper clung a little to Naila, kneading gently against her as she held him and rubbed against him. He was well aware of her teasing and he loved to play.

"Jazzy, I think we should hide," Naila whispered, rising and helping Jasper to his feet.

They had gotten quite a bit of exercise, wrestling, exploring, hiking, walking, running, swimming, and having sex every so often. Naila had gotten considerably stronger and she could easily carry Jasper, anywhere if she wanted to. She loved to cradle him in her arms, being taller than him. She grew near six inches, while he only grew two or three. Naila was going to be a tall wolfess when she finished growing up. Both of them were lean and fairly muscular for being 11 and 10.

Jasper had hair almost as long as Naila's and she simply adored his hair. He often had his hair tied up in a top knot and Naila tended to let her hair run free, both having hair almost down to their bottoms. Jasper nodded to Naila, agreeing with her. As much as he wanted to yell at Miss Adams, she was a dragon and she could do anything she wanted to the kids. Naila tugged on Jasper, trying to lead him out of the cave to hide, but alas, they were too late.

"How are my little babies doing, now?" Felicia asked, dropping to the ground outside of the cave and eying Jasper and Naila.

Anger welled up inside of both Jasper and Naila as she spoke with such a sweet voice, dropping a box on the ground.

"You made daddy, die!" Naila shouted, growling, as the fur on her tail bristled.

Jasper squeezed Naila and pulled her closer, "Naila... be careful."

"I am sorry everything is going so bad for your families, but your dad was a drug dealer, and your mom was a cho-mo police chief," Miss Adams said looking a little hurt by Naila's words, "I am sure things will be alright here. Should I stop bringing you newspapers?"

"No!" Jasper cried, wanting to still have some connection to the outside world.

"Well, you dirty dragon... You are a cho-mo teacher... so what about you?" Naila asked angrily.

"You are right my little baby. I have been a bad girl. If you think you can punish me, then I would be glad to receive," Miss Adams taunted, turning around and waving her tail and butt at Naila.

"Naila... stop... she could squish us to death," Jasper whispered, afraid of what might happen, as tears welled up in Naila's eyes.

Naila knew she was powerless against the dragoness, but it made her feel a little better to rebel. Jasper held Naila close and nuzzled into her to reassure her and he tugged her back a little. Neither were sure why their teacher had shown up to talk to them, but there was probably nothing good to be gained from it. After a moment Miss Adams reached out to Naila and Jasper with her large reptilian paw.

"It has been a while since I have gotten pleasure from Jasper... I think I should have a turn, you cute little bitch," Miss Adams said shuffling closer to them and snatching Jasper away from Naila, holding her down with her other paw.

"No! He is mine... Jasper is my kitten!" Naila squealed out to the overbearing dragoness as Jasper thrashed about in her paw.

"Mmm... that's it scream for your little mate... I am going to use him like a toy for my aching pussy," the dragoness growled to Naila and Jasper thrashed about a little more trying to break free of her paw, not getting anywhere with it.

Miss Adams lowered jasper down to her wet cunny and rubbed his head against her hot slit. The dragoness trembled in sheer pleasure at the feel of Jasper's head sliding along her lower lips and Jasper mewled out as he was drenched in her fluids already. Naila wailed beneath the dragoness paw pleading for her to let Jasper go, but she wouldn't have any such thing, sliding her little kitten toy along that greedy pussy. Jasper felt it quiver against him as the dragoness moaned with delight.

"Yesssss, my little baby... keep on squirming..." the dragoness said popping Jasper's head and shoulders into her pussy, making him mewl and wriggle with the need for air.

"No! No!" Naila screamed biting at the dragoness' paw, futilely.

The massive dragoness popped Jasper into her pussy and started to fuck herself without a care in the world for him. She shoved his body deep inside of her, and pulled him back out, allowing him to gasp for breath, only to shove him back into those wet, hot, clenching folds. Miss Adams could hardly stand it, having not been able to please herself in so long, her orgasm coming quickly. Jasper was shoved in, pulled out, shoved in harder... his whole body flailing a little as his teacher's cum coated his entire form. He was drowning in her pheromones, his kittencock rising from the sheer naughtiness of the situation.

"Mrrmmm..." Jasper mewled and growled, nearly choking on the sweet cum he was soaked in, trying his best to resist, only causing more pleasure as he rubbed against that tense inner flesh inside the dragoness.

"Oh right there... baby... fuck yeah..." Miss Adams bellowed as she clutched her paw tightly around Naila and started bucking her hips hard around Jasper, fucking herself roughly with him. The dragoness moaned loudly with each thrust and let out a loud scream of ecstasy. Jasper couldn't really breathe anymore with the sheer pressure that paw around him was making and suddenly he felt those tight walls collapse on him, knocking him out completely while a massive flood of cum spilled out of the dragoness cunt.

