Gina's Job

Story by felixcat on SoFurry

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All characters represented here were created by me. Please do not re-use them without my permission. Feel free to distribute this work as much as you like.

This story contains scenes of rapid pregnancy and semi-non-consensual sex.

"Gina's Job"

"Well Miss Cat, it seems that you have the specific medical qualifications we're looking for. And," muttered the stallion sitting across from the white mink, "the physical qualifications that certainly help in the area you'll be working."

The stallion leaned back into his large leather office chair and with a massive hand, took up his cigar from where it sat smoldering in the ashtray on his desk. A massively built creature, the stallion sat imposingly in a dapper black suit complete with a fiery red tie and an overly tightened shirt. Either the shirt was too tightly buttoned around his neck (thus causing the occasional vein to bulge when he took a deep draw from his cigar) or he was far too well muscled (if such a thing is possible). From small, watery blue eyes he watched the mink, looking down at her over a bronze coloured muzzle and wide, flared nostrils. He wore his hair short, though parted down the middle and slicked with something, much akin to the fast salesmen of ages past. Matching his hair, the rest of his bronze coat seemed to shimmer, and what little the mink could see, clung tightly to skin stretched tautly over bulging muscles.

He leaned forward and blew a puff of smoke from his nostrils, causing it to swirl downward and plume against the placard sitting at the front of his desk. "Mr. Thomas Pallinthor" it read in dulled gold lettering. Like his suit, it looked overly cheap.

He looked the mink over again, then with a grunt, lifted his form from his chair and began to pace forward from behind the desk. A shiny syringe filled with a dull yellow liquid soon found its way from an adjoining desk and into his hands. Its partner soon followed it; a similar syringe filled with a light blue sluice that looked all together malicious.

He nodded towards the vials and their contents, "Now I'm sure you're wondering why we gave you the drug test and blood work and all that. Well that was to make sure that you're no threat to our studs. THESE little babies are to make sure that they're no threat to you. A couple of our boys can get a little... ah... friendly... when you're giving them a check-up. This one," he shook the blue one, making the mingled contents swirl ominously, "is to make sure that they can't hurt you if they get a little overly ambitious while in your office. And THIS one," he said, smiling and giving the yellow filled syringe a little shake, "is to make sure that in the event of an accident, that you recover quickly and that we here at Pallin's Pricks are at no harsh legal risks." The stallion leaned close, cigar still in his teeth, and with a wry grin nodded towards an already rolled up sleeve on the mink's arm. "There's a good girl. Knew you'd agree to the terms in your contract. Now I'm sure you... you can ah... administer them yourself. I've never been a real fan of sticking anyone. Well... sticking them with a NEEDLE," he bellowed out in a mirthful laugh, all the while grabbing the front of his slacks and jiggling the overly filled (much like his shirt collar) fabric.

Mr. Pallinthor turned and resumed his imposing place at his desk, though by the time he was in his seat, the door to his office had already opened and closed again. Gone to her first day, the mink stepped out into the hallway and past the owner's secretary, down past various offices - accounting, public relations, IT room, cafeteria - and out into the main courtyard. Her new office lay on the opposite side of the farm, right beside the stables. She'd been told it was a little bit of a trip, mainly to keep the studs from being too close to the office workers, but when she got a good look at the enclosure nearly a mile off, she had to wonder, just a bit, whether she would end up parking out there or in the plush staff parking by the office building. Either way, at least she would be relatively free of bother.

Upon reaching the smallish medical building attached to the stud stables and finding her office marked with a fresh sign - Miss Gina Cat - she put her new office key to work and entered her office.

It was a spacious little number for such a small looking building. She had a desk, several medical tables for checking patients, a couple of couches, some beds, her own desk (oak no less!), and as promised, a set of monitors, a computer, and a TV with a VCR. All the things she would need to get down to business save for most medical supplies normally found in a physician's office.

