[Commission] Lovers Sunset

Story by hunkyhusky on SoFurry

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Lovers Sunset

It was in the late evening as two friends a Black Wolf and a Grey Fox strolled through the park as they headed to their favorite place in the whole town. It was a small park bench that sat directly on top of a hill that over looked the town and the forest beyond.

The Black Wolf reached the bench first "Hey Chris come on before you miss it", the wolf said as he sat down onto the bench as the Grey Fox scrambled to the bench with his ears flat against his head and his tail wrapped around his leg in embarrassment. He sat next to the wolf.

"Sorry about that Drake" Chris said as he tried to unwrap his tail from his leg, which caused the wolf to chuckle a bit.

Drake and Chris have been friends since they were five years old they did everything together, When you see one the other is not too far behind. They even told each other every secret they had but what Chris didn't know that Drake had one more secret to tell him.

Chris looked at the wolf curiously "Something wrong Drake", Chris asked as he turned to watch the sunset like they always did since they became friends.

Drake bit his lip as he looked at his best friend in the whole world "Ummm I don't know I've been wanting to ask you something", Drake said as he looked Chris in the eye.

Chris turned and tilted his head, lowering his ears a bit "What would that be?" he asked as Chris looked Drake in the eye.

"I want you to be my mate" Drake said after he gain some courage as the wolf took the foxes hand into his and stroked it slowly.

Chris's ear quickly pinned themselves to his head, while his tail went in between his legs as he blushed hard right through his fur. Chris then let go of the wolfs hand and looked to the ground in deep thought, "I never knew you liked me that much" he said softly.

Drake smiled as he gripped Chris's hand ever so slowly "I have always liked you Chris since the day we became friends", Drake said as he too inched his face closer to Chris

Chris smiled softly as he turned to Drake as he looked him straight in the eye and saw nothing but love in them. Chris then inched closer and closer as he opened his mouth several time in the attempt to say something but couldn't not as his heart warmed and he kissed Drake nice and slowly as the colors of the sunset danced off their fur.

Drake soon broke the kiss and started to cry "I wanted to do that for years" He said as Chris nuzzle Drakes checks catching each tear that fell from Drakes eyes.

"You should of told me years ago" Chris said as his tail relaxed and wrapped around them, and his ear went back to their raised position.

Drake hugged into Chris with a happy squeal "You mean we can be lovers" He asked as Chris nodded arousing another round of squeals from Drake.

After they settled down Chris and Drake watched the rest of the sunset in each other's arms as the different shades of blue, purple, and red danced across the sky until the sun went down.

"Time to go" Drake said as they both got up from the bench.

Chris turned to Drake and kissed him slowly and the wolf responded with a dominate murr, which went shivers down Chris's spine and his ears to lower a bit as they continued to kiss for several minutes.

Chris reluctantly broke the kiss with a soft murr, "So what now" He asked Drake as they held each other as they walked out of the park.

Drake shrugged his shoulders a bit "Don't know but we have to find our own place pretty soon" He said as he pointed out that their families won't be exactly thrilled about them being together.

Several Years later

Chris was reading a book on the porch of a two story house, that was painted blue with white trim. It also had a small front and back yard, which were decorated with different kinds of flowers.

Chris was just about to finish the chapter he was one, when he heard someone walking up to the porch. He curled his tail around his leg but soon relaxed as he saw that it was Drake.

Closing his book as Chris smiled at the black wolf in a business suit came up and swooped Chris off his feet.

"Hey hun, how did work go" Chris asked just as Drake swiftly kissed his fox deeply murring as Chris responded to it as he lower his ears a bit.

They kissed for several more seconds until Drake broke the kiss and smiled big time "It went great, I got a promotion" Drake said making Chris squeal in delight as he locked Drake into another kiss but this time his ears didn't lower.

Chris let the kiss linger for a bit as he slowly broke the kiss "I guess we have to celebrate then" He said as his wiggled his eyebrows, which made Drake laugh a bit.

"I'm looking forward to it" Drake said as he gave a murr as he teasingly rubbed Chris's crotch, which caused the fox to blush and his tail to go in between his legs, Drake chuckled because he always thought it was cute when Chris did that.

"So what does my sexy wolf want for dinner?" Chris asked as he bared his muzzle into Drakes neck smelling his rich musky scent.

Drake murred dominantly as he smirked "Your sweet tail hole and a side of your cum" he said as Chris chuckled a little bit and blushed.

"That and?" Chris asked as Drake racked his mind on what they should have.

"Umm you were always a good cook just what ever you can make" Drake said as he let his fox down as they walked into the house and into the dinning room.

Chris smirked as he angled his tail so it would rub Drakes crotch, "Sure thing hot stuff" He said teasingly but still blushed. Drake moaned a bit before he smiled.

