Sonic Boom - interlude - Adrian & Tanya

Story by Shippku on SoFurry


#2 of Sonic Boom

Alright! I wrote this while working on the actual next part of this story! This is the longest story I have ever done! Hope you all enjoy and as always, comments, critiques, everything is greatly appreciated! So hope to hear some feedback!

Adrian Age 13 August 24

Adrian walked off the train clutching his stuffed wolf. He looked out into the crowd of people, trying to find Margareta's friend. Margareta never described her friend to him, but he could remember her name, Tanya. As he gazed around the station, he noticed a lot of furs and humans giving him odd looks. Some just looked at him with confusion, possibly because they thought he might have been a girl, or because of his clothing; he still wore the short shorts and tube top that Solomon made him wear all the time at the laboratory. Others, particularly those with children or the elderly, looked at him with disgust then quickly averted their eyes. The other people just looked at him normally, recognizing his existence, but not judging or questioning him. Adrian recognized a few other kinds of looks, but was too distracted by his own search to pay much attention to them.

As he wondered around the train station, Adrian felt a hand rest upon his shoulder. He turned, hoping to find Tanya. Instead, he saw an older man, a human.

"Hello there little one. Are you lost?" The man seemed to be trying to be friendly, but something about him made Adrian feel uncomfortable.

"Um, no sir. Thank you though," Adrian turned back around quickly but the man still held to his shoulder.

"Are you sure? I saw that the train you came off of was from Raha. That is a long trip. Perhaps you need to use the restroom? I could show you where the restroom is," as he spoke, his intentions became clear to Adrian. He could smell the excitement emanating from the perverted old man.

"Sir, I'm fine, please leave me alone. I have to find someone." Once again, Adrian tried to leave, but was stopped.

"Now don't be like that. Come with me. I can help!" The man gripped harder on Adrian's shoulder, causing the fox pain.

"Let go of me!" Adrian screamed as the old man turned him around. As he screamed, Adrian felt something inside of him, a pressure being released. He wasn't sure what it was, but he felt all of the stress of escaping Solomon, the sorrow of loosing Margareta, and the fear of being stranded in this train station with no help in sight, all of the feelings being let go all at once.

Everything was quiet. Adrian had his eyes closed during his outburst. He didn't see what had happened, but he no longer felt the man's hand on him, nor the air of perversion he felt earlier. Adrian slowly opened his eyes. The entire station had gone quiet, and everyone was looking at him. The man that was once trying to trick Adrian into going with him, was now half way across the station, laying on the floor in a daze.

Adrian wasn't sure what had happened, but he felt at ease, relaxed. Adrian also felt another sensation. A soft burning sensation, not enough to hurt, but it tingled. This feeling, however, only occurred in one specific area, around the marking on Adrian's back. He reached back to touch the mark, but didn't feel anything wrong, and the sensation quickly dissipated.

"Adrian?!" The fox heard a female's voice calling his name. He looked around and saw a raccoon who looked to be in her later twenties shifting through the crowed. As she made her way through the crowd, she ran up to Adrian. "I'm Tanya! Margareta's friend! Come on; we need to get out of here now! You are drawing too much attention." Adrian, still in a mode of shock after the encounter with the perverted man, looked around and finally realized that most of the people in the station were still looking at him. He nodded his head in agreement and quickly followed the raccoon, silently hoping this was really Tanya.

They made it to the raccoon's car where she finally stopped to talk to the fox. "So, Margareta didn't make it huh? She said she wouldn't. She didn't tell me you already started showing your powers yet though. That would have been useful information," Tanya looked down at the fox that was entrusted to her and saw that he had an expression of sorrow on his face. "Oh! I'm sorry honey! I shouldn't have brought her up! I know you must have been through a lot. Come on, I'll take you to get some food and we will talk more then. You ever had hamburgers?"

Adrian looked around the white tiled restaurant as Tanya stood at the counter ordering food. It was dark outside, so not many people were around, but the ones that were seemed to keep to themselves. The lights inside seemed dim to Adrian, who was used to the glaring white artificial light of the laboratory, but his eyes adjusted accordingly. Soon enough, Adrian picked up on the smell of food. He looked up to see Tanya sitting down with a tray of french-fries and burgers wrapped in packaging with the initials "BK" on them.

