Old Story ~ Pen Pals

Story by Lynx-Hunter on SoFurry

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What if he doesn't like me? She mused to herself. Her little paws twisting the hem of her light purple blouse, she looked in the airplane bathroom mirror, her big wide gray eyes looked back, her black whiskers twitched, and her short black curls trembled with the vibration of the plane around her jaw line. And the little otteress was rightly nervous; she had never been outside her home city, and now she was going from Sydney, Australia to Florida, America. She just came in to a little bit of money and thought it was time to take a trip, it was a little odd she pick Florida, but the little otter wanted to meet her pen pal she had been talking to for years. He was handsome black bear by the name of Chris Black. Her fat tail swayed nervously under her green skirt, this is it, she thought, "_show time"_ she said to herself, winking one of her big gray eyes at her mirror self, a smile broke out across her face, making her whiskers twitch strangely, her silvery blue fur standing on end. With one last check she walked out of the rest room, thick curls bouncing.

She looked around the baggage claim, where people were waiting for their clients, work mates, friends, and family to step off the planes to meet them. She was first thought the doors scanning the crowed for the big bear or a sign or anything that was for her. A fat business cat roughly pushed past her making her drop her shoulder bag, someone accidently kicked it to the opposite side of the door way, her face burned with embarrassment as she quickly picked it up looking around if anyone noticed, then she saw him, her gray ones met his chocolate ones. She gulped, he smiled. She finally saw the sign in his big paws as he lent against the rail beside the gate 'Secha' it read, yeah it was him, yeah that was her name. She gave a small smile and swung her bag across her back, he is very handsome, she decided walking over to him, giving him a quick once over as he stood there in his red foot ball jersey and simple slacks, his small ears and small eyes set in to his big wide black furry face, the jersey showing his white mark along his collar bone which looking at made her feel warm in her stomach. He watched her approach. "hey Secha, I'm Chris" his ascent making her blink, he said extending a large paw (complete with sharp claws she noticed) "hi Chris, I'm Secha" he chuckled as she shook his paw, he pulled her close gently and planted a small kiss on the side of her muzzle, making her blush furiously, especially when two or three people watching them gave a small cheer. "come on" he urged "I'm parked on a meter so the sooner we get your bag sooner we can go" he smiled and held her paw and guided her around the fence shortly, "sure" she gave a small tired smile back, whiskers twitching, she blinked her eyes slowly, she hadn't slept the whole 18 hour flight, or the 5 hours waiting at the airport. She was rightly tired. "come on" he said, taking her bag from her as she walk to baggage claim beside him and placed his arm over her shoulders, her fat tail swinging side to side gently and nervously. He hummed happily as he walk, his heavy arms resting across her shoulders. She smiled to herself too, she was glad he was a bit talkative because she wasn't. She felt herself calm a little and relax. She wondered what would happen later, she was a little ashamed to admit it but she was unexperienced when it came to... men. She had done stuff definitely, but she had never been with a man and she didn't really know what Chris was expecting with her there. She decided to put the thoughts out of her tired mind for the being.

