Big Brother Knows You're Watching Ch 2

Story by the roo on SoFurry


#2 of Brother's Keeper

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff

The summer sun blasted Jeff's back, its rays reflecting off the golden fur on his canine body. "Come on boys, you can do it! Get those legs burning!" It was these sorts of days where the wolf-dog just wanted to turn around and punch the team captain in the face. The cheetah often just stood there, shouting orders at them after every few laps. Tegan, a six foot two zebra suddenly stopped mid lap, "Hey Joel, how come you don't have to practice?" he asked with a pain expression, his legs aching from letting his muscles get so lame. The cheetah put his paws on his hips before he proudly said, "Because stud, I practice early every morning and at lunch time. You LOSERS only do so when you come here and I tell you to! Now get moving!" Tegan groaned and started running just as Jeff was coming around. But as he did, he slowly came to a stop when he looked past Joel's lean frame. Leaning against the metal fence was a tall, buff wolf-dog with gold, brown, and cream colored fur, wearing jean shorts with a black muscle shirt and shades.

"Cody! CODY!" Jeff hadn't realized for a whole minute that Joel was standing there, shouting his last name. "Cody? What are you starring at?" When the spotted feline looked over his shoulder, he narrowed his eyes before becoming as still as a statue. Seeing the wolf-dog waiting on the fence, the cheetah seemed to need a moment to put his sentence together, "Keep running...Cody." Jeff looked from Cole to the supposedly awe struck male before turning and continuing his lap. He exhaled heavily, focusing on nothing but his pace and the breeze blowing through his blue shorts and his light white top. He tried to put his brother out of his mind but as he came around for the next lap, everything seemed to slow down as he noticed Joel adjusting himself, positioning a large bulge at twelve o'clock in his green shorts, giving a quick glance over his shoulder at the canine on the fence. When he was half way down the track Jeff looked over his shoulder. He nearly stumbled when he saw Joel walking away backwards, saying something to Bruce, the other team captain. As Joel jogged away, Bruce, a lean brown rabbit, ran towards Jeff crying out, "Alright, let's go! Get moving!" In mid turn, Jeff saw that Cole wasn't leaning against the fence anymore...

His brother's disappearance concerned Jeff as he ran with the others behind him. A lot of the times he nearly tripped them up. "Cody, what is your problem?" Bruce shouted at him. Huffing hard, Jeff looked over his shoulder and then at the small building, the concrete bathroom, where Joel had gone. Raising his padded fingers, the wolf-dog made the piece sign over his head. "Don't take all day in there!" Bruce shouted the okay. Jeff jogged off the track and made his way towards the bathroom. When he was near the half assed building, he hugged its concrete walls as he worked around its right side. The building its self faced away from the track. Moving towards the front, he snuck past the female's section and ducked down lower when he came to the open screened window. It was hard to make out a lot through the screen, but Jeff could make out a little more than the shadow images of two males.

Joel was leaning against the concrete sink with his shirt off as Cole roughly had him by the neck, pushing his maw up towards the ceiling. The cheetah moaned and whimpered as the wolf-dog suckled hard on the left pink nub on his chest. He moaned extremely hard when he felt the wolf's sharp canines tug at the metal ring in the little bit of flesh, gasping as he reached out and gripped his claws to the concrete walls, "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! AH!" He clenched his eyes as Cole tugged the piercing as far as the nipple would allow. Cole gave the big cat that dark, satisfied look, the male's mixed cries of torture and pleasure greatly amusing him.

As a single tear of pain ran down Joel's cheek and dampened his yellow fur, he let out a feline hiss as Cole took the other pierced nipple into his muzzle and tortured it as equally so. Joel panted and his claw toes curled in his running shoes. Reaching into his shorts, he didn't just grab his raging seven inch barbed cock; he grabbed his entire package, roughly man handling himself, shoving his white fuzzy sac up into his crotch until it hurt. Soon the wolf-dog caught on, growling, "Ah, so the faggot likes to be handled..."