"You were probably never allowed to eat food like this huh? It isn't very healthy, but easier than cooking. Not that I don't cook! Don't worry about that! I'll make an awesome breakfast for us tomorrow," Tanya said with a wink.

Adrian stared down at the food with a blank expression. He hadn't spoken to Tanya since they met, which started to worry her. "You're right. I haven't eaten this before. But I learned about it while studying one night. I always wanted to try it." Tanya smiled as Adrian finally spoke to her. He picked up a french-fry and popped it into his mouth, chewing it thoroughly. Tanya watched him as he ate, sipping on her soda. After a minute, Adrian lit up and smiled at the raccoon. "It's good! I like it!"

"I'm glad! Don't get used to it though! Like I said, this isn't very healthy food, and Margareta would kill me if I let you eat this stuff regularly!" Tanya's bright personality helped Adrian relax and feel better about his situation.

"You're right! She would! Um, Miss Tanya, I have a question."


"You mentioned something about powers earlier. What were you talking about?"

Tanya picked up a few french-fries and ate them before finally answering the question. "Wait, so you mean you don't know about your powers? Makes sense then. If Margareta didn't take the time to tell me about your powers, I guess that would mean you hadn't grown into them yet." Adrian sat quietly as Tanya spoke, mostly because he was confused. "Ok Adrian! Here is the deal. I take it you didn't know exactly what was going on in the laboratory did you?"

Adrian shook his head, "I knew it had to do with genetic manipulation and cloning, but that is it."

"Well that is the gist of it, but there is more. First off, cloning was never meant to be one of their lead research projects, but it was easier for them to tamper with genes if they had a base to go off of. Their real research was involved with the military, looking to make different kinds of soldiers with different strengths. They knew that if they tampered with a certain set of genes that the resulting clone would end up with some kind of unnatural ability, but they couldn't figure out what kind of damage, or addition to those genes, would cause which ability to manifest. Margareta had her power for as long as she could remember, but apparently not everyone comes into their power as quickly as her."

"Wait! Margareta was made in the lab?!" Adrian kept himself from yelling, remembering that other people were still in the restaurant.

"You never knew? She was the third experiment. I guess you never would have seen her marking since it was on the top of her foot, but I'm amazed she never told you," Tanya looked back at Adrian waiting for a response.

"She always said that Solomon was watching, but there were still times when we would talk about stuff Solomon would have gotten angry about. I never understood it."

"It was her power that told her when Solomon was and wasn't watching. She had the ability to foresee future events. Make sense now?"

"That's how she was always there to save me, and how she was so prepared to escape," Adrian looked down at the table, deep in thought.

"Hey kiddo! Don't worry about it! She knew what she was doing! You're young! You have the rest of your life to worry. Now come on! Finish your food and let's get going!" Adrian smiled, knowing she was right.

They talked a little more in between bites of food. Tanya revealed that she and Margareta met in college and that Tanya was actually a graphic designer. Adrian told her about life at the laboratory, and Solomon, but she made him change subjects when things got dark. She explained to him that, no matter what, someone in the world has had a harder life than someone, so you should always do your best to smile, and never complain, because others have survived worse. Adrian understood, and he was liking Tanya more and more, gradually forgetting about life at the laboratory, and looking more and more forward to life in Vapous with Tanya.

Adrian Age 14 January 14

Snow flakes coated the bare fur of the red fox running through the park. His face burned as the tears that fell onto his fur turned into ice. The piles of snow beneath him crunched as his bare feet slammed into them with every step. He knew it was cold, but he couldn't feel it. Not with all of the other thoughts clogging his mind.

The words "It's not fair," kept pounding in his ears. Tanya had come home just a few minutes earlier after a check up at the doctors. The news was too much for the fox. He was finally in a happy place in his life, and now some mortal disease was going to take it all away from him. Over a year of experiencing the real world, but he was still just a kid. How would he survive without Tanya there? Would she just entrust him to one of her friends? They same way Margareta had done?

Adrian wanted to just keep running, but he felt himself running out of oxygen. He looked up to find a park bench where he sat down and curled up, sobbing to himself. He didn't want to lose anyone else. He wanted someone who would always be there. Someone he could love who wouldn't have to die. Someone like his stuffed animal, no matter what, there when he needed them or not. He felt the emotions, the want, the need, building up more and more. He knew he was about to burst.