She woke with a start. Chris was there gently tapping her shoulder, "hey hon, must of fallen asleep, come on" he offered a paw as she unbuckled her belt "your stuffs already in" he pointed to the open door, "oh thanks" she said getting out noticing the hot, dusk air "what's the time?" she mumbled rubbing her eyes "uhhh..." he glanced at his watch as he locked the car and headed towards the house with her "nearly 8, come on little otter, I'll give you a quick show though then you can get some sleep, I promise to stick to the couch tonight" he winked. "oh I don't want to kick you out of your bed!" his chest rumbled with laughter "no its fine, so would you like dinner or what?" he asked while showing her slowly though the house "if you got any leftovers *yawn* that'll do" he wandered down the hall and opened the fridge and stuck his head in "I dunno about salads" she padded across the cool tiles and sat down on the bar stool near the bench "but there's cold peperoni pizza" her eyes lit up "perfect" he chuckled and pulled the box out of the fridge and put it in front of each other. She hungrily grabbed the slice with all the cheese, he gave her a funny look "what's wrong?" she asked biting into it and pulling the pizza down making a long strand of cheese "that's the bit I was going to have" he said in a mock grumble "oh well" she ate the last bit of the strand licking it up "here" she said putting the bitten pizza in his direction, he laughed "no its fine, besides it looks better in your mouth" she laughed but didn't quite know what he meant. She ate the last crust of her pizza and fanned herself, gathering her short curls off her neck in the other hand "is it always this hot? I mean I know I'm Australian and everything but gods, I guess I'm not used to it seeing it's the middle of winter back home" he smiled, "well you can dip in the pool out back if you don't mind being eaten alive by bugs, at this time of night, or there's a shower just down the hall" she laughed "no bathing suit" he looked at her funny "improvise, use a birthday suit" she blushed but smiled "cheeky" she muttered poking her tongue out at him "but for the moment I just might go to bed" his ears dropped "damn, well, down the hall and to your left is the bed room and bath room is to your right" she smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "well good night" he returned a short one "see you later Sech" he waved, and sighed when she left the room and turned out her bedroom light, she was just what he expected and totally different, he thought she was going to be a little taller and a bit fatter but she was stunning as is, her curvy hips and somewhat large chest making her gorges, nothing porn star or over done about her but it was all there under it, lovely legs, a pretty face framed by her sexy curls, and those gorges eyes, he thought absent-mindedly he felt his sheath stir rapidly at the thought of the ways she looked at him, making her eyes glitter, he grunted to himself softly as he felt himself get harder, too bad I'm on the sofa tonight and not snuggled up next to her, he smiled to himself almost fully erect, "if I can't be in my bed tonight may as well have a shower" he smiled

Secha lay wide awake in the dead quite, hot house, too hot for clothes; it was hotter than she anticipated it to be, she happened to be getting a little wet as hot weather always seemed to make her horny, she hadn't even thought about bringing a toy along, guess I better do with paw, she thought sadly, her paws were just a little too short for what she wanted them to do for her, and the webbing stoped a lot of it too, she thought idly about Chris' big paws and big claws, she wet her lips as she gently ran one of her paws down her fur playing with it, making her horny as she flicked the wrong way, brushing further down her body past her navel to the edge of her bush, she played with it slowly with her fingers as her other hot paw slowly massaged one of her sizeable tits, she pinched her nipple moaning slightly at the feel then rubbing it as her paw drifted down to her wet cunt, she slowly played with the edges of her lips smiling slightly at the sensation as her clit throbbed slighted, she imagined Chris' big paws rubbing and licking her cunt which made her moan quietly, she ran her fingers up and down her slit then played with her clit, rubbing it, teasing it and running it in circles making her silently gasp and legs tense. Her other paw left from playing with her tit and stroked along her wet slit as she ran her other paw in circles, then she found the spot she was looking for and berried one finger deep inside herself moaning as she felt her finger breach her, sinking in so deep, she moaned trying to keep quiet, her hips lifting off the bed as she fucked herself harder, her juices dribbling down her legs, her finger got squeezed and squeezed by her inner muscles. She gasped and moan, her sex rippled around her fingers milking them as she came, her cum running down her legs staining the sheets as she lay there gasping.

Chris stood in the dark hall way in front of the bed room door watching Secha play with herself, he wanted it to be him, his cock was already hot throbbing out of its sheath pre-cum dribbled down his length and his legs shock with need, as he watched her cum, her legs tremble, and her juices flow and hear her moan softly, as he rapidly stroked his cock, wishing it was inside of that beautiful otter's sweet, tight, cunt. He gulped silently as he watched her dark out line stop suddenly and look towards his direction, her ears pricking. He stood completely still, not daring to even breath in the dark hall way. He let out a breath as he watched her dark shape relax on to the bed and roll over and soon began to breathe slowly and evenly, asleep. His shoulders slumped in relief, he slowly picked up his pants and quietly padded to the bathroom with his painfully hard, hard on to quietly finish it off.