The white mink stood and stepped to a small side room - the changing room - and set about removing her street clothing (a pair of jeans, tennis shoes, and a modest little purple blouse) and getting into the professional outfit the company provided cleaned and pressed and ready in the offices each day.

Once down to her skivvies, she stretched and looked at herself in the mirror. She stood a modest little five feet nine inches tall and had a head capped with red hair. The same red colored along her tail, the long, fluffy thing swishing slightly behind her as she stood looking at herself. Two large, full breasts hung suspended in a simple white bra, though the garment provided only that - support - for a mink built like her with a large rack often has large nipples to accompany the generous swell of her breasts. True to minkish form, Gina's nipples jutted proudly against the fabric of the bra, making for two slightly upturned and thick bumps in the otherwise smooth swells of fabric. Lower, a pair of white panties clung eagerly to her hips, hiding her various nether bits, though doing little for hiding the curves of her shapely rear. Two well-shaped and well-padded ass cheeks sat framing the string of white cloth riding up between them. She nodded slightly, smiling to herself and mentally complementing herself on getting such a fine paying job.

It took a moment for her to slip into her work outfit, and all the while, there were soft thuds and squeaks from her office. Must be maintenance moving the last of her equipment into the office. With her button up white blouse tucked into her knee length white skirt and a pair of easy little loafers on her feet, she stepped out into her office to greet the maintenance crew only to find they had already departed, though not without leaving her several gifts first.

The closets were now full of various medical supplies, medicines, bandages, light surgery utensils, cleaning agents, clean towels, and sitting in the middle of the room, a large, tube shaped object on long casters. It stood just at waist height for her. One end was capped, but the other contained what looked like a loose latex lining. On the bottom were several small tubes descending from a hole midway in and leading to what looked like several small racks meant for holding something. With no apparent instructions lying about for the device and having received no training in its operation, she resigned herself to the mystery and set to a notebook lying on her desk.

The notebook contained a list of names, and more importantly, medical files, obviously on the various studs kept at the facility. Each file had a picture of the stud, his name, medical history, vital statistics, allergies, required nutrition allotment, and a strange little section detailing each stud's fertility rating. Just one more thing she'd have to figure out today, but that would have to wait, for soon enough, it would be time for her first check-up, the first stud on the list, a vulpine named Jack.

Gina waited in her office for almost half an hour, having been told that the studs would be brought to her, before becoming bored and punching up the medical secretary.

"Yes, Miss Cat? What can I do for you?" drawled the voice on the other end of the speaker.

Gina looked back to her list of studs, then leaned over the speaker, "Yes ma'am Miss..."

"Mrs. Regina Charleston, ma'am. And don't worry. You can just call me Reggie"

Gina smiled widely. She was told that this was a friendly place, but she was quite happy to be reassured of that fact by her secretary. Once again, she leaned over the speaker, "Yes Reggie. I was wondering when I'm supposed to see the various studs this morning. It's been half an hour since I arrived and all I know is that maintenance delivered the last of my equipment."

A derisive snort came through the speaker followed by a slight sigh, "That'll be ol' Jabber Jaw in the break room again. Don't you worry none. I'll get on Maria's case and get the boys out there to you." And with that, the intercom clicked off.

Gina leaned back into her chair and began to look over Jack's medical file. Six feet tall. Red fur with black and white highlights. No allergies. Six thousand calories and a vitamin regiment daily. Everything seemed in order and Jack seemed in good health. The only thing to puzzle her was the fertility rating. It read that Jack was a fertility score of thirty-six. With no other references, it remained a puzzle.

She didn't have much time to pour over the mystery, though, as a knock on her door soon came. Not three minutes. She really gets results, thought the mink. Rising from the chair, she straightened her skirt and put on a smile, "Come in, please."

The door opened and in walked the fox in the picture she was just looking at. Jack, obviously as the faces were the same, looked into the room from around the corner, and spotting Gina, broke into a wide, toothy grin. When he stepped around the corner, it was Gina's turn for a little surprise. Jack was quite undressed.