"I'll get you for that" Drake said as he sat down onto the table as Chris went to work on making a lavish dinner for the two of them.

"Five years huh" Drake said as he got up from the table and walked into the kitchen, just as Chris was opening a can of Pea's.

"Yeah I didn't know if we were going to make it, when my dad freak out and threatened to send me to a private school" Chris said as poured the peas into pot of heated water.

"Don't worry about that we are together and that's what matters" Drake said as he got up and hugged into Chris and grind his crotch into the foxes butt ever so gently causing Chris to laugh as he tried not to spill the Pea's as he poured them into the pot of boiling water.

Drake murred dominantly as he buried his muzzle into Chris's neck and took a slow tantalizing sniff as he's lovers musk, which filled his noise making him tent in his pants. "After dinner were are going to mate nice and slowly" Drake said in a seductive manner.

Chris murred and blushed as he tried not to burn anything, "Drake it's kind off hard to cook when your jabbing me with your cock" Chris said as he stirred the Pea's around so that they didn't dry out or burn .

Drake chuckled as he let go and sat back down at the table, "Fine I'll stop for now" Drake said winking at Chris, who in turn blushed a bit.

After an half an hour Chris finished cooking their dinner, which comprised of cooked chicken, with pea's, and mashed potatoes.

"Dig in" Chris said as they both picked up their silver wear and started to eat.

"Your cooking always amazes me" Drake said in between bites as he ate his chicken piece by piece.

Chris just smirked as he took a spoon full of peas into his mouth, then he swallowed it in a few bites "Well someone has to cook around here, If it didn't we've be eating take out which can get expensive" Chris said as he finished the rest of his peas before he moved onto the mash potatoes.

Drake laughed a bit as he finished his chicken and moved onto eating the rest on his plate.

After several minutes they both finished eating their dinner, just as Chris was putting the dishes into the sink Drake came behind him and swooped him off his feet again.

"Now to have fun with you" Drake said as he walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs into their bedroom with Chris in his arms.

"You know I love it when you carry me" Chris said as he nuzzled Drakes neck lovingly blushing up a storm, which made Drake murr in content as he gave a slowly tantalizing lick over his forehead.

Drake walked into their bedroom and set Chris down slowly onto the bed as he laid on top of the fox grinding his crotch into Chris's nice and slowly, which sent jolts of pleasure through both their bodies as Drake continued.

"Your such a tease" Chris said in a moan as he lick the underside of Drake chin showing his submission to the wolf.

"I know you love it" Drake said as he nibbled on Chris's neck as he continued his slow grinding until he felt Chris's cock was nice and hard.

Drake smirked "Would be so kind as to undress me dear" He said that same seductive tone.

Chris smiled "Why sure hun" he said as he slowly got up from underneath Drake and hooked his hands underneath the bottom of Drakes shirt. Chris then slowly started to take Drakes shirt off. With every inch Chris would stop and nuzzle then lick Drakes exposed chest. After he finished, Chris would lift the shirt another inch and do the same thing.

Which made Drake wag his tail as he felt his lover lick his abs, "I love it when you do that" Drake said in between moans as Chris smiled as he lifted up another inch and started lick the middle part of Drakes chest.

Chris after a twenty minutes of licking and nuzzling Drakes chest he finally removed the wolfs shirt which laid on the floor as Chris continued to lick Drakes chest loving the flavor of Drakes sweat.

Drake moaned to the lot of it as he felt Chris lick every inch of his chest. Just then Drake grabbed Chris's head and brought it up to his level and looked into Chris's eyes and then kissed him deeply and passionately.

Chris murred into the kiss as he wrapped his tail around them as Chris felt Drakes hands go underneath his shirt and pulled it up. They broke the kiss only for a second as Drake removed Chris's shirt the same way his fox did to him, with every inch Drake would give long licks to Chris's exposed chest and made sure the pay special attention to Chris's nipples.

After Drake got Chris's shirt off they kissed each other nice and deep as they nuzzled their chest together.

Drake broke the kiss and murred "I love you so much" he said as he laid his head on top of Chris's.

Chris lowered his ears nuzzled into Drakes neck lovingly, "I love you too" Chris said in a whisper.

Drake then murred dominantly as he flipped them over so he was on top, "It's about time to get this start shall we" He said in a loving but Dominate tone.

Chris smiled as he loved when Drake got all Dominate on him. Drake smirk as he slowly pulled down Chris's pants but before he took off Chris's underwear Drake knew the Chris was ticklish behind the knee.

Before Chris could react Drake tickled behind his knees causing him to laugh and squeal. Drake kept it up until Chris was panting on the bed.

Drake smirked as he took off Chris's underwear nice and slowly which caused Chris's hard cock to spring forth hitting Drake in the face, Chris's cock stood at least six and a half inches.