Secha smiled and stretched in the morning sun shine as it shone through the window. She yawned and slowly pulled on her underwear and grabbed her towel and padded out in to the lounge room, smiling as she saw the big bear spread awkwardly on (but mostly off) the couch, pillow laying to the side, he was laying on his stomach, she blushed softly, she couldn't help but notice his cute tail poking out the top of his pants, she giggled as he kicks and mumbled softly in his sleep, she leant down quickly and gave his a quick peck next to his ear, his ears flicked gently as her whiskers tickled him, she quietly padded outside to the pool and in her blue underwear slowly slipped into the pool, diving under the water, her black curls lengthening and flowing around to her shoulders, her silver blue fur flattering and releasing bubbles of little air from her oily fur, as she swam to the bottom, gently paddling under the water using the webbing between her fingers and toes, she closed her eyes and smiled enjoying the temperature. Her whiskers twitched as she 'felt ' a ripple pass across the water, she opened her eye and sure enough, two big black feet were definitely walking down the steps, her smile widened as Chris walked down the steps and bombed as he got up to his knees, she laughed, releasing her lung full of air to the surface, as he looked over to her smiling, his fur moving with the waves he created, his green shorts floating around him, he kicked the short distance to the surface, she kicked off the floor of the pool, her tail floating with her. She smiled as her head broke the surface. "well..." Chris stuttered looking at her up and down as she floated there in her blue bra and underwear, her head fur pulled straight with the weight of the water, making her hair and the fabric darker with the water "...you look..." he blushed a deep red under his black fur "...wow" he brushed his longer head fur back out of his eyes. "I'm guessing you like?" she giggled, swimming around him in slow, lazy circles, her tail and feet dragging slowly behind her arm strokes. "well yeah, you sexy little thing!" he leapt at her, she let out a fake scream and slowly dodged him, but she didn't expected him to move so fast. She yelped with surprised as he pinned her arms to her side in a great big bear hug. She laughed with his face inches from hers. They stopped moving their clothes floating with the water's ripples, the two of them alone in the backyard in the pool, their hot bodies so close together, and their hearts hammering and pumping. They looked at each other, the otter a little higher thanks the bear's hug, his nose level her nipples, her rudder like tail swishing side to side, then what the black bear was waiting for. His nose twitched with a few scents, the chlorine of the pool, the grass, the lavender in her black head fur and then he picked it. The scent of her lust and her need and her heat of animal instincts. He carried the little otter a short distance not taking his eyes off her afraid he was still asleep on the couch, she watched him back her stomach warm and warming and twisting, she'd not felt like this before, her little paws on his shoulders trembled with a little mix of adrenaline, fear and hunger. Her tail swishing the water made the scent stronger even to the bear's sensitive nose, he placed her on the edge of the pool, at the pool side, she sat there, with dripping fur and dripping hair and dripping blue underwear, he could hear her little heart hammering in her chest yet she looked so calm, his big paws didn't leave her thighs as she sat there, they both watched each other, unsure how to proceed. His claws slowly moved up and down the outside of her thighs asking, she lent close to his face, they were nearly eye to eye her on the ledge, him standing, her face was inches from hers, they held their breath, his ears flicking up and down nervously worried he pushed their fragile relationship too far too soon, but he did not expect what she did. That's one of the things he loved about her, unpredictable. She lent in and with baited breath ... she kissed him, gently muzzle to muzzle, her gray eyes closed, her little pink tongue flicked out licked his and back in her mouth within seconds, he lent forward, one paw on the back of her head pushing her closer slightly, his long, rough, wide, flat, tongue took its sweet time sliding out his mouth and into hers, playing with her teeth and her tongue. He drew back slowly. She panted heavily, brushing her head fur out of her eyes. As she leant back he moved forward, nuzzling his muzzle in to her neck, flicking her fur the wrong way, his breath hot, so hot, on her neck, he nuzzled and licked and nibbled focusing on what he was doing, moving lower. His long, powerful tongue licking under her bra strap, his teeth pulling at it gently, she got the idea and reached back and unclipped it, letting it fall reviling her large, firm, supple breasts, he started at them for a moment, then kissed and licked her collar bone again his large paws barely not able to contain the large mounds of female flesh, she moan and gasped as he teased her breasts, licking her soft fur on the inside of the two, then focusing on her left one, he took his sweet time as he gave it a long, slow, wet, lick. He sucked on her, biting her nipples slightly, her little shaking paws massaging his head and shoulders, he moved lower, licking her belly then her hips, then he ran his flexible tongue under the band of her panties as his chocolate eyes pinned her gray ones, asking permission. She gave a short nod, and he gripped her underwear with his teeth and pulled them off her and her tail in on piece, he let them sink down in the water as he dropped them, landing near his feet. He moved right up to the wall, water splashing over her feet and shins dangling in the water around the mid section of his chest, he gently gripped her knees and separated them out wide; he moved his muzzle in slowly as the space between her legs got wider. He let out a hot breath on to her wetness; she licked her furry lips, her body humming in anticipation. He looked at her in her eyes as he opened his omnivoric mouth, his teeth sharp and long but his lips strong and tongue flexible, he lent within a inches of her wetness, he blew on her making her shiver in the warm sun, he closed his eyes and licked her.

