Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes--Chapter 4

Story by BaiBai Cringe on SoFurry

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Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes -Chapter 4


The Grizzly and Fox made their way through the group of Yugioh players, who were already heading to their assigned tables. The vulpine examined the pairings sheet and his eyes opened in surprise, he turned to see the Grizzly with a smirk plastered on his face. The pairings sheet read_Aki N. (1-Win/0-Loss) vs. Rafael M. (1-Win/0-Loss) Table 5._ They proceeded to their assigned table number, sitting across from each other. Who would've thought that they would be dueling each other this early in the tourney? Well one of them was going to lose, and the vulpine wasn't going to hold back, and neither was the grizzly. They each rolled out their play mats, the vulpine's Tragodia mat adjacent from the bear's Gladiator Beast Gyzarus mat. Rafael had been a huge Gladiator Beast player even before the fox had met him. But his deck had changed vastly since they had first met.

They both rolled a die, the vulpine beating the bear's 3 with his 4. "I'll lead." He said as he drew the first card of the game. "I summon Infernity Avenger (Lv/1 ATK/0 DEF/0), and I'll end my turn by setting 5 facedowns." He smirked; being able to become handless turn 1 gave him a little advantage since now his infernities would now gain their effects. The bear drew his card, "I summon the monster Gladiator Beast Darius, in attack position." The vulpine flipped the trap card Solemn Warning. For the cost of 2000 life points, he was able to negate the summon of the monster and destroy it. The grizzly ended his turn by setting two facedowns. The vulpine hoped to pull a monster during this draw; Avenger would be obliterated by any monster that his opponent managed to summon. To his despair he drew the quickplay spell Forbidden Lance. He set it in the only empty card slot there was, and ended his turn. "Ok, I draw, and I'll start off by summoning Gladiator Beast Laquari (Lv/4 ATK/1800 DEF/400) "The vulpine flipped over his second solemn warning and attempted to negate the summon of the GB, but the grizzly flipped over a counter trap of his own, Seven Tools of the Bandit. He paid 1000 life points to negate the vulpine's trap card, causing the fox to lose 2000 life points for no result. Aki-4000 Rafael-7000. The 1800 hundred monster easily sent his avenger to the grave, lowering his life points to 2200. Then it's effect activated since it battled, during the end of the battle phase it can return to the deck to special summon a different Gladiator Beast monster. The grizzly special summoned Gladiator Beast Equeste, which let him add his Gladiator Beast Darius from the grave back to his hand. And with that he ended his turn. They vulpine growled in frustration, he had to draw a game changing monster or he would surely lose this duel. He drew, and smiled, "I summon the monster Dark Grepher to the field, and activate the trap card Call of the Haunted to bring back Infernity Avenger from the graveyard in attack mode!" The grizzly flipped over his face down quickplay spell card Book of Moon, in attempt to prevent the fox from synchro summoning a monster to the field by putting his tuner monster in facedown defense position. "Since I have no cards in hand and I control an attack position Infernity monster, I can activate my counter trap Infernity Barrier. Negating your spell card!" And with that the fox sent Dark Grepher and Infernity Avenger to the grave as synchro material monsters, "I now synchro summon the monster Stygian Sergents (Lv/5 ATK/2200 DEF/1800). Now I attack your Gladiator Beast Equeste with Stygian Sergents, inflicting 600 damge to you." Aki-2200 Rafael-6400. "But that's not all, now since my Stygian Sergents destroyed a monster by battle and sent it to the graveyard, he gains 800 attack points and can attack once again!" Aki-2200 Rafael -3400. "And with that I'll end my turn." He said with a sigh of relief. He had managed to come back from a rocky start. If he kept this up, he could still win this game. The bear, shaken from such a comeback drew his card. "I'll set one card face down and end my turn..." The fox was disappointed that he didn't summon a monster; his Stygian Sergeants would've been able to hurt him more if he did. "Alright I draw, and I'll attack you directly with Stygian Sergeants!" Aki-2200 Rafael-1200. The tide had turned, the vulpine was now in the lead, and had control of the board. "I'll set one card face down and end my turn." The bear drew, hoping for the card to be a game changer... it wasn't. "Good game." He said with a smile, extending his paw in defeat. The vulpine shook with a smirk. "That was a close call," He said with chuckle. They both gathered their decks and other belongings, and parted ways. They would probably meet up after the tourney to eat or just hang out.

He headed towards the back of the shop to report his win to Ray, when a small group of players were hovering over a table where what sounded like a heated duel was going on caught his eye. He decided to see what was going on, the peered over the shoulder of a Boa. And what he saw made his eyes go wide in surprise. On one of the player's field, there it was. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Not one, but two! His eyes darted to see the player behind those beautiful dragons; it was a slender Labrador retriever. His fur was a golden blond, and his eyes were a clear blue that seemed so graceful. He had an expressionless face as he played, just like he did when he and the fox had dueled long ago. His bright blue hues met the vulpine's as he muttered "Game..." To his opponent, that stood no chance at all in the first place. The fox growled quietly as he pulled himself from the duel and continued to the back. Reporting the win to Ray, he turned back to the shop full of players. He had won both his duels so far, if he could hold out until the finals he could make top 4 he thought to himself. Today had been interesting to say the least so far. "Alright..." He muttered to himself, he went towards the tables to look for it. He knew that he was going to duel him. And he wasn't going to have a very good chance without it. He needed to get his paws on a Trishula....

To be continued...

Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes --Chapter 3

Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes Chapter-3 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The bathroom walls muffled the...

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Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes--Chapter2

Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes--Chapter 2 With all the players flocking to their respective table numbers, the Saturday tourney had officially begun. Aki spotted table 9, the one he had been assigned for round one. Sitting down he...

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Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes-- Chapter 1 (Revised)

Silly Humans, Card games are for Foxes. -- Chapter 1 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Flipping through...

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