Broken Sky

Story by Stallion_Black on SoFurry

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This is an Art/Story trade I did with Chaser. Thank you so much Chase. I hope you enjoy. *wink*

A crippled and broken sky wept as the winds blew across the campus grounds. Thousands of students pushed and shoved their way to class. Standing motionless all he wanted was to do, was be himself. Chase hadn't been at college long but was ready for anything. His ears perked and moved with the sight and sound of the other students. His nose picked up on the massive amounts of testosterone and sexual tension.

"It's going to be a long semester," the young wolf mumbled as he drug himself to class.

Inside the class room students huddled together in small groups. Snickering and joking amongst themselves. Chase had friends and was by no means a hermit, but this class was different. He didn't seem to fit in, and he didn't seem to understand why. He was always friendly and outgoing, never judging anyone. This class happened to be anatomy with Dr. Randall Webb, a strict useless teacher wanting nothing more than to see his students fail, at least that's how Chase saw it.

Chase leaned over to a neighboring desk, "I guess my friends we're all too smart to have taken a class with Webb eh?" he said looking out of the corner of his eye.

"You're telling me," the voice said sarcastically, "I've been avoiding this for years"

With a quick glimpse, Chaser caught the sight of a beautiful Canine. He almost had to sit straight back into his desk to avoid looking like he was staring. Chase gave an agreeing yap in response to the stranger's comment.

His hair was dark brown and shaggy. It hung over his soft blonde face and ran down his back quite a ways. He was bigger for a dog and looked like he may be part of the football team. His arms were full and broad. Veins ran like rails up his forearm and around his bicep. Chase could feel himself staring and snapped back to the attention of Dr. Webb.

Class seemed to drag by, every few minutes Chase would turn to catch a glimpse of the handsome figure. Running his hands through his spiked blue locks, Chase was fighting his urge to grow. His hand gripped his pen and doodled on his notebook to distract himself. "I would give anything to have my friends here right now," Chase thought, "at least they could take my mind off of this guy."

"And that concludes today's lecture," said Dr. Webb in his monotone robot voice.

The class began to shuffle. A group of felines stuffed their books into their backpacks noisily while a group of equines high-fived like jocks. Chase stood slowly and began to pack his own things. His head was down looking into his backpack when a hand crept into view.

"I believe you dropped this," said the stranger, handing Chase one of his handouts. In the shuffle he hadn't even noticed he dropped it.

"Oh, Hi. I'm Chase. It's nice to meet you," he said confidently taking the paper from his hand.

"It's no problem. I'm Eric. So are you enjoying this hell hole?"

"Not particularly, it's a relatively boring hellhole. Much more boring than the hellholes I'm used to," joked Chase smiling into Eric's eyes.

It felt good being able to look at him without having to pretend he had dropped his pencil. Eric was a lot taller than Chase and wore a tight grey shirt. It highlighted his muscle definition and made his blue eyes stand out. His ears were pierced and his backpack hung over his right shoulder.

Eric laughed, "It's very nice to meet you Chase, I haven't seen you around campus before."

Chase pickup up the rest of his things and began to walk toward the classroom door. He motioned and Eric began to follow.

"I spend a lot of my time off campus with my friends. Most of them are a few classes ahead of me, so I'm spending a lot of time alone in classes," said Chase still entranced by Eric.

"What do you mean alone? You've already made a friend out of me," laughed Eric. "Hey... you know. We should hang out tonight. My friends are throwing a house party for one of our buddies who is graduating. You seem like a nice guy. It would be awesome to have you there."

Chase stammered to say yes. His mind raced with thoughts. What if he wasn't into me. What if he is just a straight guy wanting to hang out? What if he doesn't really like me?

"Shhure," said Chase "That would be great. I've been meaning to meet some new people.

Eric stepped in and rubbed against Chase's arm. "It will be nice having someone cute to stare at while the party is going one"

With that Eric turned onto another sidewalk and left Chase staring back at him. He waved and disappeared into a parking lot. Chase stopped. He couldn't believe his ears. He gave a quick excited yip and headed back to his dorm.

It was just before nightfall and Chase was in his room. He pulled up his lucky green undies and his tightest jeans. His bulge showed through quite nicely. His thin and muscular frame looked amazing. He gelled up his hair and off he went.

The party was jumping. There must have been 300 students inside the house and on the lawn. Kegs and students both laid over in the yard. It was a beachfront community, the houses were only a few yards away from sand and water. Chase made his way inside, relatively unnoticed. His eyes scanned the area for Eric. He couldn't find him. Chase began to panic slightly before 2 hands crept over his eyes.

"Boo!" whispered Eric into Chase's ear.

"You really scared me!" said Chase turning around.

"You didn't think I was going to stand you up did you?"

"Stand me up? What is this a date now?"

"Well... What do you think?" "You know what Eric. Thank you for inviting me. You seem like a great guy." Chase said smiling at Eric.

"You seem great too Chase, wanna beer?"

"Sure," said Chase even though he didn't drink much. He didn't even like the taste of beer, but right now he would take anything Eric offered him.

They spent a lot of their time just mingling around the party. Eric introduced Chase to a lot of his friends and they were able to flirt and play in the open. By 1:00 am the party was still raging. Eric had stepped off to use the bathroom and Chase was outside, leaning up against the side of the house. It was a little quieter and he could use the peace.

The sky was growing dark in the night sky. Chase could see eruptions of lighting overhead and the sound of thunder was masked by the music inside. It was about to rain and he figured best to head inside. Walking around the edge of the house he literally ran into Eric.


