
Story by Rotten730 on SoFurry

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In this bit of flash pulp, a couple makes a bet. This story is the conclusion onto who wins the bet of whether or not someone can piss and cum at the same time. The story was written in an hour as a writing exercise and contains a coyote giving a wolf a reach around, watersports, and subtle role reversal implications. Its also between two males so if you object to any of those things, please do not read. Critique is welcomed.

"Mmf, I gotta go sir," a long whimper, "Can I please go?"

"Not until you cum pup," a deep, lust laced voice replied.

A paw stroked and teased the red and rigid wolf shaft. The coyote pressed firmly up against the back of the toned body of the wolf. The coyote's arms wrapped around the torso, hugged close. His long muzzle rested on the side of the blushed and strained wolf. His paws gently ruffled over the shirt that hugged the firm wolf's body perfectly. Soft pants and the smell of musk thick within the small bathroom as the other paw worked the erection, that glistened in the amber light, in slow long strokes.

The wolf shifted on the balls of his feet. Hips thrust into the slow strokes with need. Beads of viscous pre rolled out of the wolf's tip and down over the tan furred paw. The wolfs arms bound behind his back with a pair of silver handcuffs, struggled as the need to paw himself to climax was madening. The wolf whimpered and groaned as he began to feel that the pot of coffee with breakfast was a bad idea.

The pressure in his bladder had slowly built to the point of hurt. He had come to the bathroom to relieve the pressure, but was stopped by the coyote who restrained him as he stood in front of the open bowl. The coyote was quick to get the wolf to erection, his body prevented him from relieving the uncomfortable pressure. But that was nearly half an hour ago, the coyote's expert paws kept the wolf on the edge of orgasm, even as the pressure in his bladder built to a desperate need.

"Please stop, I feel like I'm going to explode."

"That is highly unlikely, there is nothing keeping you from pissing I'm sure your body will relieve itself before it lets you rupture."

The coyote pressed even firmer against his wolf as he began to wriggle and try to get out of reach of that torturous paw. The coyote's hips dry humped against the denim of the jeans that hugged the wolf's butt. A soft whimper and a change of scent in the air indicated that the coyote was correct. The wolf's shaft throbbed hard as a slightly thinner trickle of liquid rolled out and over the matted fur. The musky scent of wolf arousal and pre, soon laced with the distinct musky scent of wolf piss. But the spurt of pre and piss was only that, a spurt. The coyote squeezed the knob of a knot and coaxed out another needful whine from the oversexed wolf.

The coyote's leather-smooth paw pads stroked faster now and made the wolf's hips twitch and hump even more. He wanted so desperately to cum and finally piss. Another harder pulse shot through his body as another spurt of piss and pre exited and rolled adding to the sloppy sounds and scents.

"Mmm to piss or cum? That is the question," the coyote chuckled as he felt his wolf's body wriggle in his grasp.

The tortured male panted and bit his black lower lip as he began to feel the pulse become more frequent. He could feel the piss and pre slide from his cock and drip down into the bowl and onto his balls. He didn't reply as the coyote sped up his strokes, but instead responded to them with loud moans and howls. Another throb and a splash, the shaft began to pulse and squirt the piss and pre out in flights. The coyote panted as well as he ground into his boyfriend and part time toy. His shaft pressed against the back of his own tight denim, smearing pre onto the fabric. A loud bark exited the grey muzzled wolf as he succumbed to the need to piss. The pain in his bladder to great and his body began to empty it despite being so aroused. The coyote's paws slipped down toward the knot and began to stroke and tug on it quickly. The conflicting needs tortured the wolf as piss and pre began to squirt out and over the toilet. The wolf felt a need rise through his body. His wrists struggled against the handcuffs as he hunched over and began to hump the air. The strong soup of musks drove the wolf mad with need as his bladder empty itself.

The added sensation of the wolf as he humped forward and ground against the coyote's prominent bulge made the sadistic 'yote hump harder. His arms held the wolf up and on his feet as the male humped with need. A loud bellowing howl came from the tortured wolf as the yellow stream of piss stopped. The shaft throbbed harder as a new stream of murky yellow liquid shot out and onto the toilet. The wolf's hips stopped as the coyote's paws milked his knot, the flow of piss and cum squirted and pooled on the white porcelain and tiled floor. The coyote yipped and growled as he ground into the blissful wolf's rumps. He could feel every muscle spasm as the wolf climaxed. A dark spot manifested on the front of the 'yote's jeans and began to grow in spurts.

The smell of coyote and wolf cum mingled with the smell of piss as the wolf seemed to calm down. His shaft softened a little as he emptied the rest of his bladder into the bowl, guided by the coyote's paw. The wolf straightened and regained his balance, only then did he become aware that he was supported completely by the coyote's strong arms. He heard the coyote chuckle before he felt his wrists come loose of the cold metal. He ground affectionately back into the coyote's front as the young male hugged him from behind.

"And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks," the coyote chuckled again.

"Hey...I'm not that old." The wolf protested and blushed as he began to become aware of a cold sensation over his backside.

"Did you cum in your jeans?" The wolf asked with a shaky tone in his voice.

"Well get down there and see for yourself. A bet is a bet wolf, I wagered that you could piss and cum at the same time you wagered against, and lost. Time to pay up, why don't you start by sucking the cum from my jeans, then get a fresh load in your mouth?" the coyote's tail brushed against his rump softly.

"Tsk, give a sub an inch and they take a mile," the wolf swiveled on his feet, slicken with piss and cum. The larger male sank to his knees and nuzzled against the large wet spot of the coyote. The musk coated his nose as his lips sucked on the fabric and extracted some of the masculine, yote cum.

The wolf's hazel eyes looked up at the coyote's green ones, "Just remember this reversal ends tonight, I may have to do a repeat of this. Scept maybe I'll do it up that cute ass you have."

"Tsk, promises promises," the coyote teased and shifted on his paws.

The wolf growled lustfully as the coyote blushed hotly. The sucking mouth made it's way up to the indentation of the coyote's shaft. It pulsed under the fabric as the soft tongue licked across it. The coyote's paws pet the wolf's head just as his paws unzipped the jeans front, and dug his nose into the musky prison. He took a few deep inhales, taking in his mate's scent. His sensitive nose however picked up another scent. A sharper musky scent that the wolf recognized.

The coyote's chest rumbled, "You're not the only one who needs to use the bathroom, open wide."

With a smirk and look of complete naughty lustfulness, the wolf replied, "Gladly."