He licked from the base of her wet slit to the top of her lips where her clit was hidden in her folds. His mouth was wet and his taste buds tingled at her feminie taste, his sheath finally stirring in the cool water, starting to tent his pants, he wriggled out of them letting them float to the bottom with the otter's panties. His tongue was rough, flat, long and oh-so wide! She giggled with joy as he licked faster and faster like the tasty treat it was. His licking forcing on her clit sometimes others teasing her petals or licking up all her sweet nectar, his licking got intense as she produced more and more sweet for him, sending him wild, his animal side giving in. She sat there taking it moaning quietly. His tongue was so good, his paws playing with her thighs without noticing as his tongue worked. She came gushing out her licking pussy as his special tongue slid inside of her, her body twitched and trembled as he licked her inner walls, and clamped his mouth around her pussy as he pulled her forward to his hungry mouth. His searching tongue was so deep as the black bear made out with her pussy, his tongue wriggling like a eel. He stopped momentarily and blinked coming out of his pussy-eating frenzy as the tip of his tongue felt something inside her, he licked it tasting it, realising it was her cherry, he thought with lust and pleasure and pure pride that he was tongue fucking a virgin. He went at it still but not as hard as before as she slowed down too, still twitching from aftershocks, up to her knees in the water, with the black bear's paws hooked tightly around her thighs keeping them separated as she panted. His hard on out of its sheath and pressed up to the wall trying to get at the otters pussy better. As the bear moved back slowly the little otter kissed him passionately, French-ing him and a sucking on his tongue and licking and tasting her own pussy, he knew it and he loved it, this otter was such a bad girl, he thought in delight.

She purred her arms wrapped around his neck, her ass still sitting on the wall, his paws traced up and down her sensitive back. "did you enjoy that my little otter?" he whispered in her ear. She moaned "oh yes!" she looked him in the eyes, her heart pounding, her smile impish, her eyes lost in lust "I want more" she whispered back. His ears twitched in surprise, he blinked at her "but your a virgin, I tasted your cherry" he made it a question. She nodded "so? I want you so bad, didn't you taste my body beg for you?" he scratched his head, he didn't expect this "well yes" he blushed. She took her arms off him "you don't want me?" she asked sadly, "ooh no no no, I need you my little otter" he purred at her, wrapping her naked body in a bear hug and motor boating her tits slightly, she giggled "well" he said to her "your first time so you pick how and where we do it" she nodded looking around and got up.

