Twilight Princess Epilogue - Chapter 2

Story by Jjjon Zimmermann on SoFurry

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#2 of Twilight Princess Epilogue

       I'm running through the country following the road, taking only a passing ...

I'm running through the country following the road, taking only a passing notice of the country. In the distance I can see the palace growing larger, my heart beating faster as I near my goal.

The sound of flapping wings growing from behind me; I look over my shoulder to see the three shadow kargaroks descending on me. I look forward again and pour on some more speed trying to avoid the annoying creatures. That's when I hear a screeching cry from behind me. I jump to the right just avoiding the first dive. I then dug my front claws into the dirt, helping to spin me around to face the two other kargaroks. I quickly back flipped away from another one of them diving at me, only to find the third attacking me before I had even landed. His talons hitting me in the stomach, pushing me into the ground, snapping as I twisted around under it, grabbing it's neck before it can fly off again. I roll on top of it ripping its throat out, growling as the taste of its blood fills my muzzle.

Looking up from the dead kargarok up at the other two, switching from one to the other waiting for them to make their move. Rage pumping through my veins at the fools that dare try and slow my trek. I nimbly jump to the side as one of the kargaroks dive bomb me again. Slamming into its side as it flies past me, breaking its wing on the ground. Twisting around onto it ripping its throat out, standing on the bleeding body, looking for the third kargarok to find it already flying off. I growl loudly, licking my chops before I take off running as hard as I can toward my goal, hoping to avoid anymore distractions.

An hour later I finally reach the castle, but not stopping as I leap at the doors with a loud bark, crashing through the gates skidding to a stop in front of two guards at the ramp leading up to the palace. Surprising the two guards standing there, recovering quickly they level their spears at me. I growl as I change back to human form, sliding my sword from its sheath, taking a defensive stance.

"I'm here to see Midna. Whether you take me to her or I walk over you to get to her is up to you..."

The two guards look at me for a moment before thrusting their spears at me. I flip back and away from their thrust, their spear tips meeting where I was a moment before. Quickly charging in past their guard swinging my sword hard, I hit one of the guards in the head with the flat of my blade, sending him skidding across the ground unconscious. The other guard steps back thrusting at me again; I catch his spear with my blade. Sliding my blade down the haft of his spear, I swing the pommel of my sword up into his chin, elbowing him in the gut, making him double over before bringing my pommel down on his crown, making him crumple at my feet. I survey the courtyard before moving into the palace.

I enter the palace and immediately raise my shield two arrows shattering against it. I look past it to see two swordsmen, and just beyond them a couple of archers up a ramp, to my left and right are an archer on a balcony. I dive to the side as the archers begin loosing their arrows faster, continuing to move trying to dodge the four archers. I hold my shield up as I move to the right, blocking most of my body from three of the four archers, keeping my eye on the fourth as he fires at me. I charge forward dodging around the 2 swordsmen, running up the ramp, swinging my sword and cutting through one of the bows, the taut string whipping the two pieces into the archer, making him fall back with a cry. The other archer is stepping back and drawing the string on his bow; I immediately swing my shield as I move up, knocking the bow away from him, punching him with my sword hand, knocking him off the ramp.

I wince as an arrow embeds itself in my shoulder, the other just missing my side. The two swordsmen caught off guard by my charge, finally recover and begin to bear down on me. Retreating to the door opposite the one I came in, fighting defensively as I bring the swordsmen into line of sight of the two remaining archer's. The arrows from the two slowly dwindling as I get closer and closer to the door, unable to fire at me effectively without hitting their own men. When my back is to the door I look around the two swordsmen I'm fighting to see the archers leaving the balconies, presumably to get better line of sight.

I sweep the legs of one of the two swordsmen, letting him easily jump my blade, stepping forward and slamming my shield into his chest, knocking him backwards, his sword falling from his hand when he hits the walk way. I immediately enter the vacated space to avoid his partner's swing. Moving quickly, I kick the sword on the ground off the ramp, blocking a blow from a sword with my shield, I push and smack his sword hand with my shield making him drop his blade, making it clatter off the walk after his partner's.