The two fell to the ground. Both covered in beer Eric had been holding. Two cups rolled down a grassy hill in the yard.

"I'm so sorry," said Eric pawing at the wet spot on Chase's chest. "I was going to bring us some drinks so we could go walk along the beach"

"Really? That sound great Eric. Come on. We don't need beet to enjoy each other." Said Chase as he placed his paw on top of Eric's larger one. He stood up and pulled Eric to his feet. Kicking off their sandals at the side of the house they took off.

The beach was beautiful at night and with the lightning inside the clouds in the distance it was very romantic. Chase gently kicked at the dirt looking down at Eric's feet as they walked side by side. They were big.

"Wow. Where did you get those feet? A clown store?" questioned Chase laughing. They were far away from the house now. Just at the edge of a forest growing next to the water. It was secluded.

"No!" replied Eric. "You know what they say about guys with big feet?"

"How cliché' and dumb they are?" smirked Chase at Eric's blatant flirt.

Eric laughed it off and sat down in the sand with a tree to his back. The water raged and ran like a thousand bulls. The sky was purple and lit by the moon. Chase sat down beside him looking out at the ocean as well.

"You know Eric. I can't seem to take my eyes off of you. You're very sexy. I don't mean to be forward, but I think I really like you." Said Chase turning his head to Eric.

Chase noticed that Eric was already looking at him. Without a word, Eric moved forward and kissed Chase on the tip of his nose. Chase returned the favor by moving even closer to Eric and moving his hands up his chest and resting on his shoulders. They began to kiss. Slowly at first and then more passionately. Quicker and harder their bodies fell backward into the sand.

"Oh Chase," Eric yapped. "You feel so good."

Erics hands ran down Chase's stomach and into his pants. "Mmmm" he moaned, slowly massaging Chase. Their faces still locked together.

The thunder clapped so loudly they parted for a moment and continued. It felt so good to be wanted. Chase and Eric both wanted this moment. No strings or relationships. Just perfect unfiltered power. Their bodies clenched as they fondled and rubbed each other, exploring each of their bodies.

It began to rain. The light drops fell on Eric's back as he rolled Chase over into the sand. Chase's hands ran up Eric's tight stomach and began to pull his shirt off. His body was warm. Chase pushed his face into his chest. The heat made him grow. His knot was slowly forming. "Eric!" said Chase as he ran his hands into his pants, "You weren't joking about that big feet thing, were you?"

"Nope." Eric replied softly as he pushed into Chase's mouth once again. The rain grew heavier with each passing moment. Their pants were thrown toward the water gently flapping in the tide. Chase's tight green panties were soaked with precum. Eric's boxers bulged. His member and knot growing to full size in his passion struggle with Chase. Lightning clapped and the sky poured down upon the entangled lovers. Their kisses only stifled by the shocks of lighting.

Eric stopped and stood up. "This is starting to hurt" he said as he pulled his boxers down and revealing his massive member. "They don't make boxers big enough" he chuckled and laid back down on top of Chase. "Mmmm Chase!" Eric growled as his hand slipped into the tight green treasure chest that Chase was hiding. His body writhed and moved until his face was positioned right over Chase's pelvis. His member pulsated as Eric gently bit and kissed at it through the thin fabric.

Eric slowly removed Chase's swollen member and put in into his mouth. In a quick passionate way Eric was enveloping Chase. His teeth gently sliding along the shaft making Chase shake with excitement. Chase ran his hands through Eric's thick dark hair pushing him deeper into his mouth.

Eric could feel Chase about to explode his knot filled and emptied into Eric's mouth. He swallowed and smiled up at Chase. Eric continued. This time moving his head down to Chase's tight tail hole. He ran his nose and tongue all around. Mixing with Chase's own seed he was ready. Eric stepped forward slightly positioning himself over Chase their faces locked together.

Eric's swollen member pressed against the tiny tight hole. It was thick and full his knot atleast double the size of the shaft. Wet and dripping. Ready to be surrounded.

"Are you ready?" said Eric tapping his head against Chase.

"Mmmm yes!" said Chase biting his lip and pulling Eric down on top of him.

With a powerful motion Eric slid his cock deep into Chase. The two let loose with massive breaths of ecstasy. Finding a deepness and a rhythm both were comfortable with they began to move. Clenching and pulling each other out of passion. Chase filled his hands with Eric's hair as he went deeper and deeper. Sinking his member as far as he would go. Finally they knotted.

"Ugh!" cried Chase. "Yes! Oh Eric!"

The rain began to pool around them from the displaced sand. Lighting and thunder watched down from above like a pleasing god. Eric and Chase locked together in a passionate maze. The sweat dripping and running across their back and into crevices.

"Keep going," said Chase.

Eric began to move again his knot remaining inside. Pumping and pushing Eric was about to cum. His member swelling. Chase could feel him against his walls.

"Yes! Yes! I'm about to! Oh Chase!" cried Eric as he expelled into his partner. Filling him with his warm juices. They drained out and down the back of Chase's firm rump and into the sand. Water and sweat became one as Eric slowly pulled out of Chris, gasping in motion. He fell beside Chase and laid his head on his chest. The rain was still falling as Eric's member began to soften laying over Chase's waist. Chase pulled Eric's face closer and gave him another passionate kiss.

"Eric. There isn't any other place I would rather be right now. Than here with you." Chase whispered.

"Me either Chase," replied Eric as they fell asleep together in the sand. The rain still fell from above as they slept.