Chris murred as he felt Drakes soft fur against his cock. Drake smiled as he felt Chris's cock throb against his cheek. Drake then got up and made sure Chris was pinned underneath him.

Drake slowly took off his pants and made sure to do a strip tease as he took off his underwear reveal his throbbing hard canine cock, which stood at ten inches. Drake wrapped both his cock and Chris's cock into his hand and started to stroke them together.

Chris moaned as he pinned his ears against his head as he felt his cock against his lovers as Drake stroked them. Chris started to hump into Drakes hand rubbing his cock against Drakes. Who moaned as he felt Chris do this as he leaked pre onto both their cocks.

Chris moaned as he felt Drakes hot pre roll down his cock as he too leaked his own pre into the mix, making both their cocks nice and slick.

After several minutes Drake let go of both their cocks which throbbed next to each other. Drake then got into a traditional 69 position and took Chris's cock into his mouth in one stride and sucked hard.

Which caused Chris to blushed hard and moan, Drake soon took Chris cock out of his mouth and panted.

"I don't want to have all the fun" Drake said as he encouraged Chris to start.

Chris moaned lovingly as he nuzzles and licks Drakes cock while he rolls Drakes balls in his free hand. This brought jolts of pleasure through Drakes body as he went to home on Chris's cock as he deep throated the fox nice and slowly.

Chris lowered his ears and arched his back underneath Drake as he felt his wolf's sweet throat constrict around his cock milking him of all the pre that leaked out of his cock.

Chris not wanting to be left out took Drakes cock into his mouth as much as he could and started to suck and lick every inch of it, while he grabbed and squeezed Drakes developing knot.

Drake moaned loudly as he felt Chris squeeze his knot. Drake then let Chris's cock out of his mouth and started to rim Chris's tail hole for what is to come.

Chris groaned around Drakes cock as he felt Drakes long broad tongue lick all over his tail hole lubing him up. Chris knew what Drake wanted next so he got has much of his saliva onto Drakes cock as he could.

Drake stopped rimming Chris's tail hole as he thought that he was lubed enough. He then lifted his cock out of Chris's mouth, who gave one last lick before Drake pulled it out of his mouth.

"Ready for this" Drake said as he slowly got into position. Chris lowered his ears and blushed, this made Drake to put his finger underneath his foxes chin and lift his head up so they could look eye to eye, "I love you" Drake said as he press his cock into Chris's tail hole.


"I love you too" Chris said as he laid his head to the side and panted as he felt Drakes large cock enter his tail hole.

Chris moan loudly as Drake after fifteen minutes of pushing in finally got his whole cock into Chris, who felt it throb inside him. Chris was about to stroke himself when Drake grabbed his hands and pinned him down.

"Drake I want to paw" Chris said as he struggled in his lovers grip lowering his ears in submission.

"No I want to do that myself" Drake said as he pulled out his cock nice and slowly until only the tip was left inside. With that Drake pushed back in just as slowly getting in a rhythm of pushing in and out slowly.

Chris could only do but moan to it as he felt Drakes cock push in and pull out leaving trails of pre inside of him as he himself leaked pre onto his belly.

Drake moaned as he felt every muscle inside Chris milk his cock as his knot finally formed and pushed against Chris's tail hole with every thrust he made.

"Tie me" Chris begged as he wrapped his tail around Drake in a show of his need for Drake to spill his seed inside him.

Drake murred dominantly to that as he picked up the pace as he thrusted faster into Chris's tail hole intending to tie him to his beloved fox.

Chris howled as he felt Drakes knot finally after one powerful thrust popped inside him locking Drakes cock inside his tail hole. Drake continued to give little thrusts as he was tied with Chris.

But soon Drake buried his muzzle into Chris's neck and howled as he felt his orgasm hit, which send wave after wave of his cum into Chris's tail hole filling him up to the brim.

Chris murred lustfully as he felt his insides warm for Drakes cum, which continued to shoot inside him for several minutes until Drake orgasm subsided leaving the wolf panting on top of the fox.

"Can I paw now" Chris asked as he nuzzled his lovers head. Drake smirked as he recovered his strength and got up.

"I said I wanted to do that" Drake as reached over and grabbed a feather that was on the night stand and started to stroke it up and down on Chris's cock nice and slowly.

Chris arched his back as he felt the feather rub up and down on his cock as he leak a large amount of pre onto his crotch, Chris soon arched his back as he knew he was getting close.

Drake smirked as he saw Chris arch his back. The wolf knew his fox wasn't going to last much longer as he saw Chris knot fully formed within seconds.

Chris finally howled in pleasure sending him into an orgasm, which sent his cum shooting on top Drakes chest and abs coating Drake in the stuff.

Drake moan loudly as Chris's orgasm triggered another of his own as he once again shot more of his cum into an already filled tail hole.

Their respective orgasms lasted for minutes until Drake collapsed side ways not wanting to crush his lover.