He stood nude as could be, grinning ear to ear, with paws on his hips, "Well hey! They said the new doc was a real cutie, but I wasn't expecting a mink! WOW! The other guys are gonna be so stoked!" He strolled forward as he spoke, giving Gina a good look at his body.

The fox looked a bit lithe, though skinny, and a bit tall for his species with long hair in a pony-tail and a couple of eyebrow rings, though the thing that really caught Gina's eyes were his above average sized sheath and almost peach sized testicles. All three jounced and wobbled as he strolled up to greet her. With a paw out in a friendly gesture, he seemed unawares, or uncaring, of his nudity.

Though she was used to seeing patients in the nude, it took Gina just a moment to swallow her shock and shake Jack's hand. She smiled a little, nodding towards one of the tables, "Mind hopping up there so I can give you a bit of a look-over?"

Jack obliged, though with a bit too much intentional bounce in his step, thought the mink. Once seated, Gina gave him a quick once-over to make sure the file information was up to date, and once pleased, she picked up the folder and looked through it again. The whole time, though nude, Jack was ever the gentleman, and though he was presented with such a pretty caretaker, refrained from giving his doc a peep show.

Gina stared at the chart for a moment, then looked up to Jack with a slightly embarrassed smile. She scooted back in her chair just slightly and muttered out, "Jack... would you happen to know what this fertility rating is and how it's calculated? I can't figure it out at all."

That same sly smile returned to Jack's face. He reached down and gave his generous vulpine package a little pat, "That's my percentage of successful pregnancies my nut's caused. Most guys here range between a low to high thirty." With a little murr, he looked over to the tube sitting in the middle of the room, then back to Gina. "So Doc... today's Tuesday. Extraction day."

"Extraction day?" Gina mimed with a confused look on her face. She sat there, watching Jack grin for a good minute before it hit her. She was the only medical staff at the stud farm. She would be the one doing the semen extractions for sell. That HAD to be what the huge tube was for. She looked to Jack with a slightly hassled grin and shrugged, "Well I suppose so... give me a moment, would you? I didn't really get all that much of a briefing."

Before she could do anything, though, Jack was on his feet and digging through a cabinet. When he turned around, he had a small beaker in one paw, and a good nine inched of fox dick in the other, and busily stroking himself, he grunted out, "Th..that's okay... most of us do our ooown... aa! Our own thing... nnf..."

Up and down that paw went until Jack straightened out, stuffed his tip into the beaker, and begins to jet his white load into the bottle. He came hard, causing thick splatters to rebound within the glass, and soon filled the container nearly halfway full. After his flow slowed, he pulled his dick out, popped in a cork, labeled the bottle, and set it aside on a tray. Turning back to the slightly stunned, but altogether interested mink, he gave her a wink and huffed out, "It's fast until after lunch. You'll need the extra time to do your last three. Trust me," and before she could speak up to dismiss him, Jack was out the door and whistling down the hallway with dick bobbing in front of him and stuck tightly out of his sheath by his swollen knot.

Gina could only shake her head in astonishment at the rather laid back atmosphere of the stud farm. Even though she was used to guys pulling their dicks out on her, she wasn't all that used to them getting off and treating it so casually. But then again, she wasn't all that used to normal men. Her brother had been a sex fiend since he learned how to walk, so around her house, it was more like an extended spring break. Here, though, getting off was just another day at work. How someone could treat multiple orgasms so casually, or even with an air of calm business like solidarity, caused the mink to re-think her joy at having found this job. Nothing is worse than a job that kills the sex drive.

Only minutes passed after Jack left before another make rounded the corner, cutting Gina's silent and still stunned contemplation rather short. She looked up from Jack's file a bit perturbed at being disturbed, but the mink quickly regained her composure. Business and all that rot, I suppose, she mused to herself.

The next stud, another fox, though this time a silver one, went through the same routine as Jack. He got the check-up and then polished himself off into a beaker. The whole time, though unlike Jack, he was silent. When he gave a soft yip and came into the beaker, he finally spoke up.