She picked up her towel and place it on the outdoor sun bed, it was cushioned and soft, but the metal frame came up towards the top of it in circler patterns. She laid down, knowing the bear watcher her intently, her tail laid out behind her as she was on her side, her legs spread out slightly she patter her leg fur up and down... invitingly. The bear dragged himself out of the water, with strength and eagerness, and padded over to her laying in the sun so seductively, water flowing from his coat. A overjoyed smile spread across her face as she was able to study the handsome beast naked finally... without imagination of course. Her gray eyes glittered as they memorised every bit of him, his short normal length head fur, his chocolate eyes oh so sexy, his chin-fur that was an attractive little soul-patch almost not noticeable with the same shade of his fur, the white patch between his collar bone, his large shoulders and big paws, his large-but-not-fat body well muscled under the fur without being obvious then his stomach, with a small happy-trail down to ... well, his magnificent cock stretching out of his sheath easily 10 inch or more from what she could tell, it pulsed under his paw, veins fat and thick along his thick red cock, his fat balls too where massive ready with a big lot of jizz for her. She rolled over onto her back stroking her wet pussy and her other paw massaging on of her large breasts. He moaned at the sight, but he held her paws in his and moved them above her head and she wrapped them around the metal. She watched him as he moved above her, straddling her body with one of his legs ether side of her hips and he massaged his cock above her at the sight of her. He lent down and kissed her and whispered "ready?" she nodded eagerly.

He moved down to her pussy and moved her legs off the sun bed, so he had VIP access to the juicy virgin cunt, he took one of his large paws and teased her pussy slowly pressing one of his claws in and out of her pussy slowly, she giggled and laid back expecting to be teased but suddenly he grabbed her sides and pressed his heavy weight on top of her gently, the sensation making her horny still, she could feel his burning hot member between her legs, he pressed his tip up against her petals, her body tensed up, like it was pulled up by a puppeteer, Chris sighed above her, she watched his face he lent down to her ear and whispered "you must relax my love, or you'll be so tight I'm going to cum before I even get my tip in" he laughed but added seriously "but more importantly you have to relax, I don't know how it will feel for you, love, but stories I've heard it's not always pleasant" she thought about it for a moment and shrugged "keep going" she said nuzzling his neck slightly, she felt him smile and lean down, she moaned loudly as he began sucking her breast, its felt so good, they were so sensitive as he licked and sucked she didn't notice as he moved his hot member closer to her petals till they were just passed them but not really in. He stopped and asked again "ready?" she nodded, making her tits wobble slightly.

He placed both his large paws either side of her head and neck and pushed down slightly with his hips, they moved past her lips but not breaching her, he tested it out a moment before pressing more, and more, each time only moving slightly not wanting to hurt her. Then. She felt the pressure of his hot tip against her finally, it was an odd sensation, he pressed, she felt her body resist. His face inches from hers, he was about to ask if he could continue again but she pressed her face into the crock of his neck so he couldn't see her face and she nodded, feeling his warm fur, she let out a shaky breath. He pushed harder, her mind told her body to relax, her body didn't want to, he pressed harder, her legs trembled, he pressed harder against her till his hard fat cock slipped deeply inside of her now no longer virgin self. She yelped and bit into his shoulder, his muscle twitched under her teeth, her legs wrapped tightly around his sides as he refused to move knowing her mind didn't want him to. His breath hissed out as she bit him, but tears were rolling down her cheeks as she felt pain where she guess was her hole was, she felt a gush at her legs she was sure wasn't cum, it never was the painful. Chris kept completely still, letting her adjust, the final push that broke her cherry was so forceful the it made him sink almost sheath deep. He felt her breath return normal and asked "want me to stop?" he felt her shake her head against him "keep going, make it feel better".