"Hey there. Don't cry." Adrian thought he heard a voice reach him, but he wasn't sure. The voice sounded deep, but soft, and caring. The sound eased Adrian's thoughts, helped him think clearly. Adrian picked up his head and saw a boy wolf standing in front of him wearing blue jeans and a heavy jacket. The wolf was tall and muscular for his age; Adrian could tell by his face that the other boy couldn't be much older than himself, maybe two years at the most. He had ice blue eyes, but they were big, so they didn't seem cold, and his fur was so white, the snow would just blend in with it, except for the fur above his muzzle, which was blue-gray. He was beautiful to Adrian.

Adrian began blushing and started wiping away his tears, not that the wolf could see Adrian blushing beneath the fox's red fur. "Um, sorry! I--um!" Adrian stuttered over his words, not prepared to be interrupted during his breakdown.

"It's fine. I'm Ulric. You must be freezing out here dressed like that. You aren't even wearing shoes," Adrian looked down at himself, realizing he was only wearing a pair of pants and a tank top.

"Uh, yeah... Guess you are right. It is pretty cold. Guess I was just blocking it out," Adrian looked up at the wolf, feeling embarrassed at his stupidity. "Oh! And my name is Adrian!" He said, trying to shift the focus away from him being underdressed for being out in the snow.

"Nice to meet you," the wolf said as he took off his jacket and sat down next to Adrian. "Here, take my jacket. You need it more than I do right now." Adrian couldn't refuse, because before the sentence was even over, the jacket was wrapped around him and he was inhaling Ulric's scent. It smelled natural, like the grass and plants on the ground.

"Thank you... Um... Would you like to be my friend?" Adrian looked up into Ulric's eyes, waiting for an answer that felt like it would never come.

Ulric smiled, "Yeah. I'd think I'd like that a lot. Come on, let me walk you home," Ulric stood up and reached his hand out to the fox. Adrian's whole face lit up with happiness. For this year he was free of the laboratory, he had never had a friend, at least not a real one. Not one of Tanya's friends, but a friend he made on his own. He felt a soft burning sensation on his right shoulder blade, but didn't pay any thought to it. His mind focusing on his new friend holding his friend as Adrian showed him the way to his house, excited to introduce him to Tanya.

Adrian & Ulric Ages 16 & 17 March 22

Adrian and Ulric walked out of a movie theatre hand in hand. They had been dating for six months now and decided to spend the night to themselves, much to Tanya's persistency. Her cancer had taken a turn for the worse over the past week, but she was still the same positive optimist she had always been. Her energy and having Ulric in his life had helped Adrian grow and become more confident and positive himself.

Ulric was still unaware of Adrian's past and powers. Tanya and Adrian came up with the story that Adrian's father, Solomon, was abusive and that Tanya had adopted him after child services were tipped off about the abuse. But, Ulric suspected that they were hiding something. It was a feeling inside his head, a ringing in his ear, that told him there was more to Adrian, but he didn't care. He knew one day Adrian would tell him the whole truth.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Adrian piped up.

"Dinner. Definitely dinner! Italian food!" Ulric rubbed his stomach as he smiled and walked towards their favorite restaurant.

They talked about random things here and there as they walked. Their favorite part of the movie, what they were going to eat, what they were going to do when they got back home, the new video game Adrian wanted, like normal teenagers, and Adrian loved it.

"Aww! Look at the two little queers! Pretending like they aren't a pair of freaks!" Adrian looked up to find a gang of primates making fun of them. The obvious leader of the gang, a gorilla, stood in between Adrian and Ulric and where they were walking.

"Excuse us. Please let us walk through," Adrian tried to plead with the gorilla.

"HA! Or what, you little pretty boy? You know, you actually are really pretty, like a girl. I guess it wouldn't be too hard to just think you are a girl with your mouth on my dick," him and all of his goons laughed and groped themselves as the gorilla taunted Adrian.

"Hey! Leave him be! Just let us through! We don't want to get into any fights!" Ulric stepped in front of Adrian as he yelled at the gang. Intimidating some of them, but the lead gorilla just snarled.