"Hey doc," came his almost girlishly high and squeaky voice, "you think I could get some Viagra? I've... I've had a little trouble keeping it up lately and I don't wanna get dismissed so soon after getting here." He looked towards Gina with a bit of a droop in his demeanor. "I don't really want the other guys knowing. Hush hush, right?"

Gina smiled and nodded, making a note in the fox's file to get him a bottle of "uppers" as it were. "So even with trouble keeping it up, you're still a thirty-eight fertility rating?"

"Yeah," he said, "I guess I'm lucky like that. I always pop off too early, though. Good thing this isn't a whore house, huh? I wouldn't bring in anything."

That earned a hearty chortle from the both of them, and once the fox had cleaned his member and filled out the medication request forms, he was on his way, out the door and presumably back to the stables.

The rest of the morning passed in much the same manner. A stud would come in, get his check-up, then wank off into a beaker like it was a well-practiced hobby (which for guys like this, Gina figured wasn't too poor of a guess). A few of the men spoke to wish her a warm welcome (and how warm a welcome is a big dick being jerked for you, eh?), some merely wanted to talk about their physical condition, one - a big bear who spoke Russian with a thick northern accent - gave her a rousing conversation about pest control, but only two others said anything about her afternoon patients.

The first, a parrot named Stevie, warned her to watch out for Piff. Stevie said that the big rottie was nothing but trouble and couldn't help but get his paws full of breast each time he went to the doctor. Gina merely replied that she'd watch him, while making a mental note to let him get a few good squeezes on BEFORE chiding him.

The other was an unusual one. An iguana named Sets-up'an, he merely said that she would really be interested in one of her last guys, though he declined to say what species or his name. The only thing else he said was that if she wanted, he'd probably be more than happy to show her a good time. Again, Gina only replied that she'd watch him. This time, though, she had to remind herself that fucking a patient is usually grounds for dismissal in any medical area. No. She'd just have to go dating outside of work. Either that or she could fuck her boss.

Noon finally arrived, and with it her lunch hour. Gina was already informed that the cafeteria delivered lunch boxes to all the offices so people could chose where to eat. She would be spending it watching her soaps. From what she had heard, she would need the rest for the three studs she was to have that afternoon.

But as soon as it began, lunch hour was over, All My Foals was off, and the speaker on her desk came to life with a soft click. "Gina, Piff is on his way over. I trust you read his file and I'm sure the other boys told you some thing about him," came the secretary's voice over the com, "And I just want to let you know that they're probably all true. Good luck."

"Thank you Reggie." Gina looked to Piff's file again. She had indeed already read through it, but other than a slightly high body weight for his height and a note about his mammary fetish, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing, that is, except for his seventy-nine fertility rating. In fact, it wasn't just Piff that was abnormally high. The last three studs in her list, her afternoon lineup, had equally high fertility ratings: her second, an eighty-two and third an ungodly high of ninety-five. She muttered silent thanks that she took contraceptives.

She sat waiting for Piff to arrive, and soon enough he did. With a knock on her door, he strolled in before she could ask him in. The Doberman sauntered in with an air of overconfidence and with certain reason. Gina now saw why his weight was listed as 320 for only a six-foot frame. Huge, toned, and bulging muscles lined his body. Plump pecs, toned abs, bulging biceps, the whole package the ninety-eight pound weaklings on the beach dream about, including the hefty package jiggling between his legs. Two fat nuts, easily larger than a softball each, distended a visibly veiny scrotum. Barely covered with his tan fur, the tightly stretched sac pulled his sheath slightly downwards so that it pointed straight out - towards the stunned mink - and swayed side to side. It was equally as large. It looked more like a fuzzy, fleshy, cardboard tube than a modest little sheath (like Jake's).

Piff was more than excited to see the new doctor, though, and that much was obvious. Already poking from his wide sheath was a tapered red dick tip, thick and drooling with canine pre. He piped up, "Hey doc! Wow! The guys weren't kidding! You sure do have big titties!"