She felt him nod as he began to draw out, she was about to argue for him to keep going but he didn't pull all the way out, he pushed himself inside her more gently this time not going as deep, and his body moved down and she laid back as he trusted up again, she moaned with pleasure, he started going deeper, adding more and more of his large cock inside of her small tight pussy, he grunted at the effort of fucking her tightness, as it gripped every inch of him, he panted and his thighs clenched and trusted again, making her moan. Her paws gripped his sides as he fucked her pushing in deeper and moving a little faster, her whole body got pushed up and back by his force, she realised he was holding back "so good" she moaned to him, he grunted in agreement his teeth bared in concentration "your so. Fuckin'. tight" he grunted at her, it made her wetter with that sexy grough voice, and his accent. With the extra help began to move faster, pounding his cock deeper inside of her, she moaned, griping his black fur tightly. She felt her insides grip his hot prick as he thrusted into her, the slick fur between her legs soaked with her sweet juices, his balls slapping her wet cunt, she gripped him tighter and tighter till he started grunting and moaning, she gasped breathlessly, her body was bounced up and down on the sun bed, her paws gripped him tighter, she moaned and yelled as her body was over taken, shuddering, shivering, her body was set afire of an orgasm. She clung to him as her body excited him. The smell, the feel, the tightness. He moaned, and roared, his large paws gripping her firmly, he snarled, and stopped humping, then she felt it. His hot, sticky cum gushed in to her, filling her womb, making her stomach bludge out with the overload of cum, his hard cock pumping hot cum into her still, refusing to let the over filling cum out of her pussy. He laid his body on top of her pinning her down with his weight. His hot prick emptying into her. After a while she tried to move, but she was still pinned, she whimpered thinking he might have fallen asleep. Her hot breath on his ear made him flick it, he nuzzled her neck, kissing and nibbling it, she giggled and pressed her paws against his chest, and he gently got up off her. His now softening cock pulled out of her with a small pop, a little cum mixed with blood from her cherry gushed out slightly. Her paws played with the bludge and he helped her up off the sun bed and hugged her close to his big furry body "time for a shower, don't you think?" he asked her, her skin trembled "definitely" she nodded.

He grinned and nuzzled her neck, taking her paws and leading her to back inside, her legs still jelly like from their fun, the sound of his claws scratching the tile surface as he entered the bathroom bounced off the white walls, he opened the wide glass door to the shower and turned the water on, waiting for it to turn hot he pulled her closer kissing her deeply, she murred softly, her paws running up and down his arms as she kissed him back, she blinked her big grey eyes as the room filled with steam, he looked up and tested the water before stepping in and brought her into the large shower with him, shutting the door behind her, giving her rump a soft smack. "hey!" she giggled jumping slightly, water pouring down her wet fur, forming rivers down her shiny fur and contoured body, Chris licked his lips eyeing her up and down as she stood before him, her lickerish hair longer now it was wet, her cute little ears standing up, reviled from being hidden by her hair, her sexy grey eyes, and her cute whiskers, her big breasts and curvy hips, her nice rump and long tail, he felt his sheath stir again "damn your beautiful" he said to her, steeping forward and curling her up in his arms, she blushed deeply but smiled, enjoying having his warm body so close. The warm water from the shower head fell on them both as they view each other. The big bear nuzzled the top of the otter's head as steam fogged the glass. The silver otteress rested her cheek on his chest, listening to his slow, strong heart beat. He cleared his throat, suddenly feeling shy at her closeness, feeling her little hot body pressed to him, warm and happy. "I love you, Secha." he blurted, bright red, scratching the back of his head. She smiled up at him, he chuckled at her cute little whiskers twitching "I love you too..." She reached behind him, rubbing the small of his back gently; she giggled as her paw darted to the taps, turning the cold water on full and darting out of the shower as he yelped at the icy water soaked his fur.

This was written by Lynx Hunter


All writing and characters belong to Lynx. Do not use or reproduce without the author's permission!