"Wow" Chris said as they both nuzzled into each other as they felt the after affects of such strong orgasms.

Drake kissed Chris nice and slowly as he felt Chris's cum sticking them together. Drake soon broke the kiss. "I think we need to take a shower" Drake said as he tried to pull his knot out of Chris.

But Chris stopped him with new since of self-confidence "Not right now" Chris said as Drake settled back down.

They spent the next few hours cuddling into each other kissing as sleep finally took them as they laid their in each other's arms.

Later that day

Drake was staring at the ceiling as Chris slept on his chest, Drake smiled as he nuzzled his fox gently in the attempt to wake him up.

"Chris sweetie wake up or we're going to miss it" Drake said in Chris's ear, as the fox made a few snorting sounds before his eyes slowly opened.

"I'm up, I'm up" Chris said rapidly as he yawned.

Drake chuckle as he got up with Chris still in his arms as he slowly pulled himself out of the foxes tail hole, which caused Chris to moan softly as he locked Drake into a kiss.

Drake broke the kiss after awhile, "We have to get washed up before we got watch our sunset" he said in a loving tone as he carried Chris all the way into the bathroom.

Chris chuckled as he got his feet on the ground and walked to the tube, then turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. Chris then laid down into the water as Drake followed suit.

Drake nuzzled into Chris as the water continued to fill the tube. After awhile Chris turned off the water when they thought that it was enough in the tube.

Chris grabbed the soap, "ummm would you turn around so I can get you back sweetie?" he asked only getting a murr from the wolf.

Drake smiled as he turned around in the tube with his back facing Chris. The fox smiled timidly as he lathered up some soap and started to wash Drake bath making sure to get every inch of his back.

Drake murred as he felt Chris's gentile hand rub soap into his fur getting out all the trapped sweat and soothing the many sores that he had gotten from his time at work.

Chris smiled as he finished up and cupped his hands under the water and brought it up then let the water fall out of his hand and down Drakes back washing the soap out of his fur. Chris did this several more times until he was satisfied that he got out all of the soap out of Drakes fur.

"Now it's your turn" Drake said as he turned around and had Chris turn around so his back now faced him.

Chris murred as he felt Drake lather soap into his back making him blush and lower his ears as he submitted to his lovers loving caresses. Drake smiled as he felt his foxes muscles tense every time he would rub the soap into them.

"You have to loosen up hun" Drake said as he finished up washing Chris's back and rinsed the soap out of the foxes fur.

"You know I'm a shy type" Chris said as he lowered his head.

Drake smiled as he kisses Chris's cheek making the fox perk up a bit with a smile, "Thanks" Chris said as he turned around as lather up more soap and started to wash Drakes chest as gently as he did when washing Drakes back,

Drake murred to the lot of it as Chris was about to rinse him off. Drake stopped Chris and hugged into Chris and grind the soap into both of their chest nice and slowly.

Chris murred as he cupped water into his hand and let it fall down both their chests washing the soap and dried cum out of their fur.

After all the soap had washed out of their fur Drake picked up Chris and held him in his arms once more and walked out of the tube and pulled the plug that was keeping the water in the tube out with his foot and they watched the water drain down the pipe.

Chris chuckle as reach over and grabbed a towel from the rack, then wrapped it around them as they left the Bathroom.

Drake walked back to their bedroom and put Chris down so they could dry each other off so they could head out to the park.

After twenty some minutes both Drake and Chris were fully dressed. "Ready to go" Drake asked, which he got a enthusiastic nod from Chris as they walked out the front door and down the walk way towards the car that was parked in front of the house.

Drake took out his key and press a button that caused the doors to unlock so they could get inside. Chris got in shortly after Drake unlocked the car, Drake opened the drivers side door and got in.

"Let's head off shall we" Drake said as Chris stayed quiet, when Drake turned the key in the ignition and started the car.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8N2HBSejaQ (this is optional if you want to listen when you read this last part

Soon after that they were off and drove for about a good ten minute since they lived in close proximity to the park itself. Drake soon parked the car in the guest parking lot. Drake turned off the ignition and got up of the car, Chris followed suit and locked his hand with Drakes and strolled into the park.

Chris laid his head onto Drake shoulder as they walked through the park looking at all the different flowers that were planted this year as they headed to the bench on top of the hill.

Chris soon flatten his ears as they neared the bench, "I lover you so much" He said quietly nuzzling the underside of Drakes chin as they arrived at the bench.

Drake smile as he planted a soft kiss on top of Chris's head as they sat down onto the bench just as the sun was starting to set.

Chris and Drake for the next fifteen minutes watched the different shades of blues, reds, and purples dance across making all sorts of different color schemes.

Drake and Chris turned to each other as they hugged into one another and shared a kiss as lovers under the sunset.