"Um... well thank y..," was all that Gina managed to get out before Piff had made his way across the room and set to working at her large, clothed mink breasts. With a paw on each tit, he set to squeezing and stroking them against one another. As if those paws weren't enough of a sentiment of enjoyment, his cock had already started to slip further from his sheath. By the time Gina worked through her stunned gawk, it had already worked its way to right beneath her bosom and was busily and enthusiastically painting the underside of those rounded melons with generous splatters of pre.

Once she had managed to free her chest of those exploring paws, she took a step back to appraise Piff, but the dog had already done his handiwork. Each of Gina's fabric encased breasts had a thick and quite wet coating of canine pre-come dripping downward from just under their nipples. A mink is not one to be messed with, and Gina wasn't a girl who took kindly to manhandling. Least of all, she rather despised losing a good outfit. Good thing for Piff that the outfit was company property and she would be removing it.

Of course, that's exactly what Piff had on his mind.

Gina looked to her chest, then to Piff and sighed, quite laboriously. "Great," she muttered out, "You got my only lab jacket all... well... sticky..." She looked back up to a smiling face and a throbbing dick She just glared, hotly, at the canine for a moment before turning and reaching for a towel hanging behind her desk. I guess that's what these are for, she thought.

But Piff was not to be outdone by the new person, so he took it upon himself to give her a bit of encouragement.

Before she could get the towel off of the rack, those paws were back against her breasts, wrapped around from behind and eagerly squeezing against the mink's supple body. "Piff, could you please," she purred out in her sweetest voice, "please remove... your uh..." and yet again her speech was cut short by the hungry canine, though not by his hands, but this time by his member.

Piff had slipped up behind Gina and shoved his cock right under her skirt and between her legs, and now, with only a barrier of cloth between her labia and his erection, the canine had wedged the length of his shaft up and against that fabric to press slightly between her folds, and with a gentle sawing motion, he drug his shaft back and forth to let his glans peek out in front from under Gina's skirt.

She stared down at that drooling red glans sawing back and forth between her legs and greeting her each time with a fresh spritz of pre. At least she was getting a rather warm reception.

Piff hoped he would get the same, though the reception he wanted was obviously much warmer, and much deeper, and in Gina's case, much tighter.

Without moving from that position, and without stopping Piff in his thrusting, she looked back with a slight smirk. Her smirk was greeted with a warm lick.

"Come on doc. I hate the machine. It takes too long, and besides, I like the real thing," he emphasized with a generous buck of his hips, "And you can still collect up a good sample. I promise!" Piff beamed a toothy and altogether unconvincing grin at Gina.

Gina stared at the still humping and fondling canine for a moment with a slightly blank and perturbed look on her face before, in a soft grunt, she muttered out, "How much less time?"

Piff's grin changed swiftly to a look of triumph, "Five minutes tops! I swear!"

A roll of her eyes and a hefty sigh preceded Gina extracting herself from the canine, but nodding solemnly, "Well alright, but just this once, okay?"

Piff let out a yelp of victory and pulled back enough so that Gina could move more freely. He stood, slightly still, though his dick did most of the movement. It bobbed and swayed, then spit and drooled, over and over again, as if in anticipation of the pretty pussy it was about to greet.

He watched, waiting a moment, while Gina finished sopping her chest off then got several beakers for the "collection." But being a horny pup, Piff was never very patient, and giving in to his more urgent desires, he slipped forward again, this time just as Gina had set down the beakers and was turning back to him. His dick slid easily back between her legs, though instead of grabbing her chest as he did before, his paws moved down to lift her skirt upwards, and with one practiced stroke, pull her panties down and aside enough to bare her red furred cunt to the cool air.

Gina looked a little shocked, but that shock soon turned to a smirk as she looked down to Piff's paws. "That eager, are we?"