I level my sword at the two disarmed guards, slashing the air in front of me, my sword sending out a bright flash of light; the two guards raise their hands in front of their faces, before retreating down the ramp. I sigh and pull the arrow from my shoulder, rubbing a bit of potion into the wound, giving it a moment to heal before turning to enter the doors.

Pushing one of the doors open slowly, I peek around it into the room, not seeing anyone I slip through. I notice a shadow rising above me, turning to look my eyes widen to se the darknut about to bring his mace down on my head. I dive to the side just as the mace comes crashing down on the spot where I just was. Looking up at him I let out a sigh.

"Any chance you'll just take me to see Midna with out a fight?"

In response he goes to sweep me with his mace, nimbly back flipping over and away from him as he tries to sweep me with it.

"I guess not..." I grip my sword tighter as I wait for his next move.

He steps forward bringing his mace up to sweep me again. Dashing in under his guard, I roll around him, hopping up behind him, my sword a held out as I spin. Slipping between plates and slicing through one, making pieces of heavy plating fall from his body. He spins around, the weight being removed allowing him to move faster. Swinging his mace at my head, I duck down using my sword like a ramp, directing the mace over my head. Grunting at the force of the impact slides me a few feet to the right. I leap forward swinging my sword, slicing the last of his plating off, I duck under his arm and bound away. Turning to face him as he chucks his mace at me, ducking it with ease, the heavy weapon making a loud crash as it smashes into the wall behind me.

He draws his long sword and charges, swinging his blade in a wide arc, starting low and to the right, bringing it up and to the left. I sidestep the swing only to find the blade coming down on top of me. I raise my shield to ward off the blow, his blade bouncing a bit before it skids off to the right; the hit on the shield sending harsh vibrations through my shield and down my arm causing me to grunt. I swing my sword causing him to leap back and to the left to avoid it. I charge him, jumping into a spin, as my blade moves through the air, glowing brighter and seeming to lengthen through my spin. The darknut puts up his blade to block as he continues to slide away. I land holding my blade out, a bit disoriented for a moment. Taking advantage of my state he charges and tries to thrust his blade through me, stepping to the side and swatting his sword away just in time. Charging past me he turns to face me again.

I was tired, sweating profusely and panting. I wasn't expecting to have a battle, and definitely not with someone equal to me in skill. I licked my lips and spun the hilt about in my hand looking at the ground before me.

"Getting tired Light-Dweller?"

My head shoots up to look at him, "You speak Hylian?!"

"I thought it prudent to do so when we went to invade"

"And yes I'm tired I've been running all day, and the effort of trying not to kill those very intent on killing me. I'm only here to speak with Midna."

"What could you possibly have to say to her? Or even more ludicrous her to you?" He laughs.

I smirk, "You know I'd rather not have to kill you. You handle that blade beautifully. Just let Midna know I am here, and let her decide."

"Well we could do that, but I'm having fun. Tell you what, best me and I'll take you to her personally," he smirks at me.

"And Goddess forbid I lose?"

"You get thrown from the twilight and the way back destroyed!" he laughs a deep belly laugh.

My eyes narrow and I feel anger rise inside me, sending adrenaline pumping through my body, wiping the exhaustion from me. I grip my sword tightly, charging forward letting out a yell. Bringing my sword in a downward arch, from the right to left, he catches my blade with his. Our pommels locking together as I push against him.

"6 years it took me to get here, and I refuse to be denied," I growl to him, the anger blazing in my eyes.

He pushes against my sword with his, hopping back I charge in again. Feinting a swing from the right only to twist and slam my shield into his chest, making him reel. Bringing my sword round his, a straight slash up his chest, hopping back to avoid my blade, only the tip of my sword touching him. He looks at me then at his chest, seeing the slash through his chain mail and the blood oozing from the shallow cut. Flourishing his sword before he steps into a fencing stance, his sword held before him as he awaits my move.

I snarl at him curling my lip, swing my sword in a slow circle as I move toward him. Stopping short of sword's length. I put my sword to the ready, shifting my grip on my shield; taking a deep breath trying to clear my mind of the anger swirling through me. I swing my sword from the left, a clang of steel ringing out as our blades meet. We circle each other slowly, swinging and catching each other's blades as we move. Neither of us making much headway, after several passes we're both covered in nicks and stracthes from each other's blade. Getting tired of this stalemate, I swing from the right letting him catch my blade before rolling around to his left, my blade sliding from his as I jump up behind him. My sword held out as the tip slices up through his armor and his side. A long deep cut from his hip to shoulder blade, a cry escaping his lips as he clutches his side, dropping his blade, panting in pain and exertion.

