Let it Snow

Story by KajiAldewolf on SoFurry


Oh the weather outside is frightful~

But the fire is so delightful~

Music echoed through the hallways of the expansive, and yet rather odd house, that two hybrids resided in. The sound just loud enough to cause the wolger to shift in his bed, his tail flicking against the covers like an agitated feline. He let out a low grunt as he pulled his pillow over his head. "I'm going to pull his wings off when he gets home..."

The covers were tossed to the side, crumpling on the ground as the striped hybrid swing his legs over the side of the bed. He stretched up high, his arms popping at the shoulders before he lets out a soft content little sigh. As his hearing came into focus, he heard the song once more.

It doesn't show sings of stopping~

And I've brought some corn for popping~

Quickly he was reminded as to why he got up at this ungodly hour of ... he blinked for a moment before he looked at the clock. "What?!" He stared at the clock as it stared back with the time being nearly eleven in the afternoon. "How the hell I'd sleep in so long..." He got up out of bed and started to stroll through the house.

A yawn split his muzzle before he rubbed at the back of his head, running his hand through his striped russet fur. Then a peculiar smell caught his nose, and he blinked a bit as his ears perked up. Wandering towards it, his tail started to sway before he looked around. The draolf had to be around here somewhere. But, he was no where to be seen. Or heard. "Hm... wonder where he went..."

As he reached the expansive kitchen, Tsuchi had laid his eyes on the biggest cake he'd probably seen in a long while. His eyes widened as he tried to take it all in. He mumbled the words as he read the icing aloud. "Happy birthday, ya old mutt. Hope ya have fun." He blinked a bit... "Old mutt?" A brow quirked before he clicked his tongue a bit. "He's gonna get it when he gets back."

But there was one thing to do first before anything was done to the draolf. The cake begged to be eaten. Devoured. Or at least tasted. A lick of his lips, and he dragged his finger all the way across the full expanse of the cake; producing a glob of the coating at least as big as his nose. A soft mmn came from the wolger as he tasted the frosting.

A shiver ran up his spine, causing his fur to fluff up just a bit before he shook himself out. "Damn, Kaji must've gone all out with this! It tastes amazing!" He took another good sized glob of frosting onto a finger, and stuck it into his maw. He let out a soft giggle as he smiled around his finger, not noticing that the counter was getting just a bit father away from him.

But what he did notice was the sensation of getting heavier, and he blinked a bit. "Oh... that damn dirty draolf..." He looked down, first noticing that he was higher off of the ground as the light fixture above the cake was now eye level. The second thing that he noticed that his sac was getting heavier, and all he could do was raise a brow with a soft sigh.

"I should've known that he'd pull something like this." A warm shiver ran up his spine, making him arch his back with a soft purr. "But... he doesn't know how to make it feel nice." Giggling softly as a warm grin spread over his muzzle, the wolger knelt down and scooped the cake up in his growing paws. He nearly choked on a bite of it when he felt himself come in contact with the rather chilling floor.

"That's a new feeling." With less grace than a tripping cheetah; he scarfed down the rest of the cake. He licked his hackles free of crumbs and frosting as he started to make his way to the outside. The double doors swung open with a light push of a hand, and the hybrid crawled out on his hands and knees.

A blast of smog came from Tsuchi's maw as he stumbled forward; rolling over his head as he pulled his nearly too big foot from the door. An erf and a grunt as he landed on his back, and his still growing junk hit the ground as well. "And that is as well." He lay there, blinking up at the grey sky for a few moments; a rumbling purr rolling through his growing body as every inch of his being turned into a foot; sprouting into a yard soon after!

A slight giddy giggle came from him as he sat up; looking down at his form as he tilted his head with a grin. Running a hand over his body noticed that he was getting more toned, his claws poking out a bit to run against his skin with a soft purr. He closed his eyes with a soft moan as his legs shifted, letting more of himself spread against the ground as he continued to grow and grow.

Soon he was taller than the house, and still getting bigger! The wolger looked around, in the back of his mind he was slightly worried at how big he was going to get. But the rest of his mind was too busy looking at the shrinking surroundings. His ears perked up a bit as he looked forward; a tingling sensation ran through him as his sheath and balls had come into contact with power lines! Instead of electrocuting him; which would've happened at his smaller size, the shock was arousing him.

A loll of his tongue, and another blast of smog from his maw; the wolger leaned against the house behind him. Nearly crushing the house if it weren't for the ingenious structural support that the two hybrids had come up with, Tsuchi had let his hands play along his growing shaft. Coaxing it out more and more into the frigid December air as he let out soft whines. Growing bigger made him come in contact with more power lines, which covered more of his sac, which made him more aroused! It was getting to be too much to keep quiet about.

"God... damn." He panted heavily as he looked at what was growing out of him, it was nearly as long as he was tall! And nearly as thick as his arms! Even the slightest touch brought him closer to the edge, and grazing his own claws down the length of it made him nearly go insane with pleasure. His eyes squeezed shut before he felt another surge of growth rise up through him. He lay on the ground next to the house; his legs nearly circling his sac as his pride was pointed skywards.

With such a grand expanse of obsidian flesh open to the elements, Mother Nature took no time in doing what she does best in winter. Causing cold winds to roll across the world. As those winds collided and caressed the wolger's shaft; he let out a growl as he tried to hold himself back. Globules of pre rolling down the massive length as his teeth clenched shut. His hands holding onto the knot, his claws slightly pricking at it as he let out a hard pant.

Another wind rolled over him and he let out a low whine. He knew the draolf had to be behind this wind! No one else knew just how to make him go insane like this! Pre started to pool onto his stomach and roll down between his balls as another wind just delicately touched itself to his shaft. And he couldn't hold himself back as he felt a giant load just geyser itself up high into the sky.

Massive load after load of sizzling spunk rocketed itself up into the sky. It took nearly several minutes to completely empty himself, and even afterwards there were trickles oozing themselves down onto his torso. His eyes closed as he felt himself shrink down, ever part of him being caressed by that cold wind; causing him to orgasm just a bit more as he clenched at the bite of the chill.

As he reached the normal size for the wolger that he was this morning, his hearing; through his haze, caught the sound of someone whistling. To the tune of the song that he heard this morning. As he looked over in the direction of it; snowflakes started to fall and he blushed as one of them landed on his nose.

"Let it snow~ Let it snow~ Let it snow~" Hummed the draolf as he strolled over towards Tsuchi. A devious grin was being worn on the draolf's muzzle as he leaned down and kissed Tsuchi's forehead a bit. "Happy Brithday, ya old mutt." He grinned wide, sticking his tongue out as a snowflake landed on that. "Seems ya liked the cake," giggled the draolf as he stood back up and started to head inside. Leaving Tsuchi blushing like a madman and scrambling after him; yelling his name and other colorful words.