Jeff watched around the corner of the windowsill as his brother pinned Joel against the wall behind the sink, holding him there with one paw before reaching into the cheetah's strained shorts. He had never heard the pathetic sounds come out of Joel before. His cries were almost as much begging as they were of pain as Cole roughly fondled the cat's throbbing sac. When the buff, controlling male finally gave a sharp squeeze, Joel's maw fell open in a silent cry, only emitting a quiet whimper as his cock jumped and shot a thick strand of cum into the pant leg of his shorts, followed by two more shorts bursts that flowed down his shaft, sticking to Cole's strong paw and his own abused sac. When Cole finally let go, he left Joel laying there in the concrete sink, struggling to recover.

Jeff shuffled along the wall, keeping flat to try and stay out of Cole's sight as the big male turned the corner. When he went to see what Cole was doing, he suddenly bumped into Joel who was fiddling with the string in his shorts, feline cum stains soiling the green material. "Cody? What are you...?" Jeff stood there, staring blankly at Joel for a moment until he finally balled up his fist. Some unknown hatred guided that fist into Joel's stomach and the cat bowed forward, grabbing a hold of his stomach as the air rushed out of him. "You little fuck!" Quickly recovering, the cheetah's fist came flying towards his muzzle, but it was stopped right before it hit him, caught by a big brown paw wrapped around it. As Cole pinned the male against the concrete wall and painfully squeezed the cat's fist, he gave Joel a blank stare, "You don't do that. Actually, I think you should really send Jeff home early..." Joel whimpered and grabbed his forearm as bones started to crack in his paw, "Yeah! Yeah! That's a good idea!"

Everyone watched as the two wolf-dog brothers hopped into the blue convertible waiting for them. They rushed up to Joel as he came hobbling up to them, cradling his arm. As Cole and Jeff pulled away, the older brother looked over at Jeff, "Next time, I won't help..." Jeff nervously stroked his furred knees, not really understanding why he reacted like that. What made him want to hurt Joel so badly?

Two hot nights later, Jeff's dark eyes sprung open, his ears twitching at the sounds of a male's moans. Sitting up in his bed, he leaned on his elbow as he looked towards the large vent in his wall. He held his breath as he slowly crept out of bed and pressed his paws to the floor as he lay down on the hard wooden surface. His breathing became heavy and his cock poked out from its sheathe when he saw Joel dangling from Cole's ceiling by a leather strap, bound to it by leather cuffs on his wrists and a collar around his neck, a sock in his maw meant to gag him.

Jeff reached between his legs and groped his drooling red prick through his blue briefs as he watched Joel struggle to stand on the padded balls of his foot-paws. His claws scraped the floor when he moved. He let out a sudden cry as a small wooden paddle was put to his ass, whimpering as he naturally jerked to get away from it, a heavy weight swinging between his legs, attached with a chain to the leather straps around his aching shaft and stretched ball sac. Each time it tugged on his balls, the spotted feline desperately thrust his hips, wanting to so badly cum. "Try harder..." Cole growled mockingly in his ear.

Raising his naked foot-paw to the swinging weight, Cole grasped it between his toes and lightly pushed down, pushing it more and more every second. Joel whimpered louder and louder, muffled pleas barely making their way past the gag in his maw as he fiercely pumped his hips, trying so hard to cum. As the aching in his balls reached its climax, he sobbed and gave one last hard thrust. Crying out, he felt the other male pull his foot-paw off the weight just as his cock bobbed and shot a warm, hot strand of jizz onto the wooden floor. The sudden relief in his aching shaft felt amazing as each thick strand loudly hit the floor. Minutes after busting his nut, he was still whimpering from the release, not even feeling the weight on his stretched white furred sac.

Jeff almost reveled in the sight of his team captain dangling from the ceiling, resting his head against his wrists and the leather strap that held him there. The young wolf-dog almost didn't noticed Cole grabbing the camera on his dresser. Carefully getting off the floor, he figured he had avoided its first flash as he got back into bed. Holding tight to his pillow, he tried to force himself to sleep, even as the pre leaked from his cock and dampened his briefs. He stroked his own sides just to try and ignore it, slowly closing his eyes.

He opened his eyes the next morning and BANG! Right there, carefully placed in his paw, was a photo of Joel's backside. But as he got a closer look at the picture, the bound bitch cheetah wasn't the focus of the picture. Behind a few turned in pieces of vent was himself, his eyes glowing green from the flash of the camera. On the bottom of the photo was boldly written, "Tag, you're it!" Jeff laid there for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest. He wasn't even sure if it was because of fear...or excitement.

More to come...