"Do you yield?" I growl at him.

"Yes, I yield..." He hangs his head

I reach into my pack and pull out a potion, taking a small sip before stepping around him, and handing him the rest of it. He looks at me for a moment before looking down at the bottle and drinks it, a few moments later his cut healing.

"As I said, I'm not here to kill anyone."

He nods grabbing his sheath, sliding the blade home as he stands. "This way..." He walks off, moving down one of the hallways that lead from the room.

I sling my shield around to my back and slide my sword into its sheath as well, following him from the room. He leads me to a door with a panel about eye level. He knocks on the door, the panel opens someone looking out and seeing my guide slides the panel shut and the door opens. My guide steps to the side and nods to me, I nod back and enter the room. Looking around I see a desk off to one side, papers spread over the top of it, a man looking me over with obvious disdain.

"Why do you want to see the Queen? Why would she wish to see you?"

"I have things I need to discuss with Midna"

He backhands me, "You will use her proper title!"

I move my jaw, surprised at the strength behind the blow, but I don't show it, "She has always been Midna to me," I smirk, thinking to myself, 'or that bossy little imp'

"Hopefully if you call her that she'll send you to the dungeon"

I smirked, just standing there, not saying anything, wondering what her response to me would be. He regards me for a moment before turning around, "One moment and I'll see if she'll see you" he steps through the only other door in the room. Faint voices heard from the other side, one feminine and sounding slightly annoyed, before he turns back, holding the door open he nods to me.

I smile and move passed him, looking around the room, the room is elegantly wood paneled, and except for the large wood desk; with several piles of papers stacked on it. A sheet before Midna that she was reading before interrupted. She looks up her eyes widening in surprise before a neutral mask slides over her features. My eyes sliding over her, devouring all I could see of her, amazingly it would seem the years had been good to her, nothing seems to have changed since our last meeting.

She slowly looks over me, "Charles you may leave us."


"Now," she cuts him off, in an authoritative tone.

Charles turns to me and looks at me, "I don't trust this man..."

She smirks for a moment looking back at him, "That is because you don't know who he is."

He falters for a moment, looking back at me, "I don't like how this... this Light Dweller looks at you..."

Midna looks at me and a flicker of amusement crosses her face, "How he looks at me is no concern of yours." She slowly stands, I lick my lips as I drink in the look of her body. "Now GO, be sure we aren't disturbed..." a look of obvious dismissal. Finally tearing my eyes from her, I smirk at Charles as he leaves.

I turn back to her and smile, waiting for the sound of the door closing, "With how I feel maybe you should have sent me away..."

She walks around the desk, then slowly makes a circle around me, "You've grown..."

"Six years have passed since you left. Six years of studying legends has taught me. Six years of exploring has made me stronger. Six years of chasing artifacts has made me faster. Six years of searching has deepened my resolve."

She smiles and presses herself against me; I notice that I am now a little taller than her. Her lips hungrily seeking mine, caught a little surprised, I just stood there for a moment. My hands sliding down her sides to rest on the small of her back, holding her tight to my body. Her body softening against mine as she kisses me, deepening the kiss, her tongue gently exploring my mouth, gently stroking over my tongue as I let out a soft moan, pressing myself even tighter to her.

She places both hands on my chest and pushes me back, her mouth open a little as she breathes heavily. "Mmph... You have grown up" Her hands on my chest, feeling the hard muscle beneath. She takes her hand away and rubs her fingertips together, "And you've grown very sweaty..."

"I had to fight through your castle guard. Your captain knows how to handle his sword very well." She raises an eyebrow at me, but before she can ask, "No, I didn't kill anyone"

She nods and turns away, "This way Link," she walks away from me approaching the wall to the left. She places her hand on the wall; a small stretch of wall slides down revealing a narrow corridor. She steps through the opening with out looking back. I move quickly to follow her, licking my lips; the taste of her still on my lips. Watching her as we walk barely paying attention to where she was leading me.