"And just who would you think would win that fight? You or me?" The gorilla pulled out a switch blade and flung himself at Ulric. Adrian screamed as Ulric hit the hand with the knife out of his path and he and the gorilla entered an endurance test. Ulric fighting to keep the gorilla's hands away from him, and the gorilla fighting to push his hands, and the blade, closer to Ulric's throat.

Adrian had fallen to the ground and stared vacantly at the fight. But he came back to his senses when he saw that some of the other gang members started advancing towards the fight. He knew what he had to do, but he was just hoping he could do it without Ulric noticing. Adrian placed his hands on the ground and made a swiping motion with them. In synch with this motion, all of the members of the gang fell to the ground, their feet being swept out from underneath them.

As Ulric struggled with the gorilla, he felt a ringing in his ear, and he felt an urge to pay attention to Adrian, which he gave into. "Adrian?" He turned his head to look at his boyfriend who screamed as the gorilla took advantage of the distracted wolf and went in for a strike with his knife.

"Ulric! No!" Adrian lost all control at that moment and allowed his power to work on their own accord. The gorilla was flung off of Ulric and slammed into a telephone pole. The ringing in Ulric's ear spiked for a few seconds, and the burning sensation that occurred on Adrian's back felt like fire. But, it all subsided after a few seconds had passed. The gorilla was knocked unconscious, and his gang had fled when they saw that their leader was incapacitated.

Ulric and Adrian stared at each other for a few minutes before Ulric spoke up. "Adrian? You did that. Didn't you?"

"Yeah... I did..." Adrian looked down ashamed at himself. Ulric moved over towards the fox and wrapped his arms around him.

"I had a feeling. Well, I knew you were hiding something, but I had no idea it was something like this. Tanya knows too huh? She was probably helping you hide it."

"Uh, yeah. How did you know though?"

"Hold on, just real quick, use your powers again. Just to test my theory." Adrian was confused, but he obeyed his boyfriend. He used his power to bring the knife that had fallen to the ground towards them. "I was right. Whenever you use your power, I get this ringing sensation in my ear."

"Really? Tanya has never mentioned anything like that," Adrian trailed off, thinking about if anyone he used his power around mentioned this ringing. But no one came to mind.

"It was the same sound I heard when I met you. I heard it in my ear, and followed it as it got louder, then saw you on the bench. It just got louder and louder until I finally spoke to you, then it went away," Adrian and Ulric stared at each other and leaned in towards each other. They closed their eyes as their lips touched and they embraced each other. When they separated, Ulric spoke yet again. "Adrian, I know I say this a lot, but I really do love you. I want you to know that. No matter what, I love you."

"Thank you Ulric. I love you too."

Adrian & Tanya Ages 18 & 32 February 25

Adrian sat by the bedside holding onto Tanya's hand. Tanya had thinned down to a skeletal form of her once healthy self. Her eyes had sunken into her skull and her chest heaved up and down, as if breathing was just some unwanted chore. Her eyes opened and scanned the room, first seeing Ulric sitting up against the wall smiling back at her, and then seeing Adrian, who tightened his grip on her hand.

A doctor, a human, walked into the room. "I see that you are awake. Ma'am, are you sure you want to do this? There is still a chance for you to make a recovery."

"Yes I'm sure. It would take up too much money to keep me going like this. And Adrian needs it more than I do." "Tanya! Please! I don't care about money! If you could get better, why don't you try?" Ulric walked over to Adrian and placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm his boyfriend. He looked at Tanya and nodded his head at her. Silently letting her know that Adrian would be taken care of.

"Doctor, go ahead and do it. I'm sorry this is how it has to be Adrian. You are incredibly special. Live your life until you die." The doctor took the bed with Tanya away, leaving Adrian and Ulric alone.

Ulric bent down and tried to comfort Adrian with his presence. "There was nothing I could have done huh?" Adrian said, looking at the ground. "Her mind was made up from the beginning. All she cared about was making sure that when she was gone, I was taken care of. Thank you Tanya. I love you."

"Come on, let's go out to eat." Ulric stood up pulling Adrian out of his chair.

"Ulric? Could we have burgers?"

Ulric turned around and looked at Adrian, a little confused, but he smiled. "Of course. Come on, let's go."