Piff's only response was to pull his hips back enough that his member could nuzzle up under Gina's skirt, into that gap made by her lapsed panties, and right between those pouty black pussy folds. The other studs often remarked that Piff had a "pussy sensor" in his glans. His ability to sink his dick right into a cunt without even being able to see it was almost uncanny.

Those folds parted with a soft, wet squish around that pointed canine cock, and before she could grunt out a complaint, Piff had already sunk a good fourth of his girthy length into Gina's apparently pliant cooze. Her legs spread and one lifted upwards, just slightly, enough that Piff could slide between them and continue to push into her. There was a look of slight surprise on her face, but by the time Piff had sunk halfway into her and her skirt was covering his groin and exposed genitals, the surprise had become a rather wide smile.

Gina just huffed out slightly in defiance to the canine sinking balls deep into her. "Mmmf... don't even let me get settled in before you're in me?" she asked rhetorically.

Piff straightened up to fully sheath himself into Gina and nodded, then shrugged slightly as if in recompense. Slowly, his hips began to drag backwards and pull that fat, throbbing, heavily veined length from the mink. Just before thrusting back upwards, he muttered out, "C'mon... this position's just fine... nnnf... close anyway..."

Just as Piff's knot bumped against the fleshy exterior of Gina's pussy, she got a slightly miffed look on her face. "What do you mean you're close?" Her voice was a little stern, but the squeze running through her cunt and along the length of Piff's dick didn't relay any feelings other than "fuck me harder" to the canine.

That was a sentiment that Piff and his dick were happy to comply with. He humped onwards, with long, rough strokes that would always pull a good foot of dog dick from Gina's folds before plunging back into her. Not even twenty strokes into the fuck, Piff gripped Gina's hips hard on an outstroke, and on the instroke, plunged up rather roughly so that his unswollen knot pushed against her muff and wedged its way into her cunt. Once there, it set about promptly inflating and locking the mink tightly to the canine. Not once, though, did any of this deter Piff from continuing to buck his hips, though now with his knot locked firmly into Gina, they were much shorter strokes.

All this earned quite the furious look from his doctor. She wasn't particularly keen on the idea of being stuck on a dog's cock for a few hours.

Now Piff knew perfectly well that he was supposed to pull out and shoot his load into a test tube like the other boys had, but he also knew that a pussy this sweet, this tight, this so deliciously talented, needed to get a nice, long cum washing, and he had the perfect cock for the task. Piff's paws slipped upwards from Gina's hips to grip her breasts again, this time with quite the possessive squeeze. Holding himself there like that, and continuing his short, rapid humps, he arched his neck forward and whined out, "Gonna cum gonna cum goooona blow it all in your pussy."

Gina turned her head and shot Piff another furious gaze, but all too soon relented. By this time, she could feel his swollen knot growing tight inside her channel, locking itself into place, and setting the entire length of his canine cock twitching and jerking within her. With a soft sigh, she just shook her head. Once again, she looked back at her canine humper, though this time with a slight smile and said, "Well all right. You can come in me" By this time, though, it was a little more than certain that Piff was going to dump a load in his doc.

That dick of his set to twitching hard, jerking and bucking at Gina's folds. Just as she finished giving him permission, he let out a low groan and humped upwards hard, holding there just as his bright red dick began to fountain his watery, fertile seed right into Gina's body. Piff held tightly onto Gina, using his grip on her breasts to keep her close. While his nuts did their best to empty themselves into the waiting pussy, he moaned out, "Ooooh doc... yeah all that cum... bitchin your pussy. Bitchin up your pussy with my dick."

Gina couldn't help but utter a soft chuckle at Piff's comments. "I'm not a canine, remember? You can't bitch me." She stood still, though, letting the boy in front of her shoot his heavy load into her womb. All too soon, though, the twitching in his prick ceased. He'd come down from his orgasm.