Jasper was released into her eager pussy at first the spasming of her walls sucking him up inside of her, the quivering of her pussy around him making her moan several times, despite the lack of movement. He had gotten bigger from the last time she had done it and it felt so much better. Miss Adams let Naila go, and laid back pushing Jasper out of her pussy with a spray of her cum, moaning deeply as he popped out from her tight slit.

"Oh yeah... that felt so fucking amazing... Naila... I don't even need you..." the dragoness said grinning to her, and laying back as she wound down in the afterglow of that intense orgasm.

Naila rushed over to Jasper and quickly peeled him out of that disgusting sea of her enemy's cum. Naila dragged him away and started to wipe as much of the excess juices off of him as she could. She learned something from that health enhancement book and she started to perform CPR on Jasper. She was only eleven, but here she was about to save her mate's life... wanting nothing more than to be away from the insane dragoness and to live a peaceful life with him. Jasper started to cough up that cum and Naila gulped it down out of his mouth.

Even if Miss Adams was the enemy, her cum was delicious, and with all of those pheromones raging through the juices... Naila couldn't help but feel a little hot herself, as she started to lick at Jasper's naked body, licking up more of that sweet nectar and nuzzling into him. Jasper took a few breaths, feeling a small tongue cleaning his body and he blushed as he started to come to, looking down to Naila. He purred deeply at the sight of her simply lapping at his chest and down his sides, even over his legs. However, the dragoness responsible for the mess started to move, rising to her feet and looking to the wolf and her lynx.

"Oh... that's right... Naila... drink my cum off of his body..." the teacher said with a laugh before lifting off from the ground and heading back toward the main land.

Naila whimpered in defeat as she continued cleaning Jasper's body off finally stopping just before his hard kittencock. He looked down to her with a deep pink blush tinting his cheeks and he sat up, his mind in a lust driven haze from being doused in the fluid, as well as the sexy scene of his wolfess licking his body. She growled a little and climbed over him forcing her tongue into his mouth and he tasted the sweet cum on her lips. His purr deepened and in the position she was in it was easy to find her awaiting pussy.

"Nah... yeah... give me some of it..." Naila whined into the kiss, moaning a little as Jasper's hard shaft ground against her hot passage.

"Naila... I am sorry... I didn't want to... I was..." Jasper started apologizing to her, but was silenced as Naila forced her tongue deep into his maw and hilted herself on his rod.

Jasper was eager to accept her delicious tongue and he suckled on it some, his paws running rapidly over her back. Naila moaned into his maw, each of her thrusts down met with one of his up. They had learned each other's sensitive spots, and Jasper arched himself a little to run his kittencock deep into her puppy snatch to grind against her sensitive spots. She growled heavily breaking the kiss a mess of cum and saliva linking their maws as she moaned out. She ground her hips hard against his and pinned his paws down at his sides, starting to fuck him as hard as she could, wanting her kitten's cum deep inside of her.

"Give me your cum... show me, that horrible dragon does not matter..." Naila growled to him, her teeth grazing down over his neck some as he bucked up into her pussy making her moan in delight.

"Naila... I-I am your kitten... I love you... only..." he mewled several broken parts up to her and she pounded his cock like a sledge hammer spiking down rail road tracks.

"Cum... Jazzy... cum inside your wolf..." she moaned to him her grip tightening on his wrists as she felt herself breaking over him, his thrusts placed perfectly to her most sensitive patch in her pussy.

Jasper did not answer her... though his body thrust as deep as it could inside of her tipping that horny wolfess over the edge. She howled out in orgasm as her snatch flooded around his cock and over his thighs... her twat starting to clench up along the length of his cock, pulsing as if to suck him dry. Jasper flexed his claws and arched his back as he felt his own climax break inside him, that hot seed rushing from his balls and deep into his lover's womb. He yowled in delight for her and started panting, feeling incredibly tired after that sexual encounter. He panted heavily as his back fell back to the ground, his cock throbbing inside of her and making her moan a few more times.

"Yes... Jazzy... that is my kitten... my sweet love..." she whispered into his ear licking the edge and then into it a little, "I love you so much..."

Naila pulled herself off of him after a moment and a mix of their love gushed out of her. She wondered if he had heard her, as he was out cold. She silently carried Jasper back to their cavern and washed him off properly, bringing some water from the spring, feeling much more content when she was full of his seed. Once she finished she curled up beside the sleeping kitten and fell asleep herself, dozing off with nothing more than the sheer love for her lovely Jasper.