Both paws once on the mink's soft tits now slipped away to rest on Piff's hips. He stood up straight, panting happily, and giving slight tugs at Gina's cunt with his knot. Each time he pulled back, Gina let out a little grunt and her cunt let out a little squirt of Piff's semen. "Boy doc," came his happily huffing voice, "that was pretty good. Thanks!" He looked down to where his hips met Gina's and gave another tug, this time accompanying Gina's grunt with, "It'll only take a couple minutes. My knot goes down real fast."

The mink, quite unassured and unwilling to believe the canine's eagerness to remove his dick, just looked to him with a flat stare. She had been with canines before, and usually they spent the time deflating by playing with her chest, kissing her, or in the case of a particularly nimble welsh corgie, licking her distended labia. She wasn't one to complain, though, as she did have a job to do, and that immense amount of semen Piff had just pumped into her was causing a slight cramp in her belly, almost as if she had eaten too much and it had distended her abdomen just slightly.

Piff, oblivious to the glares coming from his partner, continued to pant and stare at his dick where just a slight bulge of his knot was visible from his side of Gina's pussy. Each time he tugged back, just a little more of the bright red bulb slipped free, and each time it was pulled back in by the rest of the girthy thing. For almost ten minutes Piff continued to pull, until finally, with quite the loud squelching noise, his knot managed to work enough of its way free of Gina's clenching muscles to pop from her cunt.

Outward that big bulb of flesh slid, followed quickly by the rest of Piff's dick and a generous backwash of his watery semen. As he pulled out of her, Gina began to relax and straighten up, though with a soft huff, she placed a paw on her stomach. That overly full pressure was still there, though with the large splatter of semen running down her legs and across the floor, it was clear that all of Piff's dog cum had drained out of her. She turned to look at him and just shook her head with a slight sigh, muttered out, "Gods that really stretched me. You were really full there, weren't you?"

Piff nodded eagerly then leaned in to give Gina's lips a generous lick. "Sure did!" came his exuberant voice, "I can usually blow out about half a gallon at a time! Second highest semen volume on the farm." He thrust out his chest, then with a happy whuff, began to wipe the semen from his dick onto Gina's skirt. Thankfully for him, it was already messy, so Gina didn't really seem to mind.

With a bit of a laugh, Gina picked up a small tube sitting on the counter with Piff's name on it. She held it out to the canine, "Now would you please milk a little in here? I DO have a job to do." Obligingly, Piff squeezed the dregs of his orgasm into the vial.

With a cork in the top and the semen filled glass vial placed with the others, Gina began to slowly wipe Piff's cum from her skirt: it was an utterly futile effort. The dog's seed, though watery, was starting to thicken and cling tightly to her clothing. It would have to be washed. Gina remembered the small pile of extra uniforms in her changing room. Must be for such occasions. "Piff, would you mind going in the other room there and getting me one of those spare uniforms?" Piff quite eagerly obliged.

While he was occupied, Gina set to removing the now dog cum stained garment. The skirt was most likely ruined, but the top was salvageable. Her panties, though, looked drowned in a sea of semen. She removed them last and stood there in just her bra, looking down at herself. Her belly was slightly distended, taught, most likely from the huge amount of canine cum just inserted into her body. Her breasts felt a little tight in the bra, though. Seemed that Piff had done a number on her mood.

It took Piff a short moment to return with the skirt and top, though his shaft hadn't gone down in the slightest. As he handed Gina the garments, he took a bit of liberty to look her over and take in her figure, and much to the delight of his cock, that still messy puss of hers. Then his eyes trailed upwards.

Piff let out a delighted little yip and pointed to Gina's abdomen, "Ooooh! That's two for today! I'm on a roll!" His outburst earned him a look of confusion from his doc.

"What? I'm the second gal you've had today?" She let out a slight little laugh with a shake of her head. "This place's pretty free spirited..."

Piff scrunched up his nose in offense. He shook his head vigorously and waved a paw at the mink. "No, doc," he huffed out happily, "I've only had six gals today. We're all supposed to have ten a day. I got four more to go. It's just that you're the second gal I've knocked up today." Again, he beamed that overly charming puppy smile to an all together shocked looking mink.

Gina shook her head in response. "No Piff. I'm a mink. You can get me pregnant." She looked down to her stomach, back to Piff, then to her belly once again. It looked bigger, more rounded, and just a bit fuller this time. When she looked back up to Piff, he met her gaze with an eager lick.

"Wow doc! Thanks! I'll get a big bonus for this for sure!"


"For knocking you up," came his reply yet again. He just smiled and patted the swollen mink belly.

Gina stared at herself, watching the canine pat her obviously expanding waistline. She shook her head once more in disbelief, almost as if she could make it go away, but there it was, staring at her and slowly growing bigger. She looked back to Piff with a soft whimper, "But how?"

Piff snickered out softly, "Didn't you read your contract? Those shots they give all the gals that work here. They're to prevent," he rolled his eyes dramatically, "'accidents' by making them take a super short time. A lotta girls here don't let us super studs do 'em cause they hate havin babies, but occasionally we get lucky."

Gina looked back to her belly and let out a belated sigh of defeat. "I knew I should've read the fine print. Oh well... at least it's not nine months of hell." She placed a paw on her belly and looked back to Piff. "So what do they do with the babies?"

Piff shrugged slightly. "Well sometimes the mommies keep 'em. Otherwise, they immediately go out to one of the adoption families on that huge waiting list. It's like a thousand folks long." His ears drooped and a sad little look crossed his face. "I like to do my best to give 'em all happiness," he whimpered out, then with another delighted yip, his ears shot up, "And that's where nice pussies like yours come in handy!"

Piff leaned in and gave Gina a kiss right on her nose, then with another yip, bounced right out of the room, leaving Gina standing there just a little stunned. If it weren't for her still swelling belly, she might have followed him to give him a good talking to. Thankfully, she also had a secretary she could turn to in times of need. With a push of that intercom button, she muttered out, "Reggie... uhm... Piff and I had a little fun and," but was cut short by a soft sigh.

"Oh don't worry about it dearie. Piff does that to a girl about once a week. It's no biggie. I've had three of his this year myself. I'll just send Matilda over. She handles all the pregnancies."

Gina heard the intercom shut off with a soft click, then settled back onto her desk. By now, her tummy had swollen generously as had her breasts. She could easily have been said to be halfway there, but with her belly continuing to expand, the gap was quickly narrowing. One paw sat resting on her stomach, the other on one of her breasts. All she wanted to do right now, was feel herself swelling with Piff's kits.

After a moment of watching her belly push further outwards, her belly button popped out in a singular display of delight. After all, it wouldn't be too soon before her cunt would spread and out would come kits. She just shook her head and chuckled, "I have got to avoid that dog's dick in the future."

The mink moved herself to one of the large patient tables sitting in the room. It would be a better place to give birth, after all. By the time she had settled herself in, her belly was as round as a basketball and only growing larger, heavier, and rounder by the moment. It was growing faster too. Where before her tummy was slowly expanding, now it pushed outwards at a rate that alarmed her. The kits must be getting huge! Either that... or there's a half dozen in there...

Just as Gina was giving one of her nipples a little squeeze to watch a warm fountain of milk spurt out, the door to her office flew open. In walked a rather annoyed looking magpie. She looked to the very pregnant mink laying bare on the table and grumbled strange curses under her breath. Gina looked up to meet his apparition with a warm smile, but quickly changed her mind.

"Uhm... hello... Are you Matilda?"

The magpie only responded with a grunt. With a pair of forceps in hand, she slipped up to Gina, then gingerly spread the mink's legs and sat down between them, as if expecting something.

And something she got. At that moment, Gina went into labor, but thankfully for those little shots she had to take, the pain that would normally follow a birth was quickly changed to pleasure. With gripping sensations rising from her loins, Gina gripped the table tightly and began to moan. It was much more pleasant that fucking Piff. At least this time she didn't have someone pawing at her tits.